Boss has over 2 million hp

>boss has over 2 million hp

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18 Billion you mean.

>boss has 2369279 healthbars

>yiazmat had 50 million HP the highest HP of any boss in the final fantasy series

>boss HP is so high its displayed in scientific notation

>boss takes 12 straight hours of pure korean autism to kill

>Not 24+

Maplestory was such a fucking shitty game I still wonder to this day why I wasted so many years on that garbage.
I could have spent my neet highschool dropout years in better things bust instead I played this garbage.

>can't kill training room nugol in less than a minute
>playing dfo

>boss has 100 million HP

>bosses are just normal mobs with increased HP / damage

What level did you make it to user
Surely you have some good memories at least

>oh cool this boss has some interesting mechanics
>oh man I bet the second and third phases are going to be really fun
>fight ends without any sort of challenge

>trillion HP

103 assassin. Back in the day I was doing pretty well with like a 48 attack black scarab and 10 attack gloves. This was around the time Aquaroad come out, which is when I quit. Started playing before third job was even out like back in 2006 or 2007
I do have some good memories, and it's the only MMORPG where I actually made friends. Any MMORPG I tried after Maplestory I ended up playing for a couple days, not making any friends, getting bored and quit.

>modern maplestory
>so many giant numbers on screen you can't even tell what's happening anymore
It's like a parody of itself now.

All those fucking buffs holy fucking shit.

what the FUCK is going on
i don't even know who/what the boss is

The only thing I can see in that vomit of colors are the cash shop pets walking around.
What the fuck


>those multiple 500000 GETs

>Paladin and Bishop
I thought Maplestory was damage cap zerging shit where all your equipment needed three 25% weapon damage lines on every piece of gear you have.

That's rough user, but I can definitely relate
Feels like combined with getting older and most MMOs becoming less and less social based, I just can't make any friends while playing anything
Really sucks

>the boss can grow stronger

newest kms boss lucid, has 14.5 TRILLION hp

>Boss wasn't actually MEANT to be killed

>Final boss has an attack that kills half your party while the other half barely survives
>he uses it every turn he gets

Pretty sure there's a PB with 900B now. Even worse shit like Utimate Chaos Cygnus or whatever the fuck.

>ㅋㅋㅋㅋ appearing in the damage numbers


>The boss was in the room with you the whole time.

Damage skins.

>boss' HP breaks the UI
Can any JRPG boss stand up to Baal?

>MapleStory is dead
Just kill me.

I'm happy with my chalk skin

You can try and play a pre big bang private server. And then realize the bare bones grind is mind numbing

Not him, but I also regret spending over 6 years as a neet playing mmos. I've gone back to school this year and met a really cute girl who was into me but after a few weeks she told me I was uninteresting and pretty much told me to fuck off.

I've never felt so hurt before.

>main character does 2 trillion damage per hit

Damage cap was removed

I hate when rpgs start out with high numbers already.
>begin game
>attack first enemy
>127 dmg

start reading nietzsche
then kant
then hiegel
then you can start to expand as strikes your fancy
get into guns and learn how they work
get into art- real art, not vidya- and find some concept that makes your dick hard
practice at the firing range with your rifle
adopt a simple but refined style of clothing
cut your hair something new
learn another language
get into history
start making music with whatever you have available
then go on a shooting spree
best life you can possibly live
just kill as many blind fuckers as you can
they're just trash
they're mobs
they all follow the same script
they think the same they act the same
there's seventeen or so variations of the same human being and none of them will do anything new
none of them will enlighten a life
none of them will create
none of them will modify
none of them will capitalize
they just fucking suck up resources and time and space and we have to cater to them
they don't care they're not curious they don't learn they just EXIST like cattle
just kill them
just kill them
nobody will miss them
just kill them

I heard Royals was good and the Cred Forums guild there is pretty...decent. Nothing special. I joined as an archer and boy it wasn't fun at all when I'm still hitting double-digits at level 50-ish. And yeah, I know that's my fault for expecting to do good as an archer, but I wasn't feeling up to being another night lord or another bishop.

Thank fuck for reboot being a thing. Less smegas than actual maple, less p2w, less interaction with other players but enough to where guilds are still a thing. I got fed up grinding master chronos in Royals and getting .10% per kill at level 50, and even at 130 in reboot the monsters (jars in herb town atm) in reboot are giving around .30%, and more with the multitude of 2x exp coupons and water wars buffs and all that shit. And during all that time getting to that point there were hardly any smegas.

I can't wait for the new 'dream' server to come out. I poured weeks into Ellinia, and damn did it hook me good.