Just found out my son is gay

Just found out my son is gay

What games let me forget about reality


Heroin hero

Russian Roulette.

Gone Home

The Witcher 3

how cute is your son?




Teach that faggot who's boss and fuck him in the ass

How old is he?

gone home

Suck his shota penis.

Princess Maker 2

This. Show him what it's like to have manliness in his body.

How did you find out?

Tell us user.

Hide the sausage


If gayness is a choice then make him choose to be straight

If gayness is genetic then you have inferior genes and should be removed from the gene pool

post son pics

whats wrong OP?

your son could have a physical disiblity, have autism, have fucking anything, be missing one eye, and yet youre mad he like BOYS?

you have a perfectly fucking healthy sun and THIS is what you cant handle?

in b4 fucking edgelords >BUT GAY IS A MENTAL ILLNESS like you dont f5 fucking trap threads on Cred Forums

im mad, fuck you

Rape his dry ass, and when you finish on his sobbing face ask him if he liked it.
If he says no, then he wasn't gay after all.
Just be careful you don't turn him into your cocksleeve

It's neither of those.
Gayness is pathological.

Duck Hunt.
if you don't already have a NES, a crt, zapper, and a copy of duck hunt I don't think you should be allowed on Cred Forums

gayness is epigenetic, which means it's not a choice nor genetic


If my Son was gay I would disown him
No gays allowed in my family

I hope your gay son is more successful than your loesr fucking ass bullying people on an internet videogame board

stop thinking that fucking an asshole is okay, faggot.

>you have a perfectly fucking healthy sun

stay mad gayboy


If it bothers you I'd just fuck a son that turned out to be gay.

It's one thing to have a qt trap son.
It's another thing to have a disgusting faggot.

>like you dont f5 fucking trap threads on Cred Forums
No, I don't actually.
>f5 threads
Confirmed reddit

I would take care of your son for you instead.
Let him know who really can be a man.

Tell him to have a boyfriend on the side and get married anyway instead of being gay. I'm sure his waifu won't mind.

Dad I told you I'm not gay, I just think Link is cute.

>you have a perfectly fucking healthy sun
How can he be healthy?
Being gay is a mental illness

Think you got the wrong site. Tumblr is two blocks down

It isn't
Men like Ass and Tits. Why? They just do. Same reason for gays

i would rather my son be a blind amputee with down syndrome than a homosexual

Just make sure your boy is cute man, get his other cute bois.

I honestly think the worst part is that you won't get grandkids, it's not really the gay part.

>At the low key faggots in this thread

also Top KeK,underrated post.

>Men like Ass and Tits. Why? They just do. Same reason for gays
This is what faggots actually believe

t. edgelord

Remind him no makeup.
Handsome gay men are more attractive than clown face.

have another one.

>predict le ebin edgelord contrarian responses
>still get le ebin edgelord contrarian responses

sasuga, Cred Forums

Fuck you

If my son was gay and ended up becoming a trap, I'd disown him.
If he stayed masculine and just happened to like men, he'd be fine.

You're literally retarded, sorry.

Who the fuck is this guy and why does he look like 10 and why does he have a disgusted look on his face as he opens a car door for Chloe Grace Moretz, he gets posted all the time but there's no info about him

If my son was gay I would probably execute him.
Don't get me wrong, quick and painless. But no son of mine should be a disgusting homofag.

Gays are supposed to be men, that's the problem. Take your gay fantasies to the homo board.

What's wrong with being gay?