Name a single counter

Name a single counter.

Zarya, Reaper, and Mei with good aim can shut him down. Winston doesn't need good aim, but needs to be smart with his jump pack.


>name a single counter


mccree, mei, mccree, and mccree

rubbish rodent

McCree yes, but only if he has flashbang. Mei she can just blink or rewind away from

No. Not at all. She can easily avoid his shit.

Winston dies first if Genji doesn't miss. If it's headshots Winston dies before Genji is at half health.
Genji can way out speed Mei and even though Mei can climb with walls, it has a cooldown where Genji does not.
Zarya counters him how?
A headshot.

Not being shit.

Symmetra to a lesser extent

Zarya can bubble through his stupid shurikens and just melt him. Mei doesn't even need to necessarily kill him, just make him run off.


Genji is one of the characters capable of climbing around Symmetra sentry chokes and way out ranges her M1. Not to mention he can reflect the bubble.
An escape is a win for Genji. He's aiming to hurt and escape. If you're not killing him, he's making progress.

Discord Orb + Winston.


He doesnt have any counters that can outright kill him. Even if harambe gets on him he can just take high ground and drop down if harambe jumps up there. Gengu can get away faster than harambe can chase him and jump. Only godlike mcmemes and zaryas can kill him if they have perfect tracking. I honestly don't think he should be in the game

don't be a snitch winston


sorry, meant to shitpost in the shitposting thread, got this one instead by mistake

Any bad player trying to use genji doesn't need a counter, and any player good enough to utilize genji is going to fuck you up six ways to sunday anyway

>2 specific characters are needed to counter a single character
Good design
He either needs his mobility, damage, or health altered. His toolkit is stacked with damage (the patch only touched the most ridiculous burst), one of the most bullshit abilities in the game, the safest mobility in the game, and despite all that he has as much health as "hang out in the air" Phrarah and "I have one option to save my ass" McCree.

Gank after you stare at him while he's using deflect.

he can always survive but it doesn't matter, you just make him worthless by outplaying him.
there really isn't ANY counters to genji. the entire point is that if he's better than you he kills you. however, if you play better than him you'll probably win. in fact, his stats on paper make him not a character whatsoever.
that sounds weird but it's completely balanced. it's just a different balancing philosophy that most retards can't wrap their mind around.

dindu nuffin

Am I missing something? What is OP about him?

Zarya's the op one. Has no real counters, has literally zero downsides and is a must pick on every comp in any level of play. Not sure why we nerfed Zenyatta for being a "required pick" when Zarya's in the same boat

being able to fire while also being invincible to pretty much anything just isn't particularly fair. she benefits just from being in a choke point and absorbing fire. NOT shooting somebody shouldn't be a forced strategy in a shooter

Zarya has no counter with the best ult in the game, smallest tank hitbox, game changing bubbles and fucking DAMAGE that she will inevitably get.

be reaper, focus her down, tracer harass.

Git gud.

>two characters are made for shutting down certain areas of the map.
>could easily deal with the lower hp flankers if their kit wasn't hot garbage
>the flankers have no trouble dealing with them
>their counters fuck them in the ass
Please buff the manlet and the brown autist.

Dealing with Genji was frustrating to me early on in my Overwatch career as well. He's truly the Pyro of this game. Edgy action class that's super forgiving, designed to provide young boys with good early experiences with the game and turn them in to long-term, committed players.

It's just a matter of knowing how to deal with him. You see him deflecting? Take the opportunity to reload. He'll just stand there like an idiot.
See him slash? You know where he's going to be 1 second later, and that's all the time any class needs to school another.
His agility is his own worst enemy. He's only going to engage in 1v1 scenarios because that's what he's encouraged to do.
In group kerfuffles, he's just gonna get himself splashed to death.
His ult used to be op but now it's just a flashy melee attack that only lasts 6 seconds. Just shoot him.

Pic related, my main.


