Why do so many video games add dog companions nowadays, and why is it always a German Shepherd?

Why do so many video games add dog companions nowadays, and why is it always a German Shepherd?

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Dogs are the best pet and German Shepherds are the best dog.

give me one example besides fallout you neet faggot

In MGS5 you had a wolf as a companion.

Wolves are much better companions any day of the week.

Because dogs are bros.

>German Shepherds are the best dog.

Not mine, he's a neurotic mess of a dog.

>Exposing dogs to danger by being your companions

>not knowing that it's a dog's greatest honor to die in service to you

Fable 2

Because most armies and cop forces use german shepherds, so it's the standard battledog for vidya.

Because GSDs are fucking GOAT

It is easy to make a person care when it's a dog companion. Plus, you don't need to program so complex AI nor spend as much on voice work. If the dog is barking at the wrong time or running off in a bad direction, players will blame it on them being a dog, not on them having idiot AI.

This was the whole gimmick behind Call of Duty: Ghosts.

They are top doggo

Because doggos are loyal and cute! And people like those qualities

Nice pup

D-dog is a dog though.

Wolves are just wild doggos

and the first reply is the best reply

And what's the deal with Japan and those weird cat companions things?

Was he a rescue? German Shepherds really need to be worked, most go nuts without a job to do.

Prove it!

>why does man's best friend appear in video games?

This question is so stupid, a dog would turn its head at it over and over again while believing you were the most magical being that exists in this beautiful world.

He barks

>wolves don't bark

So, what's everyone's favorite doggo breed? I think Daschunds are really cute

Collies are some of the nicest I've met.

Sex appeal


Wife has a mini-dasch and I'd like to punt that muther fucker across the house. Dobie all the way.

Jack Russell terriers
German Shepard
Golden Retriever
Irish setter

Because they're the generic "cool" looking dog alongside huskies.

Nobody wants a weiner.



German shepherds are awesome but holy fuck are they high maintenance.

Golden retrievers are so chill and friendly I've never met one I didn't love.

Beagles are maximum cute.

Historically, being a dog was a dangerous occupation. We spoil them rotten nowadays, but our bond with them was formed for mutual survival. If the dog died there was a good chance the man would die too without the dog's help, but if the man died it's possible that the dog would die. Dogs are pack animals and they don't do well by themselves.

Pyrenees? I like rhodesian

German shepherds.
>tfw once our family dog dies, my parents won't get another german shepherd
>my apartment is too small for a German shepherd so when I get my own dog, it'll have to be some smaller breed
I'd never own another kind of dog if having a German shepherd was practical.

Why GS have some many defective genes? i think all of them have the hip problem that needs surgery, and if they have bad luck they get a disease that literally makes them paraplegic.

Fuck the breeders.

Not always.

Inbreeding for generations to meet some autistic ideal.

Leave it to the Germans to halfass eugenics twice

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
Miniature Schnauzers
English Sheep Dogs
Airedale Terriers
German Shepherds

I miss my wheaties

>tfw when your best friend recently died
>pic related

Not all of them have those issues. Our current German shepherd was from a breeder who bred them for actual work and sold the unsuitable ones as family pets. Ours was too kind so she wasn't suitable for police work or whatever, but physically she's still in amazing condition at almost 11 years of age. Our first one had absolutely fucked up hips though.

That sucks user, that's a good-lookin doggo

Sorry for you loss user, I lost mine last October.
He got to live to be nearly 15 but man I miss him a lot.

I know that feel bro, I still miss him.

Spaniels a best

Doge meme aside i'd love to get a shiba inu

daily reminder that the dog in Road Warrior died
daily reminder that Dogmeat in Fallout 1 died

Sorry for your lose


Sorry for your loss, user.

I lost my dog in October too (the first). He was going to be 10. Nicest dog I've ever had. At our old place, he would sit on top of his dog house, so we would call him snoopy sometimes.

They're good dogs, the memes really hurt their image.

Shibas can be a bit hard to train for first time owners but go ahead if you have experience with dogs. Spend the money on the training, it helps a lot.


