"Now, a character being that situational is not really desirable to us...

>"Now, a character being that situational is not really desirable to us, so even though I can kind of justify why it happens, that doesn’t mean that I believe that it’s right. So Symmetra is a hero who’s on our list right now to take a good look at and really investigate."

>make team based shooter with distinct characters
>try to make every character useful in every situation
Really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:


She's literally only "useful" in some maps only on the first point only on defense.

I don't know what they where expecting.
A character with such an ultimate would be either OP or useless, but never balanced.

Maybe no one plays as her because no one wants to play as a shitskin.

Symmetra can buff my cock.

make it so she earns 10% ult meter every time a teammate goes through her teleporter after the first one that way she can get some ult meter while that thing is up and not be useless or just give her a whole new ult while her teleporter is up

Symmetra isnt even bad just her slow as fuck gain makes her useless

>place turrets at teams obj on defense
>any tracer, genji, mcree or squishee in general gets fucked up the ass
I don't player her, but I love her when there's a tracer around since she's 2fast for me


Give her some kind of healing dispenser so she can actually be a support character and not an extremely situational builder.

her turrets have seemed next to useless from day 1. worse than useless if a zayra just uses them for charge.

This is actually a good idea.

After playing this game so much to the point where I would rather fuck a light socket than even look at the start up screen, it's sad that it drove me to play the abortion Battleborn just to get away from this cancer.

Nerf Zarya.

Symmetra should be reclassed as a defence hero. Why is she in support? It makes no sense.

make her turrets take 2 hits to die
make her ult so that the other team doesn't make auto-callouts the nanosecond it's placed
done perfectly balanced

Could go off of total sentries. 6 total and you choose which ones are damage or healing.

Ok what are some good ideas on how to fix her?
Maybe her turrets have 25hp each one, maybe instead of her shield power she can change modes for her turrets and make them shield +20 for each one that is on someone, giving about 120 shields to one person near all 6.
Change her tp back to 10 people from 6, also remove the voice line and make them say it only if someone has seen the tp.

Who the actual fuck knows, I was gonna say because she can augment her teammates health bar and that's considered a "support" action, but torbjorn can do that and he's defence

>in November
what the shit? Are they thinking of replacing her or something?

this game really SLOW on interesting update, barely any new hero and map each month. The last time i heard they add another shitty EMOTE

well useless or completely great at denying a passage

>highest win/loss ratio
>getting buffed


Just make her shield a different ability. It's that simple.

Because people only play her on maps that she's effective in. Then swap off.

Data from win/loss only counts ending score cards, not when people switch.

what did you expect from blizzard?
check updates in diablo 3

So why does a character have to be effective 100% of the time on all maps, gamemodes, and team sides? She does her job great on defense-sided maps.

Her weapon needs to be replaced and they should give her a dispenser.

She's viable in an offense role if the rest of the team can cover for the damage gap in combat because a good teleporter can win the game

She can pick up shit with her m1 right? Why not make it so she can move armor and health packs around and take them to heroes?

Now she isn't completely useless as a support, keeps her base defender role and even has some anti flanker tech by denying packs from Reapers, Tracer's, etc.

It even fits her autism by letting the player micro manage shit.

Im still waiting on skull loli that goes Cred Forums hacker on people.

If a character is only useful 20% of the time, I would say that character needs a bit of a buff.

>not when people switch
i have a feeling this is wrong, mind linking me to a confirmation on this?

she has the highest win/loss because of how the win/loss works. If a player plays as her on first point, and they win, thats a 100% win. If they lose the first point, the symetra has 2 options: Continue playing symetra, or play someone else. It's only a 100% lose if she stays as symmetra too the end. Otherwise its proportional to the playtime. So a person who swaps from Symetra on first to like a mercy or lucio on second point noow only counts as 1/2 a loss if they lose. If they can win from the second point, it counts as 1/2 a win for symetra, even though she lost the points she was active for.

I'm sure I explained that horribly but there's the information, sift through the bullshit here for whatever you need.

>only useful 20% of the time

That's wrong though

>She does her job great
>defense sided maps existing other than eichenwalde
crazy how you squeezed 2 incorrect statements into a 9 word sentence

What the shit do you mean pick up shit with mouse 1, she doesn't have a gravity gun

>She can pick up shit with her m1 right
i suggest you try playing the game every once in awhile

She can though. Certain props and boxes can get sucked into her m1. just not health packs.

there is practically no situation where I would rather have symmetra on the team over zenyatta

>22 characters
>6, singles only because highlander mode
>~27% chance a character would get randomly picked
>an unfavorable character has 20% pick rate and somehow this is a bad thing

did i do gud?

