Its not that bad

>Its not that bad
>Reddit is a bunch of trolls lol


Other urls found in this thread:


glad i didnt buy this shit, i would be so mad

you did good user, it's not even worth pirate

the game has currently 1% of its initial player base

yeah i actually had no will to even play the game after i started watching leaked gameplay

I love watching triple AAA games shit the bed.
Battleborn and No Man's Sky made this a great year for shitposting.

>no mans sky
>AAA title

you do know its just an indie game with an expensive price tag, right?

What part of it is indie though? It has an expensive price tag, a big publisher and massive amounts of advertising.

The only indie part about it is that it's made by a small, inexperienced team using fucking Unity horribly.

>Reddit as a source
Now This is Journalism

It's a pretty good point though, whenever people want to shit on any recent release they point how how quickly the number of players dropped, when that's actually just how things go.

Didn't this game stop being relevant a week after launch?

That's basically what the article says

It's actually not that bad, I'm having fun. Glad I don't have to run into any places named by all you people.

Leave it to that Andy guy to submit pure AIDS in article form.

>What part of it is indie though?
The quality. Subnautica is literally better than this game.

>massive amounts of advertising

Literally where? I saw two trailers over the past 3 years, there were maybe a couple interviews.

Never saw a single ad or commercial.

yep those threads were so much fun
especially No Man´s Sky with all the nu-males desperately trying to protect this turd

They had a trailer for each of the 4 'pillars' of their game in addition to all of the E3 trailers and ads on every major gaming website leading up to release. I don't know about TV commercials since that's not a thing here in my country.

>reddit hates NMS
shouldn't Cred Forums love it then?

>I had more fun shitting on bad games this year than playing good games

Do "gamers" have stockholm syndrome? I can't think of any other group of people that would be this desperate to defend someone that just fucked them with a rusty stake

it's not fun when nobody's playing it

sad but true

Maybe 4-5 years ago.
Now Cred Forums is reddit.

reddit also hates Trump, doesn't mean that any sane person on Cred Forums would vote for him just to spite reddit.

I'm gonna do it.


What's astounding is how staunchly they refused to believe us.

We fucking told them! For years! We knew this game would suck, we saw the writing on the wall. We tried to warn them, out of the kindness of our hearts, and they got defensive and called us trolls.

Fuck anyone who bought NMS on day one and got disappointed. We fucking tried to warn you.

>but Sean lied! It's not my fault I got tricked!
You should have been able to see through it. We all did.

Actually they wrote their own engine. They didn't use Unity.

fuck you guys
this game is fucking amazing
im still playing it, so much to fucking do

Cred Forums would disagree with you entirely


>reddit also hates Trump,
The politics section is nothing but pro-Trump constantly.

They sure haven't made it very hard this year.

what are you talking about? the trump faction of reddit is even more autistically devoted than Cred Forums

2016 Cred Forums is 99% redditors.

This isn't even journalism.

This is literally a fucking opinion on some Reddit posts. How fucking pathetic can you get.

>It's not that bad!
>I don't want that feature anyway!

>Actually they wrote their own engine.
Sure, Sean.

Well, it really isn't that bad.
Just awfully overpriced and overhyped. It would be completely fine, and maybe even Cred Forums's flavour of the month game, if it just had popped up on Steam one day for 5 bucks.

Nah don't worry Sean everytime they post a thread about your game I've been distracting them with USA politics. These morons fall for it every time. I could just post trump and derail their toxic hate crusade

Hmu later about next week

This game has pretty much become the go-to thing to hate in gaming.

Gamers are very hate filled people- always wanting things to fail, always wanting to get mad at some company, always wanting to spread the "outrage" about things. And it's honestly draining my enjoyment for gaming as a whole.

Nobody is allowed to get excited, and everyone should be getting outraged

Wait what is that?

Well, yeah. Subnautica is a great game if you are into base building and diving in the pitch black open sea in the middle of the night.

How do you delete a Cred Forums post on mobile browser???

Gamers are angry because gaming has gone to shit 10 years ago and hasn't recovered since.

5 bucks wouldn't excuse

>The completely shit "storyline"
>the terrible controls
>The fact that mining is one of the worst things in the game and you need to do it constantly
>The lack of actual exploration
>The ass ugly graphics
>All the missing features and content

And it would especially not excuse the outright lies.

The_Donald has been on the front page every single day for months now.

It literally WILL excuse (and "excuse" is the perfect word here) everything you greentexted for no reason like a newfag Cred Forumstard.
The game is somewhat playable, and if it had been anonymous and sold for a low indie price all of its flaws would've been excused by simply saying "well, what did you expect for 5$?"

Yeah, we.

Why do you guys think beardy Mcnoshoes has gone on media blackout since a week after launch? Even the sony president threw the guy under the bus and said he expected more from the game.

>newvfag Cred Forumstard

Lurk or get the fuck out you piece of shit

le epik XD
sure showed me

The comments by Ian Copper are fucking golden. Repetition is good guys, the game is good and anyone who says otherwise has no argument hur dur.

If I was a murican, I'd do it to spite tumblr.

You know that mathematical equation that seashells use to make their shape?

