Tell me the truth Cred Forums

Tell me the truth Cred Forums

Is this game rigged?

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Yes, if you don't pay 20 bucks or play for a year straight then you are shit out of luck

What do you mean?

It's not that bad, kinda fun to play on the go, you start out a bit slow but they give you a lot of options for gold/card packs, RNG is only an issue if you're easily salted.

P2W in disguise. The only counter argument against P2W is that it is """""""""""""theoretically"""""""""""""""""" possible to get everything without real cash. Well, if you pay, you can get a deck you want and defeat most of the players, if you don't, you need to get defeated by players who pay for a year, excluding the occasional lucky wins.

>be on win streak
>we can't have that
>all of a sudden anti-win algorithm kicks in
>you are paired with only pro decks that specifically counter yours
>you are matched with players that outrank you
>8 losses in a row
>that's more like it

so its basically another scenario of the notorious "50%"

that algorithm isnt real if thats whats youre thinking

im so bad that i like to think there is a RNG modifier on the blizz end based on $/month

No... It's a loony toon retarded fuck fest of rng though. And lacks any real strategy other than playing on curve and praying that op rng card of the month flips in your favor.

Fucking trash game.

The sad thing is there are more people on Cred Forums defending this P2W bullshit than attacking League of Legends for a lesser crime.
In low level elo ( Heartsone ) you cant win against people who bought cards thats a fact, you must grind hundred of games to get good cards to finally do anything.

Seconding, I'm a F2P player and it is a miserable experience. I really hate games like this that pretend you can play it free but if you do then the game is deliberately designed to be an absolute slog.

Adventure cards to a F2P player are unobtainable without months of grinding and you can't even think about doing arena ever because by the time you get them the cards you do have will be rotated out and are useless in standard so you have to do it again.

And that's not even starting on the fact that all of this is for a single decent deck that could easily shift out of the meta and you must grind for months AGAIN

>Is this game rigged?

so,so bad.... but i cant stop playing

Blizzard shills.
Everyone who remotely plays this game knows it is p2w. Just like why OW has so many staunch defenders and why Legion has a 24/7 thread on Cred Forums instead of /vg/. Blizzdrones are fucking cancer.

You guys play the game for 3 days and act like you know. It's not crazy hard, and it only takes about a week to unlock adventures with quest completion.

No it's RNG. All random

Got to a shit

>statistics don't apply to me. If I'm on a win streak in a rng game its skill. When I'm on lose streak game is cheating

Even all the competitive and popular Hearthstone players are either banning cards in tournaments or shitting on the game for being an RNG fuckfest. It's literally "Did I play enough spells for my Yogg to win me back the board?" the game!

Bullshit post of the day. How much money have you spent on Hearthstone?

A week if you play the game every day and complete every quest available and spend nothing on arena while also, assuming you are a new player, not getting even core packs let alone more recent ones so you can actually put together a deck or get dust together and even then it takes fucking eons to get all the way through an adventure, which will become obsolete eventually anyway, and got forbid you actually want to have more than one decent deck because it's not happening

It's a shitty greedy model and you people need to drop defending it

Back in the ye olden days before you could complete quests playing against friends or in tavern brawl, f2p was a real slog because your crappy basic deck with one epic card in it would get matched up against gold portrait zoo warlocks even in casual
these days you get to have fun every other week in the tavern brawls that don't require you to build your own deck for a few days before they close tavern brawl and you're forced back to casual or rank 15 ranked where you're constantly matched against aggro shamans just farming gold on f2ps
i log-in every 3 days, cash in those quests after playing maybe 10 or so games then do something else now
don't even like the game anymore but it's better than anything else on the app store

None. I started doing arenas and was going infinite for a while, stopped playing until just recently since the new adventure came out.

It's not a perfect model, but the game is made for longevity, also there are a lot of newcomer quests that propel you into the card packs.

I just play during my lunch hours at college etc. I feel the same, but it's improved a lot since its release imo.

If only Tunnel Trogg could be crafted, it'd be easy as pie to make a deck that'd take you to Legend.

Still, Zoolock is very cheap and very good.

