Tracer knows how to fly a plane?

Tracer knows how to fly a plane?

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it's in the future, so probably planes are woman proof and even they can fly them.

pls no bully ok

She ended up fucking up a test flight, so I guess she wasn't really good pilot.

women are better drivers than men


> bing bong
> not hoo hoo
M8, pls

80 percent of serious car crashes are caused by men and insurance prices put a premium on male drivers because they're known to be idiots behind the wheel. women are better drivers than men.



you two seem triggered. male drivers outnumber women 3 to 1 for DUI offences.

"It's almost scary how bad the average American man is at driving," 4autoinsurancequote CEO James Shaffer said. "Blame it on whatever you want - high testosterone, higher propensity to take risks, or higher levels of aggression, but the fact remains - men simply make too many mistakes behind the wheel."

Thats because men are driving more cause they have jobs to be at

wait is this meme bait shit?

women are know to be more nervous and having quirk reaction while driving making more accidents.

if you have more males having accident it won't be because there are more men driving cars than women?


women make slightly more than half of all licensed drivers in the us. your statement, "women are know to be more nervous and having quirk reaction while driving making more accidents" cannot be considered common knowledge and is of questionable veracity, please provide sources.

>implying that there are significantly more men driving then women driving
maybe you might think that if the last statistics you saw on the subject came from 1960

women compromise almost exactly half of the us workforce. slightly more women are entering the workforce than men every year.

Air force is a woman's job

Guess the gender of the driver

Tracer is just a silly drawing, like those drawing girls create of a supermodel who also happens to be a doctor and an astronaut. Its supposed to be silly. Its a cartoon.

The majority of male car related accidents are caused by boy racers i.e. people between the age of 16 and 22. Which is why male car insurance during this period in your life is ridiculously expensive. Once you hit 25 and have no history of an accident that shit plummets down into pennies.

Oh hey, is this the daily "Women are shit because they can't do anything!" thread?

men of all ages are more dangerous drivers than their female cohorts, as an aggregate. additionally, a recent army study suggests that women are safer pilots too.

"In general, women are involved in less aircraft accidents than all male crews — comprising only 3% of incidents. As women comprise roughly 10% of all aviators, the evidence suggests that women may operate aircraft more safely. As it pertains to just AH-64 aircraft, 100% of all accidents, both in garrison and in theater, involve all-male crews, at least suggesting that female attack pilots may be even more safe in the performance of flight duties."

Jesus fuck, what is this?

Also what was the muslim person doing just standing there like that?

Oh hey, is this the daily "I'm retarded and don't know where I am!" post?

>videos of extreme cases disprove pooled statistics on the subject
t. tumblr

this is Cred Forums, not Cred Forums or /r9k/, faggot. did you click on the wrong board?

Video games

Jesus CHRIST, how fucking retarded do you have to be to be this bad at driving?

I just wanted a waifuthread but my once beautiful thread now is sour

>still no pilot skin

I remember walking to the women's dorms during my undergraduate degree once. I was laughing the whole time because there wasn't a single car that was properly parked. Every single one was crooked or double parked.

I'm willing to bet men are more likely to drive drunk, and probably get in more accidents because they are expected to drive the women around. Even with all of that to think that women are better drivers is pretty good b8.

Technically the origins skin is her pilot skin

triggered manchild thinks stalking college students on the campus near his mom's house is a sensical retort to reams of statistics

Is it bad that i laughed at the first use of the windscreen wipers?

You know better than the actuaries, I'm sure.

I think you've been convinced of a worldview that has no proof of existing. Woman being in the airforce is a true thing and in fact they are almost better suited for it because of their smaller demeanor.

I really don't care about two fucks crashing head on. I care having to wait a full minute for a dumb woman to park her car even though she has enough room to park two cars the same size as hers.

Also they're really rude and inconsiderate, like truck-driver level of rude.

It's funny that most statements here that "women are bad at driving" are purely speculative or anecdotal; "I've never seen a woman who didn't drive like shit, ergo all women are bad drivers, which means men are better drivers!"

