What does Cred Forums think of league of legends?

Do you like league, Cred Forums?

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dota clone #43

I quit League playing over a year ago. It was never that great but things started going downhill pretty fast. Playing LoL eventually felt like a chore rather than something I enjoyed, so I quit. I still think some of the characters are cool though.

I'm just waiting for someone to make a full DOTA 2 vs. LOL mod.

Morello ruined it

left it about 1 year and I'm really glad I did. but I still llike the characters

I'm playing it right now, well. I'm shitposting while I wait for my queue

shit version of dota

Came back to play some new Yorick, stayed a bit to play some Cho jungle.

I'll play it when the RGM is interesting.
So now and when Definitely Not Dominion rolls around again.

So Ahri got yet another skin? Doesn't she get like 5 a year now?

Around 2-3 a year.

My 2006 toaster keeps making me freeze in LOL. I'm STILL level 1. Look me up my nane is luffydagoofy. I quit until I can be a PERFECT piece of hardware.
I have the most bad luck...

I quit League because HotS is more

Shorter games, less boring shit, no constant teleporting back to base, etc.

>building a pc just for a game with minimum specs lower than half life

>cant even run league

Top tier waifus

It freezes halfway thru. Whenever I try to move ashe she lags to unholy levels

It's really fucking weird how ALL patreon artists end up drawing with the same style. It becomes tainted and then un-fap-able for some reason.

I don't like MOBAs but even DotA AllStars was better

It's fun until your team throws the game. Losing because you're bad is not even that maddening, but losing because your team doesn't listen to you and keep doing stupid plays is the worst.

>Haha man my whole team is bad if only they would listen to me I am a plat player and should never lose a game tehe xd

Yeah, it's fun but competitively is absolute cancer

Nice argument.

Its intentional emulation.
>X is making Y patreon moneys, better copy that and wait for mad dosh to flood in

Oh it's intentional?! That makes it even more scummier. I haven't even thought of it that way. But it makes sense when you think about it.

remember all the games you lost? you know what was always the same? (you)

Girls are cute. Thats it.

You're purposely misinterpreting what I'm saying. Who has never lost? No one. I'n not saying it's not always my fault, but definitely were games were I knew what to do to win and the team went and did something completely different.

nope only like it for the fanart

I came for the fox ears.
I stayed for the...umm...

It has spectacular women. The game sucks.

I hate it

Yes I like LoL, though not so much that I'd play it by myself.


Stay for the fox tits?

Shotgunning people with Sona is fun.

good fap material, terrible game

I love the porn.

You don't even need to play the game to get the best part of it. It's win-win.

that's true user

I'd play it more often if it had more maps. Also has nice waifus.

7000 hours
I turned into a misanthrope.

The only winning move is not to play.

is bunny riven the best creation after ahri?

I love boobs. I want to drown in a sea of LoL boobs.

i play it op, i think its fun.

That may possibly be true.

>soft furries

Sage and purge

Devoted so much time to the game and still can't wrap my head around how they so strictly punish something as simple as "ggez" and yet some guy can auto run into my lane and feed 20 kills yet get no repercussions.

Eventually quit because I felt like, more than any other team-based game, the outcome was wholly removed from my actual skill or input. I still go back occasionally at the behest of friends before being soon reminded of why I left.

I think it's actually ashe or some shit, not AHri.


Where's all the good LoL pr0nz? All the R34 sites have low tier shmuck.

>League discussion thread
>People start dumping sona's cow tits instead of actually discussing

Its kinda sad,this happens everytime,no one talks about the game,it feels like this is all the game is for,to dump your cannon titties,and maybe it really is,game is unplayable now anyways

what about LoL câ—‹nny?

It has the best MOBA character of all time so I like it.

Also kids seem to get even more mad when you say "owned" after every time you kill them than with other games.

Only played it because of a girlfriend.
Shit game and shit ex too.
Never understood why people played it like it was the only fucking multiplayer game ever



Literally who gives a fuck about discussing League on Cred Forums?

