What rank is considered the "shit tier"?

What rank is considered the "shit tier"?

whatever rank you are in

Your rank

Anything below 3500 apparently.

Average, so I'd say around 2500. Or actual shit tier would be under 2000.

Apparently Diamond is still full of shitters so everyone who plays OW and isn't top 50.

tfw gold
But I mostly healed and apparently healers rank up slower

Can vouch. I've had terrible people in diamond and I've boosted people to diamond who are really gold tier skill wise. It blows my mind that there are 4 whole ranks below it. Like, what kind of shit would you see in bronze?

Dumb gold healslut

I honestly think bronze exists just to make silvers think there are people worse than them.

mid-plat and below

All of them


They dont
you're shit

regards 3332 diamond healer

>be placed into diamond
>derank to play with my gold tier friend
>derank with friend until under 2k MMR
>have tons of fun trolling team and stomping shitters

why is this more fun than 2/2/2 or 3/0/3 meta tryharding and climbing tiers?

Rude, my team is, why do people play Symmetra or Hanzo in comp reeee

How the fuck do you rank up? I always end up getting horrible teammates. I mean seriously, I get gold damage as Zenyatta and outheal our Lucio? What the fuck is with this matchmaking?
It's always one step forward and two steps back.

>why do people play Symmetra or Hanzo in comp reeee
The fact you have to say this means theres a failure in the game design.

>giving a shit about a gold healer mains opinion

Invite a friend or two (or five)into a group.

You'll have at least one person you can trust that way.

Whatever you do, don't 4 man. It is the worst.

Why? That's what I do.

Then 6 man!

I-is it ok if I get this on PS4? A friend of mine got it recently and I'm probably not building a PC for ~2 years, but this game is shat on so hard on consoles over here...

Anything below the highest. Doesn't matter what game.

This. We learnt the hard way, and now we only go in 2s or 3s.


>playing Overwatch
>over 18
pick one

it's still big on consoles and it's a lot of fun anyways

Well every fps is shit on console compared to pc but if you have enjoyed other fps buy it.

In Overwatch?
Every rank
because there never was a FPS this casual

You would have to be really bad to get down to rank 18

>Play a shit game that's literally the bastard child of the two worst genre's in gaming.
>Hurrr what rank is shit?
You tell me buddy. Whichever rank you are, at least.

I play on xbox on there's fucking TONS of people playing, go for it.

>fps and action games
>worst genres

inb4 he plays jrpgs.

Elder god of the ancients tier

Go ahead and fight for scrap metal my petty minioms

Playing on Ps4 it's not a big deal

My gf never played a shooter before and even she was able to get into it
(She loves d.va and widowmaker)

Playing on PS4. It's fine enough if you just want to play casually, but if you want to take it serious and do competitive (which you shouldn't either way since OW is terribly low skill floor/ceiling, poorly balanced, and with mediocre at best maps) then definitely wait and get it for PC.

On consoles anything below 3k rank is nothing but absolute shitters who run off and try to lone wolf. I am not exaggerating when I say I see more cooperation in a random CoD lobby than a random Overwatch lobby.

Mechanically, the aiming is also especially bad on consoles. The acceleration and smoothing is absolute garbage, and if you've recently played any well designed shooter, it will make you want to tear your hair out.

Good lord that is just hot damn wow