What did he mean? Is Jaina a dreadlord?

*"The boy-king serves at the master's table. Three lies he will offer you."
*"Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator."
*"The king of diamonds has been made a pawn."
*"Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path"
*"Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it."
*"To find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars."
*"The lord of ravens will turn the key."
*"At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming".

Jaina is a miracle of the universe. Sylvanas best girl though.

-Anduin is evil
-Old God's are our true creators
-The Pillars of Creation will open the way for the Legion
-The Titan Azeroth is already corrupted by the old Gods
-One of the old gods is beneath the Night Hold Raid
-Khadgar will fuck something up
-Sylvanas will fuck something else up

is that a pussy?

Looks like a woman with pink hair and red pants leaning inside a tree hollowed out tree and her pants ripped

About khadgar i'm pretty sure he is evil. Many things he does in hfc are strange, he keeps the head of mannoroth for a purpose, he seems to keep the staff of gul'dan after the defeath of archimonde, really look again at the cinematic this is not an feeling of an staff destroyed when you watch it. Cordiana actually said that khadgar isn't our friend and is a lier. Also remember of the torture scene with garona at the tower and all the warth he got.

For me it will become the last antagonist of the expansion.

*"The boy-king serves at the master's table. Three lies he will offer you."
> Anduin is corrupted.
*"Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator."
> Yogg'Saron is our creator. He made Titan constructs into flesh.
*"The king of diamonds has been made a pawn."
> Magni isn't really talking to Azeroth. Maybe it's N'zoth?
*"Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path"
>The Pillars (which Magni asked us to get) might do something much more sinister than we thought.
*"Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it."
>Parallel here between the crater in theramore and Jaina's heart. She is now corrupted by the OGs
*"To find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars."
>Circle of stars is presumably the Nightwell. Who him is we don't quite know. Probably N'zoth.
*"The lord of ravens will turn the key."
>Khadgar is associated with ravens. He'll be the one to use the pillars.
*"At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming".
>Elisande is the her. In the fight she dies twice but turns back time. Her third death grants us the 5th pillar. If you've been listening those pillars are actually going to fuck shit up.

>doesn't use meme arrows for the quotes
I feel old.

Khadgar is reckless not evil. He might be lying to us and might be planning to fuck shit up but only because he thinks it's for the best. Wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to free N'zoth because we need his help to fight back the Legion. Khadgar knows people would never sign on so he lies to us. He figures once the Legions been fought back, N'zoth will have been weakened in the process and we can clean up later.

I copy pasted the quote and on mobile it's a pain to go back and add them. It was easier just to greentext the answers.

Maybe, but for sure it's strange to keep mannoroth's head. We don't know what he will do with that, he could have gave it to warlocks but he doesn't for the moment. And the special warlock's artefact isn't mannoroth's head but the head of the 1st pitlord we have met in the area.

I wonder if Magni will be a raid boss or if he'll just go back to being Dwarf King or die or some shit.

Wait I thought the void lords made the old gods?

You mean the Balance of Power skin?

>-Sylvanas will die
thank fuck, fuck that shitty dindu bitch

>The Pillars of Creation will open the way for the Legion
Wrong, it's for the void lords, the old gods creators

As a horde player I concur

If anything i think Jaina will eventually become corrupted and become a Necromancer. Maybe even save her boyfriend from hell...

No it's the head of one of the first erradar warlocks

Where are you getting these retard ideas from

Humans come from the vry'kul which came from tyre the Titan keeper

Goblins are evolved trolls and evles are trolls blessed by elune

>fall for old god's lies so easily
You would have been corrupted if you were in Azeroth

Metzan why are you shitposting on Cred Forums, I thought you were retired

>fall for old god's lies so easily
Old gods speak in half truths, what they say is usually true to some extent

Yeah, but they're explicitly trying to manipulate you with any information they give to you. Granted, this is an MMO with a story that can't actually be influenced and you're a player character with no actual agency, and thus it's completely pointless, but still.

What if the Old Gods are trying to make you as a player quit the game by spoiling all the retarded plot turns to you beforehand so you give up on the stupid pointless lore? That's their only winning condition seeing how you have plot armor and plot cannons for days.

>Her heart is a crater, we have filled it.
He's talking about Azeroth, Jaina's a red herring. The Heart of Azeroth is the Maelstrom, which is a giant fucking hole where an old god was.