World of Warcraft: Legion

Has any one played this expo pack yet? I've been watching videos on it and i'm getting the nostalgic feeling of the Burning Crusade. ITT: What's your favorite expo and why? General WoW thread for people who enjoy playing it.

A lot of it is your standard WoW expac, you are really force fed the chosen one tripe like always.

But for once there are some interesting redeeming qualities.

One of them being, the Gear Set you are given from your class hall is given to you in the same way your Vanilla Dungeon set was.
You get a few pieces for doing simple things, like Finishing your Class Hall, or Beating all the Dungeon Bosses.
As it goes on, you get higher ilvl pieces by doing more difficult (or grindy) things to get them.
Lastly they can be upgraded for resources to higher ilvl as well.

Another thing is the End Game Area, Suramar is very interesting. Imo I find it enjoyable because there are several interesting locations and lore surrounding it. As well as the fact that the zone is not fed to you either, some of the quest chains inside of it are behind Rep Grin or you have to actually go and explore the Zone to Find it.

Secondly, The City is incredibly fun to be in and gives you a very fun feeling involving espionage and sabotage of a demon controlled area.

Lastly the other half of the city might as well be a completely open world dungeon with bosses, quest, and loot.

The Artifact Weapons are a blessing and a Curse, no more new weapons to mog, just appearances, and the Artifact Tree's remind me of talent tree's but the whole thing is really just a grind.

In short, its got good parts for once. Compared to Draenor its a complete 180 to a way better direction.

Is it? Thats so good to hear. I wish I had enough to buy it on B.N; Being an actual adult sucks. But I can't wait to get it in the coming weeks and grind out all night long on the weekend.

There's enough to keep you playing for awhile, a lot opens up once you finish the main quest lines.

And you can go from any zone you like from the start too.

I recommend saving High Mountain and Stormheim for last, they are the best.

Daily Reminder that Sargeras is going to become redeemed and fight alongside Azeroth the titanic champion of the light against the void lords

Are there any spots like Shadowmoon valley?

I would not be surprised.

WoD Shadowmoon or BC Shadowmoon?

BC Shadowmoon

I wish dual speccing wasn't such a grind, having to farm AP for a second Artifact weapon sucks.

Surprisingly, only a few places are incredibly Mountain Dew'd in the whole of The Broken Isles.

There isn't a lot of Desolate places in The Broken isle. Although, I believe the Broken Shore will eventually make a come back since it is still on the map.

Guys should i be clearing every single world quest i get in order to make better ones pop or what?

I feel like the shit WQ's i have are stopping better ones from appearing?

like look at my WQ's

im ilvl 852

why would i ever want to do any of this garbage?

OR is it garbage because im not doing them? FUCK

I always do Resources, Artifact Power, and Gear.

The Resource spending in the class hall gets fucking retarded, you should also make sure all your artifacts are caught up.

And with the chance of gear upgrading from world quests, its to good to pass up. Friend of mine got an 870 from a wq the other day.

Considering it's already been confirmed that Tomb of Sargeras will be a raid, yes we will go back there

No it's based entirely on timers, as well as some WQs not being unlocked before you do the storyline in the zones

I do all the order resources ones, all the AP ones, all the Suramar ones and some of the gear ones

Actually Legion is quite shit.

You are item-level-spron-fed metzen.

Metzen left and ha was just cleaning blizzard's toilettes.

Community is shit, lot of deserted areas, much racism between countries (you dont really want to drop that valuable piece or > hate).

No new content. New central city? Recycled Daloron.

Absolutely LACK of weapons, you get tha SPOON.

12 sept lead Metz left Blizzard AFTER costumers bought: this summer Overwatch (failed Titan), 31 Aug Legion.


weird ive had literally nothing relevent for days now

just gold, ap(250 AP when i need 46k is a fucking joke) and orderhall resource which im currently fucking drowning in atm

What fucking class should I main jesus christ just pick for me.

haha epic! XDD *holds up spork* upvoted

>ap(250 AP when i need 46k is a fucking joke)
looks like you need to catch up on AK

>orderhall resource which im currently fucking drowning in atm
just wait until every order hall mission costs 250 resources and every class hall upgrade costs 10000-15000

>400ap reward
Wow such difference

assassination rogue
brewmaster monk
affliction lock

any are fine

As a new WoW player, I'm giddy about discovering 10+ years of content.

I played vanilla back in '06 for like a month. I was shocked to see that the game remembered that I did the first instance (Deadmines) and wove it into the lore.

"Holy shit! Yea! I remember when I killed VanCleef! How does the game know! No wonder those red bandit guys aren't swarming everywhere!"

It's like the game world had actually aged in real time parallel to when I had to stopped playing.