It's Senran Kagura 3

It's Senran Kagura 3

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please don't be joking.. I really want Senran Kagura 3

This would be amazing, but I see no hint of that anywhere.

>an announcement for an announcement

This happens so often it should be your default expectation.

And the next announcement will just be the title of the game and "stay tuned for more details!".

It's more than Metroid got

So no news yet? except its something for 2017?

>salty metroidfags
You guys really need to fuck off already

>child born post-2000 doesn't understand
You'll graduate someday user.

No I was actually not expecting that from such a niche series.
I can´t take these endless "Prease be excited" anymore.
They did not even say what sort of game or on what console / handheld it is going to be.

heh tits

Will they finally incorporate Yumi into main games?

hope not

They should just make Versus the main games anyway desu. They sell better and have a better cast of characters.

It better be a Yumi game.

If the things people have been speculating about the background video on the site, then Yumi is guaranteed.

>no Crimson Squad
Literally Takaki comitting sudoku if it would be the case.
You can´t just not put best squad in the game.

I hope so

Well they put them in EV even though they had nothing to do and butchered them

Seriously, the only thing I can remember from Crimson Squad in EV is Hikage fucking with Imu and Haruka organizing those beach games.
Same with Hanzo, I can only thing of the usual Yagyu-Hibari-Haruka thing and Ikaruga asking questions.

To be fair, Gessen and Hebijo needed that screentime.
Hanzo and Crimson already have two games to themselves, the two other schools need every chance they get to flesh out.

and you'll never suffer as much as f-zero fans

see I can play the starving african child game too.

i just organized my senran folder this morning. anyone want me to dump a character?

Murasaki would be nice.

im on it senpai



Thanks user.

ill get to you

i have to dump BIG FAT NEET TITS



What a messy eater.


I'm going to make Murasaki work! WORK!

senrans are not good at eating ice cream, i've come to find.

I'm at the Deep Crimson chapter in Senran 2.

Does this shit get good? I constantly see people sucking it off in these threads, and I was initially impressed by the yoma designs and tag mechanics. Little did I know there would only be like five yomas total so far, tag basically trivializes most fights, and most pairs don't even get unique intros/attacks/outros despite their only being ten characters.

The ending better redeem this game, because it's not like the story's any good so far, either.

Yes I shall!


At least that game has cutscenes and the pair mechanic is nice.
Story aint that better than EV imo. But thats more because EV is more "emotional"


Her shirt can't handle the pressure. Its going to blow!
I guess ninja training took priority over learning how to eat ice cream.

Which Senran would you take to prom?

Which would you sloppy fuck behind a dive-bar dumpster and never call again?

No. It's frustrating as hell because the game is almost good, but it just isn't

Ikaruga perfectly fits that secret slut role.

What is the Deep Crimson Chapter again? Chapter Two or Three?
Either way I would say it gets a bit better, every chapter has new enemies to fight against.
Last chapter is also pretty cool because it becomes sort of a Boss Rush with just big Yomas.

And I think there are enough unique Intros/Ninpos/Outros.
Every characters has two partners, that makes for do the math yourself special animations.


I liked it mainly because it was a step up from Burst and combat wise it felt a lot faster than EV. Storywise it's just okay.


Ryouna would love the latter.

EV is just a beach vacation episode extended into a full-length game, though. You know what you're getting the moment you start it up. Senran 2 is an official numbered sequel but barely fuck-all happens in it.

And at the very least, EV has fanservice out the ass. You can't even get the Senrans naked in 2, and customizing is more of a chore than ever because every single individual color is listed as its own item.

Deep Crimson is the second to last chapter, though the last one may as well be an epilogue.
I think SK2 had a lot of nice ideas, both for gameplay and story, but ultimately didn't work that well, the story felt really rushed on the last parts.

Not him but if you play the game without knowing the rules the african child dies.

Every game's announcement has been accompanied by gameplay footage. 2 and EV did, no reason to think that should change.


Its one of hell beach episode then.
Did not expect it to be so sad, especialy with Miyabi. That shit came unnexpected.

Miyabi for both of them.

