I'm planning on playing through the FF 7,8,9

I'm planning on playing through the FF 7,8,9
Finished FF7 recently and really enjoyed it.

Should I even bother finishing FF8?

I'm like 3-4 hours in and the combat system is so fucking slow, tedious, just overall really boring.

The setting, characters are really dull too.

Should I just skip to FF9?

>combat system is so fucking slow
>Should I just skip to FF9?

Well now

Are you implying that 9 is even slower?

Are you shitting me?

If you think FF8's combat is slow and boring, and you find characters like Squall and Zell dull, you're going to absolutely fucking hate FF9, which has the worst combat and cast in the entire series. Just go to FFX, its the best FF. Really, only FF4, FF6, FF7, and FF10 are the only numbered installments worth playing.

8 is really polarizing. If you dislike it this much already, I doubt it will change if you continue playing.
9 is really good. It's like an embodiment of all classic FF games and motives.
Don't listen to him. 9 has that slow camera fly-by intro, but you don't have to be stealing magic from enemies every time to even be able to use it kind of bullshit.

So FF9 has more of a traditional combat system? No weird gimmicks?

FF7 was so easy to understand. Don't get why they went to the fucking circus to make the combat for FF8.

Well I hear the steam version of 9 speeds up the battle but I could be wrong. Yes the battle is slower because it goes through some entrance of camera panning of the battle field. However the battle system in 9 goes back to the original style as the nes and snes battle system.
So no drawing mechanic, you have your mage theif healer and knight and other classes too. So they come with their own abilities and attacks.

Yeah, the combat is your usual ATB. The character development system might actually be a little bit too simple.
No junctions/materia and thus little to no customization. Characters are all fixed classes, and they learn abilities from equipment.

Guess I'll just hop onto FF9 then.

It's such a shame that I don't like FF8, because the visuals are kind of blowing my mind.

>the visuals are kind of blowing my mind.

FF9's ATB bar increases far slower than FF8's.

And in 9 you can't junction haste or slow to speed to break the system, the best you can do is cast Haste on everyone at the battle start.

Well, comparing it to FF7 back to back, it is pretty mind blowing.

I also took a screenshot of that scene myself.

Well visuals are one thing, 9 has an either an aquire taste in visuals or you don't give a shit for art direction choices. 9 is better known for its music story and game play and some secrets. The art style choice was made because 9 was going to be an ff gaiden series similar to crystal chronicles but square liked it so much it became a title game.

Or, like, equip autohaste.

You can get haste on the your team, it's in the abilities menu. It has auto haste, auto float, auto shield, auto protect. You have to earn it.

>battle speed
Problem solved.

Yes, however in 9 it also didn't look that good with in game character models. However the scenery is really nice and the characters themselves are really good.

>combat is so fucking slow, tedious
Let me guess, you're actually using Draw in battle.
Stop that. Refine your magic from cards.
You can turn monsters into cards (works better when they're low HP) with the Card command (Quetzacoatl learns it IIRC). Also, set the battle speed to the fastest setting.

You only use Draw in certain battles to draw GFs from bosses (for example, Siren from the boss at the top of the radio tower in Dollet). That's basically the only time you should use it.

>don't use that convoluted process to get magic
>use this different convoluted process

>take forever Drawing each spell individually
>or card a couple mons (or just fucking play cards) then refine for a fuckstupid amount of spells in a tenth of the time at the very least
>nope both these methods are equally convoluted and awful

Don't bother with 8 or 9.
>It's like an embodiment of all classic FF games and motives.
Try not to just parrot the marketing campaign it had and you might not look like an idiot.
"It's a return to the series' roots... we swear this time guyz!"

>but you don't have to be stealing magic from enemies every time to even be able to use it kind of bullshit.
You don't have to do that in 8 either, unless you're fucking retarded.

FF8 should only be played until the end of the Dollet mission, you should put the game down after that

>Marketing campaign
I can understand you hating 9 but don't lie.

What a pleb.

Here's a (You).

FF8 is easily one of the worst main-series FF games. Just skip it.

9 is just as slow barring OCD drawing in 8. At least 8 is fun to figure abuse junctioning for your first time. FFX is so insanely smooth and fast and shows how shitty the ATB truly is.

>there will never be HD remasters of 8 and 9 with high resolution models and backgrounds


yeah .just skip it


keepvat it up, believe it or not it does get better post disc 1

Things get really wacky and I don't want to spoil anything for you but there is even a bit of space travel!

It's my least favourite of the 3 golden ps Ffs but still has its place among the trio and IS worth a play til the end. It gets right existential at the end too! Plus it's nice not having to worry about mp for a change

Finish the first disc, if you still don't like it then drop it.

Also, FF9's combat is even slower.

I'd rather have remakes of 5 and 6 first.

This thing went through a million designs, and they all sat together and thought "wow this looks good. Let's go with this one."

Think about that.

>People complaining about the draw system instead of playing some cards

It isn't. Don't listen to the people here. And if you think it is, you can always disable the cinematic camera in the Steam version.

The problem with VIII is that if you hate playing Triple Triad, the game is just too tedious because you'll have to get all of your magic from Draw. If you're not enjoying it, just skip it. It doesn't get much better. In fact, I'd say it only gets worse in the last 3/4ths except for the romance plot line.

IX is pretty great. It might be my favorite in the series.

You should keep at it and discover what the worst single player game in the series is actually like. This is a golden opportunity. I can promise you that it will not stop getting worse. (Besides the big operations at the end parts of disc 1 and 4.) Sounds interesting, right?

Beyond that it can be better to tackle the series in release order, so you can appreciate/mourn the progression. Besides you aren't going to let VIII beat you? You shall return to it someday anyway, so why not get it over with before the good entries? Makes sense to me.

FF9 combat is even slower.

Maybe you're not used to FF8 yet, I personally like it a lot, it's not among the best FF entries but it's a good one, certainly a lot better than FF9

8's combat is basically find the most potent magic available at the time "draw" 100 and equip it then spam basic attack

its fucking stupid that magic serves no real purpose beyond being a stat buff instead of cool spells

>better than 9
I'm sorry user

8 is slow overall as you have to get the magic from enemies in the first place.

Then, because you junction them to stats you end up never using magic, so just attack / renzokuken everyone to death with Squall

Jesus Christ just stop.

Literally the shittest taste I've seen in a FF thread in months.