Man I miss just hanging out on my couch with my dogs


they dont

how so for training? i've had 3 dogs over my life but they've all been small dogs like yorkes and mostly never did shit but spoil them, though i'm thinking having a dog would help me go run more

Is this a shibe thread now?

Shibas sometimes like to play deaf and go off and do their own thing, which can make them harder to keep under control. Best to just read up about them if you want details there's plenty of resources.

Kennel club standards promotes inbreeding for shitty traits. They value the super sloped back as the breed ideal, which puts shitloads of stress on the hip joints. It looks unnatural as hell. All the inbreeding for trait selection reduces genetic diversity too so they all have higher likelihoods of other conditions as well.


>hating dachshunds

Muh Nigga!

Heres my dachshund Lucy.

>tfw no mini schnauzer to cuddle



Samoyeds are lovable and affectionate as hell. Truly the most huggable doggos.
Good luck wearing black or any other dark colors, all that shed fur...

>easy to train
>has a disdain towards a certain ethnic group

Rottweiler (If you actually know how to train dogs)
Saarloos Wolfhound (Fuck czechoslovakian wolfhound)
Border Collie
Malinois (If you're good at education)

Is that last one true? Used to have a certain ethnic family as a neighbor and my dog would always back at them. They were very nice.


It's pretty common for a lot of dogs. If all they ever see are white people they naturally distrust those that are different looking.

Shar Pei, those wrinkly doggers are cute.

>not having him place his paw so it says "dragon's dog"

smdh tbqh pham

Mine started to have serious back problems when he reached 12 years old. He also had hip problems but took it like a champ, couldn't fix that problem with surgery because he was like 9 years old at the time.

Slovakian chuvach aaaaall the way.

>mfw my Golden Retriever died 6 months ago, after spending 14 years together

Time to hit the bottle again

I'm really sorry to hear about that, user. Give it some time and then start looking for a new dog when you're ready. Every time a pet dies it leaves a hole in your heart, and the only thing that can fill it up again is another pet.

People like dogs and german shepards are the most dog dogs there are.

What's the best single player game to play that has a dog companion in it on PC

best friend is a dog? lmao

You can have a dog and a human as your best friend ya dick

nigga, dogs are fucking amazing companions. I have a human best friend, but my dog is also my best friend because fuck you, I don't have to choose favorites.

>never heard the term man's best friend
>doesn't understand the unconditional love a dog gives

And only dragon age origins did it right, on fallout you're given frail meatshields (sans NV but who's gonna use robodoggo when based boone rapes the game?), meanwhile your mabari disarms niggas with his howl and is more than capable of soloing every single enemy in the game.

Fuck japan and their obssesion with felines, where are my qt and loyal dog girl companions?

IMO the only bioware game that doesn't suck, combat is awkward though, like a gimped ARPG, feels very low budget until you get used to it, but the writing is the game's main selling point.

Husky. I used to see a girl whose parents had 5 huskies and I was more excited about hanging out with mah husky bois than her.

You must be a cat fag

Tried to save a Katahula/Lab cross last week.
Poor fucker is essentially rabid.
Gonna have to get put down since it can't into people

Class of Heroes

don't be silly that's a dwarf

It's a dwarf (dog).

Beagles are cute
it's been 3 years and it still hurts..

Last i recall dogmeat from FO3 was pretty tanky

good taste m8

I would love a dog equivalent to Palicos in monster hunter

I Know that feel man, I can't even look at pit bulls anymore without it.

it was thought of

>chocolate lab dies right before we move to Florida
>neighbor across the street has a chocolate lab himself with the exact same name, only difference is gender
>already asked to watch over her while he works
God does exist

i'd play the fuck out of that holy shit

>tfw you will never live to see the day science has advanced so far it's helped dogs increase their lifespan so they live as long as humans

so long as they stay healthy and active that long, I'd hate to see a dog have 30+ years of just sitting around not doing anything because of age

It's funny because she probably ate it afterwards.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

>game has dogs as enemies
>they always attack in packs and start fleeing once decimated
>tfw I hate dogs now

My nigga

i guess it´s a mary sue thing you need to own a big dog while adventuring in order to appear "perfect"

tl;dr author of the game wanted a dog but didnt get one so the game is about self insert getting a dog. it´s sad really

Should I get a Husky, Malamute, Goldren Retirever or Shiba Inu

>shiba inu
That's a pretty big leap from the other dogs.