Meanwhile, the insurance companies (and airline companies, where planes are being discussed here) whose fucking job it is to have statistics in order to properly calculate rates unanimously state that men are worse drivers than women.

But this is Cred Forums, so men unga, women bunga, I guess.

>anecdotal evidence proves my entire world view
0/10, try again

She has one but you have to pay extra for it

You're right dude, I managed to find my way out of the basement of my mother's house to wander onto a college campus so that I could find college grills to sniff their pantsu and ask them if they watch anime.

Right again, I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is a completely fabricated post of nonexistential evidence that could never be proven due to it's fictitious variety of shitposting. Women are great drivers.

jesus christ buddy, this is super low-effort garbage

at least most polacks would have started pulling out graphs and shit, but you've got literally nothing.

What kind of degree did you earn with those supreme critical thinking skills, anyway? Communications?

Don't men drive much more often than women though? Plus, aren't truck drivers like 95% men, 5% women? That's kinda justifiable.

>being so assblasted you resort to reddit tier sarcasm

>women are truck-driver level of rude
>implying that all truck drivers are rude
>implying that women don't account for only 5.8% of the truck driving workforce in the US
>implying that doesn't mean that the overwhelming majority of rude truck drivers are men

Men on average drive 1.5x more than women, in terms of mileage. There are more female drivers on the road than men, though.

Women aren't "better" drivers, they're just statistically safer. There are a lot of things that go into road safety statistics, like alcohol being involved and the cautiousness of the drivers. All things equal between male and female drivers, like inclination towards aggressive driving and being under the influence, the statistics shift quite a bit, as men have scientifically better reactions and spatial awareness. Most people don't drive for safety anyways. They speed, they cut off other drivers, they just want to get to their destination quickly. Safety isn't the only prerogative for drivers on the road.

Why don't you regale us with some more bullshit statistics on how women earn less than men next

UnderGrad - B.S. Biochemistry Minor in Biology, working on a Masters in Biotechnology

I could pull a bunch of infographics from google or Cred Forums but I'm lazy and should be reading my labs for this week anyhow.

The fuck do I care if a truck driver is female or male? They're truck drivers, that's all that matters, you dumb cunt.

I'm pretty sure this is just confirmation bias. You got it in your head that it was factual that women are bad drivers, and now every time you see a woman make a mistake on the road it reinforces your idea, and you think every time a guy makes a mistake you think it's because he's an asshole and not because he's a man.

I believe that men have more serious accidents, because they tend to drive more aggressively and take more risks, but there is no chance that men fuck up their cars more often than women. In my family alone I know 3 women who constantly have some shit broken on their car. Broken mirrors, busted wheels because they drive over border stones, scratches around the car because they bumped in a pole or some other shit.
This stuff doesn't show up in statistics because it isn't handled by the insurance.

>I-I could find proof for my opinions, you guys, I swear!!!! I just won't, you'll have to trust me!

Every driver I've come across is a fucking asshole. Women are prone to waste your time, men are prone to put you in danger when danger isn't warranted. I don't want to become an asshole while on the wheel but it's getting progressively harder to be a nice driver with each passing year.

Again, you're assuming that all truck drivers are rude. That's an unsupportable statement. You're dumb as fuck.

Tracer had a hard life.

She didn't fuck it up though. She was picked as the test pilot because of her skill in flying planes. Problem was that the device the plane was testing malfunctioned and ripped her away from time itself. She phased in and out of time, appearing and disappearing without control of it, until Winston built that harness on her chest. It tethers her to current time. Also gives her control over her phase ability.

Aren't they just going to end up drones anyway?

the only pattern I've ever seen with bad drivers is that bad drivers are usually old





The real aggressive and fast drivers are rare, and when they show up, they cause problems.

But the real problems on the road are drivers who are not confident and indecisive, male or female. When you have drivers that are nervous and don't 'feel' their car and the space they're in, they can knock everyone off balance, and even if they arent the direct cause of an accident, they are probably the most dangerous

Women are barely better in anything.

