
>Oculus Rift

Oh wait, it's nothing.

Not video games.

>game console
>not video games

>game console

nigga wut? It's a porn-viewing goggles

>but a bunch of game developers are literally stopping development on a game console because they're angry about Trump.
No, it's Cred Forums bait. Fuck off.

>implying there were any games being made for these VR scam gimmicks to begin with

Steam already has the Vive out, unlike the facebook ocushit, and the Vive basically has dick.

>Pull the rug from People who bought a Occulus Rift because of petty shit.

That will instill consumer confidence.

Is there a list of devs involved? Limited to ones that are actually releasing games in VR.

>Games Platform

>The devs pulling out were planning on having VR functionality in their games
>No devs making actual, dedicated VR games pulling out because theyre not stupid enough to burn money

And nothing of value was lost

Luckey did nothing wrong.

this is Cred Forums shit, take it away.

>individual of a company spends his own money how he pleases

>don't worry guys, I'm not gonna sell out!
>sells out


Cred Forums thinks it owns this place.

We should show them how wrong they are.

Err isn't this owned by Facebook now?

can someone get me up to speed on what is going on with oculus?


Oh i fucking hope he buckles down and eats it. fuck these fucking faggots. let them pull "support". once the election is over, no one will even care anymore and it'll be business as usual.

Cred Forums is the new face of Cred Forums Cred Forums has been superseded at least until the election is over-

numales gonna numale

H3VR is sending back Oculus dev hardware so it won't be all that compatible with Oculus Touch.

Wasn't ever going to be on the Oculus store though.

Stormfront must be purged. We should have never let them take Cred Forums.

hoping he doesn't back down. a few SJWs devs working on garbage means nothing.

>Angry about Trump.
More like they're pissed that someone is funding a self-proclaimed designated shitposting group. A group that enters chat spaces not about politics and inserts politics into it.

>you vote for the guy i dont like

I thought Cred Forums was just Stormfront but most everyone was just joking. They serious?

Oh no, whatever will we do without a steady supply of gimmicky trash for Facebook peripherals. How terrible.

Good on them. If they can afford to lose all the invested money over something so trivial in the grand scheme of things, then more power to them.

Like others have said, this won't affect anything of importance, and is just a bunch of devs trying to gain pity points from a public that doesn't care, all the while using the media to "shame" some guy that is well off compared to them in terms of success and finances.

>Palmer Luckey has added 5 to your account.

Oh, it's serious. Stormfront colonized Cred Forums and we let it fucking happen.

Now that they have Poland, they want more lebensraum.

Yeah, but the media didn't care about that. They didn't care when a developer straight up lied about the features in his game then directly profited from it. Not a peep other than vague whispers of "entitlement". But when somebody is supporting a legitimate presidential candidate they don't like with his own private money? Now the torches are coming out.

Devfag here. I can't imagine placing my politics over the quality of my game. The player's experience comes first. Although I also can't imagine ever wanting to develop for VR in the first place, so maybe it's just me.

>Joe Rogan

wait what. He doesn't strike me as all that political.

Any game dev that this applies to probably already inserts a bunch of sjw horseshit into their games and isn't worth caring about in the first place.

This is why I pirate. I don't care about who wins the election, but video game developers should not be talking about politics or pulling shit like this.

Yes, but the dude is still involved, and that's apparently too much for the easily triggered crowd.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?

This is worse than when the SJWs forced the Mozilla CEO to leave because of his stance on gay marriage where is the world headed where your career may end because you have an unfavorable opinion?

one shitty Sony second-party phone dev. they were probably never going to release anywhere but PSVR, anyway.

hes pretty anti SJW that alone is enough to be political these days

>It's ok to shill when he's on my side

5 cents has been added to your account.

Everything when those faggots wont stop shooping trump hats on video game characters as part of their obnoxious way to shit up vidya discussion by drip-feeding politics into everything.

>refusing to work for someone is as bad as trying to get rid of them

Also the mozilla CEO was hack so nothing of value was lost.

if you have the money earned legally you can shill fair and square.Like how moot shilled Cred Forums gold

Cry moar faggot.

Why would you even get mad about that? If you trace every cent you spend it's eventually gonna pay someone who you don't agree w/ politically. So? What are you gonna do, become Amish?

Good job talking out of your ass, stormfaggots were pushed out of pol long ago bumblefuck.

>you're completely right so i'm just going to use the lowest tier insult ever made

>but a bunch of game developers are literally stopping development on a game console because they're angry about Trump.