Golden Retriever

toby pls

pls i want goat child

toby pls


Because German sheprds are best doges

Best dog is labrador

German Shepard
Akita inu

I really like pitbulls. I have a pitbull, she's asleep on my bed right now.

I hope for you he or she is a rescued dog.
If you bought it from a breeder you are scum and deserve to die

fucking fable 2
fucking peter molyneux
"This game is revolutionary... it'll make you feel things you've never felt before... because there's a dog ! and it's your dog!"

Cutest doggo

There usually not the smartest of the dogs, it's hard to train them, also tend to be aggressive. Don't do it unless you have some experience with dogs.

If you don't value your time, you can try to argue that.

If you do value your time then fish, cats, iguanas, turtles and even sloths are bettern animals.

Also, objectively speaking, humans are the best pets.

What's the point of a dog that can't protect its master? Small dog people need to be eliminated with their small dogs.

Humans are the only good pets if you're rich, otherwise a dog is much cheaper, I guess fish are even cheaper than that, but who wants a fucking fish.

dogfags can't understand simple concept... no wonder you think dogs are "smart"

You can't make arian white male nowadays because of diversity politics, so they are trying to compensate for that with arian dogs. You should be happy coz in future there will be only transgender poodles.

Fuck off Huey

My white GSD is bro-tier. I've never known a more loyal and intelligent breed of dog, and will probably never raise anything else. Also, it's great when qts at the dog park think he's some kind of arctic wolf.

Because it's Mr. Hitlers favourite breed.

Dogmeat can never die. He's more like a spirit animal than anything

There must always be a Dogmeat.

You Cred Forums fags really know how to make any thread about ze jews. Shut the fuck up and post dogs, you aspie cunt.

I love dogs. Personally think it's gay as shit when devs shoehorn them into games.

Ghosts was probably one of the gayest things I've ever seen.

Dogmeat gets tanky as fuck in 4 as well, nowhere near as much of an HP wall as 3's dogmeat though

Fucker tanked a Behemoth and an Overlord once, at the same time

Yeah but in 3 he did actually die when his HP reached zero though

Yeah, but it's either shoehorning a dog into the game, or shoehorning some shitty sidekick that repeats the same lines every 45 seconds (looking at you Piper, you twat). If I've gotta have some needless NPC following me around, I'll take the dog every time.


I only visited Cred Forums once and got banned because I was making fun of them.

That's why you got the Puppies! perk to get infinite replacements.

After I got a mod for dog armor though he never came close to dying ever again with that added DR, with the armor he hits the DR cap

They do. You're thinking of dingos.

>German Shephard
>Best dog
Pic related is the best dog if you want anactual companion and not a mindless working drone.

That's super shitty, man. My sister has a full Katahula, they're the goofiest most playful dogs. Crossed with a lab, I bet that fucker would have been one hilarious lovable shit head. On ya for trying, though.

Poodles are actually respectable as fuck animals.
Smart, spry and pretty hardy if you get one from a good line. The goofy fur makes them great at handling water and mud.

I'd play a game with a standard poodle companion.

That J-horror(if you can call it that) game Haunting Ground(?) you basically kick everyone's ass with a white German Shepard. Huey. Good dog.

Yeah, the bloke who owned it before kept the poor shit in a box from a pup to around a year 1/2 old.

>tfw you've only loved one dog and he passed away in his sleep when you were 8

Aussie Cattle dogs are objectively goat. I want another one but I can't have pets where I live. Plus, I don't live on a ranch anymore so I can't work it.

>Ignoring best vidya dog.

Every time I hear my dog snoring, it makes me sleepy. If my gf snores, I'm up all night. But dog snores are like fucking nyquil.

I think this might have something to do with our pre-civilization bond. When the watchdog is relaxed enough to sleep, the area is probably safe enough for the tribe to sleep.

Because German Shepherds are the best!

Fuck you, OP. Reminds me of my boy I had to put down two months ago. Feels fucking bad.