>It's not a perfect model
Understatement of the century

It's an app with microtransactions made by a AAA company, it's still fun and still somewhat fair to beginners, it's hard at first for sure but not impossible. It's not THAT bad.

You have no clue what you are talking about, just because one can theoretically devote all his beginner resources to somehow gather a single, premade and predictable deck given a few weeks of farming, that's not actually enjoying or playing the game. Even the adventures you are talking about are unlockable with cash.

Guess what, even the beginner bundle is nowadays obtainable by cash-only. The game in general is just a cash cow, protected by Blizzard's most loyal fanboys.

>Hearthstone is p2w game

This is the biggest lie ever
Hearthstone is so random that it doesn't matter, you can win win basic deck if you have enough luck

You can win if you get lucky. If the opponent's deck is filled with legendary cards while you don't have a single one, you need to wait a bit to be lucky.

[spoilers]Every F2P game is secretly P2W. That's the whole point of the business model, although I would argue that HS is worse about it than it had to be.[/spoilers]

>you can beat 4 mana 7/7s with a basic deck
yeah you just have to hope your opponent doesn't draw a playable card in 10 turns, easy game

You go into a 2 year old game and expect to not have the odds against you. It's a casual game, and casual people will play casually. It's good passtime and is one of the best made free apps for phones n shit.

I don't know anything about this beginner bundle, I was mainly talking about the gold you get for unlocking all the classes etc.

If you take the game seriously you will try to be optimal and that means looking for guides and ideas, if you play it casually then just play for fun.

It is not at all fair to beginners. Being F2P is a straight up disadvantage and designed to be terrible. In addition, being a beginner at this point is a massive game of catch up where you cannot feasibly hope to complete with or have anywhere near the deck and card variety of long time players without shelling out a lot of cash.

It is pure P2W bullshit. If people said LoL was P2W Hearthstone sure as hell is because it is a million times worse.

Every game has a learning curve per se. A card game is no different, and yes being a beginner is a massive game of catch up just like any other card game ever. Hearthstone was unique and was free. Learning curves and difficulty are natural to games.

Never said I expected a thing. I simply stated that the game is de facto P2W.

The card games are RNG games based on luck to begin with, though, but the game is bullshit to play when the opponent's dice has only numbers 4-6 while you have numbers 1-6.

It's an app mango, every card game is P2W by nature anyway. Both HS and LoL suffer from the same people calling it P2W. They are games that force you to grind or pay, the downsides of not paying vs some who has payed/grinded is there, at the same time...

It only takes a two to three weeks to get each wing of the adventures if you save up your gold and do all your quests.




Yeah TCGs are like this. It's worse because you can't trade cards straight up though.

Not as much as you'd think. The game starts you out with easy packs to earn, and tons of means to get free cards. Tavern Brawl being the big one.

Too bad in most CCG you can actually trade other people for cards.

It's the little things, but I get why Blizzard didn't allow for trading. Too easy to dupe.

I stopped seeing these. Did something happen?

The 4 mana 7/7 is a common card and you can craft a set after like 30 minutes of playing.

You can't pay gold to buy adventures, you need real money

Nvm, found it. Fuckers hid it

Tuskar + Totem Golem happened.

Well, shamans somehow win even faster in constructed, and agro harder.

Yeah, that they did. Still it's a lot of gold to go through for cards that could potentially be made "obsolete" in a few months.

They got "Standard" and "Wild" where Standard only allows certain sets and expansions (Like MTG blocks), Wild allows everything.

It's worse than a 0 mana 5/5 taunt
Or a 3 mana 3/2 and a free totem golem, flametongue, or mana tide.

You know, very balanced cards that only make shaman the second most broken class in the game.

The fact someone thought doing decent in F2W was noteworthy and the fact that it was noteworthy enough to make a video series about should tell you something

The biggest problem right now is that the balance is absolutely fucked.

Shaman and Druid dominate almost everyone else.

Priest, Paladin, and Rogue are basically joke classes.

A good third of the games come down to whose yogg RNG is stronger.

Call of the Wild is a card that was made and that hunters can run two copies of in a deck.

Karazhan was an abomination of an expansion that just made every existing problem worse while helping nobody but the archetypes that were already succeeding.

>the second most broken class in the game
what's the most broken? mage?