>E ability channels a beam of hard light onto a teammate giving him up to 100 shields that rapidly decrease if ignored
>If her shields are broken while Symmetra is channeling a rather long cooldown goes off
>Turrets have more than just 1hp, but don't slow down quite as much and do a bit more damage
>Turrets heal teammates, albeit slowly (3 turrets would heal as fast as Lucio's heal boost, 6 as a Zen orb)
>Able to store up to 30% ult after her teleporter is up

well its true. They dont use toilets. They just deficate on the street. Im not making that up. Hence the name.

except for she is never picked by teams that actually know how to play

>Shields are trash, don't do anything to make most heroes live longer because of everyone's ridiculous damage output
>turrets die instantly, have bad range and take forever to set up, can't even put them all up before the round starts unless you have a bunch of Lucios speed boosting you to the point
>orbs are slow as fuck and only hit people if they're retarded and walk into them
>beam has the worst range of anything in the game
>teleporter is good but only if they don't have a flanker who'll just kill it instantly which almost never happens
Gee I wonder why nobody plays her.
That isn't situational. That's borderline useless. If you want to reinforce dead teammates faster then you're better off picking Mercy.

Don't you fucking dare insult my waifu ever again

probably being gangraped as we speak famalam


>He hasn't seen the turret covered basketball trick

>teleporter is online
>2 seconds later
>teleporter is destroyed

Maybe people should just stop being stupid with her.

Just buff her turret damage back to what it was before they nerfed it. Sym and zarya are a nasty team on certain maps like anubis/volskaya, they can lock chokes down, and with their shield health wont need a medic to assist them unless shit hits the fan.

If the enemy flankers aren't actively seeking out a teleporter the second they spot the +25 shields above your head then you're playing with shitty players. The main reason she's not picked is because Genji, Reaper and Tracer can destroy her teleporter without much difficulty.

The game counts which player was played the longest in a match as the one who wins it.
Symmetra gets such a high win rate because if she's not being swapped out, it was because her team on Defense stopped the enemy before they got past the first objective point on maps like Hollywood.

She's always swapped out if they don't, and the fight for the second point goes on much longer.

If the enemy has a genji or a reaper and know a Symmetra is on your team, they will cover every hiding spot to make sure your teleporter will not last long.

That's pretty hot

>back to what it was before they nerfed it
Console player detected.

>playing shooters on pc

She does not do her job great because she is not even used commonly used defense when all you need is a winston/dva and a flanker to invalidate everything she does

>that actually know how to play
ahh here we go again with this esports shit

don't do that

right because your sub-diamond mmr opinion means something

So little mini-Mercys alongside her offensive turrets. Sounds like a cool idea, and would help charge her Ult while healing too.

>diamond is somehow good
i know diamonds that play at the same level as gold shitters, the comp mode is a joke.

The healing would have to be pretty miminal or she'd be really dumb

if diamond is not good then imagine how worthless your opinion is

>sub-gold taking esports meta as gospel
classic, its as if LoL players flocked to this game or something

ok show me any evidence anywhere of symmetra being used by players that are even remotely decent and doing well

I just hope they understand exactly WHAT needs changing about Symmetra. I love her weapon, but she's got some serious issues in her ability kit.

I hate that each turret takes like three full seconds to create but dies to a single point of damage, because it makes it almost impossible to actually use them unless you're setting them up well ahead of the enemy's arrival. I get that that's kind of the point, but it leaves Symmetra with ZERO abilities to actually use in combat. They need to either create much faster or be slightly more durable - 25 HP would be fine.

Teleporter is situational and hard to use on some maps, but I feel like that's balanced out by its quick charge rate. I really don't have any major complaints about Symmetra's ult; as long as you place it cleverly and make some effort to defend it it's fine.

However, the most obvious candidate for changes is her shield-casting ability. It's a terrible mixture of weak and extremely boring. If she could recast it on teammates who already have shields in order to instantly restore them, that would make it more useful and more interesting. Otherwise, the shield amount needs to go up or the ability needs to be reworked/replaced entirely.

Show me any evidence anywhere of Dva being used by competent players
theres no point because 'doing well' is just the other team 'doing poorly' and this game isnt competitive.

Make her secondary a SMG that fires fast but is very weak and she's perfect.

thanks for conceding

>buff Symmetra and Widow
D.va buff when? Literally no reason she should walk at 10% speed while shooting, she does so little damage they can just walk away from her range.

Then fly to them

Explosive orbs? Higher shields? More turrets? What'll they do?

Was there some sort of argument? Show us ANY proof that Symmetra sucks absolute dick. The burden of proof lies on you, the one making claims that Symmetra is complete trash.

See, I can be a dipshit too!

I think the turrets should be used as an alarm system and that "last bit" of damage on a fleeing target rather than straight up area denial. Since you get 6 of them 25 hp each would be very strong. If your allies had the location of the turrets on their hud I think that'd really improve their usefulness

the proof is she's never picked at high level

booping them does damage. boop them

d.va is fine until a zarya shows up

You don't have to hold LMB down yknow

I already have to use it to get near them, they have 6 seconds to run away.

