Wow. You guys weren't meming. This guy is really in-depth

Wow. You guys weren't meming. This guy is really in-depth.

Bunnyhop is still a fag, though.

Other urls found in this thread:

no shit

Wish we had more reviewers/critics of his caliber.

Fuck Bunnyhop, he's the definition of a beta.

Too bad he's dead.

He's a fucking moron.

>Obvious statements and observations for 90% of his shit
>Casual as fuck in general
>Shills on Cred Forums
>Went full Patreon and promised monthly uploads
>Takes the Patreonbux anyways but releases almost nothing
>Single-handedly ruined any possibility for rational examination of DaS2 with his horribly inadequate and flawed analysis

don't you even fucking dare, user

he's not even the best irish youtuber 2bh

isnt it ludicrous that you spend your time navigating existence through a physical vessel in complete wonder and mystery just to sit on a computer and do this

arin please leave

In-depth what? I liked how Chris Wagar completely destroyed his pretentious reviews.

This, people just like him because he reviews games they like.

His DaS2 analysis was literally perfect tho

>dosent talk about game play
>UI is bad
>makes tons of assumptions about what the developer intended instead of reviewing the game as it is
hes a pseudo-intellectual. He superficial about everything and andglooses over details

Shut the fuck up Matt.

Nigga, what? It's one of his worst analysises.

Was Fitz Irish?

Mark Brown is the best

Some of this points are well made but he is wrong on many things.

You mean where he describes everything about Dark Souls on detail and then turns to Dark Souls 2 with "something something happens whatever who knows?"

Mark Ceb is pretty cool.

He's pretty good, but sometimes he tries damn too hard to be viewer friendly.

It's one of his best. It made it literally impossible to defend DaS2 as a game, which is the only reason these assmad fanboys hate him.

He joined the Dark Souls 2 hate bandwaggon.

He's a cuck nu-male with worthless opinions, irrelevant as fuck and a cuck.

I think jacksepticeye is the best irish youtuber! He's so funny xD

>person doesn't like what you like
quality bants

>imossible to defend
you could find a better argument against Ds2 on Cred Forums then in Matthewmyarsewhole's "critique"

Its easily his worst one, it is filled with nitpicking, nostalgia googles and at the same time contradicts itself by simultaneously giving the game shit for being like Dark Souls I and also giving it shit for not being like Dark Souls I.

I guess because his shit is always so long winded he didn't even noticed.

But then again, there are better reviewers out there, who can get their point across without having you sit for a 1:30 hour long video.

What's wrong with Bunnyhop?

He started 1vs1 meme and now every fucking retard is parroting him after DS3. Fuck this shit.


I like bunnyhop because he went to the same college as me. No other reason.
This guy has better Souls reviews.

You talking about this?

I love Matt but
>WAAAHHHH you start the game as a boy and it has no bearing on literally anything else in the game because it lasts less than 60 seconds, how dare they try something new
>WAAAAHHHH the music is bad, they must have gotten a different pers- oh WELL IT SOUDNS WORSE TO ME
>WAAAHHHHH the story is different
>WAAAAHHHH references to the previous game

>WAAAHHH enemies have stupid stamina so they all fight similarly
>WAAAHHHH bloody overlay
are the only ones I agree with but seriously grow up


I'm starting to think he might really be dead.

>Dark Souls 2 sucks b-because a bunch of wrong facts and retarded opinions
>Cred Forums d-do you like me now?

I mean the whole thing about the start of DaS 2 and he hating it cuz if you make a women char the start doesn't work because you can take out the armor and see the male body was fucking retarded.

Did he NOT PAY ATTENTION during the whole game? the entire point of DaS2 is remembering who you are, you could perfectly start as a male and the "remember" that you are actually a female.

Fucking retarded cuck reviwer.

Oh yeah the "the games are designed for 1v1" crap.

Just because he played Dark Souls like a beta cuck by carefully aggroing the enemies one by one it doesn't mean the game was designed for it.

Playing with constant lock on was designed for 1v1, but gladly every game on the series let you break the lock-on with a single button press, and then lock-on again with another as you need, but apparently this is too hard for casuals such as Matthewmatosis.

WAAAHHHH is not an argument.

Agreed, his reviews are top notch and he doesnt come off as a pretentious asshole

ITT: butt hurt das2 fags who can't accept they have shit taste and like the worst souls game.

Thank you for agreeing.