I dunno, maybe it's just shitty owners, but I never saw smart poodle. Those fuckers are always stupid and super noisy. Luckily, most of them tend to get killed by cars in a few years.

rate my doggo
16 years, 2 months old

>most devs are sjw feminist girls now who want to get fucked by big dogs
consider the following


Poodles get treated like a big lapdog and not taught how to do dog shit like a proper dog.

Flat Coated Retriever. Very smart, easy to train and pleasant to the touch.

Have you ever pet one? They fur is so prickly. Made for killing. Has many many genetic defects. I have never met one with a good attitude. Very mean to other dogs and people, even with acclimation.

In FO3 he's nearly invincible after Broken Steel is installed.Don't need no other companions.

They're high maintenance and need stimulation and exercise or they grow up retarded, and they need good socialization or they get neurotic. People see them on tv and get them because they're fancy and then leave them home alone all day while they're at work.

They're actually generally considered the second smartest breed after Border Collies.

Why come even in dog world, Germans are the mustard race?

That's a pretty interesting observation user. It really makes sense.

Cred Forums, why do doggos have to die?

Love them, great for hugging

because they are carbon based

I'd rather see new characters than rehashes of a dog that canonically died a horribly death a hundred years prior. Rex was great, K-9 was great. Why bring back Dogmeat again and again?

Rate my doge


What a rotten cunt. I can look past a lot of fucked up shit, but I've always considered dog abusers to be some of the most irredeemable garbage on earth. A law recently passed in my area where if you're that particular flavor of human waste, you go on a registry like a sex offender and can never own another dog. It took a husky getting battery acid thrown in its face by its owner to get the ball rolling, but at least it passed.

Because they love you so much, and can protect you better in death.


10 weeks old, she sleeps a lot

old pupper. He looks content. cute

German shephards are stadistically the most loyal and useful doggo out there.

Because Bethesda made him memetic, yes it's dumb. That said Australian Cattle Dogs need more love in vidya. I was mad when I found out he was a German Shepherd in 4.

The same reason you partner with Jones Soda to sell Limited Edition Nuka Cola Quantum (tm) (c) exclusively in Target (r).

>go to ehatever awaits you beyond death
>the second you get there you get literally dogpiled by every dog you've ever had by your side


fugg, it's been one year and two weeks since I had to put my doggo to rest. RIP my doggo ;_;

My one passed away last year and a month ago.

I fckn love old dogs. They're always the most eager to get/give affection, and are equally happy if that means an entire afternoon outside together or just a five second scratch on the head.

9/10 looks like a little terror, get the shoe away from him, he is sleeping, do not let him smell the stink

I wish this was a thing. Why isn't this the basis for an actual religion yet?

I'd give you a 9/10, but I'm docking 5 points for allowing a pair of Crocs in the house.


caucasian shepherd

Everytime I think about getting a cat because how chill it would be to have a cat sitting on my keyboard I remember my youth and my doggo, and how awesome he was. Good time were had, doggos are truly the best

Is it Linda Sweet?

I had both as a kid. They were best friends. My cat didn't eat for three days after my dog passed away

Happiness is an igloo stuffed with dopey Bassets.

Go with a dog every time. Cats are incapable of actual respect. They might be able to love, but not respect.

see this, feel good and fuzzy inside and realize that
>there are literally people who hate pets

for what purpose? Why would anyone hate pets?

My cat took my doggo's death hard too. She slept in her dog bed for like a week and just wasn't as lively as she usually was. She kept looking outside into the yard because before they would both spend hours exploring it together almost every day. Just ate me up inside that I couldn't cheer her up.

People who grow up hardened and are emotionally wrecked. Like my dad, he had to eat his dog in the Yugoslav wars. He never interacted with our pets.

most cats are borderline sociopaths mang.
t. cat owner

i didn't want to feel ITT, damn it

German shepherds arent mindless working drones. If you'd ever had one, you'd know what amazing pets they are. A German shepherd that's been raised as a pet wants to please its owner, but still has a will of its own and can absolutely be stubborn when it wants to. They dont obey because of some dronish compulsion but because they simply want to please and like to do things with their owner/family. Thats why I loved both of my German shepherds so much: they're not too bright, but still smart enough to have some character and they're amazingly loyal.