D.va is one of the strongest characters in the game. How else would I have such a high winrate with her? I suck.

>d.va is fine until the #1 tank shows up
so never then

I've played on both. This game was clearly not designed to be played on a controller. You only need to look at Lucio to see this. Too many abilities that you may need to use all at once in rapid succession to be played efficiently on a controller.


you're just shit at the game, m8


Quickplay, got it. I'm a retard.

There's no comprehensive metric available. Playoverwatch uses small sample sizes and shit is constantly changing because "hey, FUCK letting metas develop over time!"

Apparently Ana is shit according to your Holy Text, which I think we can all agree isn't true.

ana has like 20 something % pick rate retard

Just give her shield a weak hp recovery effect to it.
Make her the only healer who can heal team mates outside her field of vision.
It would be a very powerful tool to flankers

And then suddenly she can heal and might actually have a reason to be considered a support.
I mean by all means make it the weakest heal of the 5 support heroes, but at least it gives her a bit more utility.

Lucio is fine, it's folks like Tracer and Dva that don't do terribly well. It's why they're implementing an "outer ring sensitivity" mode for controllers; because the old and tired formula of "le exponentially increasing curve maymay" sucks absolute shit for shooters.

Fuck you nigger

Pro tip dont try to kill people at max health or 1v1 with dva, cherry pick low health enemies or jump them with allies. You should never fly right to them either, walk up or fly in and stop flying early so your boosters come off cooldown after you get close.

Yes, but in reality she's picked around 1% of the time.

Dva is easy on console. You don't need to aim with her guns.

>50 shield given to people.
>Ult charges when teleporter is down.
>White instead of poo in loo.
>Turrets take two hits to kill instead of one.
>Larger breasts and hips.


Alright. Try wallriding while shooting, booping,and meleeing accurately while also swapping between tracks and amping it up, while also gaining height with said wallride.

You literally can't because you'd have to take your thumb off the stick to use one of your abilities, which means you aren't aiming accurately.

user, thats actually a really neat idea

>50 shield given to people.
>he doesn't know

Remember when she used to give 50 shield instead of 25 which made her borderline essential in beta?

Or maybe you are not as much among kindred spirits on battlenet as you would be on stormfront.

50 shield is what she had in the beta and it proved to be too strong.
I honestly don't think they're going to put it up to 50, yet 25 is too weak.

Maybe if they increased the time it takes from the shield to regen they could put it to 50 but that seems like it'd be useless again.

Annnnnd I went to their old site, ya got me. Looking at the current graph from two weeks ago, this is a lot more accurate. Glad to see the 'balance' is stabilizing toward B/C tiers.

You literally can't do this on KB+M either. Lucio isn't hard you fucking faggot, ever heard of claw grip?

the only characters not being picked are the defense hero trash pool, soldier, and phara

>Ana is shit according to your holy text
You're straight retarded. Why are you even arguing about something you have no knowledge of?

She'll go down after blizzard nerfed her ult rate, can't have people having fun with new strats after all

Yeah 50 shields would work fine, I dont think that would be imbalanced and no one would benefit from that.


oh shit she's getting picked more than zenyatta now that's crazy

>Tank meta



I wonder who was behind the idea of nerfing them.

>Winston pickrate is high on KoTH
>reaper is low
I don't understand.

tank meta can't actually happen because bastion counters all of them

D.Va is low :(


>you can't do this on PC either
Of course you can. All of these buttons can be easily reached because of your fingers being available because they aren't holding a controller.

>claw grip
Literally no one does this.

Bastion doesn't counter shit.

With barriers around, Roadhog counters Bastion. If there's a Winston/Zarya, then Rein can even charge him.

>reaper tries to kill winston
>winston jump packs away
>Reaper can't catch up again unless he tries a risky teleport to follow

Reaper doesn't do shit to Winston unless for some retarded reason he's jumping at you.
Also Winston is often paired with Zarya, so really you're just feeding her with Reaper.

the hot new strategy is 3 tanks 3 support

because her ult charge is insane and can make tanks into unstoppable killing machines.

>Literally no one
Except me, so youre retarded.

So you serious believe that you can

>hold space
>press LMB
>press E

and somehow also
>press RMB
>Spamming space

Without running into some, for lack of a better word, 'limitations'?

Claw grip makes Lucio just as good on controllers as on PC, but thats only because his bullets as slow and huge as shit. If he was hitscan/had faster projectiles then it'd be a different story.

>Literally no one does this.

Because anyone who's serious about playing Lúcio has bound their buttons differently.

