Since Link has beaten the original Nameless King (without losing one heart)...

Since Link has beaten the original Nameless King (without losing one heart), could he make it through Souls and Bloodborne?

What could even stop him?


Link would play like any other longsword/shield using character.

You're playing literal halfdead hobos in Souls games that can't even climb or swim. Literally all they can do is roll and swing a sword.

Every other character could do what the Souls protagonist does unless they're too scared.

Doesn't the Hylian shield block all melee attacks without using stamina?

No more Hylian shield in Zelda U.

Of course he could, he is a generic shield and sword guy but he has a shit ton of useful tools and items and magic and who knows what else.

Poor Orphan is going to get a bombchu up his ass.

That we know of, too iconic to get rid of.


Hero of Time Link for sure. Nigga has infinite stamina.

>tfw you just realize OoT already had 10/10 combat in 1997 if it had a stamina bar. It even has sidehopping which Souls for some reason still doesn't have.

Only in SS. Other games it's just a metal shield

The other games don't have stamina.

But you can clearly see that link has lost two hearts, and hasn't even succeeded yet.

>can spam attack and sheild as much as he wants without losing stamina

Yeah, probably

>Bed of Chaos
>Hover Boots

But all the newfag shitters don't understand why it is STILL held in such high regard even though 1997 was 19 years ago.

>circlestrafe-block-backstab over and over on every fucking non-boss enemy
>good combat

But MM was better.

Well so was the green tunic, until they did

MM's swordplay was only superficially improved and switching Masks mid combat was tedious.

Fuck you, switching masks mid combat was fun as fuck.

You have to admit it broke up the pace, especially if you had to go into your inventory to change your mask.