No need to talk shit about perfectly good dogs.

Bassets are fucking amazing. Stubborn as fuck, and raising one is hard as balls because 90% of the time they'd rather do whatever the hell they please instead of following orders. But they are dopey funny bastards.

I can never get a German Shepard to like me because they always bark at me. I have no problems with other dogs though.

And the adorableness of it would make anyone realize why dogs are so popular and common in media.

I've always wanted to get a husky.

Are they good bros?

Huskies. They're beautiful and cute. They love everyone. Their fur is very pettable and makes them seem like big, living stuffed animals.

That dog looks very proud of themselves for being able to squeeze in there.

They probably smell you're a Jew



Can dogs detect evil intentions?

Yes, although they want to be bros with everyone, not just you. They're not the kind of dog that bonds closely to one or two people and doesn't care to interact with others.

I don't know, but they might have other psychic abilities:

Tatra, its basically a bigger and fluffier Golden retriever.

would ride into battle/10

This is a trivially easy question.

1) Doggos are awesome and extremely popular

2) Lots of concievable scenarios where a dog is useful

3) German shepherds are easily justified in most of those scenarios and have no broad anti-base (compared to pitbulls, rottweilers, wolfhounds etc. - similarly "tough" dogs but are too negative to be appealing)


Unfortunately cattle dog will never be as memetic as kraut dog.

Because the Shepherd is one of the few cute dogs that can also fuck someone up. I like Rott's but I think a Shepherd just appeals to the most people.

A German shepherd barking at you doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't like you. As an outsider, you don't really get to see just how amazing they are though. They treat family members very differently even from guests they like. They're just unbelievably sweet to people who have participated in raising them from an early age.

Wolves Awoo

>why is it always a German Shepherd?
Because chihuahua doesn't look threatening or useful enough.

Its a wolfdog!


Border Collie is the best breed, objective truth simply cause they're the smartest
If you're purposely looking for a dumb dog then you're a fucking idiot

No one else comes close

You would not believe how much personality a turtle can have until you get one. And if you are lucky they live a good long time too.
So you can cry like a bitch for days when after 20 years they just suddenly drop dead. ;_;

Agree, I know this sheep hoarder who has one. Listens better than any dog I have ever seen. Also there was one at the sports club and loved playing soccer with us. They have so much energy but are not annoying cunts just because they have so much energy.

Never met one, no. I assumed they were pretty lazy and friendly (what I've read online on Shar Pei's). But I guess if you don't train or raise them right they can cause trouble. Like any dog, to be honest.

Used to have an australian sheppard, they are generally friendly and active. But he got hit on the head by one of my horses and he hasn't been the same ever since. He became very aggressive towards other people and dogs.

I like dem ugly doggos

I got one of theese, smartest most loyal and comfy dog I've ever seen in my life.
In short: BEST DOG

It isn't tho

My grandma has always had at least one as long as I can remember. My parents have one. My godmother has one.

Overall I rate 8.5/10. Not the BEST doggo but pretty damn smart, cute and fun.


Why are pugs so based?
>Lil old men looking doggos
>Snorts and shit to make me laugh
> Sleeps next to me all the time
>Always having a good time


best dog is golden retriever

Yeah right, you just don't know, cuz you havn't had one



>I need to possess all breeds in order to know what they're like

Grow up kid



assdrager propaganda


I bet you think Pitbulls are bad dogs

>have to take on old dog because family members too retarded to look after it
>dog is cute and all, but dumb and untrained
>too old to listen or care, basically exists as eye candy

Pic related isn't her but just slap some grey eyebrows and grey around the muzzle and it's pretty spot on.

I hate people that buy luxury dogs but don't have the drive to look after them.

>dog only turned 1 this summer
>years and years of fun together ahead

Feels good

doggo and hopper

>dog can't scare off lions

Other breeds are you even TRYING?

shoob for best doggo boop the snoot

You can't try to scare off a species that doesn't exist in non-shithole countries m8


> google search that ass
> end up losing 10 minutes

Any time a woman I've known gets any kind of shepherd or working class dog (unless they've grown up around dogs like it) it seems pretty much guaranteed that they just got it because "IT'S SO CUTE" and are woefully uninformed and unprepared to deal with the large amount of WILIN that those dogs contain.

