Mafia 3

Will you buy it Cred Forums?


it will suck balls, so, no.

Harambe skins with preorders?

Definately, although I didn't enjoy Mafia 1, despite trying to play it on 4 seperate occasions, the last time being 6 months ago, I really enjoyed the KKK murder aspect of Mafia 2.

Good to see Mafia 3 is taking it back to its African roots. Finally, a game that refuses to give into social pressure.

To piss off Cred Forums, yes.

Gameflying it. Nothing coming out the rest of the year is worth buying.

>nigger game

>Implying you play video games

>implying that i play nigger propaganda

If you care more about a characters race than gameplay, you likely don't play or care about video games past being propaganda for your alt right politics.

So basically the same as SJWs. Demanding things be different solely for agenda reasons.

It's nothing but nigger propaganda. It's not a game, just a trick to fool you into thinking that niggers can be of value. I play videogames, not nigger games.

2k confirmed that the Mafia 3 cincinnati zoo DLC will "examine the racial tensions between gorillas and white zookeepers to deliver a gaming experience that is unsettling and provocative"

I can tell you are an expert fisherman my friend, only a coinesseur dares to travel out with nothing but the most premium canned worms to attract the best catch.

It's kind of looking that way for me too...I love the franchise but this is looking to let it down big time...but I feel almost obliged; as if I will invest in it to appease the ghost of Mafia 1 and one day, hopefully...a new Mafia game will be funded that is better. Honestly how could they strip it down so bad; it's like none of the redeeming features of the last two games made it into this one.

>Demanding things be different solely for agenda reasons.
Mafia 2 literally ends with the mob killing your best friend and then cuts to black.
Playing as anyone other than Vito in this game is fucking retarded.

>It's nothing but white male propaganda. It's not a game, just a trick to fool you into thinking those shitlords are of value. I play videogames, not patriarchy propaganda!

Not even gonna pirate it.

If you actually thought the game would be a direct contitnuation of 2 when 2 wasn't a continuation of 1, you may be retarded.

What? Fuck off SJW, the patriarchy isn't fucking real

>mafia 3

What other games?

I'm sure that has nothing to do with the Tommy getting killed at the end of Mafia 1, or anything. Keep trying to save face though.

Why even use the Mafia name? It's obvious that they wanted to make this a blaxplotation game. They really should've dropped the Mafia name and base it on something like Shaft or Black Dynamite.

I agree. This game has too much gameplay for a mafia game.

Can we try and be interesting for a change and bag on the game for the legitimate flaws instead of our own misled prejudices brought on by a life spent mostly indoors and on Cred Forums?

>Shit vehicle mechanics: minimal car damage, no gassing up, unconfirmed speed limiter and manual transmission mode

>Dogshit AI; a lady just chills and drags on a smoke as you kill a dude right infront of her. Stealth is inherently broken and constitutes 90% of the game

>World looks bland, devoid of life because of aforementioned robot AI

>Half the previews are already showing key set pieces from the game, leading me to believe that this are the standout moments in a borefest open world title

and yes, finally

>Devs have chosen to capitalise on a current real world issue; the race war, and half-heartedly thrown in the "mafia" element to appear trendy to gamers and rake in the bux

I have no beef with a black protag, just as I enjoyed playing San Andreas, The Suffering, Shadowman and a black guy in New Vegas. What I do have a beef with is capitalising on a race just because it is "in vogue" at the moment, selling a false image of empowerment and solidarity to a society when really it is dragging us down and doing nothing more than contributing icons and symbolism that will create controversy; I can see it now, all the reviews saying "mafia 3 confronts real contemporary issues" when it won't be, it will be CAPITALISING on them...which is bullshit and reinforces the very system which is keeping these groups down at the moment.

And gamers will buy into it because they are a dumb bunch and want to appear trendy by having the latest flavour of the month title and say to their mates "playing mafia 3 really made me understand that black lives do matter", it's inadvertently malicious game design, and sloppy game design at that.

Actually finished a second playthrough of Mafia 2 this morning.

So much Italian machismo, so many casual racial slurs, so much collectible porn, so many damsels in distress. I guess I can see why they got scared, gamers have become such gigantic faggots in the six years since that game came out.

It really can't be overstated though that having a black guy as the main character of your game about the Mafia is beyond retarded.

No, I'm tired of being forced to pretend I care about a lazy, unintelligent race of people who have been here for 300 years and still demand handouts and choose to live and act like animals.

If the protagonist was fresh off a plane from India, I'd play that. At least Indians come to America, assimilate, get educated, and quickly contribute to society, despite most of them having dark skin.

>civnat cucks

>Indians will 'assimilate' while not being able to have that life in their own country

When will they learn?