Have you bought a VR headset yet, Cred Forums?

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Yes. Mostly use it for racing sims now. Can't go back to racing without VR.

No this stupid ms paint comic convinced me not to buy one

Nah, they're expensive right now. Gonna wait until they are better made and cheaper.

having lots of fun with hotdogs, horseshoes and handgrenades. my family and i love it and job simulator.

cant say it was worth the price yet, but its a fun novelty. just needs to figure out movement mechanics and get some bigger support

Sure have. Got em all. Love em. As says, cannot go back to using a monitor with flying and racing.

Haven't had much use out of it yet thanks to shitty HTC support, endless RMA cycles that don't fix anything and hot weather making it impossible to wear the headset longer than 15 minutes without filling it up with sweat.

Doesn't sound worth it just yet. Giving it a few years

>racing sims

it's an accurate description but fuck me and fuck my childhood

Unless you're a developer or an enthusiast this is really the best thing to do.
There's still a lot of growing pains to go through right now.

>"""""dating simulator"""""
>it's just a model in the empty space

>you will never comfort max




its not worth it till they can bump the resolution up significantly. All these tech blog cretins kept going apeshit about how "u hav 2 see it to believe it!!! lol" and it was "meant 2 be seen!" but with prolonged use you can tell that the resolution is really lacking.

When you play a racing game, you're always looking forward into an LOD'd pixellized mess, which is always the reason people buy these. Gamecube games are great but I own the whole library and still am hard-up on seeing the appeal.

I really want one for Flightsim, but I'm not willing to shell out 1100$ canuckbux for a first-generation product


Subnautica in VR is horrifying in a way that nothing else can scare me. Sitting in a dark room at night full of plants on acid doesn't come close. Primal, gene-shaking fear.

It look really dope:

>No games
>Technology still isn't there
>God awful headset designs

I'll consider buying one when we finally get that VRMMO everyones been dreaming of and the headsets look more like this (minus oxygen mask) and less like one of those masks old women wear to bed.

Here you go. Comfort her all you want.

I'm glad I'm not a poser.

Do you know you can do anything with an hmd right?

You could sell your monitor and use hmd if you wanted

Yes. Gear VR. It hurts to use. There's practically np software. Everythings expensive for a cheap tech demo. Controllers are a bitch to work with.
Waste of 100. Even porn wasn't worth the price condering its nearly all paid and theres no goddamn femboy slut vr porn fucking hell make it happen already

Why are half of these so incompetent?

It's not even the hardware, it's like the developers don't know how to make games.

Because shit is still new. People are still trying to figure it out.

Is this a serious question?

Were you just not paying attention to anything with the rise of indies a decade or so ago?

No, I don't want my money to go to Trump

When will they make a VR dating sim with a girl who is actually cute or likeable?

I might get a PSVR if it isn't a disaster.

But Max is cute, likable, AND adorable!

and destroy your fucking eyes idiot

No. I'm too poor to buy one. It would set me back 1000 dollars and that is what I make in two months.

Okay, but all jokes aside, when will they make a VR dating sim with a girl who is acfually cute or likeable?


Technology is still new and so far I haven't really heard of any AAA games being developed for it.

If it's proven successful and games on it sell, we'll see better games. Until then we have to wait for that one game that will be huge.


well what? she's no longer in her own game

>I will prove it's shit by only playing the shitty ones.