>You can't pay gold to buy adventures, you need real money

What the fuck are you talking about


what's their reason? fandral?

>Playing hearthstone
>When shadowverse exists


I opened a satan and won all my games with it.

I would play it if it wouldn't be weebshit shit. I just can't watch those chinese mugs

Not assfaggots 2.

Yes user, Blizzard hired 13000 people that do nothing but manually look over decklists and metareports, and then link players with opposing decks if one is having a winstreak because ??

How's Dota 2 pay to win?

There's a reason the Cred Forums definition of p2w is or was 'if you can unlock gameplay options with money to get them quicker than the non-paying plebes, it's p2w'

Are you people seriously complaining about spending money on a card game? I'm just imagining someone 15 years ago writing a letter to Wizards of the Coast complaining about having to spend money on Magic the Gathering card packs.

2 things that would make this game god tier
>PC port sooner rather than later
>more units available on the field

Dragoncraft looks so fucking fun but with so little available unit slots It just feels so small time.

>get them quicker
Spotted the retard
True F2P example is dota 2, where all the heroes are unlocked at the begining
Even LOL has some P2W aspect due to spending money to unlock champion

Well then good thing that is what I said

Having more options at your disposal is an objective advantgae

Fandral's terrifying, yes due to the absolute ridiculous amount of value he generates. A wrath with him is painful, but a raven idol with fandral boost can easily cost the game.

The fact is that Druid right now can do and adapt to basically anything.
Their deck is almost all spells so their yogg will always be supercharged and their arcane giants ready to come out and demand answers at a moment's notice.

Innervate and ramping means the curve is their bitch, and it is not unlikely to be forced to answer 5-6mp minions on turn 2-3. And those minions (generally emp, fandral, or teacher) are kill conditions, if you can't kill them with 2-3mp and basically your mulligan, you just lost. Hell if it's emp, you probably just lost regardless.

But the main thing is that their cards are ridiculously versatile.

Take living roots. It can be a 2dmg poke or a token generator.
Wrath can be darkbomb or shiv.
This allows them to easily have the best answer for any situation.

They have recovery abilities great stabilizing and recovery tools with moonglade and feral rage. Especially moonglade because the 6drop pool is so strong.

Combine Malygos, Arcane Giants, Yogg, and Fandral into one deck and you have a ton of individual kill conditions that also synergize with each other.

Druid is beyond strong at the moment.
It's still perfectly beatable, but it it's the only deck that can have all the answers and options.

That is what I'm saying
Are you fags all illiterate because I can't spot an error in that sentence that would make you believe the opposite

i fucking hate myself for playing this everyday despite the coin flip bullshit

The big problem is adventures, it' a huge coin sink for some really vital cards depending on the deck
Just play Duelyst, it's multitudes more generous in terms of gold and dust, and doesn't have an equivalent to adventures

I think I still prefer playing against yogg druid instead of every other game being combo.

Is this on PC?


>playing weebstone

Imagine playing this shit in public. Everyone who sees you will pin you as some kind of creep.

Actually it would make sense. No they wouldn't hire anyone to specifically do it but think about it

Hearthstone is incredibly about collecting data on players, the whole game was built on that purpose. It would make complete sense for the game to have built in higher likelihood of matching up with decks types you have statistically improbable chances of winning if you are on a win streak and vice versa if you're on a lose streak.

Why you may ask?
Simple. Winning makes you feel good, but winning too often makes you lose interest. And if you're a good player you will make other people feel shit and lose interest too. By keeping people reasonably matched every now and then to their statistical weakness you then maximise an interest level which increases likelihood of selling you more cards (or simply keeping you in the game to collect more data)

I would be incredibly surprised if this isn't the case.

I sure care what some random shmuck on a bus thinks about me

>you can't even think about doing arena ever because by the time you get them the cards you do have will be rotated out

Do you even understand how Arena works? Arena is THE mode for f2p players, because you get a deck of random cards you draft from every time you do an arena run.

There is no barrier to entry in arena run other than some RNG and your skill at the game.

Any good player could beat someone with a Basic Deck with smart plays, regardless of what cards the other person had.

How is a player supposed to get adventure cards if they do arena ever?

