LoL Top champs

Post your mains/top champions and r8 each other

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Go play a good game instead

It's been a couple years since I played assfaggots, but I was diamond with Malzahar, Singed, and Karma.


who actually still plays MOBAS

this isn't 2009-2013


11 million monthly dota 2 players
70 million monthly LoL players

you must have down syndrome or cant stop memeing

>playing moba trash

holy shit, I saw that too.
can't believe WHY.jpg guy got his own show on espn.
fucking crazy how powerful memes are today


egoraptor sends his condolences

nice, love him
fucking epic

>unironically playing LoL in 2016
>admitting it on Cred Forums on top of that

welcome to HALO REACH

>has gay sex with console
>obvious commentary about gay sex
>commentary becomes more obvious
>face turns into vagina dentata

Haven't played much in the last 6 months except for some ranked 3v3 with the bois

I played old graves when he was still fun


forgot to r8
mordekaiser is lame as fuk, kassadin is prime though

I'm an Illaoi one-trick because I think she's sexy.

There's a containment board for assfaggots

I fucking love playing her
You just feel so stronk

Morde is pretty balling
New Graves is great though
I have certain respect for good Illaois

She's the only thing keeping me playing ranked. It pisses people off and I have fun with a nice champion. I just wish she were back to release because then she was balanced. People only complained then because they didn't know how to play as her. Riot only made her broken because nobody bought her...fucking cunts.
hehe xd

*against her,fuck i'm dumb

new graves can't pillage ass bot lane with youmuu rush though

its not the same
fuck illaoi

Fucking based

>t. shitter

>playing anything other than yordles

Only yordle I own is Veigar

Master Yi

Used to be an ADC main then switched to mages like Anivia and Karma mid climbed higher than I did playing ADC that's for sure.

I've mained Trundle since before his rework.
Sion since before his rework.
And urgot since I started playing.

arc warden + nyx assassin for life

theres literally no reason to use other heroes, they do everything so well holy shit muh dick

I quit a while ago but I think my top 3 were Wukong, Sona, and I forget what else. Thresh maybe.

Mid laners unite!

Bard OTP branching out to Taric a bit
Was gonna pick up Shen but he got dumpstered

Veigar is a good yordle

Love the fish man

Is that supposed to be anivia?

Superior in every way game coming through. Too bad it's dead.

>Was literally just a Dota 2 before there was a real Dota 2
>Dota 2 now exists
>People still care about it

Urgot bro
8/10 for the Sion and Urgot

I am the cancer


Get on League now while you can. Twitch is freelo.

Ghostblade/Hurricane with Ult is just free pentakills.

>He still plays morde

Well met, brother.

>this many faggots actually play this casual normie trash


i dropped him when i bought battlecast and then riot nerfed his range. havent touched him in years

>he doesnt main poppy, the anti anti-fun champion

She's also top cute.

>i'll go in this thread about the game I hate just to shitpost

I just started to play dota because the playerbase increased and both LoL and dota focused lately on reworking their game + all that years of balance.. it's now the time to start if ever.

Soon Ahri will be no.1 followed by either Vel'Koz or Riven

I play jungle In bronze II

kill yourselves on the way there

>I have no defense for my bad game

It's good game for me, I don't give a shit about your or anyone else's opinion f a m.

recently started playing jayce

rate me Cred Forums

The Twisted Fate is him as jungle

Pretty badass.

Replace nidalee with shaco and you're god.