Good for them, let's see how not releasing a product affects their bottom line and profit margin.

They probably wouldnt be able to release it anyway and are using this as an excuse so they can rip people off

>Implying anyone needs payment do do that.

Hello newfag.
reddit is

I just want to talk about video games

What is that arrow pointing at? It's just pointing to the side of my browser.

>claims to be the party of freedom
>complains when people practice freedom in how they spend their money
You can't make this shit up.

he didn't deserve to leave his position they pressured him to do so because of a political stance, how is that justifiable? let me guess you are one of those guys who believes they are on the "right side of history"? it was bullshit and i dont even give a shit about gay marriage

And yet Nimble America does.

>VR Devs quitting their support of one of the most approachable VR platforms
If the cost of signalling their virtue is more than their potential sales on the Occulus platform on PC and X1, they had no sizable impact to begin with desu



>Being this new

Brendan Eich invented javascript, and was one of the original guys on Mozilla user.

Dude, the only one who's gone full Cred Forums here is you. Calm down.

This thread is about video games. It's about how the 2016 United States presidential election is starting to affect video games. If this thread's topic does not interest you, there are other threads about video games.

>implying Zuckerberg will allow this to affect occulus in the slightest

Post your participation prizes then, you numale cuck.

Sure but do those game devs

>you will never be such a good goy that you buy into LE DRUMPF IS LITERALLY HITLER bullshit

i wish i could live in that amount of ignorance, maybe id be happy then

>user expresses discontent with politics.
>Dude, you're Cred Forums XD

>zoe quinn
>palmer luckey


>what is: sarcasm
But let me guess, p-pleddit. Only new faggpts have an innate need to tell people to go to reddit as an argument.

>Cred Forums defending a facebook product

>/k/ isn't allowed to have politics on its board unless it's actually about laws regarding guns
>Cred Forums is for video games but if it even involves someone involved video games (but actual games are not involved) it's okay for politics
Why are the rednecks better at this than us



How many anti-white whites do you really think are happy?
Sure, they may be around their own kind in droves, but misery loves company.

>Sean Murray openly lies to trick people into buying his game and makes MILLIONS of dollars.

>The press and industry handles him with kid's gloves.

>Some nobody who used to work for Occulus supports Trump.


Fuck these gutless cowards. They're not looking out for you - so why should you help them?

>Missing the entire point.
Dumb mootposter. He's funding shitposting, user. He and Quinn have nothing in common.


>Comparing Luckey to mass shooters and violent criminals
>Unironically calling him a nerd
This is what passes as modern American "professional" journalism.

>Palmer was our guy all along

Cred Forums is the board of peace
If you don't support Cred Forumsfugees, you're a racist

>Mainstream media is still on the "BEAT UP NERDS" line of thinking

so despite the ten gorillion red flags involved with the shitulous rift, they decided to draw the line when someone didn't like the candidate someone supported on twitter?

and to support equality they want to raise money for the other candidates as well, meanwhile comparing the first guy to hitler and murderers and """bigots""" because of his personal support of a candidate?

>that's assuming that any of these supposed devs are real and this article isn't bait

I wish nothing less than cancer upon all involved

get your fucking politics out of my fucking vidya

Palmer already made his statement of Facebook.
But places like Neogaf are still mad at him and want his head

>Paying people to shitpost and lower level of discourse
>our guy

And nothing of value was lost.

I think the worst part is assuming "we" want their acceptance in any way whatsoever.

But Zoe Quinn is literally humanized shitposting.

>where is the world headed where your career may end because you have an unfavorable opinion?

The world has always been this way.

Yes and no. There are some of them yes and it was one of the reasons I avoided Cred Forums for years. Out of curiosity I decided to see for myself what it was like in there after hating on it with everyone for so long despite never once actually checking it out.

It's mostly just a board full of right wing nationalists that are fed up with entitled liberals. This isn't a bad thing.

Hillary is doing the exact same thing with CTR

But apparently it's okay if Hillary does it.

it'll swing the other way after the election year is over.

It's a board of shitposters. Whether they're right wing or ironically right wing, it doesn't matter. They all shitpost.


What the fuck is HIllary doing with Crash?

How can a major politician politicize Crash Team Racing?

>vr devs pull support for oculus rift until palmer luckey steps down
Who? 2 of the 5 developing teams?

if you think the current incarnation of Cred Forums is /stormfront/ you're out of touch with reality and/or retarded.

>places like Neogaf are still mad at him and want his head

Sonygaf is using it to their advantage to get people to buy the Playstation VR instead.