For me it's:
Jump: L2
Shockwave: R1
Amp it Up: X

Works wonders.

are there any pornstars that look like symmetra? not in the mood for sfm

>that ugly fucking nose
it's literally the only reason I don't play her and I'm not even close to racist

Why does she look so disgusted?

>buffing 'Fuck Your Ult: The Character'

D. Matrix literally nullifies every non-support ult in the game aside from Rein, Genji and Winston.

All she can do.

She's trying to poo and you're watching.


why tho

I never want to play symmetra because of her fucking dumb, autistic face.

Not him but sure, just bind melee to thumb mouse button and you're good to go

>anyone who's serious about playing anything
>playing on console

You know what I mean you fucking autist.

Mia Khalifa?

She wants to take a shit but there are no streets nearby.

>D.Va's usage dropping that low.

I recall her being far more popular than that. I know her Defense matrix was stronger, but after the small nerf did it really hurt her that much? I guess she's squishy?

I get what you mean OP, but she's TOO situational, there's only like three situations where she's worth picking.

Anyway my fixes for her would probably be the best, I'm probably one of the best Syms NA, which isn't saying much since barely anyone plays her.

Sep 14
-Ultimate bar still charges while her teleporter is up, when it hits 100% the teleporter gains three uses (Max is still 6 though)
-If the teleporter is destroyed, she loses 50% of her current Ultimate bar charge
-Can move the position of the teleporter with a 30 second cool down.
-Primary fire now goes through shields like her alt fire, does not damage shields (Including Zarya bubble)

I didn't know people used the melee button on the keyboard.
>current year
>not using a mouse with at least 5 buttons

Lucio really needs to be hit with some huge nerfs.

He's way too good and I feel bad whenever I play as him.

>re-map boop to left joystick click
>Left trigger = jump

So hard. Get better.
And there ya go. Not hard. Get better.

are they going to make her ass bigger?

It doesn't even need to be a 'huge nerf'
>Lucio no longer heals himself

BOOM, he's not as stupidly survivable. Thats the biggest thing, you can't actually KILL a good Lucio, unless you're blowing an ult for him.


>left thumb on spacebar
>right pointer on lmb
>left pointer on e
>right middle on rmb
>right thumb on not v because the game auto binds quick melee to a third mouse button
>pinky on shift

They should make it so that every 5% of the ult meter her skin goes 5% lighter.

>her ult now works as a two way teleporter
>teammates can use it to get into spawn and back out into the battle, gaining full hp quickly or swapping out heroes
>teleport uses increase to 10 to accommodate
>turrets reveal red enemy outline when attacking

>autistic face

just shoot him with mc ribs?

And tell me how you'd need him without making him bottom of the barrel tier?

The slow from her turrets could build into a stun (stun time based on character health)
And her E could be retooled and receive a slight buff. Maybe have it put a turret on teammates that breaks when the 25 shields does, and then give her E a cooldown. Or she could work well with a recon skill, she can make good use of landing orbs with a sight ability. Or maybe have her be able to use her E on enemies to disable their non-ult abilities for the next 3 seconds or something.

Symmetra is best waifu

>Now, a character being that situational is not really desirable to us

>what is every Def hero and Winston

Thumb mouse button is ym first love

>Lucio no longer heals himself
>hold on guys let me wander off the team and pick up a health pack every time someone shoots me

Nope, that's a huge nerf. Every healer should be able to heal/regen themselves.

Winston needs a buff.

>poo in loo buffs

Winston literally just needs his ammo capacity increased.

Either to 125 or 150.
150 feels like it'd be approaching overpowered levels of damage he could shit out



How about make the self heal slower and reduce the radius of the heal so that you have to be closer to your buddies to heal them.

I have 10 fingers



Why do all console players always have this "baby's first fps attitude and opinions"?

>overpowered levels of damage he could shit out

Oh no he can tickle me for 2 more seconds

Do I really have to draw you a picture

This and add 500 HP to his shield.

>reduce the radius of the heal
That's a good nerf suggestion that wouldn't make him useless if Blizz decides that he must be nerfed somehow. It doesn't even need to be much, reducing from 30 to 25 meters should be enough.

How to fix Symmetra in one easy step:
Make her teleporters two way

Reduce D.va critbox right MEOW

>when Winston ults he pushes back enemies in a small aoe
>jump pack deals scaling damage the higher he is before the landing
>Winston can now slam the ground with E when he's ulting
>slamming the ground does absoutley nothing except intimidate his enemies

If you're d.va you can get him

>one moron blows all 6 uses of teleporter because he can;t decide what hero he wants to use

Yeah, great idea...

thats not an issue with people playing symmetra though, Blizzard thought it was a good idea to announce to the enemy team when she places her ultimate.
you cannot hide from someone who knows the maps in and out which is pretty much everyone at this point even more so if they play flankers often like Genji or Tracer.

symmetra doesn't need buffs

she needs a full scale redesign or reclassificiation.