I actually thought this was sincere

This was an old guy in china

Truck drivers are really rude though, I mean how could you not.

>every driver I come across is a fucking asshole.
user... I think you might be the asshole.
Probably, actually. Same as truck drivers; for better or worse.

How do you feel when a luxury vehicle speeds by and cuts you off?

>>The first woman to fly off of an aircraft carrier immediately crashed and died


Thanks senpai.

No please don't shit all over my opinions, it hurts me so much. What ever am I going to do now that you guys figured me out. Oh wait it's an Anonymous Vietnamese Sock trading website and I can literally say anything I want and it won't carry over to the next post.

I get drivers like those back by keying them when they park badly

Remember: keying bad parkers is a public service

She probably couldn't stand the forces.

the trucks I usually come by on the road are actually pretty polite drivers. the "how's my driving" signs are actually rigidly enforced by most trucking companies nowadays, so if an irate driver tattles on you when you cut them off with your rig, your ass is grass. unless you mean that "driving slower than me == rude driver" in which case you're a total retard.

>I'm an asshole
Nah, I get anxious if I fuck up and I don't have the chance to apologize to the guy waiting behind me.

>I want to be able to say all the stupid, statistically unsupported shit I want without any consequences, fuck you for telling me to fuck off without valid sources for my claims
>>>/tumblr/ is that way. I hear it's all the rage among college students these days.

>male drivers outnumber women 3 to 1 for DUI offences.
Women are let off dui charges a lot more than men are.

What's with all those people just standing in the road though?

Then why are all racers male?

Because men are better drivers.

ahem* womyn are better drivers. just get over it silly boy. didn't you read the thread?

Women just fucking suck in general

Drunk driver or senile old man?

It's obvious that men are better at pretty much everything. Why are we having this debate?

It's not my job to educate you.

liberal whiteknights argue on behalf of women because they feel sorry for them

I don't know why, but I find it hilarious when he hits the arab guys just standing in the middle of the road

I'd fuck her so hard. I dont care if she's old.

Every morning on my commute, I get this asshole who wants to do a left turn on green but does not want to pull up for the drivers behind him to get past, so a long ass queue fucking fills up all the way to the next block.

Please remember to pull forward a bit so people behind you can actually fucking go on that green light.

>Most women are shit
>Cool women either don't show interest in you or come by so rarely you don't have the chance to do anything before they fade away
>Cute feminine men are fucked in the head
I guess I'll be a bachelor my entire life. Could be better, could be worse.

Sto crying retard and get out of le dixie or the midwest.

on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most, how annoying would Tracer be if she had all of the Scout's voice lines?

I'm not even from the US friendo.

>Cute feminine men are fucked in the head
Maybe if they're trannies

I'm guessing it couldn't be worse than the 10 she currently sits on because her terrible, awful, cutesy voice would clash too much with Scout's personality and they'd be forced to tone her down or change her voice altogether.

>nature's bakery
what did she mean by this?

>meet this dork girl who is really into star trek and literature
>Talking about some adult swim shows
>think hey she seems pretty cool
>After talking for a while learn that she is a fucking tumblr trigger bandito
Why are the women who share my interests always fucking tumblrinas? Is it to much to ask for a fellow loser who also shares my cynicism?

>he doesn't like Tracer's voice
that's a paddlin

>bing bong

it is called a mimsy

>why are people who are into antisocial hobbies like me also antisocial like me?
Reminder that how unpleasant you find these girls is a good indicator of how unpleasant other people find you

SFM where the faces aren't fucked up? wow.

>women compromise almost exactly half of the us workforce.

Women compromise every male worker around the world.

