Dota 2 mmr

Hey /v what's your mmr?
Are you guys happy with it or not and what do you think that you guys could do better?
I'm currently at 1.3k mmr and stuck here. Pretty shit situation.

3.1k, dont know, been playing for so long I just play out of habit I guess, game is still incredibly good, 1.3k is a pretty shitty mmr man, wont lie, im guessing you are a new player.

Thing is that I've been playing for about 500h.
I'm not new to dota I was just an idiot and calibrated before I got decent at the game so I'm currently fighting my way out of this shitfest

4.6k its fine but i'd like to get 5k

7421 is mine.

I hit like 3.8k before I stopped playing a year ago.

Its been too long for me to go back now that I'm free.

Non-existant, never played past 30 minutes in the beta. It's all my fucking friends play though.

2.6k and i shit on retards with Lotus Orb and by playing Kotl

4k, anyone under 3-4k should consider suicide. I'm not even very good and everyone i play with and against are garbage.

When I played my placement matches, I was drunk as fuck most of the time and still placed somewhere around 3.3k.
It's still shit, but I have a friend with 4k hours and a rating of whopping 600. I don't know how you can still be that horrible after four fucking thousand hours.

Oh yeey a penis measuring contest.

>make a new steam account for dota
>level it up to 13
>play ranked games
>play with heroes who deal a lot of damage
>enjoy 3k mmr
> profit

5.1k in party mmr

I don't really enjoy solo matchmaking. This game is best with friends. Also party matchmaking is more lax. More room to random and play actually fun heroes and not meta pick every single game.

>That feeling when you are 2.8k
>Stop playing ranked
>Improve a lot
>But still scared of playing ranked cuz you might bleed MMR


It doesn't bother me since I played supp[ort my whole calibration and did my role fine, at the end of the day if the carry doesnt carry you pretty much lost.

who even gives a fuck if you bleed mmr.
People will laugh no harder if you are 1.5k than at 2.8k
You have literally nothing to lose.
>tfw calibrated at 2.8k as well due to major bullshit in placement games
>tfw not a pussy and not a retard so kept playing and improving
>tfw 5.1k now
you can do it too, just grow a spine and play some dotes

>he actually believes this

I am not scared of losing.
I am scared of getting stomped, not learning anything, and then not wanting to play more Dota that day.

I only enjoy being the person to enable others to be unstoppable. I will never climb because I can never be paired with people who aren't shit I am a healslut

You are never going to learn anything at that mmr, regardless of winning, losing or if its a stomp in either sides favour.
People are so bad at this level that if you are capable of properly last hitting, using spells with a reaction time of less than 3 seconds and keep playing you are going to have a 75%+ winrate.
If you play support and know how to properly zone you do two proper ganks during laning phase you're going to have a 80%+ winrate

They are this fucking bad.
YOU are very likely this bad

I only play unranked, about 4000 games since the beta. Pretty certain I'm around 4.5ish given it's comparable to what I see in 4.5k mmr in ranked. But with more Invokers and Morphlings and Slarks.

You don't learn anything buy winning. You learn by losing.

Depends on your ability to learn.
If you really think about it, you can see when you fuck up, and learn right there, and still recover the game because 2k pubs is awful at ending games.

Most likely you are right. But to improve in Dota, you need to play 3-4 games per day, and try to learn.
If i tilt and play just 1, i don't improve.

i am 4.1 and i seriously can't play on weekends because USE is full of peruvians, fucking nuke that shitty country

Havsn't played dota in two years after playing since 2006. Never looked back.
I miss Alan from gamingholddota though

There is nothing to learn from 2k mmr games.
There is no tactic involved in that. No techniqe, no skill.
People miss at least 50% of their last hits in an uncontested lane.
Noone stacks, noone applies real continued pressure, noone wards, and if they do they just ward like 2-3 spots without even considering where vision would be benefitial to the team.

honestly if you play 1 game per day and think about what to do and what to improve you still get better.
But if you actually manage to get yourself tilted then there is not much to say. There is no value in anything a 0-3k mmr person has to say about the game. Absolutely nothing. People at your mmr play dota at the same level that a middle school kid with deformed feet plays soccer, it's recognizable in its general structure at the best of times and that's the nicest way to put it. If you actually care enough about what others in your game say to you to get angry enough to deteriorate your play then you should mute them the moment anything dumb comes from them. If you still tilt then go play tetris or something