As it is now she's more of a defense hero than a support hero.

The only thing of note she brings is her ult, her turrets are only really good if the enemy is retarded or if you have strong communication with your team mates to be able to use them as flanker alerts.

> he also punches his chest in victory after he gets a kill. This gives him 50 hp back

Urge to kill grows stronger.

No, he can tickle half your team for an extra few seconds.

And that 'tickle damage' builds up fast, and helps him gain ult faster.


Symm should share sentry's LOS with her team

Yeah, but just letting her give more shields is a boring as fuck way to buff her because the shields aren't fun or interesting to put on people to begin with. You just press E and forget about it until they die and respawn.

Look at Torbjorn. Giving out armor requires being active in collecting scrap and intelligently doling it out when people will need it in spots where they're going to actually collect it. It's something that separates a good Torbjorn from the shitters.

If the shield gets buffed I want to see it done in a way that reworks it and requires you to apply it intelligently. Like if your weapon and turrets draw energy as you attack which you then use to apply greater amounts of shield to players or even use it to add charges to your teleporter. That way you're balancing attack, placing turrets, and supporting your teammates.

Hell it's not perfect, but you get the idea. I'd rather they buff a character by making them more interesting to play and rewarding skill rather than straight up buffing the easiest and most boring to use ability in the game.



>People only play Symmetra when defending A on certain maps, she's useless otherwise
>People immediately switch off if A is taken (AKA, if you don't win by a complete shutout)
>Because of this, games where you played Symmetra and failed to hold the one point she's good at don't count against her winrate

Using Symmetra's winrate as an argument against her getting buffs is like saying that seabass are the dominant species on Earth because they can spend more time underwater than humans. You have to completely ignore that she's useless 90% of the time.

Just get rid of the 6 uses then, dont really see why they have to be there

>teleporter remains until its destroyed
Well, their goes QP down the drain

I hope you enjoy your ranked matches full of shitters who don't know how to search down Symmetra teleporters

Give it unlimited uses but can only be placed on the edge of a cliff

Mei had been totally useless, now she's viable and balanced. I'm confident Blizzard can do the same for Symmetra.

> Complaining about balance in Overwatch

The game is a legitimate casual mess. Just about every high-skill (I use the term VERY lightly) cap hero except Genji is totally useless, and every face roll turd like McCree, Hanzo, Lucio are pretty much all 100% pick.

They should just make Symmetra's ultimate a giant shit storm that teleports your team back to LoL.

But thats wrong you dense whore

>every high-skill cap hero except Genji is useless

t. brain-damaged genji shitter

Genji is trash

>this entire post

I don't play Lucio so I'm trying to figure this out. In what situation would you EVER shoot, boop, and melee at the same time? Why boop someone you're shooting? Can you melee right as you boop to get an extra 30 damage on them?

More importantly, why would you do this while WALLRIDING, when you'll be booping people toward the ground and thus not very far?

Hating ethnic features is racist.

Actually I agree, I've seen a lot of good Mei's these days, its nice to see people have given her a chance after her buffs.
She has quite the unique skill set.

>Mei is balanced
Not with that ult charge and size and m2 with Hanzo's hitbox.

Do you even play Lucio? It's basic knowledgeh that when amping speed/health, it will be lost when you switch to the other.

Try shooting while using alt fire, feel free to apologize when you're done.


I like symettra. But I usually switch out once the 1st point is lost.

Please, he's literally the only viable skill hero. Widow is useless. Zarya is usually useless. Tracer is incredibly underwhelming, and usually usless.

I guess Ana is alright. But unless there's a second healer (which there usually isnt), she's usually useless.

And I don't even play Genji. Usually 76, Reinhardt, or Lucio.. because that's what people generally don't pick.

The boop does a nice sum of damage, but its better to use your gun and cancel it into boop than melee

>Zarya is usually useless. Tracer is incredibly underwhelming, and usually usless

>I'm worthless at the game: The Post

Viable and balanced aside she is easily the most unfun shit to play against. Her ult being the size of goddamn China doesn't help either.

I still don't understand how she classifies as a support. I mean she is like torjborn and builds stationary guns and drops armor. Yet torjborn is a builder while she is a really shitty support.

I kinda agree, she needs a full rework really. The reason why her win ratio is so fucking high is because people only pick her in the one situation where she is basically guaranteed to ensure a victory.

On payload defense.

As she is now she has no business being classified as a support hero.

Changes to her need to include changing her shield ability to be something actually useful, perhaps instead of granting shields she could have an aura that gives shields to people within 10 meters of her passively, and her E could be something that allows her to throw down a speed boost pad that takes up a turret slot.

Turrets need an option that makes them good when attacking. Perhaps if you hold down the turret button instead of tapping it you quickly deploy all available turrets at your feet.

