Can we have a comfy SM64 thread?

no autistic memes and war allowed.

Other urls found in this thread:!tMhBVIya!egHjgKsbZ-zTAi8HZ3ZX2CvA-Ziu5xBVO5XNBwAVqaQ


You know he actually doesn't say "but first". It's like a weird Mandela Effect thing.

>no autistic memes and war allowed.
>with that pic
Oh the contradiction

>1 A press
>Literally presses the button without releasing is only counted as a half press
He could've avoided this by saying "Watch for falling rocks "while holding A"


To be fair releasing is literally unpressing so it shouldnt be counted in the pressing motion

He does. You made me doubt it enough to check though.

No, it's just remembering something wrong.

In their game of autism running, you have to quantify how many times you pressed A, and throughout the level, he technically never presses A because he was holding it the whole time.

Since he's quantifying presses and not holding, he still has to communicate that there was some use of the A button, but not a true press, so that's why it's half.

There's nothing wrong with the evaluation, it's just people who are too stupid to grasp the concept.


"But first, we need to clear something up, because every time I post a half A-press video, I get the same comments over and over..."


that's literally what the mandela effect is

lets talk about the impossible coin inside the impossible goomba

No autismo !!! read OP!

That's not the parallel universe quote.

I was in that thread
Holy fuck my sides

Nobody said shit about the parallel universe quote.
We're talking about A-presses here.

>tfw only one a press left for any%
>tfw long video today showing all the possible solutions not working

I can't imagine how confusing this comic would be to a normal well adjusted person.


they'll figure something out... they just have to!


"But to answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes"

All they need is that random ass upwarp recreated and it will get rid of them all

Nah, he went full autismo, just so he can tell others he finished a level without pressing A.
I'm sure that vid boosted his epeen by a few inches

Is this supposed to be loss?
I don't fucking get it.

If you don't have that mustache you are not a gamer

i've heard that that was the cartirdge malfunctioning and has an astronomically low chance of ever happening with no way to recreate it. the prize money will never be claimed

Shouldn't it be 2/3rds of an A press, or 0.666 A presses? If an A press has 3 parts, and he enters the level after doing the press, he's getting two of those three parts in the level.


clueless plebeian

Somehow, even more glorious than the stick figure comic.

>Sonic fans are the real autists!

the held portion can be ignored since it has a variable amount of time

Please spoonfeed me oh great and honorable patrician.

I'll even vote for you

>Mario fans got the good autism, the kind that makes geniuses

I mean, yeah technically he never presses A, because he was holding before he even entered the level.

who are you quoting

Cred Forums isn't made so your autism is the only one that counts, if you want a safe space then go and make your own fucking board/forum and enjoy 0 posters on it, like you deserve.

>good autism

It's not called a half a press because it's half of the process of pushing and releasing the button, it's called a half a press because in the context of a single level you have to count the half as a full press, and in a full game speed run you can round it down because it's not distinct from the last time you pressed A

In some contexts you round up, in others you round down. Therefore it is notated as 0.5x A presses.

No, its makes sense. If you were playing the game in one sitting, you would have to press the A button eventually, instead of letting go, he holds the A button which allows him do certain actions. Half presses acknowledge that you had to use the A button to some extent, but you still haven't technically let go of a previous one.

>good autism

No such thing. Name one great scientist who has autism.

I LOVE this mayma1!

I never really stabbed the baby, I was holding the knife outstretched before walking into it.


Isaac Newton, or so they think

he was also a prick, so swings and roundabouts

Has TJ """"""""""Henry"""""""""" Yoshi ever commented again?

He's specifically says it's true in some context, are you that retarded that you don't see the key word in that phrase?

That's bullshit. It's still one of the three parts of the A press.

>it's half of the process of pushing and releasing the button
There are three parts, the press, the hold and the release. In the level he utilizes the hold and the release, so it's more than half.

If you need TAS to make your autismo work then it's cheating

close this thread now. Thanks

He didn't use that many quotation marks in the actual video

It's called a meme friendo

Newton was also a christian theologian though.