MGSV review when?

BAWWW is though
fucking newfags

>Play DaS 2
>Beat it, enjoy it a lot, die only a couple of times
>Go online


It must suck to be so bad.

DaS 2 is literally the easiest game in the series barring a couple of though areas.

I never see this posted anymore

I think that the people who say this are really beef jerky

He clearly separates parts when he's describing gamepaly-related elements like mechanics/leveldesign/etc. and parts when he gives his subjective opinion about stuff. It's an actual review.

It's pretty funny seeing all these Dark Souls 2 players who are unable to admit that their little fav is horrid garbage.

>tfw when baww threads aren't a thing anymore

The guy is a matthewmatosis rip off artist you idiots.

It's way more sad seeing insecure cucks trying to fit in a fucking horsefucking cardcollecting austro-hungarian empire meme trading picture board.

>Dark Souls 2 is shit do i fit in guise hehehe?

Chill, Matt.

>objectively superior review process
>rip off
Sure kid go suck off matosis some more

This. I played the game before his review and he was right on most/all accounts. I disagreed with the minor nitpicking and I thought the music was fine overall I thought it was an accurate review.

>Dark Souls 2 is shit
Nothing wrong here.

DS2 isn't my favorite, it is actually my least favorite in the series, but it is still a great damn game.

It did customization and PvP better than every other game in the series as well

It is shit in comparison to the other entries in the series.
how can it be objectively better when its literally the same fucking shit.

>videogame analysis

get a life you HUGE queers

When is this nigga gonna do a Bloodborne commentary?

>Implying Unfinished souls 1: backstab or nothing edition is better than Dark Souls 2


When he gets enough Patreon money for a PS4.


What's wrong with Bunnyhop

He has a PS4 and he's played Bloodborne already. He posted a pastebin with some of his thoughts on it a while back.

>e-"""""celeb"""""" thread

When he really needs to pay for rent.

Points out the obvious, tries too hard to be profound by making a bunch of superfluous statements with no real substance behind them.

He "has a PS4" in the same way that he "quit his job" and "is working hard on new videos".

Who's that?

Why is bunnyhop a fag. I mean I watch him but you are trading one pretentious asshole for another


Every single sentence he utters while rasping his voice like he thinks it makes him sound cool or something makes him sound like a complete snotty shithead.

He's a complete shithead as are all the other ones posted here, Matt's only excusable because he's clearly lightly autistic and Mecha is based only because he doesn't take himself seriously.

Watching video reviews of video games at all is brain cancer tier though, it's what ruined videogames to begin with. The internet.

He has made a couple of good analysis.

The best ones he made were The Last of us and DaS2 but the rest are flawed 90% of the time and in general nothing interesting was said.

I watch these guys, Mostly because of their fallout shit is on point

Literally everything he said about DaS 2 was wrong tho.

Are you retarded?

Or just mixed / non-white? that would explain your low IQ.

He's pretty good but not amazing. He varies a lot.

Well most of what he said about DaS2 was just opinion shit. He wasn't wrong about it.

Can you point to any examples or are you just stating obvious, superfluous statements with no real substance behind them in an attempt to be profound?

Epic!! You really fit in bro!

The only thing I agreed with was the starting area with the dumb walk to the hut, enemy placement, the covenants, and the bosses.

Everything else was so nitpicky and the video didn't have to be that fucking long.

I also don't get all these DS2 apologists, its a complete step back in every way.

It's European prime shitposting time right now. They don't care that they're the same, they'll just defend Matt for being European.

>not liking the superior critic

I played DaS2 several years after it came out and completely avoided any discussion on it before that because I just wasn't interested.

Still hated it. It's a boring game, and I'd say a lot of the points he made in his review make sense. Maybe he's a bit harsh in a couple of places, but I think the general criticism that the DaS2 team didn't know why they were doing the things they were doing is pretty valid.

>spent 15 minutes complaining about the lack of "NIGGER" in BioShock Infinite.

Dude needs to join Ireland's far right movement.

That was completely valid point though. They wanted the themes in the game but didn't want to go far enough to make it matter because of some line they didn't want to cross, it felt completely hollow.

They might as well had cut it all out and the games the same.

He literaly only makes Reply videos to Sargonofakkad.

They are both fags, him in particular.