This is also why there are so many random cards in the game as well

>Any good player could beat someone with a Basic Deck with smart plays, regardless of what cards the other person had.
t. Rank 20 shitter

in japanese
you can play it on pc with an android emulator for the english version.
pc english version will arrive at some point

by earning more gold than they spend on arena

Grinding for Arena gold was like having a shitty job. I might be willing to pay if they gave a shit about Arena and Ben Brode didn't come off as a psychotic in his vlogs.

>evolve button
as if hearthstone's model wasn't already p2w enough

How free to play friendly is this game really?

Basic card decks definitely would not win on 90% of the time against any of the metadecks right now, I would only see you winning with a really good opening hand and if your opponent started with a dogshit hand.

Even then the only feasible basic decks that has that slim chance of winning are Hunter and warlock. And you'd be stomped on with a match against another of either class with their much better more efficient utility cards

No, it's just poorly managed by blizzard. They should be patching and balancing it monthly but instead they do it yearly.

I'm sure that a basic deck can survive the turn 1 coin alexstraza's champ, into another champ or axe, ghoul+execute on 3 maybe,turn 4 let's have that that 4/3 charge or maybe a 3/6 taunt dragon, I'm sure you'll have an answer for the 5/4 that just killed whatever you dropped on turn 5 with its 3dmg battlecry. I'm totally sure you'll be ready for the 6mp 9/9 on turn 6 that you need dead as well as everything from before as well.

Totally doable.

You do realise how expensive the adventures are and how critical many of the cards there are?

>Murloc deck
>Mech deck
>C'uck deck

But there's only one viable murloc deck, and that's on pally, a joke class.

Mech is dead and gone.
C'thun is only viable as control war variant, which is rarely played as its worse than standard control war.

>dragon deck
>fatigue deck
>otk deck


So you can't buy a full adventure in a day. So what? A wing a week is easy as shit to farm even if you do no arena (especially if there's a good tavern brawl that week) and good arena players consistently earn way more gold a day than someone grinding ladder.

>"some" RNG
>class is random, can be completely fucked before you even pick a card
>whether you get more than one epic or a legend is random
>card quality is completely random and you can just draft complete shit even if you take the best card every pick
>skill even being a factor in arena at all
yeah no, it's pure luck
getting to 6~7 wins isn't even guaranteed anymore since 50% of all the decks are mage and every other class has a shit matchup against mage even going 1st
you have to be incredibly good at the game and incredibly lucky to get past that point

>>whether you get more than one epic or a legend is random
Fun fact, most epics and legends are shit. A majority of the most OP arena cards are common.
You're still right about it being RNG heavy though.

Why you guys call Paladin a joke class. That's my fav class and I have the highest winning rate by this class

just because most of them are shit doesn't discount that getting good ones throws the balance of arena out the fucking window
just makes the better classes snowball harder if you get better card pick RNG

All the RNG this game has you should just play it for fun and not competitively

You're a joke

It is slow and doesn't have an incredibly adaptable game or insanely powerful early game. Its board clear combos require 2 cards, it doesn't have good yogg synergy (it is pathetic that this is even a thing).

The burst healing is nice, but that generally only buys a turn by which time aggro has even more burst damage, or will be completely invalidated by a deck bursting you down before you even really need to heal.

Its one real deck is instantly shut down by transform effects, of which are very common what with mage and shaman being tier 1.

It's gone from being bottom barrel garbage, to top tier cancer defining the meta, back to bottom barrel garbage. Also it's current "best decks" are just worse versions of existing decks for better classes.

Path of exile isn't P2W

Uh, yeah it is. You can literally pay to win in it.

wtf I hate PoE now

The game is P2W, but I'd be a hypocrite for judging it since I played Yugioh and MTG, spending thousands on cards.

Anyfin Paladin is top tier.


I play astral communion druid and holy shit is it broken as fuck a good 80% of the time, went from rank 16 to 8 in two days

i'd argue druid can't deal with high toughness minions though, almost no one seems to run mulch anymore, poison seeds is out and naturalize is pretty bad. on top of that they don't run silence anymore, so something like tirion will utterly fuck their day and they lack reliable board clear