Chuuni girls deserve to get tender love and affection and then bullied from behind like the desperate sluts they are!


Why are you still posting this fat ugly stinky neet. I told you to post Homu!!!

>the story felt really rushed on the last parts
It kinda did, but I think the game in general was rushed in the end.
It was supposed to come out before SV after all, it probably was in some kind of development hell.
I still like it the most of all Senran games (after Burst, probably)


Have a cute Homu


Both EV and SV had moments that genuinely shocked me and brought me to tears. Even though like I said, EV is more of a beach episode than anything, the more fanservicey nature allows genuinely heart-warming/wrenching moments to catch you off-guard.

So far, I think 2 easily has the weakest writing in the series. I can see why it didn't sell well.



I'm going to marry Yumi!

How can you call this fat and ugly?

shut up japan



Nobody likes droopy eyes and tits.
She's ugly and FAT!!!!


You're just mad Homu isn't the queen of life.

murasaki may be a slob, sloppy, disgusting, smelly, doesn't wash her underwear, doesn't shave her bush or brush her teeth but SHES NOT FAT OR UGLY



okay you WHINY BABY
homura time


Best girl right here.

Those traits just make her more endearing.

poor and gross





She's as poor as you, Homura.

is there a shop of this with condoms in her mouth and hands?

Homu lives in the hobo cave too, you know.


i dont like homu, someone requested her.

heres your wife for today, user

I don't like that one.

>i don't like homu
Said no one ever

too bad

I hope the actual game reveal will be on a god tier stream like the one for SK2/Dekamori.

i just said it.

Whatever, just keep posting Homu's ass

>Not liking the Homu
Then who?

Where do people get these square images anyway?
They are clearly not cropped from the cards.

will do capitan

kat among others.

>Cred Forums is too autistic to understand a joke
>Cred Forums is too stupid to comprehend VS is Yumi/Miyabi's story and Burst is Asuka/Homura's

Honestly they should have just left Hanzo and Crimson Squad out of Versus and focused more on Gessen and New Hebi doing their own thing.

No. Just equip those attack up shinobi stones and blow through the last bits of the game.

The most fun I get from it is just killing bosses in less than three seconds with Yomi.

Don't know. I just wish there were more new wave pics without that shitty card border.


Yumi. And throw her in the dumpster when I'm done with her.

>areola border

my dick

Faggots like you are the reason why Yumi became so popular.
She added nothing to the serie but anger. Fuck that bitch Yumi.


Post more 15 year olds.


>digital art works updated once with 2 images
>mfw I can't even find it on the play store now
Anyway, this is the best I can offer for borderless cards.!w1ARRCIB!MKMMEWJDfdUetGAquyYNcw


gonna post some kat since im out of homu

who /snakerape/ here?


Bless you, user


>not wanting to hatefuck Yumi


I want to hatefuck Miyabi in front of Imu.

but why user


What's the difference between hatefuck and rape?


No Homu, no lifu



>posting Homu
This is rare. Not that I'm complaining


would you call kat cute?


I would call her shit


She's kinda cute, but I'ld still see her as bro.

Rape is done out of love and desperation.
Hatefuck, as the word implies, is done out of pure malice and hatred.

wouldnt that make a huge amount of feedback

So when will this faggot announce the next game?
And do you guys hope its PS or Nintendo exclusive?

is there any chance for nipples and areola? They showed it i ova so now it's time for game

It'll never happen in the games.

They won't, that would mean a Cero-D or Z rating and no one is willing to sell those games, kind of like Adult Only games in the west.
The OVA got a free pass because it was direct to bluray.

Yumi is for _____.

Isn't D equivalent to M here though?
Shops don't stock 17+ there?

Yeah, but I don't think any D game actually has nipples or things like that.
Didn't games like God of War even get censored in japan because of that?

Apparently slapping her tits with a bamboo stick


I'm fine either way.

>They don't know about the balloon in EV

But that's using accesories on a clever way, they aren't actual modeled nipples.
And it looks like shit anyway.

Loving tenderly.

They don't look like shit if you do them well, m8.