>it's a "Cred Forums calls anyone they don't like autistic and/or a cuck" thread

Hes really not

Like you, you autistic cuck!

too bad i also like those videos

link the sauce on that image you autistic cuck

>not recognizing the face rustle puts on every female he draws
How new are you?

Here's a top tier channel.

>stop talking about video games guys!

fuck off matthew nobody cares anymore

>3 months since his DMC video
>probably 7 more months until his next review.
>won't be able to see his SMT reviews because he doesn't want to do series reviews for a while

Nah he's just boing edgy.

Regardless of the depth of the review, presentation is a vital piece of a review. He's got a good aesthetic going and his editing is very good.

I wish for death

who /clemps/ here


Bunnyhop is a terrible presenter with a nasal voice.

This was more
and it pissed everyone off. It's a legit point.

Not him but, I like both for different reasons.

He could be more in depth if half his reviews werent about chronologically going through the game.

> Good in depth game analysis
> Does it on Souls/Zelda/MGS
Whats with game analysis being mostly done on very few games?

Fuck, here I am thinking that I could hit a niche by doing simimar reviews of Bioware/Obsidian/Interplay games, Paradox strategies, Wizardry/Might and Magic/Ultima, Gothics and so on. Should I try it Cred Forums?

But one cannot properly in-depth review games without trying to decipher the goals behind the choices. If you want a review that ends at X/10 screen, why watch hour long videos?

This is actually amazing.

>watching a filthy communist

Go for it you fag

>Nasal spaz discussing pop philosophy

I don't know why you think that was worth watching.

>WAAAHHHH you start the game as a boy and it has no bearing on literally anything else in the game because it lasts less than 60 seconds, how dare they try something new

It shows they didn't put too much thought into it which is the issue for a lot of the problems of the game.

How does it feel to be forever labeled as "the guy that was friends with Fitz"

He couldn't properly in-depth review the game even trying to decipher goals like an autist.

t. guy that invented PvP in DeS/DkS.

aight will try to viral it here

>t. fromsoft b team

>says someone who uses a video games board exclusively for shitposting

Mate, analysis through comparison of product to (implicit) intent is a basic idea in media studies. There is nothing autistic innit. But, yes, the review is not very good.

Look up the talk he gave at a college. He managed to say not a fucking thing the entire time. It was the most useless talk to present to game/aspiring developers ever.

This desu. Given the standards of the time, Columbia was pretty much a racial equality paradise. Sure, it's sort of racist by modern standards, but racism was completely universal in the early 20th century.

>WAAAHHHH you start the game as a boy and it has no bearing on literally anything else in the game because it lasts less than 60 seconds, how dare they try something new
His point here was that it was a pointless move that the devs had nothing to really gain by doing it and was really a case of deciding to put in more spectical with no thought as to whether the idea was good or not.

>WAAAAHHHH the music is bad, they must have gotten a different pers- oh WELL IT SOUDNS WORSE TO ME
Yeah, I never really thought the music in any of the souls games was particularly memorable. Not bad at all, just not something that stood out to me either.

Given that the idea of torches being necessary was pretty heavily marketed I'd say this is legit. The gutter was the only level in the original release that actually needed a torch to be able to see properly an it was a pretty memorable level as a result (even though, as matt pointed out, it was a copy of blighttown which was a copy of valley of defilement)

>WAAAHHHHH the story is different
>WAAAAHHHH references to the previous game
Yeah, I agree with you here.

Some of his stuff is good but he's still very vulnerable to being biased by shallow stuff. Just watch his WW and TP videos back-to-back.

And yes his DaS2 one is bad because of, as said, how often he contradicts himself and hates on it for some wrong reasons.

But his MGS2 analysis is fucking atrocious and factually inaccurate, guy didn't even get half of the game's plot, let alone gameplay.

Mecha was always better than Fitz. He wrote half the guys jokes, after all.
Fitz was just Mecha for memeing underage redditors.
Anyone who only knows Mecha because of Fitz is a complete pleb.

His problem is the goals he tries to decipher are not the goals. If you watch his reviews, the developer choices he examines are vapid, like in his SotC review where he ignores the surfaces you have to climb on the colossi(BIG PART OF THE GAME) and instead talks about how the UI is" in the way" .He ignores blatantly important ideas that have any real impact on the meaning in the game.

He meanders about "developer intent " in the most inane and vapid things.

hes homeless ATM

just like this post lmao

or this one :^)

its hilarious, though, how he couldn't back up anything he said. why even fucking post it?

neither can you goy

holy fuck

are you 16

Hi George. Have you thought about Rogaine?