>implying Cred Forums isn't predominantly redneck

It is stupid either way. In fact I find it hypocritical for Cred Forums to shit on CTR and then act like this shit doesn't matter or it is a good thing

>They all shitpost
Cred Forums has them beat no contest the no games discussion here used to be just a meme

The current incarnation of Cred Forums is /reddit/, they have more larp threads than /x/ and I've seen them unironically defend pewdiepie


>Act like this is a new thing
>Act like because it's your special flavor of political faggotry its the worst thing in the world

Didn't see you faggots complaining when senators lost seats because they had gay sons.

It was in the Email server thing. The guy who erased the emails was Dr Neo Cortex.

So far, most of the people pulling support hadn't announced any products in VR, much less on Occulus. Catch me up if I've missed any significant players though.

>tfw I'll never be able to fuck Blaire
This shit must stoppppp


>BREAKING: Man Likes Thing That People We Don't Like, Like

The epitome of liberal news, where problematicness is like a natural disaster

Reminds me of when Intel dropped an ad campaign, and in response Apple users were trying to switch their Macbooks to AMD.

>Carson and Trump look normal
>everyone else poised like some robot or reptile in a human suit

They're the same people who think opposing open borders make you a megahitlernazi.

In case you haven't read the news in the past five years, absolutely everything, everywhere, is racist white supremacy. Even things and their opposites, like "white people moving in" and "white people moving away" are both racist white supremacy.

post more Toph

Cred Forums is mainly shitposting as well and arguably the worst board next to Cred Forums.

Cred Forums might be full of shitposters but dig around and you can actually find some relevant and interesting information. It's also a good place to go to vent (and shitpost) about the BS that pisses you off in these countries.

> Gary "Aleppo who?" Johnson

>The guy who erased the emails was Dr Neo Cortex.


Cred Forums is mainly political shitposting from Cred Forums leaking.

Hey, republican party has a very stern stance on the whole no gays thing. Senators should have killed their sons as far as the voters are concerned. Bible thumpers only respond to strong Christian values and borderline hate speech against anything that attempts to subvert that way of thinking.

He rails pretty hard against SJW censorship in comedy, has had Gad Saad on his show a few times to make fun of safe spaces and triggered college kids, and is also pretty good friends with Milo Fagopolous.

I guess you could call him redpilled, but it's not like he devotes much effort to it. Just happens to mention shit in passing that lines up with Cred Forums's views.

Looks like Luckey just can't catch a break.

they aren't wrong
fuck off

it's a shame he stepped down

there are 2 political candidates, a bunch of people support one of them a bunch of people support the other

if you support one you're a messenger of god and stand for everything that's good and holy
if you support the other you're a racist nazi homophobic islamophobic sexist white male scum who probably dates a *GASP* GAMERGATER! and must apoligize for your political views

this is the state the world is in today

another win for leftist scum passive agressive bully brigade

>tfw you'll never be successful enough to make decisions motivated by personal opinions that affect a whole community, whether they support your opinions or not

You're confusing Christians with Muslims.

>that banned poster on the bottom

Joe Rogan :
>drug addicted monogold
>Obnoxious faggot who hates the Alt-Right
>Socialist cry-baby, and literal cuck
Theryn & Blaire:
>MRAs are not Alt-Right.
>King shitposter, not Alt-right at all.
Tila Tequila:
>Brain damaged whore
Alex Jones
>Bill Hicks. Coked up nutjob working for the CIA
>Moderate, left libertarian child.
Ann Coulter:
>Republican Barbie. Not alt-right at all
You're a fucking moron. Yu don't speak for us. You're going to get physically removed for being a left-wing faggot.

You act as if him stepping down didn't net him insane severance pay and that he lost any stock options or ownership of the company, he is still even technically employed and is on Mozilla's board of directors.

I fail to see how this is any different than all the boycots and political lobbying that goes on anytime a company decides to show a rainbow. Do you not remember the national campaigns to ban the spongebob movie because patrick was in fishnet tights for five seconds?

Mozilla is hemorrhaging market share, if they weren't jack shit would have happened. Either way only faggots post about shit like that online anyway. Pro or Anti gay marriage you have to be a pretty big retard to think your opinion in a sea of other retarded assholes opinions matters.

There is no point in making political statements online other than to try and get validation to wax your pole too through likes and retweets


>Cred Forums leaking

this meme again

Cred Forums if anything is less "Cred Forums" than it used to be, outside of actual Cred Forums. What you are referring to as Cred Forums is "opinions I dislike"

As long as this means that more games will have Vive support rather than Oculus, i'm fine with it.

