How do you counter this bulldyke cunt? I main Zenyatta and my Discord does diddly fucking piss to her

How do you counter this bulldyke cunt? I main Zenyatta and my Discord does diddly fucking piss to her.

Have you tried using Skype?

git gud
now that thats out of the way wait for her to use her shield the fuck her up

Tracer destroys Zarya

If you're Zen charge your shot and unleash it as soon as the shields go down

>scrubs listening to "don't shoot her shield"

Just chew through her if you can. It's when you can't that's bad. It's usually when you're trying to solo her too.

Get a friend, chew through 500 HP no problem. Downed zarya. Who the fuck cares she had 100 percent charge. A dead zarya gets 0 charge.

>be bastion
>this Smug SJW Omnic hater comes up to you
>shoot her a bit
>she gets a smug look on her face
>pops self shield and starts using that gay beam of hers
>keep shooting
>she gets even more smug
>shield breaks and I blow her head off

Keep your shield up till she reloads or a team mate appears then pin her


>How do you counter this bulldyke cunt?
You don't

Just exit the game and uninstall

Mei. She counters everyone

>fat slow down whore with a short range weapon
>counters everyone

Bastion getting countered so hard that people don't play him is the single reason that Zarya and Rein are ubiquitous always good picks.

If he ever gets buffed there are going to be a lot of crying tank players.

The skins for this game are really leaving a lot to be desired.

>put discord on her
>shield goes up
>put discord on her again 2 seconds later
There you go

Those icicles are easy to aim and do a lot of damage, be careful Fareeha

Focus fire on Zarya

Seriously, just concentrate fire on Zarya and she goes down faster than Roadhog and Winston. Her self "Bubble" shield only absorbs 200 damage. Her gun is still manageable with ~50 Charge.

Reaper (close range), Widowmaker, Mccree, Hanzo are excellent counters to Zarya. Junkrat is a decent counter if you manage to keep landing hits with your grenades.

Zenyetta's Discord turns her into a squashy class.

Her shield has a 10 second cooldown. Your discord does not. Wait for her shield to run out, then discord and headshot. She's the weakest tank in the game, and discord is literally designed to counter tanks.

>Discord does diddly fucking piss to her

But that's wrong, the orb destroys her survivability. You just need to be with your team to kill her, she goes down fast with orb and focused fire.

>Blizzard ever buffing defense heroes
Sometimes it's nice to pretend, I suppose.

The buffed the shit out of Hanzos hit box and refuse to do anything about that piece of shit Junkrat.

Mei is a good against tanks if you have buddies (Reaper and Tracer are ideal buddies). Tanks cannot use their defensive abilities if they get frozen exposing them for a few precious seconds which is usually enough for teammates to take them down.

I was just commenting on how she doesn't counter Pharah at all

Zenyatta stomps Zarya 1v1 if you can reliably headshot, which you should be able to if Zarya is in M1 range.

Mei's ult was already a pain in the ass and they buffed it even more. Shit's insane, it's a KOTH cleaner and now even denies shields before completely freezing people.

Shoot her. Simple as that.

Her shield can only give her 50% charge, so if she has her shield up on her, just shoot it down and kill her. Avoid shooting her if she has her shield up on her AND an ally, as that's the only way she can get 100% charge quickly.

Mei's ult is crucial to her viability. Before the healing for ult charge and the radius boost, Mei was hardly played anymore because she's as useful as piss when in the fray without her ult.