Is she African?

Is she African?

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She is attractive, so no.

Doesn't really look like it


She's Blasian.


yo, you know you can edit wiki pages, right? don't trust that shit

>european face
>white hair
>white skin

you have weird ideas

sorry but we are all africans


no she's a fire goddess

hol up

so youz be sayin...

*smacks lips*

She looks like a young and lighter Iman. Japs love David Bowie, so maybe. Not every black person looks like they're a Bantu.

No, you can see in her bone structure that she is not, especially in the face. Normally a pure African's lips goes past the nose if you look from the side.



No. She has a caucasian face. Niggers are ape-like in face.

Japs dont make real african characters.
They just put brown skin on a western or japanese looking character.
I think it should stay that way.

You know that if the person who edited it doesn't have a reputable source that the edit gets changed back, right?

Of course you fucking don't.

if only real life was this way, imagine how much better the world would be

Brown people aren't Black people. It's skin tone found throughout Asia.

Also she's meant to be Chinese as with most DW characters. Obviously Koei take a lot of liberties.

With those leg-hip joints? No, that's how human legs are jointed.

And not every black person who isn't Horner is a Bantu.

>Khoisan/various hunter gatherer groups with clicks

You're not Ethiopian are you?

>Caucasians have large brow ridges and thin lips
>Negroids have mild to moderate prognathism depending on where you are (San have none while Bantus from Central Africa are rough) and small to nonexistent brow ridges
>Australoids have both large brow ridges and moderate to extreme prognathism
>Asians have almost no brow ridges but oddly flat faces and tiny dicks

Every race looks like an ape.

But black people generally have brown skin unless you're some backwater Dinka person in Sudan. Where's the logic in this?

Africans generally have a darker skin tone than OPs picture.

Nigger, that is demonstrably false. Wiki doesn't care shit about the quality of the fucking source. You can link an angelfire website made by Joe Blow.

Quit being retarded, quit reading wikipedia for information.

I feel like most Americans and whatever you are don't understand that humans aren't just black and white.

>make a white character
>make the skin tone brown/black

That's how japs make black characters

>the edit gets changed back
It's so cute that you actually think this.
When I was in college, my friend jokingly edited the Chris Rock page to say he attended Stuyvesant HS (a very engineering/STEM prestigious HS in Manhattan). He sourced it to some random fucking link on Stuyvesant's website.

You know how long the article was like that? Ten fucking months. You know how many morons like yourself read that and didn't bother checking the source? Millions and millions.

Quit being a fucking retard.