Fug u IceFraud

/nerf/ when?


just tp out

The nose ring is always so fucking out of place.

>Brown girl
>Blue eyes


Yeah, just tp out bro, b urself

LC doesn't need a nerf, they should however quit and force abandon the LC player if she kills more than one jungle camp early

Dark skin light eyes is the true master race

>purple boy
>no eyes


I bet she has hairy armpits

U wot


does this game really take incredible mental disicipline

If incredible mental discipline, you mean TEAMWORK, then yes. TEAMWORK is actually a very difficult concept for the vast majority of people who enjoy this genre.

But she is fine?

Duel is HARD FUCKING COUNTERED by the Linkens and she has no way to pop it.

Get sentries if retard playing her gets a shadowblade. Get some more wards if he gets a blink dagger.

Stop being so out of position that you get jumped on and killed during the teamfight with no teammates to help.

Gank the bitch in the jungle during the first 10 minutes and FINISH THE GAME EARLY IF YOU CAN'T DO ALL THAT SHIT I TYPED ABOVE.

Yeah it does. It needs a very comprehensive understanding of its rules and mechanics, to resist tempting bait when something seems too good to be true sometimes, you need to resist the temptation to lash out at your teammates etc.

Why? She's only popular because retards are obsessed with jungling and she's got nothing special like old Arc Warden.

>She's only popular because retards are obsessed with jungling

It really beleaguers my butthole when people take any hero with lifesteal and assume it'll be good at jungling for anything more than occasional safe farm when the lane is fucked. Maybe the iron talon or some other item changed it up a lot haven't played much since a lot of the new items were introduced, but you could throw legion into almost any other position other than support and she'll be more useful than in the jungle.

stop feeding

Her Aghs is horrible. What's the point? None of her abilities need buffing.

this was my fav character besides sven when i played dota
whys she strong?

Well if you use that kinda standards for who should jungle or not, you'd be left with only three heroes who should jungle, echantress, chen and enigma.

Because pubbies have no map awareness and die alone in a middle of nowhere giving LC permanent +10/18 damage.

She isn't op her anything right now, op just wanted to start a dota thread. IIRC this is the most balanced patch in a long time, only OP hero is Arc wich is funny since everyone thought he was trash after the nerfs. "worst hero ingame" lmao, shows how much d2g knows.
Anyway I wish I was good at playing her she'd be my musclefu, but I suck ass.

Phantom Assassin is worse.

and the better girl

dude is that racist

>gettin' mad at PA
500 elo detected

She isn't op her anything right now
>once she gets blink she'll always get kills no matter how safe you play. She can dive anyone.
When she gets blademail, it's gg wp.

Add to that her counterattack, her regen, her first spell.

>once she gets blink she'll always feed duel damage
FTFY. If she doesnt have supports you can guarantee she will yolo into the enemy 5 man gangbang and dive t3s.