Hey, Cred Forums. What games would nickelback like?

Hey, Cred Forums. What games would nickelback like?

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Kingdom hearts

All games by Rockstar

Look at this neppy nep
Everytime I do it makes me kek

Probably mx vs atv

Fatal Frame

Call of Duty

looks like sam hyde/nic cage/kurt cobain all in one.

whats up with trashy white people who could look decent but instead grow their hair out and refuse to shave?

>post picture of nirvana

He's had a hard life
>he's not wise
>he's poor and couldn't steal to save his life
>he's blind

okay, I laughed.

underrated post


Dead rising

Guitar hero

Why do Canadians suck so much at making music? Rush is the only exception.

Fallout 3 and 4.

are they still relevant
havent heard any music from them on the radio


>the only exception

Anything by Capcom

He looks like a cross between Kurt Cobain and DSP

Go to bed Riley

isn't that kurt cobain?

ChibI Robo Photo Finder

What happened to Nicolas Cage? He isn't actor anymore?

Leonard Cohen begs to differ.

Leonard Cohen was the genius songwriter too proud to admit he should have been a songwriter and never a musician.

nice meme gayboy

So what happened to them?
I remember actually listening to their shit in my early teenage years so I always have a little fondness for them, despite how crappy their music actually is.
Rockstar was catchy as fuck.

Terminator salvation



I see what you did there.


Disagree. He's a fantastic songwriter but it's the way he sings that pulls everything together.

I still stand by their first two albums being semi-tolerable.

Everything after that can lick my anus.