>its ok for your career to end if i thinks its hurts my feelings

liberals everyone


Still the #1 boogieman word for Neogaf along with "TRUMP!" and "privileged white male"

how many layers of separation are you trying to pretend exist between supporting oculus gear and the top guy at oculus?

I hear they make Cred Forums threads on Cred Forums
no, really, I read it on the internet.

Kek. Thank god i never bought in to this whole VR meme. No surprise VR devs are all a buch of liberal crybaby beta nu-male cucks.

Enjoy your glorified overpriced virtualboy, faggots.

No, I'm referring to the constant thinly veiled political threads that start with 'what did he mean by this?' or 'what game can i x?'

Like this one actually.

Fuck off.

Cred Forums especially Cred Forums used to be more hardcore and contrarian politically.The only legitimate leaking Cred Forums has had were the redditors leaking in post goobygate

> You can't be a capitalist unless you're a liberal
I fucking hate Trump and all his supporters. What the fuck are a conservative suppose to do when the party is dead? There's not a single conservative candidate.


I wonder how many memes I can count in that post?


Thanks for correcting the record!

You know how much us altrighters take our membership in the altright so seriously.

It was so serious that it literally took (((media))) shills to come up with a name for it.

i only opened this thread to save your image. toph a cute.

>paying people to shitpost

milo is literally controlled opposition you shitlord

>replying earnestly to blatant sarcasm

You mean "literally untouchable to you crazy lefists due to being a gay jew".

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were it you should have supported them

>it's not okay for you to do what you want with your money

conservatives everyone

>I fail to see how this is any different than all the boycots and political lobbying that goes on anytime a company decides to show a rainbow. Do you not remember the national campaigns to ban the spongebob movie because patrick was in fishnet tights for five seconds?

It's about equally retarded. Easily triggered political retardation is not owned by either party. We haven't seen it like this in the gaming industry before I think.

>Actual Alt-Right. Even if his boss is a coked up shill for the CIA and washed up stand-up comic named BILL FUCKING HICKS.
Christopher Cantwell:
>Alt-Right. Libertarian. Physical Remover.
Gavin McInnes:
>(((VICE))) Founder when it was still just Vice, and cool. God of all Hipsters. Conservative.

>vice is Cred Forumsbait
your bubble must be getting smaller all the time with all your former safe spaces pushing hatefacts these days.

>"A healthy society and functioning democracy is one that actively punishes people for voicing political opinions it disagrees with"

Idiots everyone

You're going to get physically removed when the day comes.
>Someone gets a free helicopter ride for being a leftist faggot!

Lol who gives a shit about shitty western games though? Porn makers will still make games for Oculus Rift.

No, posting an article that's guaranteed to start a political discussion instead of a video game one is the Cred Forumsbait.

Not doing something isn't an active punishment you illiterate.

I still want to know who these petty fucks are so I don't accidentally give them money, but they're probably all san fran indie shits so I doubt that's a real fear anyway.

>It's a "former enemy teams up with the protagonist to take down the final boss" episode

I'd argue independent benefactors shilling for a candidate is a little different than an actual candidates party having a shill organization
But yes, it's fucking dumb either way.

>Ted Cruz
>unironically being supported
This is how far Cred Forums has sunk

>King shitposter, not Alt-right at all.

It's insane how many people still haven't realized this despite the guy having a nearly decade long history of fucking with people on the internet.

lol wrongthink hahah on the wrong side of history LMAOMOMAKLSJDIOJ LKJALKSHA HA HAH CONCSERVAKEKKKK

Reminder that funding racebaiting shitposting that pumps Cred Forums memes across the internet is not the same as simply supporting a presidential candidate.

>VR is still being discussed after being laughed out of the industry yet again by people who see it as the insufferable shitty gimmick that it is

I'm really sick and tired of all this political bullshit. It's everywhere.

This website never should have gotten popular.

>Cognitive dissonance

You act as if the inverse isn't happening as well. Pro-tip nigga you are in a more liberal space when you talk about shit that 20 year olds are into, do you know how much anti hillary shit I gotta hear all god damned day because I work on a ship yard?

It's like bitching about hearing rap music when you stroll through MLK boulevard. Adopting a victim complex, or acting as if "This is the world we live in woe is me" when Chic Fil' A literally had a "Eat chicken and hate gays" day and business has been on the rise ever since.

