Could bless online be the first good korean mmo?

Could bless online be the first good korean mmo?

Wasn't Maplestory korean?

If the MMO genre has been nothing but shit to you, then what makes you expect another entry in a shitty genre will change your opinion?

No. The character models are hideous. Revelation looks much better.

I want to caress that elf guys ears.


The only "good" MMO to come out of Asia has been FFXIV.

Black Desert would have been cool but goddamn, it's a trainwreck. The grind is insane, the UI is bonkers, and the font is blurry as fuck.

>be the first good korean mmo?

It won't even be the first good MMO

can I play it for free?

>korean mmo
Pick one op

>criticize the models of one game
>say rev looks better

Revolution 60 does look better.

revelation is so korean it hurts.
>Everyone can sprout huge angel wings and fly wherever they want.


Why hello there, user.

>"well those wings do look detailed, I don't see the proble-"
>that fucking face

Why can't Kim just nuke the south already?

Disgusting. Only his boys are good.

>the cat girls literally hiss at penis

And what makes this different from every single other WOW knockoff currently out?

All the faces look the same.

I think it's intentional.

im just here for my loli rat

No, you underaged bitchboy, because the greatest MMO of all fucking time was a Korean NCSoft title.

>you'll never play Lineage2 again
>anyone under 20 will never understand what was lost

Just fucking kill me

a huge open world with more of a focus on pvp. Guilds can take control of cities which means they'll have to fight off other guilds who want to take the city from them. There's also typical pve stuff like dungeons and raids.

You do realize this game is being publish by fucking Aeria Games, right? It screwed by arrival.

So it's endgame WOW stuff, except you don't need to be max level in order to participate. Well, except for the city takeover thing, where only the biggest guilds with a bunch of endgame characters would be doing that.

Good to know.

Yeah, I know. They've only localized anime mmos in the past and lost over 100 employees in a merger. I'm pretty sure bless is the first higher profile mmo they've taken on so I'll reserve judgement until we see what the western cashshop looks like.

>So it's endgame WOW stuff
I thought wow's endgame was just progression raiding?