Almost 30

>almost 30
>enjoying walking simulators more than I like to admit

is this the end result of being a tired gamer?

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its time to kill yourself


Is not playing video games a meme now?

get on anti depression meds and you will enjoy all the games like you used to have

Im bipolar and SRRi have little to no effect on me

SSRIs aren't the only anti depressants senpai, NDRIs like Bupropion for example is what im using and it makes me productive and play videogames all day.

>almost 30
>challenge myself with hardcore RPGs or character action games at max difficulty much more than ever before

>hardcore RPGs
Such as?

I'm on antidepressants and games still suck.

WoW and Diablo 3.

you can go for a walk in real life dude

they're not helping you then and it's a placebo for you if you think they do.

or the games just suck

games aren't going to give you fulfillment unless you have low standards or you make it big competitively/socially. it sucks but there it is.

delete all your games. get a better hobby. something creative that stimulates the brain in a creatively rather than reactionary. you're a mouse pressing a button to get the cheese. that's all games are at their core.

your opinion lost all credibility when you were saying that you're on non working anti depressants

I enjoy old strategy games though.

Yes. I solo grind in Warframe as the majority of my video game time.

I'd love to play multiplayer games but I can't be assed to deal with shitter randoms.

SRW on ex-hard

>something creative that stimulates the brain in a creatively rather than reactionary. you're a mouse pressing a button to get the cheese. that's all games are at their core.

Not everyone plays cookie clicker retard. Games can stimulate creatively and logically.

Just because you like awful games doesn't mean everyone does.

Dude. We have been over "non-games" for as long as gaming has existed.

Adventure games, easy RPG's.

Nothing wrong with a good walking simulator like Soma.

this. and if you're too attached to gaming to quit it completely, switch to hobbyist development. even if you never make anything worthwhile you will learn real skills, complete real tasks etc. these are actual achievements and will give you real satisfaction as opposed to the hollow praise games give you for filling a bar.

I'm 30 and I fucking love just walking around in big open-world vidya. I blame Morrowind. I played Witcher 3 and I just slow trotted the horse while I appreciated the view.

Driving around the country side of Paris in Saboteur while the built in radio was blaring was cool too. Very stress relieving.

yeah, back in the day people lost their shit at how cool the intro to half life 1 was. why not make two hours of that and sell it for ten bucks or whatever? it's a completely legitimate use of the medium.

>hobbyist development
Was considering this user.

when i got gta 5 i completed maybe 3 missions and then just drove around the city while listening to podcasts. dozens of hours without moving the storyline forward at all.

modern gameplay is just tedious nonsense like filling bars and following icons. exploring a space is more interesting.

OP maybe it's time to level up

>tired gamer

I'm 32, and that's a result of your taste getting shittier.

Go do some exercise you fucking slouch.

You're gaining perspective and realizing that twitch reflex gameplay isn't the only thing an interactive medium had to offer.

I don't get the tired gamer meme
I'm tired of the open world bullshit AAA games shove down our throats, so I just play games I actually like

Its Cred Forums culture, fuck off to rebbit if you don't like it

i exaggerated my point and you exaggerated yours.

If you feel great after playing games, good for you. Either you mange your time wisely or you have low standards. either is fine. But for the anons that are miserable but play games all day- stop playing games and try something new.

Will it fix your depression? No, video games don't cause depression. They're a crutch. An escape.

No it's not, fuck off

>I just play games I actually like
Good user, peoples who just play whatever AAA trash the hype told them to and act surprised if they don't like it deserves to quit gaming.

>past 30
>into autism games like Arma,Il2 and X3

No it isn't you fucking try hard. It's just mustards whinging. Every single time.

>Arma and fucking X3
>anything close to as autismal as IL-2

No it isn't you shitbag.

Nope, just the final form of a casual.

>Cred Forums culture

>Hardcore RPGs
>Diablo 3

Choose one.

Get high and all the games will be fun

>Be 30
>Have that one Resident Evil game I play the hell out of for hours.
>Not excited about anything else, since Nintendo's suicide, and Dark Souls 3 was a disappointment.
>Only watch this one girl play casual story based games online.
How did it come to this?

Let me guess, you're a PCuck, right?

Diablo 3 is only great on consoles, when it can be played as a Hunter the Reckoning spiritual successor.

Thanks for beta testing :3

>have a hobby
>hobby suddenly isn't fulfilling for some reason
>it's somehow rules out as a possible cause
Any hobby is escapism. You're diverting yourself from either labor or mere idle existence.

Probably Pokemon Go
From his post, seems like a faggot who tries to suck his own and cries a lot

Same as me, I know open-world is a meme on Cred Forums but I love just wandering around and appreciating the scenery. Been playing a lot of Far Cry 2, the gameplay definitely has flaws but I like it because of muh immersion.

>Dark Souls 3 was a disappointment.
Said no one ever.

You should visit Dark Souls threads more often. A lot of people haven't drank the Fromstoft koolaid.

i'm over 50 and have always loved wandering around big open worlds. since they were available at least