Autists hate religion, just look at atheists.

t. """"""""""""""""""""henry""""""""""""""""""""

I think his intention was to just show everyone clearly what it is so no one would have to ask.

Not going to stop anyone, though, of course.


Ay, kid. Ya ain't neva seen a Koopa da quick quite like dis.

3 parts of a complete a press doesn't mean they are all equal. The release serves no purpose and only the pressing and holding are what counts.

Who the fuck is Newton when he wave half-a-press geniuses?

So far i still need to see somebody drawing Sonic as a diaper used by Goofy

Or giant sonic squishing somebody under his wet feet

or sonic used as toilet

or a guy who cuts his fucking scrotum because he thinks radio waves are going to create a artificial vagina

Non-autistic SM64 question, what Star gave you the hardest time?

First user you replied to is an idiot.
According to the video, releasing the button is ignored because there is no function of releasing the A button. Only pressing and holding have an effect on the game.
You could still argue that it can be broken up into thirds I suppose though.

>look it up to see what the term originated from
>"The Mandela Effect is a theory of parallel universes"
The rabbithole keeps getting deeper

>"I base this entirely on nothing"

remember this?

You're also obviously autistic though

He leaves for the game halfway swinging
He swings a hole in one
He gets a .5 par, because he only did a half swing
Henry cries

I agree that they're not equal, but you can't say the release does nothing. It's an event that is recognized by the game, it results in a state change, so it's a part of the press.


Two of those already exist
That last one may also exist

You can't make this shit up

I may be misremembering the autism thing but he was definitely a prick. It's really difficult to say it about historical figures since we've only been able to actually diagnose autism in the last

I've actually seen pictures of 1 & 2 posted here before. Shit makes me gag just thinking about it.

The Wall Kick star, mostly because I couldn't figure out where to fucking find the star.

Does he release A during watch for rolling rocks?
If not that would bring it down to 0.33 A presses

You've all seen his newest video,right? We are one (1) (uno) a press away from beating the game with ZERO A presses (with no stars collected)

I mean Mario not Sonic sorry

>It's named after people believing Nelson Mandela died decades prior to when he actually did
>Not named after people remembering he was a fucking monster who liked to carbomb his political rivals, but the rest of the world lives in a parallel universe in which that shit didn't happen

Just about every quirky historical figure is claimed to be a sperg. Of course, they did exist back then. But we'll never really know.

I wouldn't say so, the only actions you are physically taking are pressing and holding, releasing is part of the process sure, but it serves no purpose other than to press and/or hold the button once more. Essentially, I think he is right because the only registrating action he is taking is pressing and holding, you don't do anything to the button for the release state to take effect, it's just a by-product. I can see where you are coming from, but unless the releasing state is ever important in an A-button challenge, I see no reason why he is wrong in his assumptions.

>"But first, we need to clear something up, because every time I post a half A-press video, I get the same comments over and over..."

It's nearly the first thing he says

>Mandela Effect
kill yourself

Wing mario over the rainbow,nothing comes close


Link me nigger.

The shoot-through-the-rings-with-a-cannon star on the first stage, simply because I didn't have the winged cap yet the first time I did it.

Nothing to talk about, it's impossible to get unless a new trick is discovered that makes it possible.


We will remove autism from this thread

You can't. Asking Cred Forums to not be autistic is like asking a fish not to swim.



People use it in the sentence "but first we need to talk about parallel universes" which is a mandela effect

Saying "but first" on its own is fine

I've only ever played sm64 DS and I still can't figure out the one where you get the snowman head on the body.

>Posting the alt-right frog

Fuck off

>TJ """henry""" yoshi model
best part

>tfw some of the ideas would work theoretically but there's no way for it to happen naturally

absolute despair

Are you kidding? The top-tier universities are now setting up special programs to get autists. Same goes for Silicon Valley. Also, it's pretty hard to give retrograde diagnosis, but people like Newton, Kant or Euler were so fucking weird, they probably were autistic.

In genere, asperger is to science what schizophrenia is to art: when it meets a great mind, it makes a genius; otherwise it fucks up terribly.

