Are you exited about the game Cred Forums?

Are you exited about the game Cred Forums?

only if i can fuck her



ebin XD

>no NA release

I don't think people realize all the VR waifu games you're seeing online aren't coming here.


>no US release
>no US release

Best we can do is hope for EU and import it.

Who do you think is better Cred Forums?

Sorry to tell you this but the blonde girl's scenario was cancelled. It was confirmed at TGS that only the Japanese girl's scenario will be seen through to completion due to the amount of resources it takes just to ensure one girl has enough animations, actions, and lines of voiced dialogue to match what the consumer will need to be immersed.


> EU
> ever getting anything that isn't made in the EU

Best we can do is hope for an English subtitled version released to Hong Kong.

RIP in peace blondie.

PSVR games are region locked tho

>Sorry to tell you this but the blonde girl's scenario was cancelled
>RIP in peace blondie.




Can't say I am.

RIP Summer-chan ;__;

>Region locking games that won't get a release outside of moonland.

For what purpose?

What's this RIP business?

She got cut from the game

Japan has been region locking a lot of content due to increased amount of scrutiny placed on them by media outlets and foreign politicians.

A lot of their horror related content has been region locked recently due to controversy in China(because things like skeletons are too spooky for them.) Now VR and porn are getting harsh region locks because foreign press and people in the UN and other agencies basically sit around calling Japan sexist, bigoted, child molesting rapists.

Because that's the point of a region lock you idiot, they don't want you to play it.

liar, liar pants on fire

A desire to market the device differently in different regions. PSVR in North America and Europe is supposed to represent something completely different from in Japan.

Not that I agree, but they've used dumber justifications in the past.

W H A T?

c'mon now

we all now the white girl is the best

Because once there was a VN that got popular in the west and almost got hentai banned, so now they region lock everything to protect SJW sensibilities. It was Rapelay.

They don't want you to import it instead of buying your regional release, you moron.

I hate it too user but let's not tear each other apart over it.

We'll still get jap indie vr stuff on PC. It's a start.

Kek I just noticed she looks alot like one of my bros at school

Her eyes are too far apart, she looks like an ayy

That's because it's a white girl parsed through Japanese cuteness. She's the best part of both worlds.

None of the stupid western trends like nazi youth undercut shaved progressive whining, and none of the cringe Akibahara idol shit.

(You) are correct

>no source
>vive shilling




>Are you exited about the game Cred Forums?
The white girl got cut so no i don't give a shit.

Why do you guys even like the blone bitch anyways? She looks like a generic bimbo

They both look generic.

Vive, Oculus or PSVR with a homebrew driver.
The dream is almost here, despite efforts to stop it.

tbqh the game is kinda trash if you can't sex her

there would clearly be sexual tension between the protagonist and the girl so to not include kissing and sexing is just wrong


Nah, I just want company.


When did they announce blonde waifu was cut?


>the game is kinda trash if you can't sex her
It's a console game. Graphic sex scenes are banned from console games. That's why hentai games are only on PC.

i wasnt joking

>She's right there beside you