Member Banjo-Kazooie?

Member Banjo-Kazooie?

Other urls found in this thread:

Member ed edd n eddy online

>south park
i bet you thought sausage party was funny

Member when chaika was on the front page?

Member when Pepe wasn't the avatar of Kek?

Member this 5

i haven't watched south park in like a year or two now
what is this about and why it keep being posted

whaddya mean, remember? I just went from the start to rusty bucket bay on my yearly playthrough last night

i fell in the interior area and got assmad
that's why i do that part first though

Can't wait getting xbone tomorrow, gonna get rare replay and play me some banjo kazooie. Is nuts and bolts Backwards compatible? What about viva pinata? Gotta check that shit out.

I remember when he wasn't even called pepe.

Member when there weren't so many SJW?

Member no Big Bang Theory?

Member when opinions didn't trigger /v?


sorry bub, you're not nearly as innovative as you think you are

Member reliable ecchi sniper or whatever and argonian maid something and ABATAP and guess what Sony didn't show threads?

He was just sadfrog.jpg before memers learned about the comic

Member when there wasnt microtransactions

the comic series was posted a lot before it became an image macro

>tumblr frog

I wish i could be as deluded as you. I bet it makes every day magical

so I watched it because of this meme and boy SP really went downhill
why the fuck are they going with continuation now? literally nothing happens in this episode, hell these memberberries are barely even brought up
also, the humor is very flat, it's basically just making observations at this point


Most of Cred Forums was born after horse armor.

Watch 6 Days to Air. I think they introduced continuation in order to force themselves to plan ahead more.

fuckin' horse armor

all the flak it got and yet bethesda repeatedly proved it was constantly being purchased even years and years after releasing it

i call certain DLC practices retarded but deep down i know that what companies do reflects what their idiotic customers buy

>Cred Forums suddenly hates southpark

what went wrong? did Rick and Morty took over it?

The last season with PC Principle was pretty funny until the last two episodes.

Which one of you fuckers remember lanced jack? the biggest faggot of that time

'Member moot?
'Member Snacks?

Nuts and Bolts comes with Rare Replay. Same with Viva Pinata, but Nuts and Bolts sucks.

Cred Forums is triggered because they're making fun of Trump.

please stop posting that image it makes me flinch every time

im literally shaking right now

>Rick and Morty
LITERALLY *burp* Reddit tier *burp* humor and """"deep"""".

I miss Donkey Kong

>being this new
Jesus Christ I've been here too long

Member boxxy?

I still have his albums. Not the shitty humor tracks though.

i miss Janced Lack

Dude, what is with the obsession with that show? It was okay, sure. Hell, with their few episodes there were a few episodes that were weak as hell, and you could tell they just made some shit up at the last minute.

No idea why people are obsessed with it. I attribute it to no really great shows coming out recently. Besides Red Dwarf.


i don't get how something can be 'called' sadfrog.jpg when the person who made the character named him pepe, and as
said, boys club was posted on Cred Forums a fucking decade ago

clearly you haven't been here long enough

how the fuck could he have been sadfrog when this is his first regular appearance on Cred Forums, fuckwit?

everyone who thinks pepe 'began' as sadfrog needs to take a look at pic related and kill themselves for pretending to have been here longer than they actually have

>mfw i have all 4 comics

I refuse to accept this

it's really a meme within a meme. The meme was that there were so many edits of the original that we were perplexed as to why feelsgoodman.jpg turned into this depressing fucked up mess, and then r9k tried to take it back. It's a trip.

>everyone who thinks pepe 'began' as sadfrog needs to take a look at pic related and kill themselves for pretending to have been here longer than they actually have

seconding this

Are the member berries revealed to be evil yet and the cause of all online trolling?

member manly tears?

boxxy is qt af now

no, i have a short memory


Not nearly as bad as Marielx

why is lex luthor green

so can anyone explain this? i stopped watching south park years ago and I keep fucking seeing this stupid image with people spamming "member".

not just here, other fourms I go to as well do the same shit

There were macrotransactions before then. Expansion packs. Shareware. Even Nintendo did shit like Super Mario Bros 2 (FDS)

dude, she's more makeup than human.


the new season is alright ,it's not particularly funny
but this stupid member berries shit is so forced, it's not even a little funny

He goes by britbong now, and has a normie following.

He won.

i miss incorrect filename threads so much

Smart. I still remember when I had just 4 notes to go...

who cares? it's probably some goof-ass way of making fun of people who dare have nostalgia for their past

don't even bother

>South Park
>post season 11

That episode was awful and you should feel awful for posting that ''joke''.