Who the fuck even posts about their political views and shit on fucking social media in the first place? You are fishing for validation and hugbox mentalities either way, because you can just say "look at all these retards" to people you disagree with and suck the dick of whoever agrees with you because "Finally someone who gets it and understands!"

Social Media is a plague and interaction without the physicality of it only allows people to develop mental walls to dissenting or alternate opinion.

Either way there are too many faggots that feel the need to wave their dick about who they are voting for as if any individual is going to change any other individuals mind, blaring about your political views is the equivalent to posting furry porn.

What if all your libcuck friends saw you shitposting against an underrepresented LQBT minority like that?

That's what makes Milo great.

I guess I should think of all the thousands of corporations I am actively punishing every day by not buying their products.

You arnt wrong the conservatives did this dumb shit back in the 90s when they attempted to ban violent videogames but the SJWS are the ones calling the shots now. Goobygate is proof of this we are only now seeing a resurgence in the republican party

How much did Luckey pay you for this shitpost?

It literally is in that context.

not to mention ted cruise thinking he's hot shit with that gay masonic hidden hand crap



Milo is a degenerate who is taking advantage of the growing Conservative movement in the U.S. to make a quick buck. While I admire that, I also can't fucking and his swishy, queeny behavior, and want to see him dropped out of a goddamn helicopter.

He's collected enough delegates to unlock it



good, let them die

I don't give a shit about palmer or his politics but if this means oculus cancer dying then I'm all for it

the oculus is shit so I really don't care, but why is everyone letting this election get in the way of goddamn everything? how bad will this get?


The fuck are you doing, Ted?

Holy shit you can't even put your hand over your heart right.

Those devs are just looking for any excuse possible to not work on their trash games for a trash platform.

He's technically correct, but it's not so much being white in Hollywood that lets you get away with shit as it is being white with a lot of money.

Why am I not surprised a consolefag website is pro-SJW shit?

he endorsed trump hes trying to help beast the final boss

Nice edit.

Isn't Trump bad for video games?

I don't think you have any room to accuse Trump supporters of "race baiting" at this point, with Hillary supports balls deep into this "black lives matter" bullshit.

>We haven't seen this before in videogames
What is moms against violence in videogames, what is boycotts against sexual content, what is political lobbying by christian groups to get Doom banned for satanic imagery.

You are fucking retarded, the case of CEOs stepping down is the rarity, the amount of bitching that goes on that does fuck all is the majority, and it's been a thing in videogames since the game that allowed you to rape indians on the nes

Having games that support VR but not specifically designed for it should in theory raise awareness of VR and maybe get us more games dedicated to VR. Other than that there isn't much else of a loss.

"Developers" aka a bunch of nobodies on twitter.

I don't think Trump is gonna win guys. He has an extremely uphill battle against Hillary.

Look at the female voters. Hillary is guaranteed 75-85% of all female voters simply just for being female and "not trump". The only female voters voting for trump are those old redpilled grannies that know whats up.

Blacks are not voting for Trump at all, because of a) le "he's racist" meme and b) blacks are not voting for a white guy in this election during the current state of affairs with the fucking race war going on right now and dindu nuffin BLM vs cops shit

The only people voting for trump really are white males, however a substantial portion of those white male voters are nu-male SJW pink dyed hair "CURRENT YEAR XDD" faggots

This election is pretty much the worst time for Trump to run. Society is so fucking shit right now with every fucking college student thinking they're a special snowflake fighting for SJW, and we're legitimately in a goddamn race war right now. Had he ran for President in 2012, I think he would of had a much better chance to beat Obama.

>Phil Fish
pick one and only one

>caring about shillary or tramp
>not voting third party
>not campaigning to have both shillary and tramp kicked out of the race for being horrible people not qualified to be president

Somebody hasn't been on any news or tech blog sites today.

He was funding a group that was, in their own words, literally shitposting and memeing it up in support of Trump.

If it was announced he had donated to a pro-Hilary campaign,would the reaction be different?

>Facebook VR porn
And nothing of value was lost, we already had our "kom susser tod" moment.
Post lost waifus, boys

So you're a Muslim.


This is the least attractive thing I've seen all day, and I just saw a webm of a 400lb google stripping in public.

>Devs drop support because CEO is a "Anti-semetic white supremacist"
>When all he actually did was shitpost and donate money to a meme campaign
>Devs running around screeching about how this guy is fucking Hitler which leads to other devs getting cold feet
It's borderline libel, there isn't even enough out there to prove that this guy's really culpable in being "Evil"

except literally no one took his group seriously and the first place he announced it ended up with him getting banned

I will never understand the appeal of twerking. I love big asses, I love girls shaking their big asses, but twerking just looks like they're preparing for a sumo match while having a seizure.