I played this shitnugget for 3 years, hit the bowels of Diamond MMR and quit because it's a waste of time, thankfully Riot removed solo queue so then I let the time-money sink leave a lot easier.

I just wanted to add that, despite all the hours I sunk into the game, I don't feel like I wasted it. I made some good friends through it (even though they've all moved on).

Moreover, LoL was a distraction that kept me from pouring my time into other more harmful recreations. An anti-drug in every sense of the word.


sona doesnt even have the biggest tits lel

I don't really know how I feel about League of Legends. On one hand, I've played it since Season 3, hundreds of games. I've made many many friends there, set apart from the crowds of dumbasses and trolls. I've had great experiences with crazy outplays and fun moments.

Yet with all this, the game has lost it's charm. It's a chore to play nowadays. All the complaints about things like Dynamic Queue ruining ranked, the 10-20 minutes queue times, the toxicity makes it almost unenjoyable unless completely stomping.

I wish there was that charm back to the game, to where it didn't feel like a constant and consistent grind just when playing, like you're having to force yourself to play. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it was fun once, at least in the case of this user.

I played until season 2 or 3, and got bored

Really liked Leona, she's my waifu

I fap to ahri tho

>no one talks about the game

nobody wants to talk about the game, its either tits or how they had a shitty group

I've been playing since open beta, and I feel the same way. I quit to go back to WoW now that legion is out.

Perhaps you're better home at /vg/ where there is a constant thread dedicated to the game. The only reason to have threads about games that are on /vg/ on Cred Forums is for titties.

Nah, I'm a tit man.

Yeah, I play it a bunch semi-daily. Sometimes play with friends when they're around.
I've started to get into playing Trundle who's pretty fun, but I mostly play Jhin.

I enjoy the game. Sure its infuriating when people feed and are retarded but thats really any game.
I play with my friends and I enjoy myself. I occasionally get salty but, again, thats any game.
I main support and enjoy it, if you want to know my point of view. I play tanks and healers, (none of that, "damage is the best support" bull shit) and play soraka, braum, and blitz. Having a good adc, getting them fed, and watching them destroy is probably the most satisfying things in all of league.
The skins are pretty fun, and its one of the few free games that arent pay to win.
Is it a perfect game? no. Is the concept completely original? no. Are some champions hopelessly unbalance? yes. Was it the most played game in 2015? yes. not that majority matters, but its still notable. overrall i give it a 7.9 out of 10. Its rather enjoyable, has an ok community, and you can dance

i feel you bro

Jhin is honestly one of the only reasons I keep playing the game. His voice lines, his playstyle, something about him just keeps me coming back to him.

>my thread became a porn thread

i like this

try going to a league thread on vg and not die of disgust

He may be the most well designed champion in the whole game. I'm looking forward to the new treant champ Ivern. His jungle style looks pretty unique.


Whatever happened to the soloq drama a while back? Did anything come from the players criticism or did people just accept the bullshit like usual.

Does it still have runepages and multi year commitments to buy the available roster without spending a red cent?

Fair enough.

Its fun.
But way to time consuming, which makes losing by little mistakes very unsatisfying.

>Having a good adc, getting them fed, and watching them destroy is probably the most satisfying things in all of league.

>Being someone's bitch is the most satisfying thing in all of league


He looks so interesting with the whole "Hey, what if you didn't have to fight the jungle camps!" idea, but I'm worried about his viability. Plus knowing Riot lately, his numbers will be all kinds of fucked.

I wanna play him as a support with smite. Steal the enemy blue instantly before laning.

If I remember correctly, they're adding back a Solo Q for higher elos, it's required currently for Challenger players, but that doesn't really change anything for anyone else. I think the issues are going to remain unless they finally admit they're wrong and revert to the old forms of there being 5v5s then solo and duo q. I do like the new draft form at least.

