Cred Forums fighting game

If someone was to make a Cred Forums fighting game.

Which characters would you want to see and how would they play would they have special intros with someone else,etc.?

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We already tried that, and it didn't work.

Also, I'd main Shrek.

Would Moot be Master Hand?
more like crazy hand bro

Nobody here can name everyone in that image


Tell me more.

What would his powers be?
Would his rival be Cred Forums?

Moot is Master Hand
Snacks is Crazy Hand

Is bottom left supposed to be Cockmongler?

thats all i know

you're right it's too fucking small

i think everyone remembers this big memes though
obviously everyone here knows anonymous, pedobear, and yotsuba
maybe even wt snacks?

cockmongler, o rly owl, the no u guy, that black dude from the porn (i don't remember if they ever called him anything), and longcat might have fallen off because they're old as fuck

I think the wryyyy dude has probably made a resurgence with the kids because of how big jojo is now

i honestly don't know the anime people, is that the desu rozen maiden meme
is that the autistic flash video on top middle?
i know the girl from azumanga daioh but i dont' remember the meme, i think her name was osaka?? that series used to be really popular and was posted often

Todd Howard
Moveset - He just throws psychical copies of Bethesda games at you.

Bane and CIA should have an intro for obvious reasons.

>Old user
>W.T Snacks
>That girl from Azumanga
>Happy Negro
>Raptor Jesus

Can't quite name the others. The catgirl looks like the DANGEROUSLY FURRY image and the one above the dick looks like Sakura.

i don't even know what idubbbz or ainsley are, are these new memes


why is grinman called idubbbz?


>not maining Landwolf

> noone remembers teh rei
so i hurd u tk m 2 de bar|

>tfw people dont remember that unfinished shitfest that is project hate machine
Come on out of /i/, Oolong, i know you're in here.

Makes Cred Forums Great Again when?

True oldfag here

Wt snacks
Emo duck
O rly owl
Teh rei
Raptor Jesus
Cracky chan
Happy negros

Revere me newfags

2009 newfag here

congrats you candyass

>Not wanting to kick other user's asses with our boy

>hurr durr so old

There you go, the characters.

there's also osaka and raptor jesus, and i think that nigga was called happynegro

I actually somehow didn't notice Osaka in there, guess I'm pretty sleepy.

good work, i have never heard of cracky chan

She's the original cam whore

where do you think she is now?

Giving blow jobs behind strip clubs probably

Who knows

>He doesn't know the orly owl
how underage

I am 80% sure that the catgirl is just oldmoot

It will be a gigantic cringefest.

>his rival be Cred Forums
Wat? Christ-chan is the pol's waifu.C

>Or ly
>Cred Forums user
That's all i know.