>Hillary is guaranteed 75-85% of all female voters
Just the insufferable single ones.

Probably. But so is Clinton. She actually pushed for shit back in the Tipper Gore/Jack Thompson era.

I meant FROM the industry.

you are talking about Hillary right? shes racebaiting to near obama levels

>Voting Johnson
>Gary "lol what's Libertarianism here have open borders" Johnson
Fuck that guy

>Hillary attacking cartoon frog
>How bad will this get?
It's already fucked up beyong any rational level.

He still did it, even though it fell flat on its face.

>it's been a thing in videogames since the game that allowed you to rape indians on the nes

Way to talk about things you know nothing about.

Seriously. Women are retarded if they think that's attractive.

>someone is hated on Cred Forums
>does something to piss of sjws
>constant threads now saying he wasn't that bad
Like clockwork.

Fuck off

>Implying this hasn't been the fucking case forever

Give me "Vietnam Protests" for 500 Alex

>Unironically supporting Milo
>Unironically supporting Milo when he swindled people out of their money for a "charity" like the hook nosed jew fuck he is.

>her VP choice is literally a black supremecist
>open borders cuck who doesn't even know what a lepo is
r u trying to bamboozle me

For normies it is attractive...

that's the weird thing

he's a jackass
but he's not a jackass for the reason nu-media is claiming

weird situation

Then vote Stein. Or write in literally anyone else. A random 75 year old literally retarded and senile old man that pisses his pants and lives on the street is more qualified than either Shillary or Tramp.

Oh man you must not have heard of the red scare huh nigga? American history that shit?

>alt-right and the bigotry that defines it

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots

person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions

>what a bigot, how dare they support someone I politically disagree with, better pull support


And people say liberals are victim-playing crybabies.

Hillary is so awful even your random kids in my college arnt supporting her instead they opted to support the green party LOL.

Trump already won long ago

>bullying people who don't believe in your political ideology

these people aren't any better or different then trumpfags

>CTR is even shilling outside of Cred Forums
Fucks sake

So you're getting thrown out of a helicopter from twice as high.
Got it.
>Physical Removal is coming...

>unironically being a mudslime
>unironically caring about redditor's money

Yeah, no.

Twerking just shows off how much fat you have in your ass and thighs and how well your body can deform to ugly proportions.

The more libelous point was the Daily Beast article which claimed Palmer posted as NimbleRichGuy in the group, citing an email they say came from Palmer, and he later then posted on Facebook that he never posted as that user.

One of the two are lying.

Restrictions force creativity, so the real answer is "no."

hes right though why is ok to ruin a mans reputation because you disagree with him doesnt make sense IMO

>For niggers it is attractive...
Fixed. Guess which kind of dick white women want.

Stein and Johnson are even more liberal than what Hillary's pretending to be.

Nobody seems to get it. Jim doesn't care about anything. He might actually be Lord Kek made human flesh.

Is Hillary even running a campaign?

Honestly the only thing I've seen from her is basically, "Trump sucks", but I have no clue what she actually wants to do as president or why she's running. You can not like Trump all you want, but at least you know what he wants to do and why he ran.

Like, someone posted a video earlier of her basically just screaming into the camera about why she isn't winning by 6 gorillion points. I just don't get it.

>the game that allowed you to rape indians on the nes

Hello yes where is argument

>Rodger killed three women (and some other people I guess (male))

>White girls with no asses convulsing on camera

>for googles it is attractive



atari 2600 dumbshit

It wasn't before Cred Forums dragged the subhuman garbage in.

Because goyim, it's "her turn" and if you disagree you're a racist, somehow, or a sexist, somehow, or you probably like that "evil" cartoon frog Pepa or whatever the kids call it...but it doesn't matter because it's her turn and your racist.

>but I have no clue what she actually wants to do as president or why she's running

Invading Syria and overturning Heller, last I heard.

It's not rape if they don't speak English

yes hello where is the archive

The fact that they're so mad about this gladdens me.

Sums up these fuckers rather well. If you don't 100% agree with everything they say they deem you as hitler etc. They real deserve some real comeuppance.

>not having vice blacklisted on your router


I would gladly take the second place Republican as president over Shillary and Tramp, and I don't even agree with most Republican policies. (I don't agree with many Democratic policies either, but at least Dems have shown to be slightly less evil than Republicans over the years.)