It's a shame that most of you guys don't know spanish 'cause this guy right here:
is probably one of the best reviewers of all time, he actually make great and depth videogame reviews unlike that faggot of Mathewmacunt.

You wanna fuck?

WAAHHHH [Everything you just said]

argument won!

I don't remember much, watched it a long time ago, basically he took the Solid Snake Simulation lie at face value and made up a whole bunch of junk the "developers intended" and dissed the second half of the game because he can't handle slower paces (both in game and cutscenes) and basically ignored Snake's moral at the end because he wanted more resolution and devs fucking around with the player ain't a good excuse to waste his time.

80% of this post is probably wrong, I just go with what I remember.

>Good at anything

Fuck off back to hispa.


ugh 2soon oh pie

In depth into your asshole maybe.

>actually caring what other people have to say about video games

Speaks too fast and a black void for charisma unfortunately. While I do enjoy his in-depth stuff (and he really goes in-depth) the complete lack of character or any personal opinion makes the guy seem more like a robot than a person to me. It's cool that he can pick shit apart but what does he like? Where is his passion? He's never going to be 100% objective so it's an uphill struggle to even try to reach that level of... unity with facts.

Also he liked the Tomb Rider reboots which is super fucking weird. He even called it that they are built from 4 separate puzzle pieces (cinematic qte, story, puzzle, exploration, shootouts) but held back to call it a jumbled mess with no direction made strictly for money.

I don't know about DaS 2 but other points are spot on. I don't understand why people bother to watch videos this long. At least George has somewhat interesting stuff to talk about.

Too bad he only uploads once a year.

Everyone hates this fag because of his das2 "critique", and ill admit its horrible, but what really shows how shit he is at this is his zelda reviews, specifically his MM one. So many obvious and jarring gameplay flaws that he just never adresses, all he does is spew shit out his ass for the majority of it, its like he isnt even talking about the same game

>being this contrarian

Fuck off retard, also the fact that you even mentioned the existence of that cringehole is disgusting.

What do you guys think of Ahoy? I kept hearing good things but I ended up being disappointed. This video about Games and the Cold War had an interesting permise, but then it turned into nitpicking examples without actually talking about how the cold war specifically influenced game development. His Doom video was even more disappointing. He just said a bit of trivia before going on long tangents and repeating himself.

I remember liking his 3D Mario videos, didn't watch any others.

Half of Ahoy's appeal is listening to his voice

His review on Ocarina of Time was literally perfect though. He gave the game it's due, pointed out the games it's few flaws, criticized them fairly, and basically pissed all over Arin Hanson's retarded "review" of the same game.

The Graphics series was a pretty great set

His voice is overrated. His animations are good, but his videos get kind of boring and drag on too much.

I just wish there were more time stamps and that his reviews had more of a clear-cut order to them, rather than seemingly talking about different aspects at random.

That was the most informative, and he didn't trail off like he usually does.

ahoy is commentary without substence with a deep voice really

He focuses too much on nitpicks, not enough on the core gameplay

Commit suicide, autist

>Manly tears is still alive

I can tell by that fucking high pitched midget whine.


Put your trip on

>There are anons that cannot find this same sentiment just by watching one of his videos.
OP pic related is definitely the better content creator.

>The inability to be concise is now considered a virtue
What the fuck? That 6 hour long dark souls video was a complete joke, not purely because of its length, but because of how much filler and redundant sections there were.

I'm on the fence on this one, I'd like to see him flesh his ideas out but the opinions he expressed on Cred Forums show he has a poor grasp of the game's core concepts as well as a selective understanding of English.

when was he on Cred Forums?

I don't know how he thinks he can keep this patreon up if he's gonna take this long for a video. You don't need to make these long 4-6 hour videos for a game. It's possible to have something more focused and concise done in about 20 minutes.

this i dont want all his videos to be massive things like that i just want him to do something like his mario series those videos were really good

There was also a lot of pointless tangents in the narration. Like explaining attract screens and RAM.

Well he did actually quit his job iirc. Which is dumb as fuck in the Dublin jobs market.

Fitz and mecha are one in the same

What game is he doing next?

>as well as a selective understanding of English.

He posts on here from time to time to shill his latest video.

He really proved his desired audience is computer-illiterate kids with that shit.