It's "Henry" with only two quotation marks.

You have to have the snowman's head follow you down the mountain by using the slide very carefully. You have to lure it to the body without it rolling off the mountain.

If cucktendo werent cunts wed have an ue4 remake by now

Shut up """""""""Henry"""""""""

This isn't Cred Forums or /r/t_d you asshat

Actually the right analogy would be "I never stabbed the baby, The baby was already stabbed before I entered the room and I just pushed the knife further in"

fuck off """"henry""""

I don't think so, """""Henry"""""

y'all wanna get comfy?

The head follows you? He always just rolled off the edge of the map.

Actually no. The correct analogy is: I stabbed the baby but sometimes the baby was alive so I killed it, and sometimes he was dead already. Half A-presses are a lot like quantum states when you think about it.

This is insane. I don't know why it had to be a baby, but the analogy is wrong. We're talking about the stages of an action, not intent.

It's not even about food.

This is the worst fucking meme

nice try yoshi, you faggot

post lewd scuttlebugs

>it's just people who are too stupid to grasp the concept.
I'm with you right up until calling it a "half" press.
Just use words to describe it, call it X presses + A hold, something that at least doesn't make absolutely no sense mathematically.


wait shit where do you get the henry model?

i made it myself from the mario 64 yoshi model (you can get them online). im trying to upload it to but the materials aren't being imported properly

Cred Forums will never change. Cred Forums is like a chameleon, always a lizard.

What format are you exporting it as?

It would be more like, I stabbed it once in the kitchen, then walked through to the living room with the knife still in and stabbed it two more times. I didn't stab it three times in the living room, as the knife was still in from the kitchen. There were three total stabs, though.


The greatest artists were hardly schizophrenic

0.5 A presses do exist

>press down button
>game recieves input and executes the command
>it totally doesn't count though because he doesn't let go of the button

An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only a half

Only until you release the A button

oh come on

How does it not make sense you press the button and you hold it, you are only doing one of these when you enter a level, so you're only doing half an a press.

If an A press has three parts to it, and he only uses the holding part, wouldn't that be a one-third A press?

>he didn't even watch the video before shitposting

read the thread.

A press has 3 states
onPress (one frame)
hold (many frames)
onRelease (one frame)

if you enter a level DURING the hold state, you were inside the hold state both outside and inside the level. Instead of meaninglessly measuring the physical time it was held before/after and calculating a percentage, it's much more logical to approximate it as "half"

No it would be like if you fed the knife to the baby, the baby ate half and died. But the baby didn't eat the knife, it only ate half.

Can someone explain this autistic meme for me? How did it all start? Why do people make autistic formulas for this particular game?

i tried fbx, blend and obj, all times the material isn't getting imported
here it is on mega if you want to do something with it:!tMhBVIya!egHjgKsbZ-zTAi8HZ3ZX2CvA-Ziu5xBVO5XNBwAVqaQ

It's half because you can't get the press without the hold, and vice versa. You can, however, get the press and hold without the release. Thus, the first half is always press and hold while the second half is always release.

you first

IMO the initial depression is the only thing that matters when we want to ascertain whether an act of pressing has occured or not, and the holding/releasing are irrelevant. For example if you were to apply constant pressure to a surface, it would be false to claim the surface wasn't subjected to pressure (i.e you hadn't pressed the surface) just because you were still in the act of pressing.
TLDR, pressing is binary and depression counts as a press.

>tap button
>no hold, just press and release

Then again, retrograde diagnosis is stupid, but Van Gogh had frequent delirium and hallucinations, Nerval just the same, Woolf heard birds talk in Greek and ended up killing herself, Kafka was completely apeshit, Joyce had to see Jung as a therapist for sever imbalances, Tasso ended up locked up in a mental asylum for paranoia and hallucinations and so on. None of them were schizophrenic per se, but they were all fucked up in a similar way.

>tfw those gears in ttc will never stay still for 1200 frames

all the a presses that could be saved

Fuck off """"""""Henry""""""""

If the assumption that it was an emulation malfunction is true then the only way to recreate it would be to somehow execute arbitrary code within the game, and I'm not sure if that would be considered legal in the A button challenge.