>>being someone's bitch

>not playing Dota-style aggro into AP carry mid-late

Nice characters design

Started playing again recently. Tahm Kench is my husbando

>being someone's bitch
that's not it. you support them (hence the name of the role "support") and they destroy. youre like a parent spoon feeding them in the beginning, watching over them while they have tunnel vision on farm or kills. you are the supports on a bridge. thats like saying medics are just bitches. i like being the difference that saves an adc from dying, hooks the enemy or slows them or stuns them.

>>not playing Dota-style aggro into AP carry mid-late

Oh but I do. And with a better support than Sona.

But the user I was replying to doesn't appreciate the impact of supports that can also carry can have in the game.

>voiced by Quinton Flynn

i'm getting bored of dota, maybe i should try league

Shen is a bad support. You need fast lvl 6 and items to be really usefull. If you want tank CC play alister, blitz or leona.

>support that can carry
if youre referring to a "support" that goes full ap and destroys late game, thats not really a support..
im referring to a support that ACTUALLY supports the team, by tanking global ults or healing somebody close to death or helping them escape deadly situations or sacrificing them self for the betterment of their team.
what you refer to as a "support" isnt a support at all. yorue referring to specific champions being supports rather than roles.
Sona is one of the most powerful supports and midlaners. braum is known as for his shield and knock up and stun passive. but he can be a really good top lane bruiser.
the support i refer to is the role. as in the healing focus on sona and the tank focus on braum.
i appreciate supports, you dont.

Raiden comes through in some of his lines, but otherwise he did a great job with Jhin's VA work.

>ult someone
>they fucking run away

Fuck Gold.


it's Cancer.

Tahm's one of the more interesting monster-style champ designs of late.

actually no it's Scorpio


That's not Shen dude, it's Zilean.

>if youre referring to a "support" that goes full ap and destroys late game, thats not really a support..

>he thinks that his pathetic healing with Soraka is better than me ulting someone back to 90% health after an enemy used an ult on them and stunning the entire enemy team sending their squishies to half health and while the newly revived carry cleans up with my MASSIVE speed boosts

You're pathetic to say the least. Let me guess, you actually get killed when you're caught out by the enemy team lol.



IIRC in the next pre-season they're completely splitting the ladders. At the beginning of the season you'll choose whether to have the old solo queue system or be put into a dynamic queue ladder.
Double check tho, I might've screwed some of the facts up.

>ult someone with really low health
>they don't automatically let themselves die so they can come back with full health and fuck everyone

>pathetic healing
in what way did i refer to my healing as pathetic? i dont remember saying building any AP on healing champs was bad, but maybe my memory is faulty.
the difference between a midlaner and and AP based support is sightstone, zekes, and and frost queens claim.
after that building other ap items such as rylais, for the slows and health, zhonyas or abyssal scepter for the extra mr or armor, or banner of comand for the extra pushing power would put your ap pretty high while still letting you help your team alot better than
>hurr durr im good support cuz i get s by building ludens first item and stealing all my adc's kills
please. youre pathetic

I come back to play urf every time its on. Other than that its just shit

>tfw I only play sion anymore
He's just too fun

I play it with my friends because it's really the only choice I have to play something with them
At least Shen and Alistar top are still fun

>sion the dank engine

I'm just waiting for Dominion in 2 weeks so I can play whats left of Hide and Seek.

me and my friends are always trying out new metas. we recently got one of our friends to start playing it so we had real shit elo for a while when we played with him. He ended up going soraka jng while i supported the new guy who ended up liking adc and maining it now. good times

>be me playing hide n seek
>i play nasus
>my friend plays udyr
>we just wait in a bush and my friend runs up and stuns the seeker and i w them.
>we run away as they rage in chat

Should I buy jihn what makes him so fun I haven't tried him out yet

All I know is it's aids fighting him

>implying I steal my adc's kills

I never ever end up with more kills than my ADC. But I always end up with participation for more than half my team's kills.

You're idea of supports that can carry are just AP midlane champs that go bottom to "support" and get all the kills. But Zilean is not that kind of champ, nor do I play him in that way.

