Post your face when at nintendo's reveal...

>post your face when at nintendo's reveal, it'll be another fucking gimmick like the wii U and nintendo will fucking bomb again


Other urls found in this thread: nx

not even worth a (You)


At Nintendo's reveal we'll already have known everything because of foxconn leakers.

>le ebin cropped porn reaction image

>more sooper seeecret NX news
>nobody has actually seen the damn thing yet
As much as I love Nintendo, this is the number one thing that pisses me off about them. They're so fucking hush hush about all their shit and they don't do anything other than a "Oh hey, this exists but we're not showing it yet until we discover if Mozart is really alive" announcement every once in a while.

fuck this looks familiar

It only makes sense, after all the NX is two different pieces of hardare

Haha good thing that mozart is not alive

They even announced they're giving one away as the grand prize in some Splatoon tournament, and yet no one even knows what it looks like yet. The thing is literally being sold on hype alone.

The problem behind all this secrecy is, when they finally decide to announce it everyone will be let down because it's just a regular console and no secret tech that justifies all the hush hush-ing.

>all this secrecy
we have know about the NX for more time than the others. Sony announced the pro only 3 months in advance (without leaks), and the scorpio wasn't really announced before reveal at all.

The pro is just an upgraded PS4, it's actually better to announce it as late as possible so people still buy the regular consoles.

Yeah but people are literally throwing stuff back and forth over the damn thing, and unlike scorpio or ps4pro NX is a new console.

Nintendo's shooting themselves in the foot yet again. They're keeping it cryptic way too long into what should be the advertisement period and letting hype levels build up so high that whatever the NX turns out to be it could never live up to people's expectations. All they had to do was be upfront about it and let the thing speak for itself, but now we have Nintendo fans expecting it to be something that'll blow the PS4 out of the water.

but no console or handheld has been up front about what it is, what it can do
they're always much worse

Wiiu still have one more xmas you know.

>delay your console so long, everyone stops caring

you can't make this shit up, nintendo is so out of touch.

Wii U is dead in the water and has been since Sm4sh. Keeping the NX hidden until a few months before release isn't going to make people buy Wii Us and is just going to hurt NX.

>The NX in its entirety, name and all, is going to leak before Nintendo even tells us what it is


I'm pretty sure I heard last week that they were going to wind down orders for the WiiU

This, it will kill all the remaining hype and no one will tune into their direct.

>Annual production of Nintendo NX is estimated at 9.5-10 million units
They said the same shit about the Wii U and they barely even got through the initial shipment.

They better announce it by Friday next week.

>barely even got through the initial shipment.
They didn't.

They ordered 15 million WiiUs in 2011 and even ordered 0.5 million Splatoon editions and 0.5 million Wind Waker editions, and yet they've only sold 13.5 million or so. I think this is the reason the WiiU hasn't received another price cut, personally. There's a black hole in their budget from when they splurged on WiiU stock and never got that glorious 2nd shipment reduced rate.

Not to mention they were selling refurbs for a long time, which count as sales

Sometimes I think Nintendo themselves want to fail and become irrelevant.

>actually wanting an overpriced, underpowered amiibo machine
i hope its not true but you all dont seriously expect them to change their ways until they have a major crisis, do you?

You guys have been saying this for a year and a half now.

All consoles are overpriced those. The PS4 charged you 600 for hardware that was already outdated.

ive always wanted to see the video that image's from, but i could never find it. probably because it's just a single scene/shot and she looks normal for the rest of it

yeah but I'm not going to be the one to leak it and violate NDA and get fired
unless I roll 4

Nintendo is worse since they refuse to sell at a loss whereas Sony and Microsoft will subsidize hardware sales.

>Wii U matches PS3/360 performance
>3DS matches PSP performance
>all the same price as the competition that's a gen ahead

Pointing fingers at the other guys isn't a valid approach when Nintendo takes a scummy practice and turns it up to 11. Even Apple doesn't overprice their electronics this severely.

Roll again, unless you're a pussy.




>Nintendo is worse since they refuse to sell at a loss whereas Sony and Microsoft will subsidize hardware sales.
Wii U sold at a loss and the PS4 had a similar loss to it. The only difference is Sony slapped a yearly paywall to access part of the hardware.

>whereas Sony and Microsoft will subsidize hardware sales.
And Sony and MS both lost billions doing it with PS3 and XB/360. There's a reason PS4 and Xbone are such shitboxes, Sony and MS both knew they couldn't sell another console at a loss for 4+ years, software was not going to make up for it.

Nintendo realized pushing hardware wasn't worth it after the N64 and GC. If not selling your product at a loss is scummy then I don't know what to say to you.

Yeah how the fuck could Mozart be alive? He is clearly dead, and there is now way I could even live that long.


nintendo refuse to sell at a loss for NX, not in general
they sold both the wii u at a loss and the 3ds (after dropping the price after the abysmal launch) at a loss, but the yen was stronger than and they still had the wii bump to ride
economically they simply cannot sell the nx at a loss even if it somehow was a breakthrough hit

GOD DAMN IT you are going to trigger the nintendrones

>The thing is literally being sold on hype alone.
What hype?
Who even gives a shit aside from a bunch of autistic, fatass permavirgin manchildren whose parents bought them a N64 instead of a PS1 back in 1996?


somebody used to post the image dumps a lot long ago, sorry bud I don't have it saved anymore nx

>nintendo refuse to sell at a loss for NX, not in general
Well Wii U was the only real exception, every other platform has sold at a gain.

If gimmick = bomb, what happened with the Wii?