And nothing of value was lost, no matter the end result.

>It isn't the responsibility of individuals to make their own thoughts and decisions
>It isn't the responsibility of the individual to question what they are told
>People shouldn't be free to choose who and what they support or want to do, regardless if it's under misrepresented opinion

"People aren't allowed to do things I don't like!"

continued, point is, anyone else regardless of their policies is better than Shillary or Tramp. If you have to vote someone in, DON'T CHOOSE SHILLARY OR TRAMP.

I thought we weren't cool with people asking for source.

Find archive yourself. If there is none, make it.

I noticed this too.

What the hell.

>developing games for VR
>not even VR owned by Valve, but by Facebook
>Some dude just blew 10k to shitpost and scam, even reddit doesn't fall for the ruse
>"O-oh my God! What a deplorable racist!
T-t-this is why we're not going to develop any VR games!"

Face it, you all would've taken this opportunity.

Hillary is an awful person and everybody knows it and the only reason she's even running is because she's an egomaniac who is calling in all the favors she's accumulated over the years for this last chance to be elected before she dies. The fact that Trump is actually in the running while spending a fraction of the money she has says everything about how bad she is.

i remember her saying she wanted to follow in Obamas and merkels footsteps if she becomes president

That statement alone killed her hype for a lot of people.

>Wasting your vote

It's funny because they're all the literally whoest devs I've ever just heard of.

>Who the fuck even posts about their political views and shit on fucking social media in the first place?
uhhhhh fucking everybody? as long as you're a leftist that is. no fear of getting attacked for your views so long as you vote for the blue party. you're trying to make this an equivalence when there really isn't one. public support of one candidate is the safe answer, and the other can actually be dangerous for you.

Are you fucking stupid?
This has nothing to do with the legality or the morality of someone choosing to not support a company
This has to do with whether or not pulling support from a company because of politics constitutes as a form of punishment, which you could make the argument for

>why should people have the right to give or not give their money to whomever they want for whatever reason
Literally what you sound like. Whatever happened to the "free market capitalist dream" of conservatives?

>Thinking the college vote matters

The reason there is so much effort to bring up student turn out in elections is because they historically don't vote. Them voting third party is of no consequence, because they don't vote in big enough numbers to sway anything, and in most states where students actually have turnouts enough to sway a region it is in red counties in the first place.

stormfront is infinitely more civilized than Cred Forums. you can't even use the word nigger there.

That depends, did they lose their seats after no one voted on them and thus lost their seat democratically or was it through peer pressure or something of the like?

>implying Johnson and Stein aren't each every bit as shit as Shillary or Trump

Stein is a crazy cat lady who thinks that BLM is 100% legitimate and Johnson is a "libertarian" who is anti-gun and pro open border.

>Le non-argument man

Why is this guy ever taken seriously after his "objective morality" bullshit?

>trump sucks
When you have basically nothing but are running against essentially the reincarnation of Hitler, you don't need much else.

Jesus fuck, how the shit did we get into this situation of literally Hitler vs amoral bitch? People are dumb for voting for either one of these idiots in the primaries.

>I can't into greentext
Who's the dumbshit now?

What does that even mean?

Do you get a prize in the mail if the person you voted for wins?

Are you and your group of friends enough to swing your whole state?

What's the deliniation between a wasted and not-wasted vote, besides you getting to feel smug other people thought the same way you did?

>ignoring your bottom line to virtue signal in hopes that people will not support the candidate you hate

its retarded however way you look at it i only feel bad for the poor bastards who had invested stock on these"devs"

and yet people that point that out are called retarded fence sitters or something like that. We're not allowed to dislike multiple flavors of shit, it seems.

Let's put this way, this "election" is being held by people that want to kill you, and they let you pick if you will die being shot in the head by an AK47 or by an AR15.
"Wasting your vote" is being coy and saying something along the line of "Do you guys have an classic tommygun?"
You will still get shot, and probably by one of the guns, but die with a shit eating grin.

Thank god there won't be woman much longer.

Not him but voting for someone who doesn't have a chance is pretty much wasting your vote on purpose.

this desu
Voting is meaningless
The actions we do can affect the world in any meaningful way
We are barely in control of our own lifes which are determined by the whims of the Illuminati and the entropy of the universe

>Two shit candidates
>One who the elite adores and supports
>One who the elite hates and scrutinizes
The choice is clear
4-8 years of the spiritual return of the Whig party or 4-8 years of more warmongering Wilsonian foreign policy

are you seriously that retarded?