Because they're easier to animate and import into SMF

Her library vids are the best



Laika masterrace. smarter than the average Joe

Are there games with Shiba

I bet you don't think at all


>he doesn't gurren lagann combine his dogs for battle


Commandos 2 had the chillest one around, bullterrier called Whiskey. Was a helpful addition to the team.

forgot pic

I wish my dog would stop looking away from the camera when I try to take a picture of her.

i had a dog that was a border collie mix and i think (cant be sure) that the other half was sheltie.
she was smart, dangerously smart. the backyard prison escape was her favorite game.

They're said to be pretty smart.
Mine was pure sheltie, and she was pretty damn clever. Her only weakness was the cat, who'd always ambush her when she went outside.

Shitty webm related. They're energetic all the time.

What a cutie. Is that a poodle?


I'd love Husky-bro

Getting one as soon as I get my shit together

Silent Hill 2

Read the filename. Pretty similar to poodles though.

Can't. I'm on phone.

ya gotta have dog companions in video games because autistic kids need them otherwise they'll explode

i seen it, man. i seen a 12 y.o. sperg playing FIFA and there was no dog and the kid just exploded into treats

shit was wild


Why are so many posters faggots nowadays, and why are they always OPs?

He reminds me of my dad.

Good lord, how can such a tiny dog hold so much pee?

>the kid just exploded into treats
Like a pinata?

>husky cucks
if you are not alpha as fuck a husky will own your shit. they also require exercise, that means going outside.

because if it was cats instead, they wouldnt do shit besides shit

why the fuck was this person filming their dog pissing to begin with

no worries bro, I live a very active lifestyle.
crazy husky would fit right in

Thats your fucking fault for being a failure of a owner

Probably to scare off muslims

>still no legit corgi game
Come on now.

Once you get into voyeur videography, it just becomes kind of a force of habit.

Fucking wolfaboo

A-Am I the only one that cried for a few weeks after my doggo died?

>legit thought this was a hotdog with ketchup from the thumbnail

master race reporting in

What the hell, how much does it piss?

Probably. I didn't even know you had a dog.

bulldogs and mix-breeds

Huskys are total Bros, just make sure you don't live somewhere hot and humid (or can afford good ac)

Pic related is mine, total goofball but he's smart and protective

>I'm allergic to dogs
Maybe it's so I feel better? To give an experience I know I can only have followed by pain and suffering normally?

Makes me feel better about my own small penis.


>tfw you start baby-talking your turtle now that you have no dog around
Feels weird man

It's actually a pity because the family member I took her from (step sister) basically got a friend/roomie the year after who was all about dogs and dog care and owned three of the things.

If only she'd met her sooner maybe she'd have had some sense knocked into her.

Still saddled with this arthritic shepherd until she inevitably kicks the bucket.

>70 seconds of straight pissing

>Live with my parents while I'm studying at Uni
>Get a job offer half way across the country and take a placement year out to move over and work there for a year
>Have to go months at a time without seeing my family dogs

My job is awesome but fuck me I'm looking forward to moving back in and taking these two for walks again

I hope this dog isnt fixed.
He MUST pass on his superior pissing genes

Best companion is corgo in enter the gungeon

I miss my wheaten terriers, probably the most loving and energetic pups on the planet (even though they aren't the easiest to train).

Sort of semi related to this thread but in my experience I have found that the highest concentration of Zoophiles within the furry fandom have German Shepherd Fursonas.

What's Cred Forums favourite dog breed?


why does it remind me of dustin hoffman?

>Always having a good time
>Trouble breathing due to the deformed snout
>You just laugh at his labored grunts and snorts

The shut the fuck up about Cred Forums, you clinically obsessed freak Spaniel.

That's a pretty awesome doggo user.

I've really taken a liking to long-haired doxies recently after meeting the friendliest dog I've ever met, which was a long-haired doxie.

Just get a corgi shepherd mix.