A biologist in Germany or somewhere essentially discovered an equation for deciding shapes in all naturally occurring geology and plant life, a superformula that will randomize shapes and sizes in ways that recreate natural occurring flora almost perfectly.

The first interview about NMS, Sean said they were having trouble finding a way to procedurally generate so much and make it look believable and natural, until "we found this superformula by this guy, and when we plugged it in, it just started working! It was perfect!"
The next year, the guy who discovered it, and has a patent on it, spoke up saying "Hey, uh, yeah don't do that."
To which Sean's response on twitter was "We never used this "superformula" or even heard of it, this is a non-issue"

Last I heard it's currently a legal battle over blatant patent theft.

For AAA gaming I'd agree, although it's somewhat subjective. But the rise of indie gaming has been a huge step forward. Steam in particular has allowed so many great games to exist that wouldn't had they have been bound down by publishers. The main issue is curation.

>pirated it just to see how bad it was
>first hour or so it wasn't that bad. was like "why was everyone shitting on this. it wouldn't be bad for $10"
>enjoy learning words and seeing what will come of getting in good with the aliens
>get bored and leave for new solar system
>land on first planet I come to
>exact same shit
>i've learned like 50 words and have a close relationship with aliens but it does nothing
>no, you don't get it. it's the EXACT same shit. same plants, same animals just color swapped.

I wouldn't pay $10 for it honestly.

Not to defend Sean but can he really sue over that? I mean it's one thing to create mathematical model for biology but it's another to apply it to a video game. Carmack built his entire career off of applying other people's shit to video games. It's like the guy who invented the lightbulb suing the guy who invented the flashlight.

>does this trigger you Cred Forumsirgins

If it was patented, then yes. Especially since Sean explicitly and publicly says that they aren't using that formula.

Why would people get triggered by a retard hitting himself in the face? If anything they feel sorry for him.

No. Why would it? I hope you enjoyed the time you spent playing that video game. Many people here hated the game, but if you got enjoyment out of it then that's great.

What game is this?

you are a kind soul, too pure for Cred Forums

Fuck you I afked in the game for half a week just to troll you guys, so rage at me

Good legal counseling. He has absolutely nothing to gain by attempting to address the public.

Hours of entertainment for you and your wife's son.


I agree with that guy. Why would wish hate upon your fellow man. Jesus taught us not to do that.

Nigel is a cunt and so are you. Burn in hell xenophobe.

I've only been here for 4 years, but in that time it was enough for all the anger and hatred to get old. It's a lot more fun being positive and nice to people.

I wouldn't mind a barren content-less game like NMS, sometimes it's nice to have a game you can play while half-watching a shitty movie or listening to a podcast.

But I expect the game to at least be playable.


You mean he's making the best of the worst situation. He says something and people hate him for saying something, he doesn't say something and people hate him more and more for not saying something. He's fucked in the public eye either way.

Unless you're not addressing his public perception.

>doesn't mean that any sane person on Cred Forums would vote for him just to spite reddit

I would do a lot of things just to spite reddit.

Reddit is right-wing. the_donald constantly dominates the front page.


How many of you actually got pozzed by this?

Post the video!

you have no idea what an engine is

Not him but here you go.

topkek still buttblasted at Brexit. Stay salty friend


oh my god

>Sean Murray didn't do anything wrong, it was those delusional mmo fans!

Whatever I am Scottish so you guys are foreigners to us. I hope you hate us enough so you don't come here. Only the sound English gadgets come here.

>it's on PlayStation so it must be published by Sony
>being literally retarded

Inb4 goalposts moved to a different continent


Is there a better feeling than people getting upset at you because they think your kindness is some form of insult?

>buttblasted Willie mad that EU can't accept him now that UK fucked off

Why? Couldn't they just apply on their own?

>idled in a game to le epic trole Cred Forums
>can't get a refund now
You're beyond retarded

If I can recall they originally weren't accepting that once Brexit kicks in. That was back in June though.

That seems odd. I mean, once they secede they are their own country and shouldn't be held to the standards set by the UK right?

>Denmark- is fatphobic
>lego is hard for fat children to play with

>reddit goes to Cred Forums
>Cred Forums breaks them


what, do they eat the bricks?

>88 vs 71 % dropoff rates between nms and tw3.

>25% difference

>not statistically significant

That author must be on /Sci a lot.

>"It wasn’t a great PR strategy, because he didn’t have a PR person helping him, and in the end he is an indie developer," said Yoshida.


And as we know, because (you) didn't see it, means it never happened or existed.

less than a thousand people playing it, why talk about it still? who cares at this point, it sucked

ha ha, you must be a huge loser

Using reverse psychology, I see. Take your shilling for Hillary somewhere else, marxist.

What the fuck is with games in 2016 either they are lack luster, garbage or overhyped just look at no man's sky and pokemon go. people defended these games to the death and now look where they are

Nothing in NMS looks natural, so either they couldn't have been using that superformula, or that superformula actually doesn't do what you said it does. Hint, it doesn't, it was just a geography generating algorithm and it isn't even that good as all it generates is perlin noise.

Where have you been for the last 10 years or so?

Holy fuck reddit stop posting about this game nobody cares.

I don't know user time moves so fast