I focus on stunning enemies and forcing them to rethink their idea of going in for an attack. An enemy team is more afraid to go in on a character with a Zilean nearby than a character with a Soraka nearby.

The only way to stop me from saving my teammate is to kill them before I can ult them, and let me tell you, I always ult them, and they ALWAYS make it out safely. Because unlike you I can hold the line. I can make the enemy team back the fuck off or else they're gonna get stun combo'd and killed by my carry or even me if they're squishy enough.

No one will ever give your Soraka the thanks that Zilean players get. You will never know the pleasure of players arguing over which of them deserves your ult more. You will never know the pleasure of turning horrible plays into amazing ones all because of your ult.

Zilean is the only support in the game that has his carry sucking HIS dick instead of the other way around.

I just enjoy playing him. He's an ADC not based around attack speed but an ADC with slow firing, highly damaging bullets. You need to position well and such cause you are immobile aside from when you crit which gives you a small movement speed boost. People build him with pure armor pen early-mid game which is why he feels so strong right now. You just gotta fuck up his early game.

>not based around attack speed
>you are immobile aside from when you crit which gives you a small movement speed boost

Why are you telling lies user? Jhin is the fastest character in the game.


Post them niggas

Man I don't know what it is about Lucian but playing him is not very fun

My most played is Jhin Level 7 with around 150,000 points with my second being Twitch Level 6 with about 55,000 and my third being MF Level 5 with about 40,000.

I like Jhin.

>get like 75% into this game
>HDD dies and I can't remember where I grabbed it for free from

The only redeeming thing about League is that elder god tier Jinx doujin.

I can only enjoy playing AP Lucian


If it helps i've been trying to learn twitch and draven.

My last game I had a mirror draven match with a dude and owned him so hard he got salty as fuck in the chat and started feeding

>majority of your in progress champs are mastery 3

do you even play the game?

I'm really new. and usually unless I really like the champ I don't play them all that much

It was created before garbage dota2.
And if you say "hurr hurr dota 1!" The people who created league created dota1.

Also why do people pair her with Zac? That seems dumb.

It's one guy who commissioned a ton of artists. Like where all that macro Fox/Falco art came from.

i am old and i suck at these games now

so i bought jhin, aurelion sol, and bard and i suck with all 3 of them

Just play them a bit more to get their kits. You won't be instantly amazing at them.

Post yfw you realize lol is a cheap Dota clone where more then 50% of the cast is made of sameface balloon tits knockoffs of anime characters.
Post yfw riot damage controls the esports scene.
Post yfw people consider fair a game with unlockable heroes via cash.

I love league to death but i'm a Talon main and to my understanding he's getting a rework. If the rework is nothing but a giant fucking nerf, then i'm quitting. They give the tanks and mages buff after buff but assassins get nerfed into the ground.

ARAM URF is the most fun part of League. I've been playing that just about all weekend.

I have never seen a vagina/10

>I love league to death

>people who created league created dota 1

i turn 31soon
my reaction time aint getting any better, but i bought these guys since they had pretty unique kits, was thinking of refunding aurelion for ivern since he gets obliterated by any melee with a gap closer, and at least ivern can do retarded things like instantly steal the enemy's blue at level 1

Sucks you cand buy yourself a life man.

Literally no reason to play it over Dota 2. You're gonna have to invest time into either one to actually git gud, might as well git gud at the better game.

the full game is out and free, with a v1.2 for patreon goys that'll be free at the end of the month

>IceFrog is a video game designer, best known for being the longest-serving designer of DotA (Defense of the Ancients), a custom Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos mod - and as the lead designer for the stand-alone sequel, Dota 2

IceFrog is like Heath Ledger with the joker. He didn't invent DotA, but he did it the best.

>might as well git gud at the dying game


We're all dying.

>dota 2 dying
Yeah, because multi million dollar events endorsed by the community itself is a clear sign of that.

www pcgamer com/can-riots-latest-initiative-save-the-league-of-legends-pro-scene/

Once we die will we then truly know what it means to be alive?