So many meme faces.


thanks for letting us know, i was sitting here going "man i wish some random user would pipe up with some discussion based on the TV show the image is from rather than discuss vidya stuff from a decade and a half ago" so thanks for making that wish come true, mate


i love how half that image is konami's conference

man, what a fucking ride. nothing has topped that yet

how about you die?

>who cares?

obviously I do since i asked.

How many years of Harvard did it take to whip up that comeback?

member when they weren't Cred Forums level threads where the filenames are just describing the picture?
it's like a whole nother board in those threads

clearly not enough to go and find out for yourself. You know that you're accessing Cred Forums via a system called "the internet" where things such as streaming video, episode synopses, and official forums for things exist, right?

sega's 2016 sonic thing topped it

post the aftermath image

I'll have to take a look, i do remember hearing buzz about it being ridiculous

Pepe punch is retarded

It makes Pepe look like a fucking retarded

More than he normally is

An autistic faggot like you will never hurt somebody

i was really hoping there was going to be images like this for every E3.

also, what ever happened to that laser tag game or whatever. I think it was ubisoft that did that?

And it never will.
E3 has become a no fun allowed zone.

I really want to like Sea of thieves

But I really fucking hate Multiplayer

Why can't I go with my own AI controlled crew in single player

The best thing after was 2014

But it was mostly Nintendo that held it together so nobody cares

Seriosly Sony why did you fuck up the LBP3 reveal

but this is literally a thread discussing the "joke" so it makes sense to ask it here since its being discussed in real time.

ill give you a 8/10 for your attempt on being a smart ass though.

about the same amount of time it took me to whip out my dick in front of your mom

It was funny but nah

>horse armor was 10 years ago

Yep and it has aged pretty well. It is still very much enjoyable and probably best way to play it is on Xbox 360 (and probably Xbone).

>there are people that haven't read boy's club
Truly makes me think.


Man those 3DS women would start internet riots in today "inclusive" vidya community.

Member when not every game was an open world shit.

no i mean the party

leather shop is 2 blocks down, ya jabroni

dont listen to these fags
anyone who doesnt like south park is dead wrong

If I wanted to kill myself, I would jump from your ego to your IQ!

legit good burn


no it wasn't samefag
it's literally a Reddit tier insult

this is why we need thread ids

member sound threads
it wasn't that long ago but still

Not him, but don't talk about egos when you samefag your own posts baka.

>posting a screencap like it's impossible to remove the (you)s in paint

I Mweeember

nice try, pal


>needing paint
Easier to just edit the page in any modern browser and then screencap it.

Expansion packs are not the same thing as microtransactions you fucking retarded millenial.

Member when Pepe wasn't the mascot for the alt-right?

What does that one say after "'member feeling safe?" It's no something, but I can't quite make it out.

remember when politics weren't arbitrarily shoehorned into every post?

You're a millenial too, faggot.

Quit using boomer meme words.

i haven't watched south park since 2006
>SP still airing and STILL this artstyle

"Member no ISIS?"

member when we used to do this

Ohhhh thank you.

The CGI of this scene is really creepy

Might have been intentional.

member when Alex Jones wasn't right

member when Trump became eternal god emperor

are you feeling it now mr krabs?

That doesn't change the fact that you're an underage fucking retard for not knowing the difference between expansion packs and microtransactions.

>Nintendo in top form showing all their A games
>Sony giving the ps3 the comeback of a lifetime
>MS delivering one of the cringiest shows ever
>Developers actually showing loads of games
this was the last hype E3
the only that sort of came close was Sony E3 2015

pepperidge farm remembers

member no ISIS

Episode plot is old times (80s-90s) are better (everybody know Chewbacca, ISIS dont exis; Trump dont is President of USA)

Member when there weren't so many redditors?

hi gerardo

shitty tutorials / gameplay footage made in windows movie maker > let's players / vloggers

I hate google for destroying youtube.

member when South Park was good?

this, tbqf (to be quite frank)

member expansion packs

Member when people didn't even mention reddit a million times every day in every thread?

>South Park is 17 years old
>Family Guy is 18 years old
>The Simpson is 28 years old
>Adventure Time is 8 years old
>Dragon Ball is 29 years old
>Challenger was destroyed 30-years-ago
>9-11 was 15 years-ago

member when it was allowed to talk about cute orc girls

Hellooo reddit.


