I am one of the few who pre loaded Color Splash!

It's not enough I get to write up a first impressions for a game no one has played yet.

Color Splash, in my mind, is up and away the best Paper Mario game ever made. There is just so much to like about it, from the creative story telling to the stellar combat system to the unique over world mechanics. Nothing feels stale or pointless in this game, a far cry from the mess that is The Thousand Year Door.

The game is an absolute treat to look at. Seeing Princess Peach come to Mario's house at the dead of night, and handing him a drained toad is a surprisingly dark way to kick off the game.The game is actually filled with moments like that. It is a far more thought provoking form of story telling than what fans of the series may be used to.

The level design, too, is a step up from what we saw in Sticker Star. Every level feels fresh and different, from fighting off a curse you find in an ancient jungle ruin that prevents you from jumping to being thrown into a dark maze with a ferocious monster you aren't prepared to fight, the game never lets up on using established Mario characters in new and interesting ways.

The combat is the best the series has ever been, as well.

I know you're lying, but I'm still buying this game.

Timestamp or gtfo

Hi Cody

Dropped it at the words "trash" and TTYD.

Take your bait to Cred Forums

>The combat is the best the series has ever been, as well.
stopped reading there

fucking Nintendo shills




You can easily tell where OP is lying because he left the gameplay/combat till the last part of his review and barely said anything about it, while he said a lot about looks and level design.

Gameplay/combat is that shit, eh OP?


why does nobody ban the obvious Nintendo shilling?

No, I was just worried about running out of space.

The main improvement over Sticker Star, I would say, is that it's easier to know what Things to use. SS's system was already a huge improvement over the original formula, it was just hard to learn. Most people never even learned how Things can have a variety of uses.

That's not a problem with CS.

did you write this or did you steal it ?
6/10 for effort

>how Things can have a variety of uses
Name them.

it's a paid marketer

>it's a paid marketer
>paid marketer

A paid marketer on the toilet of the internet where we have nothing but low life idiots that are if at most on minimum wage.

sure thing, user. I'm sure nintendo will make their profit from Cred Forums!

exactly what a shill would say

take your casualized garbage and fuck off, Nintnedo hasn't made a good game in a decade.

i don't give a fuck about nintendo or their fucking games. But to think there are marketers in your secret club is fucking delusional. go take your fucking pills, kiddo.

> that Tinfoil hat

I just want to talk about a game I like, holy shit.

Paid marketers from color splash usually start threads with something new from the game that just got shown, and either call it shit or ask what Cred Forums thinks about it, then keep posting pictures or webm about things that recently got shown off in the thread.

That's not how shills work at all.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Nintendo doesn't use shills at all. Even Toby Fox and the LISA guy use shills.

This is a board for discussing videogames not a preconceived notion reassurement centre. Maybe you should fuck off because what you're doing isn't discussion.

>everyone in this thread

Hey fuck you. I make a dollar over minimum wage.

Eh I don't think you're a shill but you shit on TTYD. That just means you have shit taste.


I understand, the truth is sometimes hard to swallow user.

You would know about swallowing fag.