Friendly reminder that this game is the last chance for saving FPS

Friendly reminder that this game is the last chance for saving FPS.

CS:GO is a bad game and Overwatch is a MOBA. Everything else is irrelevant.

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What about Shadow Warrior 2 ?

Or Serious Sam 4? Croteam said they are still working on it

Quake 3 arena is better than Quake live

Looking forward to pubstomping in this for a month before it dies.

more like last chance for saving the arena shooter genre, which is already mostly dead. fps games aren't dying or going anywhere, like it or not

>he made another thread

looks like a hero shooter to me. they've got "super powers" in it.

Quake Live has players though and they are basically the same anyway. But you're right.

You can tell by the character design that they're going to make this into a moba too.

Also Bethesda are major cucks.
You're fucking crazy if you think this is going to save FPS

Don't forget about the required glory kills in doom you fucking faggot

The glory kills are what you choose to mention? Not the perks? Not the demon ruins?

>Overwatch is a MOBA
thats not how you spell casual shooter

Wasn't there supposed to be a new UT soon ?

only good thing ID have shit out in years is wolfenstein new order, i dont have highest hopes for it

Those too. Required glory kills are required though. It completely broke the core of the game

Quake Champions obviously isn't going to have glory kills

>Anti-D44M squad still in denial about receiving the BTFO of the decade after the game they spent several months obsessively making JUST memes for ended up going on to be one of the most well received games of the year

Can somebody post the leaked gameplay footage from Quakecon? It's not on youtube anymore.

you jinxed it

the original doom didn't have glory kills either

Glory kills are going to be tied to the Doom crossover character as a hero ability, you heard it here first.

I would be okay with this

been playing quake and it's derivatives on and off for more than a decade now and QC is a complete joke, it's clear they are just trying to ride the hero shooter wave and to top it all off it's not even using idtech but rather the Saber 3D engine mimicking idtech (this also means no vulcan support)
It's just a cheap quake imitation

QC is shit, only arena shooter on the horizon is UT4.

>Required glory kills

what's that recent QUakie like game called? With the metal soundtrack?

>Glory kills
Wanna know how I know you haven't played the game?

Why not just make another game with Quake's single player level design instead of another multiplayer-focused game that's doomed to fail? I'd love to play another game with levels that felt as honeycombed and layered as the first game's.





They're required on nightmare.

>using glory kills on anything above Ultra Violence

im probably just shitty, but i could barely glory kill on nightmare without facing the wrath of semen.

kudos to you, champ.

>to top it all off it's not even using idtech but rather the Saber 3D engine mimicking idtech (this also means no vulcan support)

Where are you getting that from? I've read the reports that Saber will be implementing some of their own tech onto the project (what that entails remains a mystery), but I've never read it stated anywhere that it wasn't an id tech game. I really, really doubt id would want to build this game in a platform they're not familiar with (especially since they're probably expecting this game to last years or even a decade plus, possibly even outlasting Saber Interactive if they close up shop)

They revived QL and that was already an old game, and it lasted another 6 years. I can't see them going with Saber 3D

didn't type out the rest of the last sentence, meant to read:

I can't see them going with Saber 3D, which still has closed-source parts even if you license it for your project

They aren't ever required, not even on Ultra Nightmare

>ib b-b-but how am I supposed to heal

There are a shitton of medikits in every area which are worth multiple glory kills' healing each

this will save FPS? hahahahahahhahaha

this is nothing more than bland overwatch copy in quake skin

>Overwatch is a MOBA
>Everything else is irrelevant.
besides that new tribes-esque game, which is actually going to be fun


You're a fucking idiot m8.

Im guessing the abilities last < 3 seconds. Also AFPS are dead, so they need to draw new players in somehow while also retaining the hardcore scene.

>Shadow Warrior 2
>maybe Scorn
>maybe Quake Champions
>Bombshell FPS
It's not a bad time for FPS really. Hopefully Ghost Recon is good but it;s lol Ubisoft so it will probably be shit.

yeah bro i love bethesda fps

just look at doom 4 multiplayer, fps was saved that day.


Seriously fuck serious sam, and the last shadow warrior remake was dogshit.

The latest doom was on the right track, though, and if this new quake is a worthy successor to q3 arena there will be hope for something that isn't a remake to do something great with the resurgence of these kinds of shooters.

But Quake is a MOBA

Quake Champions is being made by id, unlike D44M's MP.

Is not tho, rendering options and netcode are obsolete as fuck in Arena, you only say tho justify being a shitter who stopped playing long ago because you lack any actual skill.

It's already confirmed it will have classic mode for people who are triggered by classes.

its the same devs

doom's multiplayer was used as a segway to work on quake multiplayer

>stdh: the post

>"Overwatch is a MOBA"

Hold up. Hold the fuck up
Setting aside the fact that you're dumb enough to believe that Overwatch is a MOBA, do you realize how absolutely skewed your understanding of the term is?
Are you telling me that a game that uses literal arena and still has character abilities is any less of a MOBA than Overwatch?