' member card crusher?

Member when your stayed in gaia where you belonged?

yeah I member

instead it was gaia

I member when South Park was about boys talking about vaginas and penis, and paying hookers

Member when coin op arcade producers made incredibly broken games in order for customers to spend more quarters?

You're getting old.
Man I can't believe I been on this place for 7 years.

Anyone remember the Nintendo three house threads on Cred Forums a couple of years ago.

Those where one of the best times to browse Cred Forums during e3

Member Half Life?

His prime was when he was simply called sadfrog.jpg
When everyone started calling him pepe instead it ruined his connotation imo

Member meatspin ?

Ooh, ooh, member Tubgirl?

>His prime was when he was simply called sadfrog.jpg
He was already long dead by that point.


Member when reddit didn't get so triggered for being called out?

Member when user didn't assume it was reddit everytime somebody said something they didn't like?

I remember! Then it turns out it was a redditor all along. I remember that too

Member when we talked about video games?

I 'member. I miss the old days. Back then if you did dumb shit you got called a retard and some people would play along with you and other would leave now it's just calling everything you don't like reddit, tumblr, or sjw. I hate this place now.

Cred Forums never talked about video games now. If talk about anything you get called a shill. So there is no point into talking about anything here.

>now that it's popular, I hate it!
Kektastic fellow memester. Now you'll try to pretend "Cred Forums never liked rick and morty"

>If talk about anything you get called a shill.
But you can ignore shitposting faggots.

Stop namefagging. If you want to post retarded shit under a username, there's already a site just for you!

>not knowing meatspin
I'm getting old.

I thought she was a FE character at one point

Numa Numa was 12 years ago, Two Girls 1 Cup was 9 years ago, Duck Hunt was 32 years ago.

Member when most games didn't have multiplayer?

>Moot was 2 years ago

They're the cure

I member!

You could even find stray sound files for awhile by noticing a picture uses more memory than it should.

Pretty sure south park is 19 years old.

Its the one I like, thanks

First episode was a letdown, only good bit was the end.


>hating on the show that took on bin Laden less than a week after 9/11
It's only gone up in quality. But uou wouldn't know the meaning of up, only of Down's.

Holy fuck, most people on this board don't 'member 9/11. Where does the time go.


Member when Cred Forums wasn't full of SJW cancer?

Member King of the Hill Online vanilla before they nerfed pocket sand?

Member when companies were making games to please their audience and not games to please feminazi that don't buy games?

Member when you unlocked content by actually playing the game instead of buying them with real money?

Member when Konami was making awesome games and not smartphone garbage and panchikos?

I member...

aw shit i forgot about SP last night
when the fuck does it even get replayed, usually it gets replayed at least once later on in the week

'Member when SJW was not a thing?

Member when Tweek and Craig were still a thing on South Park?

Member when it was just conservatives, Christians and soccer moms trying to ban violence and sexy stuff from games?

Member in the 90's and early 00's when we were winning and developers didn't cave in to them and actually pushed the limits?

It was always a thing. It's just now it has a different name and a bigger stupider fanbase because people don't understand the original purpose of feminism.

It gets replayed right before it comes on. But you can just go to kisscartoon and watch it there or on Cred Forums I know they have a mega to download it.

I member it and miss it.
Yes it was a thing but we did not talk about it here. Now theses days you see it in almost every thread.

>thinking they are not going to play a huge role after what happen yesterday.

Still companies were ignoring them and they were making games that would please their audience. Now they try to be as political correct as possible so they won't offend SJWs that claim they are gamers.

I know, I know but its just rather misleading given they haven't had any air time.

But now they're the only couple left. More proof that boy love is the greatest and purest form of love.

Still it was only non-gamers that whined about games being offensive. Now you hear even gamers whining about games being offensive.

But that's wrong. And you know it. These normies don't care about video games.

>tfw all the boys get together to just chill out and forget all about the girls.
It's going to be good.

By normies you mean non-gamers or gamers that whine about offensive material?

But when we try to have boys clubs feminists shit all over it.

>tfw they all become red pilled mgtow
>boy love reigns supreme
>roastie whore's get upset
>full scale war

>letting bitches stopping you from having fun.


>sadfrog appears before feelsgoodman chronologically


Use of the word reddit in this thread: Ten
Poor form


'Member when if you disagreed with someone you didn't get called reddit?

Member when companies were focused at making good games and not at pushing their political agendas?

I miss old pepe but I also like new pepe.