Name a better JRPG party

Name a better JRPG party.

Pro tip: you can't

I get the feeling the president if specced right could wipe out bosses on his own, the loli is clearly the healer

actually the loli is the tank can you guess who the healer is?

I don't like the secretary's shoes

Is it true Zack and Cody can be revived after chapter 6? I hate seeing them turned to stone during that wall crush segment.

>tfw the secret boss fight against Raven


>One will protect you
>The others will try and kill you

Holy shit cloud is a manlet.

>Joins your party after that.

I think he's 5'7''

counter mime barret can assblast everyone else in that picture.

Not much of a contest here, the ff13 crew does 100x the damage of the rest of them, and they have the 3x sentinel formation which drops damage taken to under 1%. Plus Snow is the best monk since Sabin.

>betrays you after

Do you guys like my edit?

I got you beat.

Not to mention Snow has 2 Shivas as a summon

Plus they can suck ten times the number of cocks.

i'm going to molest that boy on the far right and you can't stop me

I actually can't

What ever happened to that show. All I remember was that it was a spin-off or sequel to Raven.