Think of it as an on off switch. Theres two states, and holding would just be "on"

More like this:
I stabbed a baby in a house and held him on my knife, then I left the house and ran through a park while I continued to hold the baby on my knife. I exited the park and entered a restaurant, where I released the baby from my knife and left it on the floor.

If all we did was examine the time I was in the park, you'll know that I didn't do any additional stabbing in that time, because there was only one stab that occurred before, and ultimately the baby would only have one stab wound.

Regardless of whether you want to call this a hold or half a stab, it's definitely not another stab in that time frame when analyzed separately.


Someone post the original

>Mrs. Mayhem

Now I gotta go fap

An A-press has in fact 4 states

Resting (unpressed)
Pressed (short)
Pressed (long)
Released (returns to resting after pressed)

Now before you get mad or say I'm wrong let's take a look at just how this works

In many - if not all - Mario games, if in the resting position Mario will not jump.

When you press the A button, Mario will jump, but there is a very big factor: the length of the A-press

The game is programmed to make Mario increase height for as long as the A button is pressed up to the maximum length it can be pressed before he begins to descend. What makes this so important is due to the upper limit not being met with every jump based on length of the A-press

Should you, perhaps, choose not to press the A-button for the max length of time required to reach said upper limit before Mario descends, he will in fact start to descend sooner as well as have a much smaller jump.

With this in mind we can determine that if you use a Short A-press and a Lonf A-press, you will have 2 different types of A presses.

Now I know what you're thinking, "But there's only 3 states to an A-press! How can you say there's 4?" Well my friend, if you take into account the length of the A-press, even if there are 3 states to an A-press, you will find that you will have a second option to state number 2 - when it is pressed.

Resting (unpressed) is state 1
Pressed (short) is state 2
Pressed (long) is state 3
Released is state 4

Hopefully this clears any doubt on the matter. An A-press is quite a simple, yet also complex mechanic.

>the most accurate explanation uses baby stabbing

Hopefully that'll help Cred Forums- I mean Cred Forums, understand.

Good shit.


Yes it is

Moon is clearly the better version. Imagine instantly having that speed all the time!


Too bad the button you so meticulously described can have only TWO states 0 and 1.

But you're wrong. The initial press down and a continued hold have completely different properties on the game, even though they both could be described as "1". However, you all are wrong, because it isn't really about the different parts of the a press. The whole idea behind the notation is that in a whole game run, it would count as an A press since it was pressed at any time, but it would not count in the course isolated because it was not pressed in the course itself. All he is doing is splitting the difference between these two, since his video is neither a full game run or the course isolated.

>tfw any% run has 1 A press left

Which videos document his process?

that diagram is wrong

>properties on the game
We're talking about pressing a button not the game code associated with it. And seeing as this is a normal switch it has only two values. No amount of bullshit logic changes the fact that the pressed value will be 1 even after a year. The system sees a press as 1 and that's it. You can attach whatever you like to that but don't call it a half press as such a thing isn't possible with a digital controller.

he has a second channel, pannenkeok2012


>Posting the white nationalist anti-semitic nazi frog

Did anyone actually tried this shit?

I know of that. I was hoping of a historic retrospective like the chart posted above, in video form. Haven't found anything like that though.

You guys think an A-press challenge can be done on the DS version?

100 coin star on Tick Tock Clock. Very hard to do since you have to have the clock parts moving, which means the previously easy 8 red coins are now hard as shit.

Say you have 3 levels, one needs a press, the other two can be beaten just by holding (0.5 presses each by your logic).
1 press + 0 presses, 1 hold + 0 presses, 1 hold = 1 press. My logic holds.
1 press + 0.5 presses + 0.5 presses = 2 presses. Makes no fucking sense.

blast away the wall

It's not Pannenkoek's definition for what half an a-press means.

It's a group of TASers that decided that since sometimes what they're doing counts as an A-press and sometimes it counts as no input that it should be referred to as a half press.

It has nothing to do with how you hold the button or when you press it.