How hard is it to do the same thing over and over again?
99% of Genjis do the same shit.
Go in, try to 1v1.
Deflect, dash
Rinse repeate
Predictable as fuck.

well whens the bastion rework?
ya know
the character that has the exact same problem

also isn't poo the highest winrate character ingame by far?

Bastion needs a serious nerf.

You are obviously shit at the game or a console player.

Please don't post any more opinions or game advice

What tank, shitter? 6720, and I haven't seen anyone give two shits about a Zarya after her nerf. Tracer has been under the table for a whole now, and is literally only viable for her ult, which even at 6700 I see people whiff constantly.

> t. 2900 shitter

>Symmetra isnt even bad just her slow as fuck gain makes her useless

Nah, she's pretty bad specifically because she can't heal. Her turrets are too easy to take care of for anyone who's halfway decent, and she doesn't do enough damage to warrant picking her instead of a proper healer, and healing is so much more vital.

Even on just the Ultimate front, Rez, Sound Barrier, Transcendence and Nanoboost are all far better, and more useful than teleport, and gets you on the point quicker, but it doesn't help you win team fights, nor does it actually keep you on the point, you can have a teleporter and it won't stop a good team from just blocking you off and keeping you from being able to retake the point, which makes the teleporter close to useless.

>Zarya is worthless
>Can shut down burst damage for free, eat ults, has 400HP (half of which regenerates), has free bursts of invincibility in which the enemy team can't shoot you without feeding your damage, is considered an essential pick in comp

You being an genji main was proof enough but you really are a bronze shitter

Replace Symmetra's shields with a health pack dispenser. Her other abilities are all constructions anyway. She then also doubles as a healer. One of the main reasons I don't play Symmetra is that she's a support who can't heal so I feel like I'm wasting a slot with her.

>D.va buff when?

Didn't they buff her like only a few weeks ago?

How does he need a nerf? He's probably the worst character in the entire game together with Symmetra.

>Zarya is usually useless.
What the fuck

Essential where? Winston has replaced her as an offtank is most attack, and Roadhog has always been a better defense offtank as long as he doesn't feed ult charge. What fucking shit rank are you guys?

The only time I see her anymore is in control, and they usually switch to someone else after the pass/fail of the first push.

> Main


it didnt really help
and they nerfed her immediately afterwards
blizzard is filled with retards

No they nerfed her.

I assume you're mistyping 3720?

If you're such a high rank how did you get there by underestimating Zarya this fucking hard? The whole fucking world is broadcasting it everywhere and you're just plugging your ears, sulking, and >implying

You forgot the funny poo in the loo meme.

win rate isn't a measure to use in this game when you can switch characters midgame. You get really skewed win rates.

Sure Symmetra has an amazing winrate but only in a tiny fraction of all games played. To a balance team that should be a red flag.

Torbjorn needs a buff while we're at it. The t2 turret takes too long to build considering how fast it dies. Even when ulting it takes forever.

How to make 76 actually good and not inferior to mcree.

>four round burst fire mode with 0.5 delay between each shot, press 1 for automatic, 2 for burst fire
>Increase ammo count from 25 to 30
>Helix rocket now has a 2 second cooldown during Tactical Visor

It's not that fucking hard Blizzard.


He is probably american and ahsamed of this meme. Because walmart.

zarya nerf when?

Why not just put him back the way he was before the nerf?
The only reason he was needed is because shittier players that are bad at the game decided to use macros and Scripts.

>slav squat
zarya is fucking russian

>tank meta can't actually happen because bastion counters all of them

>countering anything.

Roadhog hooks him, Zarya shields and rapes, Ana can put bastion to sleep, Ana+Lucio with Biotic grenades and healing boost can make them regenerate fast enough that they can walk up to bastion and smash him, one nanoboost Rein and all 6 dead.

There's not going to be a counter to 3x3 Tank meta until

A) They nerf Ana's ult gain, and that's a maybe since you'd still have huge health pools and regenerating too fast to actually pick them off. Not even McCree with an aimbot can put out enough damage when you've got tanks getting heals by them all at the same time, it's like ~200 healing every second if they focus on a single tank, and Roadhog can heal himself, and Zarya can shield herself and someone else to boot.

2) They buff the DPS characters, but with how big the gap is we're talking like you'll need to bring back the old 420 damage FTH or something retarded to actually be able to pull it off.

The macro bullshit wasn't even a problem. It was just whiny redditors complaining they got outskilled.

>ult the size of a hockey rink

Because Ana and McCree have both been buffed and they were a response to Zarya. I'm not saying she wasn't great, but she's not now, and she sure as shit isn't essential.

>ugly nose

you know the game is first person, right? you cant see it.

>Reaper doesn't do shit to Winston unless for some retarded reason he's jumping at you.

