It's January 2016 and Todd Howard has called you in for a meeting about the Skyrim Remaster

It's January 2016 and Todd Howard has called you in for a meeting about the Skyrim Remaster.

In addition to the updated graphics, they have about 10 months to come up with new features and slot them into the game.

So, give about 3 suggestions to fix pic related.
>Unfuck Winterhold
This means making the provincial capital more than just 6 villagers and then THE COLLEGE.
Have there be another nearby settlement up the hill or at the base of the cliff with some much needed quests, services, etc.
>Bring some life to Falkreath
Historically a region belonging to the Imperials, and there's really little to it. Helgen wasn't of Imperial architecture, neither is Falkreath town. In fact unless a guild quest brings you there or you want to meet all the Daedric Princes there's not going to be anything that brings you to this Hold.
>Dawnstar and Morthal
This is more a general thing, since its not like either are low on NPCs. a couple more quests from these towns would be nice. The 5 major cities all have questgivers for random stuff, but these two don't, instead it seems like they have NPCs that were meant to do this, or wind up as followers, but Bethesda never got around to it.

Other urls found in this thread:

falkreath is less than a minute away from the door you first leave helgen through. if you weren't a pansy who followed your escort to riverwood then you probably found falkreath pretty early.

Why don't they start to make the following game instead?

Okay, but unless you want to hunt deer or find Barbas what reason do you have for being in the forest?

Seems like half the hold that isn't snow-capped mountains is sorely lacking content

Adding features that Daggerfall/Morrrowind had decades beforehand such as Spears or crafting your own spells or a million things about towns, factions and the world.

add spears thrown weapons

add spell crafting

add the entirety of holds of skyrim

add mounted combat

add field alchemy

add camping, basic alchemy with mortar and pestle and other outdoors shit

add populated stormcloak battles

fix the combat AI, the schedule AI and the idiotic quests

add favorite weapon and better inventory shit

add more generic gear like chainmail hauberks, gambesons, brigandines and simpler plates, as well as more variety in helmets so there's not ONE kind of steel design in the entire province

Fix the combat and make the AI cheat less. Also, fix quest rewards, because they're lame bullshit that's not even worth selling half the time.

Give you the option to side with Mjoll and burn Riften to the ground and butcher every last fuck in the Thieve's Guild. And a public execution for Maven.

Expand the towns that aren't Whiterun and Morthal because everywhere else is barely even a village.

Allow the completion of the Warrior's Guild and Thieve's Guild quest chains without having to become a Daedra's bitchboy. Something like making the Silver Hand an actual faction instead of being permanently insane and hostile bandits with a different nameplate that occasionally use silver weapons, and you can side with them and purge the Companions of Daedra worshiping scum.

nothing can make it un-shit but adding maybe 100 NPCs that dispense lore and/or 100 more unique enchantments/weapons/objects

Make combat fun, add a hand to hand perk tree and the ability to craft spells again.

I think it'd probably be easier to just make a new game than it would be to make skyrim good

>add the entirety of holds of skyrim
What do you mean by this?

make the entirety of my modlist vanilla

Hire based Schick to work on the lore

Piss off, Colonel.


>"fanciful tales"
Fuck off

Why do people want to add spellcrafting back in?

>herp derp gotta make my spell that makes you jump 8000 ft in the air


More like "cuckmaster"

>Skyrim Remaster

>Remastering the worst game in a series

Fucking dropped

Make cities larger
Make difficulty settings actually make the game harder instead of just buffing enemy HP and damage.
Add more NPCs

this is bait

Add the Boots of Blinding speed

>add in all of Morrowind's features like attributes, spears, detailed armor and spell crafting

>Stop remastering Skyrim
>remake a good game like Morrowind instead.
There. I fixed all the games problems.

On my first playthrough I went falkreath first then markarth, one of the comfiest areas IMO

Make a game mode with no combat. Just you living in the world. Becoming a shopkeeper, blacksmith, or even just go hiking if you want.

stretch the map out.
make huge areas of just "nothing", with winding paths/foot roads that sometimes get very narrow when going to remote homesteads or villages.

Farms, build more farms, we should see fields of wheat and barley.. it's boring sure but that's what fast-travel is for, you see little shitty villages with peasants.

Occasionally you'll run across a bunch of dead imperials or stormcloaks (or "sympathizers") hanging from trees, or encounter lynch mobs.
A sense of the player being in a tumultuous time already.