Yeah I guess or smth.

>the guy who admittedly said Guinsoo was the talent and I got all my ideas from

good porn, shit game

>citation needed

Nigga just take a break from it, like a couple months break. Been doing this since I started in Season 3ish and game is still fun, but like any other it gets boring after a while.

>mfw i play dota and dont have to wait in 5 minute long queues anymore

wow this dead game sure does have way more active players

>made up quote that has no bearing on what i said

try harder next time bud

Now tell me how many of the people in your match speak your own language?

How come League has like 15 minute queues now when it's supposedly like x10 the amount of player of Dota. Like what the actual fuck.

w-who is this semen demon?


proven by exporting models lel

>The creator of the gambler hero

I've just been playing Smite lately.

Havent seen a chink or mexican in a while, but Ive been winning a lot lately so im guessing my MMR has gone up and im out of the hole. Try getting gud?

Couldnt tell you. Im sure league babbys have any number of excuses. Especially when it comes to group-queuing dota 2 is ten times faster. Even as just a duo i would wait like 10 minutes in league for a match. Dota takes maybe 2 minutes on average, if that.

yeah that entire odyssey quest has locked me in

probably because their player numbers are falsely inflated to an enormous degree. try doing a duo queue for a 3v3 on league of legends. people will shit on this whole scenario, but its an available gamemode for a supposedly VERY active game, so why not?

youll have an insanely long queue, and at least half the time you will likely have bots in your game, on one team or both. Frequently on yours because for some reason this very active game cannot find a single solo-queued person for a 3v3 match.

>implying that chinks and mexicans don't buy 6k accounts and feed all those games away and cause MMR inflation in the server.

You probably belong about 2k lower than you are right now but MMR is so inflated that 4k where you are is probably 1k somewhere else.

>Riki with chaos damage turret

The game has almost single-handedly destroyed games culture by co-opting and attempting to crack down on trash talking and "toxicity

It's ensured that a large portion of younger and less intelligent gamers are perpetually looking for reasons to report people for the smallest slights, and not just in league. Remember all the fuss about "gg ez" in Overwatch? That's caused by the safe space SJW propagandists at Riot games.

The game is also setting a terrible example for other devs to follow. Countless attempted LoL clones have had hundreds of millions poured into them for no gain, because LoL is a one-hit wonder with a braindead audience who actually buy into its terrible monetization model.

League has literally sucked a good portion of the games industry dry and robbed gamers of potentially better games.

There are so many other problems with it right now, but if you have any respect for video games, you should avoid and shun League of Legends at all costs, and encourage other to do the same.

>shitposting about dota and circle jerking around jpgs of cowtitis
Truly a great game.

league kids have a made up story for everything.

wouldnt even matter because the inflation would apply to everyone and you would still rise in MMR, it would just be higher than where it would be without the inflation, youd still be progressing.

and what you said doesnt counter my original point that you must be an awful shitter and thats why you see BRs chinks and mexicans.

I had a dream once that LuL was on the 3DS. All I remember was that abilities were mapped to the dpad and that the game played on the lower screen and you tapped it like clicking. It was fun but it was also a dream so yeah



Zac was teased for release in some Riven skin a while back.

>BRs chinks and mexicans

You seem very reluctant to mention another nation of people that are love to play dota.

Could it be that you don't want to mention our red friends because it would make your argument fall apart because you actually can never get away from playing games with people that don't speak your language.

idk I don't really like the game anymore. Hit diamond every season since season 2. Hovering in plat 1 around 50 lp at the moment and losing will to play. All my friends quit playing, so I just log in and play ranked by myself, 1-2 games a day, sometimes don't play for a few days.


>league players need their safe space but are totally xenophobic

Lusamine from Pokemon Sun&Moon

I cant find the screenshot but I got a complete ban from league. It said something like I was part of the 0.06% of people so negative as to deserve a total permanent ban.