>he thinks Cred Forums is a literal skinhead hive.

Are you autists simply unable to comprehend the concepts and idea behind mindless and ironic shitposting? Is this why there are people who genuinely get upset over the content posted on this bullshit, ultimately pointless site?

You people fascinate me. Tell me what it's like to have a brain so defective it treats everything at face value.

Well either Hillary wins, the US becomes a nigger infested shit hole and western society collapses, or the reverse of that happens with Trump.

>the reincarnation of Hitler

Hitler was cute CUTE!

As long as porn devs support it, nobody cares
And they will, because porn devs love money

>boohoo our 40 dollar game where you flip burgers or fly like a bird is the reasin anyone will buy an oculus
Give me a break

You had your chance, America.

I even brought you turtles and you still laughed me off stage.

>Voting for hillary
>Wanting refugees, corruption, and the next step in globalism

>Voting Johnson
>Wanting refugees and a deeper recession

>Voting Stein
>Wanting literal societal breakdown and refugees


>Voting is meaningless
I think that's been disproven now that Donald Trump somehow has a 50/50 chance to be our next president.

I guess voting was pretty meaningless if you were a Democrat this year though.

the other boards outside of Cred Forums genuinely believe everyone here is an autist. Although i do agree with you in hat the Cred Forums boogeyman has gotten old

lol no, all they're doing is NOT putting it in the Oculus store, Oculus is 100% compatible with any VR game on Steam and anything that runs on the Vive. Which ALL of these game will be on.

This is just the most limp dicked back handed protest anyone has ever done.

And not only that most of these cunt monkey devs are fucking CANADIAN!

We're overdue for a Jeb! surge any time now

>greentexts a posts
>puts a reaction image next to post
>this obviously means that person is stating what was in the greentext rather than reacting to it
>greentext is never used to make a sarcastic statement
The retard here is the one who needs this shit explained.

People pull support from companies all the time based on ideological reasons, this literally happens all the time. How does it constitute a form of punishment, it's literally how things have always worked.

Just because in this instance it is political, doesn't mean jack shit, employees can do whatever the fuck they want, they just can't complain about not being able to go back after.

When you quit a job because they aren't giving you enough hours are you punishing them? Are you mentally handicapped? If you found out a company that sold towels was funding Isis would it be punishment to stop buying the towels? The quality of the towels has nothing to do with their stance after all.

Politics is pretty popular these days, desu ka

>literally Hitler

We need an actual racist candidate to run, so people will remember what racism actually is.

sometimes I feel bad for Yeb

but then I remember that he barely even tried because he automatically assumed that he was the anointed one because of his last name and I stop feeling bad.

Why doesn't Canada invite more refugees to their country and let other races breed their woman?

>where is the world headed where your career may end because you have an unfavorable opinion?


>Voting Trump
>Wanting no economy, political gridlock, the loss of any vestige of influence we still have in the world, and to be best buddies with Russia.

>said things
>killed millions of people
Yeah, he's literally Hitler.

goddamnit im done drinking.

who is this semen demon?

Those are just the loudest devs/those who get the most attention from games press. Most of us are still fun idiots like the old days.

>ever thinking that beta male had a chance

It's amazing how the only sane person is silenced near instantly.

>Based Game devs killing both Trump's campaign and shitty VR gimmicks

Russia would be a better ally than the cucks in the EU.

You mean Trump?

What's sad is that people don't even recognize racism.

>donating trillions to shit countries and organizations that do fuck all for is
Oh no! We might lose our influence over LiterallyWhereistan! And Europe might have to pay for its own shit programs!

Are you retarded, both of your shitty parties have tons of supporters who can't shut the fuck up about their political views.

America is so politically degenerate that no one is interested in discussion and just spews shit because they like one candidate more.

>an actual racist candidate to run
We need an actual Hitler candidate to run.

>Attack articles out the ass about how fucking "evil" this guy is
>Devs publicly stating they're dropping support because of "Anti-semitism"
>"Lol how is it punishment?"
Dropping support is one thing
Starting and backing a smear campaign is completely different

What policies does Trump have on his website that openly advantage one race over another, on the basis of race?

>but but hes a wasis!
You bern victims are still salty about trump?Uncle Bernie swindled you get over it

ever been to Los Angeles?

>borders are racist
>why can't we be more like Canada?
>nationalism is evil
If you want to see what open borders are like, then move to Sweden you moron.