I remember that shit.
Yes, they did you butthurt history revisionist.

>at its peak 100 people googled Nintendo NX in June 2016
Holy shit, I didn't expect to laugh this hard coming into this thread.
Man, the NX truly is some crazy hot shit.

what happened with wii u?

>Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. Likewise a score of 0 means the term was less than 1% as popular as the peak.

you're a retard
>Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. Likewise a score of 0 means the term was less than 1% as popular as the peak.

Man you are retarded

3ds was only sold at a profit for a little while, it flopped and then they relaunched it with slashed price and it became a success, but then it was at a loss

Poor/absent marketing, visibly underpowered console in the "muh grephix" age

Seriously, people didn't even know it was a new console. I had a phone call with a girl that wanted to sell his "Wii U" online and i had to talk with her and her father for 10 minutes to determine it was actually a Wii the whole time, they couldn't tell the difference

Oh no look you triggered the nintenyearolds look how they repeat each other it's kind of cute


>say something retarded
>try to cover it up by namecalling others
it's too late user

>being this embarrassed you got exposed

I think the NX will do better than the Wii U simply because there are still a lot of handheldfags out there and Nintendo has that market cornered (I doubt Sony will followup the Vita).

I'm thinking a cool 30-40 million units. Good 3rd party support in Japan (muh handhelds).

I think it'll turn out to be a nice little weeb box.

>We will never ever see NX until next year
Fuck this

think me and the other user are the same even though I said you triggered them.. whos the retard one now ?
>INB4 I'm' the retarded one rebuttal

Why'd you butt in if you had nothing to contribute to the debate?


because I'm a retard

>not even worth a (You)

I was just pointing out no matter what you say about nintendo everyone has such a bias for nintendo they just resort to calling people retarded

>me and the other user
Anon... it's alright just admit you made a mistake.

user what the fuck are you even talking about, the user in (i.e., (You)) said something dumb, it has nothing to do with bias from whomever. It was a retarded thing to say as it showed that he couldn't even read what was meant by the data - he just quickly came in to shitpost at the expensive of his own ignorance.

The NX isn't real

For the last damn time i was not I have said this twice do you not read

>doesn't even try to prove it
Regardless, it doesn't matter as what I said still applies regardless.

>"As much as I love Nintendo,"
>Shuts down fan projects
>Kills one beloved franchise after the other
>"For us, specs don't matter"
>Forces gimmicks down your throat

Why do you love them?

I'm starting to think Nintendo doesn't even know what the NX is at this point.

The spec sheet of PS4 Pro was leaked even before E3 which forced Sony to confirm it at a Times interview. The scorpio was also known to be coming before the E3, but it is still quite far away from production for more info to be leaked.

not the same user, but

>Shuts down fan projects
AM2R was literally breaching copyright
>Kills one beloved franchise after the other
Those "dead" franchises (pretty sure Metroid has a sequel in the works, as strongly hinted by fed force; F-Zero is probably 100% kill though) were never ones I was personally clamouring for, but I could see how a big fan of them would be pissed, yeah.
>"For us, specs don't matter"
I think that's a pretty reasonable thing to say for a console manufacturer, if the specs did matter they'd develop for PC.
>Forces gimmicks down your throat
Not particularly, both the Wii and Wii U had a wide range of standard control methods that the majority of titles supported.

>post yfw the NX destroys all competition and becomes the savior of vidya


unless this system is the crowned champion of gimmicks its going to flop harder than the wii u. that system has destroyed nintendos reputation and the way they handled its failure made things even worse.

what if its just a normal console and they lied about everything

>that system has destroyed nintendos reputation
not really, outside of Cred Forums almost nobody knows what a Wii U even is. Normies' perception of Nintendo lately has come only from Pokemon GO (and that isn't even technically a Nintendo title).

Loving this meme, since this is what people were writing on BBS back when N64 came up. Around GameCube the whole DOOMED meme started getting it on, then same with Wii, and now Wii U. It's like no matter the age, generation, console, gimmick, games or hardware - there will always be kids around thinking they know shit and can call when Nintendo will fail.

How did Wii U destroy Nintendo's reputation? By being their only flop, next to mobile gaming, Amiibo, good amount of HD games, and great 3DS sales? I haven't touched my Wii U probably in more than o month, only because of work, so I'm not that into sucking Nintendo's cock, especially after some bullshit they did with Wii, Wii U's and 3DS' launch, but what reputation was ruined? Did Vita or Xbone ruin Sony's/Microsoft's reputation?

>only 10 million units
Dead on arrival.

Why is there water on her face?




And sauccceeeeee


>nintendo will probably not call it NX
>NX is already an extremely popular name with a lot of hype

>mfw they call it Wii U2
>mfw everyone gets confused as fuck again
>mfw they get sued by U2

its called the "Nintendo Go"
thats already been leaked earlier today

uh, yeah, people said that about WiiU and Wii too... so no...

Why won't Nintendo reveal this fucking pile of shit already?

Kimishima already stated it's a new brand entirely

you better not be referring to the literally nothing neogaf """leak"""

the Wii did destroy all competition though

If the games are 90% platformers again I think ill skip out on this.


Have a seat, Fry. A lot has happened in the past 30 years.

>yfw she left nintendo on purpose because she knew that this is what was going to happen


They'd rather not get any pre-release comments and fall flat on their face again than face criticism.

Yeah, not because she was as a hooker.


no she wasn't

fine. "escort" then....geez.


NX will either be nintendos dreamcast or a complete disaster. But unlike the dreamcast it will have a sequal.

so... a failure or a complete disaster?