>being this retarded
We get it, you're autistic

>If the dog died there was a good chance the man would die too without the dog's help
Top fucking kek
It's incredible how delusional you retards are. Yeah dem rodents were sure fucking dangerous. Or are you going toa rgue that we tamed them for combat of any sort? :^)

That's not the kind of dog you eat. Meat dogs in China are honestly not like pet dogs at all. They're way less smart, shorthair and more muscle.


Is Link a doggo?

>tfw my shepherd is dying

All pugs do this.
>superior genes
Fucking neck yourself. You are the cancer.

>Have a German Shepherd
>Mother always has a new and completely hobby every month and has done so since
>this month it is an outdoor hobby
>she want me to seriously get rid of the Dog I have had since I was 14 just because she decided to set up her garden in the part of the yard that he always hangs out with and he is interfering with it because he ain't giving up his favourite hangout spot in the entire yard

This is literally what a want, a corgi and a decent sized lop eared rabbit.

This is your problem you pathetic faggot. It's your mothers house, move out already and take your dog with you and stop being a pathetic leech.

Shepherds are baller dogs, here are mine and I love em

Nigga where I am it is practically impossible to get a place if you have a dog because nearly all people are strict as fuck about no pets period even when I have tried listing him as being a guard dog.
plus they all the cheap ones have tiny as fuck yards that are complete aids for dogs larger than a cat.
I have been slowly saving up to actually buy my own place but that has been going slow because even shit houses are expensive as fuck

Where the fuck do you live? I can get a 4 bedroom, two storey detached house in the glorious countryside here for ~€300,000 infact, I paid 240 for my house and I practically have a field for a garden. My dogs love that shit. Basically, move to Ireland mate, there's no downsides. Unless you hate Ireland and the people that live here obviously

Oh, just to clear it up, I'm not that rude prick that you were originally replying to.

Dat stache on the left one.

>not having a german shepard/husky mix
Best doggo coming through

What's a good dog that looks scary but doesn't demand 24/7 attention and can be kept in an apartment?

Sydney, Australia
shits expensive as fuck and the properties tiny as fuck here most places that I could currently afford only have a yard that is smaller than the fucking bedrooms and keeping a German Shepherd sized dog in a yard that small is basically animal abuse

I feel you man, I lived in the city for work and when my mate died I had to take in his Great Dane and Newfoundland dogs. Luckily I was able to move to the countryside within about 3 months, they sleep in the house and play outside though, I feel like it's cruel to make them sleep outside. I hope you get sorted soon mate.

my cousin has a bichon, they're cute as fuk but the one my cousin owns is fucking crazy. though he's still a year old

Dogs helped with hunting and alerted them to danger. They allowed humans to survive in areas where vegetation was not abundant, like the European tundra as we left the ice age.

Yeah, she's started getting a grey muzzle for a couple of years now

Bichons are crazy in general. Mine's past 10 years old and still sprints around the house.

there is also evidence that our sense of smell has diminished because dogs took care of that aspect for us

>doggo thread
>all these faggy dogs for women
faggots, all of you
bow down to the herrenrasse

Every husky I've known has been an agressive asshole.

That and the rediculous maintenance due to their heavy coat makes me hate the damn things.

Tap the info below the picture.

any other webms?

>small propriety
I'm sorry?

That's a middle aged woman's dog, senpai

does yours get aggressive with bigger dogs?


the problem with modern Australian houses is that the house itself takes up over 95 percent of the space because they are trying to fit as many houses as possible into an area.
The backyards and such are only like a meter to the fence at most if you are lucky

Official doggo rankings.

1. working cocker spaniel
2. labrador
3. springer spaniel
4. siberian husky

Dumbshit yappy dogs or dogs owned by people with tiny dicks need not be mentioned.



Sorry for the late reply. He can be a bit territorial when other dogs are around the house, but for the most part is friendly. Size difference doesn't bother him too much.
No unfortunately.

>Her library vids are the best

Tell me more of these...library vids.

>Jack Russell terriers
My nigga

Link your sorces mate. I never heard or seen any evidence to that at the time where humans were retarded.
They were used for that but not when it mattered. We would surivive just fine without them by the time they were domesticaded and used for that sort of work.