What games do brits play?

What games do brits play?

Great, another shit I won't ever eat again.

>the best looking women are white
>the best looking guys are black

Why is god so cruel?


>I'm going to boycott something due to a tweet from an unaffiliated third party


Why are bongs so short?

who are you even quoting? You fucking faggot.

>acting like he knows american black struggles
Mate, fuck off.
Also, In the uk Blacks act better than their American counterparts.
Except landan rude boiz but fuck them.

>the best looking guys are black
Wanting to fuck animals is degenerate

All my normalfag friends, back when I had friends, played Call of Duty and FIFA. They liked Skyrim, too, even though it was "nerdy" and "cringey" and a few played Fallout New Vegas.

>dude lets take these people from over there, enslave them, bring them to our country, breed only the biggest and strongest of them for generations, then let them free

We did it to ourselves

>be the country that single-handedly stood against and defeated German tyranny in the West
>forced to play as Amerifats in every WW2 game
>forced to play as Black people in WW1 game

>it's a Twitter thread

>>be the country that single-handedly stood against and defeated German tyranny in the West

But we didn't enslave the biggest and the strongest. We got the weakest and the dumbest who managed to get their tribe enslaved by the other, stronger, blacks.

I see Cred Forums is leaking once more.


With the trend of interracial couples increasing you need something more than a shitty meme to convince a woman you're better than a 6'4" guy with six pack abs, nice arms, and loads of confidence instilled in him by growing up on rough streets

16 posts in and no Judy

I'm proud of you guys

>The best looking women are white

Loving EVERY laugh. Since I started dating Hispanic chicks I haven't gone back, white women are bland in comparison.

>its an americans make fun of immigration episode
it will never not be funny


Someone post that tinder race image.



>it's another Cred Forums gets triggered thread

Those guys are really pretty. I'd be the cream in that oreo

When we immigrated to America we killed the previous inhabitants off. Can you not comprehend why we may be against it?

>t. shlomo shekelbergstein

>Lol. What a gay.
oh man that cracks me up.

>literally 1 (one) video game post in the whole thread
on the off chance that OP didn't make this thread with the sole intention of shitposting, i like deus ex and warcraft 3

>not asian women

spotted the triggered pink dick white boy

>the best looking guys are black
>the worst looking girls are black

Such is life

Latino girls are really sexy but less diverse and cute and more slutty-looking

High school teacher here. It's a bit strange but the in thing for white girls is to have a non-white boyfriend. Not that I care one way or another.