Alright Cred Forums, I need your opinions. I want to use my 20% off code in the Playstation store...

Alright Cred Forums, I need your opinions. I want to use my 20% off code in the Playstation store, and the two games I'm really stuck on are Attack on Titan and God Eater 2 Rage Burst. I've been looking at both of these for a while, but I can't decide which one I want to get.

God Eater 2 looks cool because it's the closest thing to Monster Hunter on the PS4 right now. I have 4 and Generations on 3DS, but sometimes I just really want to be able to play a game like that on a console, you know?

As far as Attack on Titan goes, I'm not super familiar with any of the source material, but the game looks really interesting. I've only seen the first 2 or 3 episodes of the anime, so while I'm familiar with the basic structure of the show, that's about all I know. But swinging around through the city styling on titans looks really fun, and everything I've heard about the game has been really positive.

So what do, Cred Forums? Which one of these two would you recommend? Am I just a faggot for asking?

Here's a picture of Ellen Page to help

How about this? Silent Hill is a good game.

would suck dick to have monster hunter on console


because i hate playing on a tiny handheld that looks likes shit

OK, easier question: Which game has better waifus?

You'll get more mileage out of God Eater, but don't bother if you're an insufferable Monster Hunter faggot.

Unless you like 30 feet tall skinless blonde short haired muscle women.

Or average dark haired light-skinned muscle women.

nah, not a Monster Hunter faggot at all. I don't typically put too much time into them, they're just fun once in a while. Never played them online or anything, so I'm apparently missing out on a big part of what makes them so good.


Then you might enjoy it. It also has less of an online focus since all missions are doable either by yourself or with ai instead of humans.

>Played MH1-Gen
>Also enjoy GE and SS

What made MonHun faggots insufferable?

I guess some people just don't like genre competition. Personally I think having a selection of structurally similar games is a good thing.

Platform wars from the newer MHfags (read: Nintendrones)

I've never seen a MH shitpost that even hinted at such a motivation.

Yeah they don't directly allude to it. Like all the shitposting in FFXV threads are PC fags but they don't mention PC. Because everything boils down to platform wars on Cred Forums.

get God Eater. It's not nearly the same as MH, but it scratches a lot of similar itches. It takes a while for the game to show you its combat depth, but it's there.

I have both games.

GE2 is a far better game with a lot more content. The gameplay is engaging and interesting, and there are a lot of depth with builds/equipments etc. It also has interesting party members that you can customize. The storyline is interesting but not the main focus. It also starts off pretty slowly, but it's worth it enough to not be pointless.

Its biggest weakness is the graphics and general "polishness" of the game. It's not pretty, but at least it sorta gets away with it by being "Anime" or "stylized".

Attack on titan is pretty much the opposite in a lot of ways. It's very gorgeous while still being an "anime" looking game. The battlefields are large and unique, and the way you move around in them is also a blast and immersive. The storyline is pretty good, as it follows the anime first season + a little more very closely. The titans move well and look cool, and the atmosphere is overall awesome.

However, content wise, it is lacking. Its gameplay is interesting but not as deep as it appears. The titans don't fight all that differently from one another, and you will be doing fairly similar things overall. There are no skills or anything to learn really, and your item upgrades are just sorta there. It's less of a traditional RPG in that sense. Your party members are fun, and they have personalities since it's basically playing through the anime, but I'd say that you don't notice them as much on the battlefield as you would in God Eater.

Overall, they are fairly different games, but you are more likely to get a lot more out of God Eater 2 than Attack on Titan. Attack on Titan is certainly the "prettier" or better polished game though, so there's that.



What this user says. I've gotten my monies worth out of God Eater (100+ hours so far), and from everything I've heard Attack on Titan is great for awhile but gets repetitive very fast.