If mcree's flashbang is on CD, or if he misses it, he's fucked. Mei can withstand tracer but cannot reliably kill her. Tracer really has no reliable counter other than team coordination.

this pic wouldn't be so hated on if roadie was thick or at least a bit more muscular

Bitch please Zarya has no escape and long cooldowns. Just get 2-3 people to shoot at her after her bubble ends and she's fucked. If you're bitching that you can't easily kill her while she's playing peek-a-boo with bubbles and M2 then you need to flank her.
>His ult used to be op but now it's just a flashy melee attack that only lasts 6 seconds. Just shoot him.
Are you kidding? His ult is still OP, 2 seconds shaved off the timer doesn't change being able to two hit the majority of characters in the game with ridiculous reach and having the dash recharge on each kill.
Whether or not someone is a counter kinda relies on the capacity to hit them. You can't argue that McCree won't counter he because he might miss the flashbang.

And aiming/aoe damage

shoot the cyberninja until he dies

if he starts glowing and making ching noises then stop shooting for 1.7 seconds

>you are now noticing her right hand being fucking enormous

Not being shit counters Genji pretty well.

Nobody hates it except you faggot.

I almost exclusively bust out Winston when theres a Genji getting all uppity thinking he has the right to live or something.

I don't know what to tell you. It got easier to deal with over time. It's stupid but it doesn't actually benefit the team in any way.
Maybe stop playing at shitter level, you see less Genjis playing with people who know what they're doing.
Maybe stop crying on Cred Forums and work on your game instead??
It just sounds like a you problem to me

nah man. tumblr took a shit on it with a grand total of 55 thousand notes.

mcree is one of the strongest characters in the game of course his defence is his offence

>Play pharah on KotH match
>Team comp is pretty good
>Opponents are alright
>Enemy team has a genji
>It's fine, he's probably not a pro
>See him play a bit, he's not a pro, but not shit
>Whatever we'll deal with him
>Look at my team comp
>Nobody is classed to deal with him
>He deflects all my rocket
He kept the point on overtime for a full fucking minute before we put him down and finished our win. Holy shit that wasn't fun

>Winston pixel requirements
Who thought that was a good idea?
I mean, I got it, but only because the other team thought it would be a good idea to have two symmetras on offense


im sure you expected this but


>having relevant opinions
Nah, fuck outta here.

>2 specific characters are needed to counter a single character
wow it's almost as if teamwork is a thing in this game

Name a single counter.

i shouldn't have to tell you why what you said is retarded but let me know if you need clarification

From the thumbnail of this picture I thought the signature in the corner was an x-ray of her womb getting a nice glazing. Needless to say I'm off to /gif/ to check for any ow threads.

>mine jump out of freeze gun range
>slap a bear trap under that fuck when she hides in her ice cube
>pop that chink in the face with grenades
>ult can climb over her wall

Winston Mei Mccree(assuming you are 3500+) Zarya Rein

Zen and Lucio to completely shut down his ult

be a non retard

i mean if you're still having trouble with enemy genjis then you're probably bronze

Pharah, a competent roadhog.
Ult still charges too fast though.

Her m2 is better than mcree gun so no.

are u trolling or just retarded

Why can't they ever make a good weekly battle? Is it really that fucking hard?

>75 damage
>better range

I swear fucking Genji can deflect anything, im surprised he doesnt reflect Junkrat's and Zarya's ult, fucking cunt

As Mei I always send Genjis running

He does reflect Zarya's ult.

Roadhog easy

Every character in Overwatch has a counter. That's literally the fucking point of the game

no way, are you fucking shitting me?. I see people complaining about Mei all the time but Genji is the real pain in the ass

Genji can parry any projectile except dragon strike after it has left arrow form.

Mei has an easier learning curve. Just W+M1 and annoy the shit out of people with wall/iceblock. The ult is effective even if she dies while dropping it.

Genji can be completely fucking useless and a liability to his team when played by a talentless babby who picked him just because he looks cool. His abilities are easy to miss with, and his ult also heavily depends on the user's skill.

He can also reflect soliders heal

why is every pic of this guy's face have something obscuring his mouth

>they increased Mei's ult AOE by a fuckton

literally why



Because people could get out of it in time XDDDD
Literally the only reason and faggots on the forum shut down all critics toward Mei


Is that a pro Genji?

Hey, maybe I don't want a big fat stinkin hog.

My favorite moments as Mei are Rats getting pissed enough to circle my ice cube with a tire waiting to fuck me


Your loss pal!