Cred Forums is actually shit for competitive arena shooters, none of them are active QL, UT players or even really care about arena shooters, Toxikk got out of early access and how many threads that game had here? It's one of the most solid shoters around yet people talk about Overwatch and even CS:GO of all things every fuckin day.

I wouldn't care about this board opinion on the matter, at the end they will not play it or only play for a week and then go back to CSGO or whatever casual pandering shit cool kids play nowadays.

you're right, the proper terminology is ASSFAGGOTS

So is it another "hero shooter"?
Thanks, Overwatch, for starting this shitty trend of fps plagued by moba shit.

>and if this new quake is a worthy successor to q3 arena
you must be really naive to ever even consider that

What exactly wrong isvwith CSGO, aside from the shitty market shit.

I've never played any ASSFAGGOTS or Overwatch. How is Overwatch one? And why is that bad? From webms and stuff I've seen, ASSFAGGOTS seem more like strategy games or MMOs, not as fast-paced and precision-based as shooters. What makes Overwatch a MOBA? Is it just the characters with different skills and weapons? If so, does that mean TF2 is one, too?


It's not. Cred Forumsirgins just get triggered by abilities
they're also complete trash at games in general

Before anybody assumes the obvious, I'd imagine you have to shoot the guy past 1hp and only then will it go into FINISH HIM stun. It's not so bad.

>fuckton of heroes makes games more about counterpicking heroes and less about how you play

They're nothing alike. I don't even like Overwatch it's just retarded quakefags. Tribes was the better game.



looks good

/ something about it looks so sluggish

No. Blackroom and UT still exist.
Those games will both be dogshit.

what do you mean? the movement is literally quake, and you can't tell if mouse input is sluggish from a video

uhh guys? did you forget about diabotical?

>not liking Shadow Warrior

confirmed for shit-tier taste

Doom 4 MP was outsourced, id only did the SP.

I could see someone not liking it, it did have some big flaws (very limited weapon selection, and the humor might not be everyone's jam, for example), but it's far from a shit game.

Honestly, now I think about it, that's the biggest problem with Cred Forums right now. The thought process of "I don't like this=this thing is objectively garbage". Different people like different things. Not to say you can't criticize, you just need to temper that shit, and point out actual flaws, not just fling shit and scream insults because someone dares like something you don't.

>that slow ass gameplay
nu iD, not even

t. somebody who has never played Quake online

rare to see this kind of well thought out discourse on Cred Forums

really? who did the multiplayer?

also i checked the quake champions wiki and these dudes are assisting in the multiplayer, whenever their are more than 2 developers working on a multiplayer it's always bad news.

they have a REALLY shitty track record for multiplayers

Did you even play through the whole game? It sure as shit wasn't nearly as good as the original. Level design is hot garbage and enemy placement quickly regresses into complete retardation the farther you get into the game. If you had been paying attention to the development for SW 2, you'd know its going to be even worse. The whole reboot is basically what an underage would imagine Shadow Warrior is like if you tried to explain to them what it was today.

Sorry you have shit taste.

>Honestly, now I think about it, that's the biggest problem with Cred Forums right now
>the biggest problem with Cred Forums is that they don't spoon feed me

To be fair, there were several quality of life tweaks between the initial SP trailers/footage and the game's release, such as the glory kills being sped up pretty significantly up from what we had seen, and furthermore nobody was particularly prepared for the SP to be such a completely different experience compared to the MP.

>ultimates makes a game a MOBA
Might as well call Smash Bros a MOBA.

Battleborn was more of a MOBA than Overwatch, for the simple fact that it had an actual MOBA-lite mode, among others.

Non-AAA doesn't even register on Cred Forums's radar. It's pointless to talk about it.

>level design
You can't get modern level design to mimic the level design of the era of Doom/Quake/Duke3D/ShadowWarrior, unless it's an indie. Would you like to know why?

Money. Assets. REALISM.

To get the kind of level design you'd get in the old days, a certain amount of realism would need to be given up, but people aren't fucking willing to do that anymore for some dumb reason. Furthermore, a lot of those levels were huge or expansive... or small, but labyrinthine, something that was far simpler to pull off with lower expectations of graphics, because not every wall had to have a unique texture or there wouldn't need to be detailed objects all over in the scenery. And fucking forget going in and out of buildings. A lot of money is going to get wasted on those, and execs won't let you do that unless they can be sure every player's going to see every thing.

People are convinced the FPS crowd can only go from point A to point B, too, so gone are the puzzles, the side paths, the secrets, the web of doors, rooms, and halls, the keys. It's dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.

Toxikk is a shitty sped up clone of the UT deathmatch demo template for UDK with 9 maps and all of the iconic weapons replaced with mechanically bland garbage. Even if Cred Forums had an active Arena shooter community they wouldn't be playing it, because it has less worth than UT3 would if you took away UT3's modding scene. And UT3 was a load of shit on release, so you know we're dipping into pure garbage territory.

>It's dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.
Whoa now, careful, you might hurt neo-Cred Forumss feelings.