I think he means he WANTS an anti-social girl and not a girl who circlejerks with others over Doctor Who fanfiction

>seeking a woman with male interests

maybe if you're straight you should look for a woman who is actually a woman and doesn't try to fit in with men


women literally earn less than men

men also do more work and have the shitty jobs

a NEET who spends all day circlejerking about Doctor Who fanfiction online IS an antisocial girl. guess what: antisocial people who don't regularly interact with other people face-to-face don't usually make good romantic partners, as the other user found out. Why? because being a romantic partner is a face-to-face activity, which they have 0 practice at

>make as little as 2% less on average
>memers somehow get 30% out of it

Because they work less than men. Guess who comes in late. Guess who leaves early.

Yeah this. Doesn't have to be exactly my interests or some retarded shit like that, but not the fucking cringey Doctor Who X Sherlock X MLP X Anita fan fiction autists.

I'm kind of gay so that's part of the problem I prefer feminie features though so its just two different slices of mental illness.

>Only woman I've been able to connect beyond the physical happened to be a dominatrix
>I can only get off when I utterly dominate women in bed
Just fuck my love life up friend.

Women only earn less than men if you DO NOT factor in various things like men:
>greater time spent working per year, on average
>greater representation in higher-paying sectors of the economy like STEM and finance
>not leaving their job for pregnancy

women seek lower paying jobs, seek employment at a lower rate than men, and are less likely to ask for promotions and raises

Women earn less because they choose to

10% of aviators are women. they get in less crashes. No shit sherlock! women are terrible drivers. Great job cherry picking quotes.

You can't possibly believe this unless you purposefully avoid facts.

>he didn't realize that those crash numbers were normalized by proportion of total aviator population

Go back to >>>/tumblr/
This is not the forum for you.

>statistics are tumblr
"I am using the word tumblr as a meaningless boogeyman without any real comprehension of what it is that I'm saying"


Tumblr or leaking.
She'll know her place soon enough.

what the fuck are you on about?


In my experience, when a lane merges with another, normally people slow down to merge. I've seen a shit ton of women floor that fucking pedal and speed to the front, just barely not hitting everyone. Women drivers are so fucking dumb sometimes.

>A forum where everyone can say whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't mind being called a faggot and being proved wrong
>This fucking guy comes along and tries to get opinions that don't match his out of the site
>Claims to know what's best for this site even though he's against its core principle
Just fuck off already.

What does Cred Forums drive?

It means I can't stomp on her head while ramming my dick into her womb because she wants to do the same with my ass.

Your face into a fucking wall you dumbass

>yeah, I'm driving down the road theres a truck, gonna ram its ass

a 96 Accord

I'm getting it replaced next month, right as it's gonna hit 250k miles provided it doesn't up and die first

Sometimes I forget there's so many dudes here who actually unashamedly hate women. I guess everything leaks into Cred Forums, even /r9k/

This is true.
but not for the same job working the same hours

Pretty damn fast when it wants to be, maneuverable and with enough room to fit my skis in, it's a good feeling.


If you don't think 3D women are disgusting and don't belong on this Earth, you should probably throw yourself in the

actually i did, there are far less women on the road/sky/sea/anywhere behind a wheel. Sure statistics are that men died more while operating any vehicle. Because their are more fucking men driving then women. so go ahead and spoon feed urself statistics to feel better. But women are terrible drivers and you know it.

Cred Forums's core principle is upholding politically incorrect, alt-right values in a sea of incessant online liberals.

Now fuck off back to tumblr or your containment board.

Did your mother hurt you, user?

please don't reply to this bait after this post, thank you

>Cred Forums's overwhelming faggotry of all things
user there are better ways to spend your time.

>alt-right values

fuck off false flagger, you're not tricking anybody

I don't think you know what normalization means, bait-kun

I comprehend the presence of an unwanted SJW feminist on Cred Forums pretty fucking clear.

low effort bait

Tell me again how Gamergate doesn't hate women

We have a containment board for your kind.

Source: user's ass

Here's the real study:

i dont think you know how to post proper statistics or sources. so all of this bullshit could just be u fanning a rage war.


i liked bing bong better, fix it again plz

Americans in general can't drive.
Which is ironic, considering they drive everywhere

Just wait until diversity quotas enforce 50% women pilots and plane crashes go up tenfold

Can't wait