I was so happy and now Im playing Dota 2 and i dont even have to be as angry as I was because not everyone is a fucking useless retard.

Do Want Moar!

Well sized harem of sluts but with so shitty gameplay every other MOBA out there surpasses.

Now I remember I have to buy Battlerite

No, it sucks.

I've been playing league off and on for 6 years.
I stopped playing ranked in 2014 but still play arams with friends.
The game sucks as a whole.

Taking a break really helps. I quit for a while when OverWatch came out. It really helped.

Frustration simulator with pay2win


congrats, user. of the millions of cancerous faggots in this game you managed to be one of the worst.

it's like you got your own certificate that says you're a human filth and should kill yourself.

What an accomplishment. To be judged among the less than 1% of players who are so hateful and abusive that they have to be excised from the game for good like a cancer.

Tyler1 and Trick2g are the only good things about league.

Watching any Riot employee stream is also straight cringe

I remember seeing one wearing zelda fucking gloves

My friend has that name on OCE

>you will never rape ahri

Why even live.

it's good for porn

Looks like a character from Lilo & Stitch

Because tails are for furfags. There are better fap materials than her.

Keep practicing Aurelion.

He's 99% positioning instead of slamming your face on the keyboard like other champs such as Riven or Leblanc.

Sona would make the perfect mother.

BEST GIRL I haven't played in fucking ages

Game is shit but I want to fuck all of the females

i always go rod of ages>rylai's but i have huge trouble with melees like jax who get inside star range, force a flash, then they still get back up in my face with another leap or whatever

should i be getting boots of swiftness right after rod of ages against these types of champs, so i can try to successfully escape after an ult or flash to get them away? even though i am a shitter and playing in some sort of abominable trench tier, people still know "jump on the space dragon and it dies"

Because the game is shit and there is nothing to talk about, unless you want to read a million greentext stories nobody cares about. The game is only good for the tits

League of Lagands was big so you can be forgiven for playing it but why the fuck would you STILL be playing it.

Other games have better spank material even, why play this shit any more?

This, applies to Kancolle and Gran Blue, these games are designed to be time wasters from the ground up, rather just spend that time expanding folders.

It's fun when everyone in the game is as retarded as I am, but lately I've been running into smurfs almost every game.
Why do people do that shit? Are they tired of getting destroyed by people better than them so they make new accounts to pick on garbage players instead?
The best matches are always the ones that last for 50+ minutes and the kills are almost the same on each side. Not the ones where one side surrenders at 20 because someone has 15 kills before the first tower is down.

>not playing champs means your bad

nice shoop faggot

got news bud
i smurf

MOBA = cancer

the game is balanced enough to always be somewhat fair.
only thing is riot matches you to make sure mathematically you will never reach the elo you should be in, if you look at players in challenger and diamond that have 50% winrates and make moves like bronze 5 in matches against streamers, idk how anyone doesnt understand tencents strategy for owning the streamed game market by keeping shill talentless celebs top ranking and mixing up the player base so often with the data the server has such as player age and character preference to automatically match steep climbs in the elo ,

nothing you do matters in league , you can penta the entire team, hold everything down all game and lead in gold your team will catch a case of bitchlips and fill the chat with wants and needs,

1% of all games will you meet a total bro that will strategize with you

94% of all games "someone picked the wrong champion"

12% of players use wards correctly

"did you know: players who talk trash are the only honest players in entire game and the ones who flame reports are kept in the reddit zone giving them chances to earn skins and ward butt pluggs "

the entire original staff of riot from season 1 has been replaced with multi-gender-pan-dragon fem-queers

the lore of the game is based heavily on homosexual themes now whereas the original lore made sense of the warcraft like setting

new champions are mcdonalds toys from the 90;'s

the only new skins being made are for females or are homosexual theme'd (baker pantheon)
i know panths joke line is from 300
but keep in mind it took them 6 years to make a skin based off it.

There was a time where LoL threads would have gotten a promt sage and report.
I miss those times

I like it
implying I give a shit about your opinion, trash