He might not know you're there, or he's trying to pick off someone else, or he's got no choice because it's KOTH and the teams at 95% and closing it out.

Are you a console player by any chance?

Since they've nerfed the fuck out of all the DPS characters and buffed the tanks, supports, and released Ana, the new meta is the 3x3 lineup, with 3 tanks and 3 healers being unstoppable.

End this meme holy shit. He's been one of the strongest tanks since day one and has almost never seen a drop in pick rate.

This, she should not be able to protect people from D.Va's ult


So there's a point at which giving her 1 more HP would change her from useless to OP?

>not slav
you havin a giggle m8?

Rmb interrupts Lmb
Shifting switches the boost but keeps the amp until it wears off
You dense cunt.

>try to make every character useful in every situation

> a character being that situational

The keyword being THAT.
Dumb op poster

The only thing he needs is to have his shield CD reverted because the reason for that nerf no longer applies to the only decent way of playing Overwatch

Symmetra has awesome abilities with shitty numbers.

Turrets are amazing but die to a stiff breeze making them easy to clear if you aren't a mong

Shield was so OP in beta at 50 that she had to be picked 100% of the time, now it's just okay

Autoaim beam hits like a freight train but you have to be too close

Death ball is great but slow as fuck and takes a long time to full-charge

Teleporter is a game changer...but only if people use it and only up to 6 times.

If they made her turrets better and extended her guns range she would be an unstoppable rapetrain. As she is currently she's little more than an annoyance to a competent team.

It's simple:
Does the fact that symmetra is uselessness is offset by her teleporter ?
If yes, then she's will be in 100% of the game for the first round.
If no then she will be never picked, which is the case right now, because having a teleporter isn't worth an almost useless hero.

t. silver shitters

>fucked by a lone tracer killing every turret and tp 100% of the time

well see there is the problem
she's either an unstoppable rape train
or next to useless

>Stick a healing dispenser behind bastion in a corner with reinhardt

>people defending Mei

I'll agree that she isn't essential--IMO she never was to begin with--but she's still fucking great.

I never thought about this before, but does her damage rollover to her shields if it breaks the barrier?

>I use a broken character look how good I am!
If you use Mei you're as low as the people using aimbot desu.

probably becuase
if anything
she needs a buff

That's not really true, characters can be useful without being OP and picked 100% of the time. There are many shades of grey between OP and useless.

You're retarded just shut up already shitter

The teleporter would be more useful if it didn't make such a loud fucking humming noise that broadcasts to every Genji, Tracer, Pharah, etc that it was up.
Not to mention that her kit on offense is absolutely dreadful.

If the first tick breaks it, yes. More importantly her damage breaks her barrier in two shots. With her rifle fire rate increased, she can break her barrier and sleep her, not giving two fucks about the damage she just gave to Zarya. Then she's a focus call away from getting stomped. If she's close, it's just a shot and a nade and the barrier is broken.

McCree is the same deal. He can just break it and stun her with a flashbang. He can even kill her now if she doesn't have her sheilds.

She's annoying but not OP.

>B-But she wins 1v1!

Zarya shield
Boop + speed away
Reaper phase out of range
Doublejump/wallclimb out of range
Thruster/leap out of range
Sleep dart
Hog can outtank her without even needing to hook

And this is only 1v1. If you aren't a retard you shouldn't be separated from your team.

Symmetra's turrets now heal allies in range of them, prioritizing the closest target. Done.

Glad I didn't buy this garbage.

Can we post superior brown.

What does Cred Forums think about Gargantia?

Only time I've seen her do well is when paired with a mei.

There is nothing that can handle a mei sym combo but it really only works on one person at a time. Good for stopping flankers for quick pushes into a room but bad for anything else.

>Symmetra new voice lines leaked
>"Let me augment your shields"
>"Shields boosted"
>"10 charges remaining"

Whoa dude what? Is Symmetra finally a true support?

Could it be...giving shields are on a charge system, and can now be...boosted? And also changed to resist specific damage like the Medic's Vaccinator in TF2?

Could the 10 charges be related to her teleporter? 10 charges now, from 6?

Remove Hideauze.

Oh boy I cant wait for her to be a guarenteed pick and then nerfed into the ground soon after

>two shots
>80+80 = 160
>160 - 200 = 40
Has Blizzard explained this shit yet?

frick that sounds great

>Riot balancing
Well they did it for Dva and she wasn't even a top pick when she got changed. Wouldn't be too surprised if they did it again.

I still for the life of me dont get why she got nerfed
she still sucked

Hmm a character that build a healing dispenser a teleporter and turrets.
This sounds familiar I think paladins did this already

>Symettra has 10 sheild charges
>She can give an ally 10 sheilds per charge.
>Can give one ally a total of 100 health
>or 4 with 20 and 2 with 30
That's actually not a bad idea.

she doesnt really work the same as the engineer though
her teleporter and turrets work drastically different
not to mention her weapons

>Game balance patches are now front page news items for gaming "journalists"
I hope Blizzard gave them a bigger wallet to keep all that shill money.

