How have japanese people coded games for so long when every programming language is in english?

How have japanese people coded games for so long when every programming language is in english?

they have to learn english, just like every other subhuman non-anglo "country".

they use ploglaming ranguages

>every programming language is in english


Name 5 that arent

You don't need to know english to program. They have documentations in Japanese. All they have to do then is to recognize roman alphabets and memorize commands. The same way you memorize cheat codes, really.

There exists non-english programming languages, but despite this people who aren't proficient in English can still learn a few dozens keywords that a programming language requires.


>coding in english

Now name ones that have to do with game development

>muh gaming programming language
fucking retard

>doesn't even know the point of the thread hes posting in

Holy hell are you an idiot. Stick to your containment board, Cred Forumstard


Boy that was hard. They're treated more like symbols rather than words. Ask any english speaking non-programmer what any of those mean and chances are they won't understand. So there's not much difference between a japanese learning about while loops and an american doing it.

Besides nobody goes into computers and programming especially if he doesn't know english. Googling solutions is the most bare-basic skill.

you don't need a specialized gaming language to program games
maybe you should learn the first thing about programming before you start spouting shit

How do you think games are made? Could you be any more of a retard?

You must think people draw on paper and a game magically appears. Here's a hint: they're programmed like anything else

>Now name ones that have to do with game development
My my, don't you think it's not very wise to talk about things you know fuckall about?


they're programmed in a generic programming language

>on Cred Forums
>Cred Forumstard


That's not a rebuttal in any way to what he said though. They're programmed alright, that's literally what he said, so what? How does that forces you in any way to use specific programming languages when you want to make a game?
You could make a game in html javascript python binary even in assembly, 1 + 1 = 2 in every language and as such that leaves the possibility of creating games on any language
now please off yourself

Can you not read? He's saying you don't need a specialized gaming program you idiot.

>game development
Ironic how you tell people not to talk about things they dont know about when you clearly dont know anything. You both couldnt be more of an idiot if you tried.

>>you don't need a specialized gaming language to program games
>>Here's a hint: they're programmed like anything else.
You're 100% retarded.

But Japanese devs use game engines all the time and different engines support different languages. Like Unreal 4 is all C++ or Unity is C# and (not)Javascript. You can make a game using whatever but if you want to use all those premade tools and convenience features you have to use what's available.

Nice rebuttal, idiot

im sorry user but it appears that the word game already has a definition that will not change no matter how much you want it
i'm sorry the world isn't exactly like you want it to be

That's true, it doesn't mean that not using a premade game engine and a popular language will make the game you are developping not a game though
It's more convienient indeed but not obligatory

Same can be said for (you), kys. LOL

The big companies hire expert programers that understand english well. Porn companies and doujin game makers obviously are shit tier when it comes to anything programming.

>The big companies hire expert programers that understand english well

Then why do most big games still have glitches in them?

can you provide links instead of common words

The sheer quantity of code that multiple programmers produce makes it impossible to anticipate the exact results by observing the code alone.

holy shit ken-sama you're such a faggot


is this holy c++?

>I don't know what debuggers are
>I don't comment my code either
What did he mean by this?

>glitches are exclusively created by buggy code

There's not really many English words needed to code

consoles were programmed largely in assembly languages which is equally gibberish to english speakers. aside from having to learn a few latin symbols like "mov" and "jmp" it wasn't really any harder for a jap. the bigger issue would be getting accurate translations of the documentation.

it wasn't until the PSX generation that console programmers actually started using high level languages for production code (but even then assembly remained a large part of it until the Xbox). so by the time it actually mattered, basic english instruction had already been commonplace for many years

also, mature compilers will generally accept UTF/Unicode tokens so it isn't actually necessary to write code in english. that's just for the symbolic keywords. it's sort of like asking how one can learn certain phrases from anime without understanding japanese

>Games run on unicorn farts and glitter

>a priori dumbfuck

>Hurrr you can build a house using just windows

Obviously you don't know any language and never used any code in your life so why pretend?

オタク 下劣な男(オタク ゲイ)
return お前;

What now faggots?