I probably didn't phrase that super well, but he was claiming Bloodborne was "blatantly unfinished" because he only thought of 'Frontier' as meaning 'a line or border separating two countries/areas', which to him meant the area was unfinished because it was obviously supposed to link to somewhere rather than being the edge of the map. However, frontier also means 'the extreme limit of settled land beyond which lies wilderness', which is a perfectly acceptable name for an area on the edge of the map.

all youtube celebrities are faggots

matthewmatosis is one of the worst, and so is super bunnyhop for being a furfag

lmao, that sounds retarded

superbunnyhop was only great when he was triggering the fuck out of redditors by being cynical about the state of the gaming industry

as amusing as that is, that still doesnt give him a free pass from being a faggot by naming his channel some furry shit and giving it a furry icon

yes i am implying any anthropomorphic animal is furry shit, because it is.

isn't a bunny hop just a gaming term? i don't think it has anything to do with actual bunnies.

He's entirely capable of putting out shorter videos that focus on smaller subjects. If anything I think he should do more of those, try to put them out more regularly (like once or twice a week), while also working on the large-scale analyses which he could put out once every two months or however long it takes him to make.

sup Chris

Go to fucking GameFAQs if you want vapid "this game is fun!" discussion you fucking sperg

It's just a ripoff of a Fox Hound logo in MGS

I don't hate "games discussion", but acting as though one aspect of games, for which you have made your own definition that no one else knows about, is the only thing matters is fucking retarded. He blindly uses the same criteria to judge every single game, no matter what the developer was going for.

whoops, thought you were referring to the general idea of in-depth reviews (as those MM supposedly does), not the Wagar himself, my bad

I like him and love DaS2.

is he overrated ?

Is Ireland normally this soul crushingly miserable looking?

I don't really see proof of that.

From his pastebin, he says that bloodborne could have used a "little bit more polishing". But that's it

The pastebin for it also

>Cred Forums can't stand random humor

How this furry got popular I'll never understand.

His videos are annoying, honestly. Just an unneeded, overlong, unfettered stream of blaring autism in monotone. I don't even know how somebody can talk that long without having an aneurysm. When does he even get the time to breathe?

Personally, I agree with the blood vials.
The route from the gaol to Darkbeast Paarl is no longer one-way, a small pile of rubble allows the player to walk back into the goal from the boss arena.


Jesus christ, do you get this mad when you walk down the cereal isle at a supermarket?

Maybe but he's the most consistently funny channel I know of

Why do you think they're all drunkards?

Bunnyhop is fine as long as he stays behind the camera

Take your own advice my man.

I don't get why you fags still talk about Matthew like he's still relevant. It's not like you can just come back from a fucking suicide just let it go already and just listen to someone better like Noah Cadwell-Gervais.

Im Irish, sorta, The weather is really schizophrenic we would have rain, sunshine and that picture all within the same day

>muh matt
>muh george

Come on guys. TGBS is where it's at.
>impeccable taste
>lots of humor in his videos
>not horrendously long, nor too short
>understands what makes games great and what's detrimental to them
>accurately criticizes problems with how games are being made today and how they focus on the wrong things

He's OUR guy.

The Kula World video was perfect and made me want to try it for myself. He should do more shit like that.

>OUR guy
>Likes RE6
>Thinks Kingdom Hearts is a button masher
>Hates MGSV because of MUH STORY

That sounds very much like Cred Forums yes.

Who tf is fitz?
Tbh Mecha is the funniest thing on youtube imo

What do you guys think of the Scottish variant of Matthewmatosis?

Camper Killer Commentaries are awesome.

Love him.

To bad he doesn't make them anymore

He was really nice guy though. Every time I watch his videos it makes me sad that this is no longer a thing and reminds me all good things come to an end and not ending makes them not good things

So is it true that Matthew really killed himself?

This is the most Reddit video I've seen all week.

That doesn't look like the Michelin Gang

>Liking poorly researched reply videos to poorly researched videos.

Do you like swimming in an ocean of piss?

>Matthew will never do an in-depth ANALysis on you, using his 9 inch ''Pikey Pokey Pounder'' cock

He doesn't say the UI is in the way. He asks whether or not it was really necessary and comes to the conclusion that it wasn't.

I'll just leave this here.

What is it with paddies and poor quantity of uploads? Are they all naturally layabouts

This guy does some top tier sentence mixing.

>DaSII cucks STILL mad