Don't ask me man, she honestly wasn't any different for most players and the higher skill folks knew she wasn't all that great. I didn't see ANYONE that wasn't a deluded Dva main that thought Dva was ever OP

Let her throw her turrets instead of just placing them somewhere right next to her. Have them stick to the first surface they land on. Easier to set up defensively, and they can be useful offensively by checking them behind enemy lines, and if you introduce healing turrets then she can throw them at a friendly who needs them. Maybe have the physical turret go through barriers like her other attacks do.

You need to understand that being situationally useful and being well rounded aren't exclusive or black and white.

All heroes are more useful in different situations, some are useful in more situations. Besides the teleporter, and an occasional good microwave room, 90% of symmetras I've seen are fucking garbage.



there's no reason she would have to communicate how many shield charges she has left to give. It's definitely in relation to the teleporter

She's supposed to be a support character, not a defense character. She needs to be reworked to fit the support role.

She's not a tank, she shouldn't have the ability to soak damage and make true tanks redundant.

Her issue as a support is that she can't heal, and the only "team support" she gives (shields/tele) are negligible or easily countered

Her turrets could also repair shields, I guess.

This is Blizzard.
They go at a glacial pace.
It's probably for brand recognition

>Playing Competitive as Zen
>Enemy Pharah is rolling over half the team, including our Junkrat
>Try to help, but enemy team protects her
>Lose match
>Junkrat can't comprehend how we lost after our attack went so well
>Say that no-one switched to counter her
>He responds with "Oh, I was going to change to Soldier, but didn't"
>ask why
>"I figured she'd switch first, since the meta is against her"

I don't understand people sometimes

This wouldn't work at all. Also they don't want "MUST HAVE" Heroes, they want "JUST AS GOOD AS ANY OTHER" heroes.

>picking junkrat

Mei's greatest ability is stalling out the final point.

Just give her more supportive ability

Why do people think that Blizzard has been updating slowly? Even at the height of TF2's update schedule, they weren't as fast as Blizzard.

>TF2's first content update (Gold Rush) was six months after TF2's release, despite TF2 only having six maps and tons of balance issues on release
>OW has been out for just over 4 months and has had several content updates (Ana, Eichenwald, the Brawls/cosmetic events)

The updates have less content than TF2's, but happen far sooner.

she needs a total rework, let her turrets heal allies when there is no enemy targets or something

it makes zero fucking sense that there are two heroes that build turrets and give extra health and one is in defense and one is in support

Since her M2 is a slow moving projectile that goes through things, it should buff allies it hits.

What if her team is whining for more shields? It has use.

I've seen some fucked up shit with a Mei ult on the point with a hanzo nearby

Then it'd use her heal voiceline to respond like the other healers do but they just implemented the ult voiceline text of "x charges remaining" and I don't think they'd have done that if they planned on dropping that nomenclature for her tele

I think the only buff he needs is to increase his hammer swing speed.

Unless they're white features

I'm thinking more like where she just rushes onto the point and does her ice healing to keep the point contested for at least 5 seconds (almost enough time in itself to get the rest of the team back on point) and then she can easily follow it up with a wall and cut herself off and keep contesting.

If the team plays it right, with like a mei, D.Va and Reaper, you can keep people just constantly hovering around the point and stall it out almost forever and it's virtually impossible to get it unless you've got like 5 ults ready to go one right after the other.

not dark or tall enough

This would be actually cool.

Shes a dominatrix, her being disgusted yet aroused by your filfthy street rat dick is part of the appeal


Nah, she's too autistic for that I think. She just looks down on people. She's probably more into robots and is constantly thinking about autistically seducing Zenyatta.

>she even does that retarded indian head wiggle that indians do

she needs a nerf if anything, shes way to strong as it stands right now. her auto-aim beam of death does too much damage.

What in the everloving fuck are you talking about? You realize a pick rate chart was already posted in the thread saying you're full of shit right? Zarya hasn't even been touched yet.

That's why she is ever picked in high level play right?

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who caught that. Now I don't feel as racist.

He doesn't need a nerf, he needs an alternative. If there was another AOE healer his use rate would drop for sure.

incredibly annoying but weak as fuck. shes essentially the pyro from tf2. an entire rework is needed

That high damage beam (and her turrets in some maps) is the only good thing about her. The bad thing about it is that the beam is too short, and leaves her WAY too exposed to one-two hit kills when attempting to be on the offense with her. Nevermind that her M2 attack is too obviously telegraphed, even in chaotic out/in-fighting.