Should I buy this game? I'm 20 years old, I liked dwarf fortress. I like to create things but I like a challenge

Should I buy this game? I'm 20 years old, I liked dwarf fortress. I like to create things but I like a challenge.
>Will I enjoy this game?
>Can I mod it to enjoy it?

Getting the aryan desktop PC version ofc not that mobile shit

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If you are willing to spend the time modding it the game is great

Vanilla only lasts a couple hours before it gets boring

Buy it, open the launcher settings then select 1.7.3

Then enjoy

You kinda missed the glory days of it being maximum comfy. You won't get much out of it desu.

The idea of this game is that if you have all the time in the world you can truly enjoy a relaxing survival game. However if you have that time anyway you might as well do something more productive.

I'd suggest you look into Rimworld first.

Well I don't really want a relaxing game. The ability to create a base appeals to me but are there any complex features? Any factorio style building stuff, to add practical use to your base besides looking pretty?
I'm seeking a sort of first person dwarf fortress experience

You should buy it. If you want a good thing for building, with modding support which is challenging then you will like Minecraft.

Played it. I don't like how you can't customize your people though. For some reason that really turned me off to it

Just make sure to play survival mode instead of the other one.

All the kids nowadays just go and play virtual legoes, but the game in the purest sense really shines when you're making your shit little dugout while trying to stay alive once the sun goes down.

What's good about the old versions? I want more features and possibly mod support, not seeking a pseudo nostalgic experience. Not ripping on you I just mean what's actually good about it

I feel that

Strong this

Rimworld is fuckin great

I never got into Dorf Fartress cos it looked really bad, but apparently Rimworld is similar and that game is fucking great. Played it literally 20 hours straight when I bought it off Steam.

There are mods for that. I like the random people though, make every play through interesting. Just need to make sure you don't get any fuckin' pyromaniacs.

Minecraft was good 5 or so years ago when servers were active. Just nice build servers with nice communities... those were the days.

>tfw watch the video of my old server that went under sometimes and look at the things I helped build


This game is definitely not for you then. It's basically virtual legos with some circuitry blocks, the challenge and survival aspect is over after you build your first door on night 1

Ite. I guess I'll just keep getting into factorio then. That game is autism tight this looks like autism kids from what you guys are saying

People like the old versions just because it was before the hunger bar was implemented, and I agree with them. Minecraft was originally supposed to be a survival game but moved away from that when the fanbase just wanted to build cool houses, so the hunger bar doesn't actually add any challenge, it's just annoying.

Nah I really just mean I don't like having brown people in my bases. If I can mod that out I'll give it a go. Not even trying to be racist it genuinely bugs me

You can't turn it off or mod it out though? You probably need the most recent game for the mods too

Just random through geez I know the stats are optimal sometimes but you gotta give some shit up. Your stats do go up the more you use the though. Eg assign one to gardening and that skill does go up.

This game can be modded out the ass to basically become any type of game you want, really.

Want an FPS with breakable world? Possible.

Want an adventure? Hundreds of easy, medium, hard and impossibly hard adventure maps out there. (see Vechs maps, that ponyfucker faggot he is)

Want to build cool machines and mine the world dry?
Industrial craft, computer craft, etc.

Want to do magic? Fuck knows what that was called again, I only played it as part of a modpack.

There are modpacks that combine loads of mods together.
Feed The Beast was a fun one we hosted a server of for a while. (even had fags here on it)
Tekkit is a tech one, Hexxit is a magic one.

Go wild.
Single player can be fun if you look enough/
But I still prefer MP servers. Mainly factions or anarchy.

The magic mod is Thaumcraft; coolest mod in existence.


That was the one.

I only played it as part of Hexxit if I remember correct.
Bunch of other magic and fantasy mods in it.
I fucking loved that modpack.

We had a server up with that and had so much fun just exploring and not even building significant bases. (besides one shared one in a mountain side, and a huge barn)

>people too young for Minecraft can now post on Cred Forums

This is surreal.

Get it and mod it.

The game has potential to be amazing but vanilla barely has enough content to keep you interested. I recently played it with the Thaumcraft mod (involves unlocking the secrets of thaumaturgy, the closest I've ever felt to being an actual wizard in a game) after spending 4 years of not even touching the game due to disappointment and I had the most fun I had in 2016. Around 200 hours of building a wizard tower, doing alchemy and rituals, unlocking forbidden knowledge, experimenting on a small island and turning it into a polluted mass of purple plants, tentacles and glowing mushrooms. Seriously, never thought Autismcraft could be this fun.

What's great modpack that will give me lots of hours in SP? considering that I already played Vanilla for like 300 hours when it came out on Xbox