Best indie games

ITT: Post the best indie games that you should play

Guac was great. I loved the credit scenes.


Guacamelee is one of my favorite games.
Everything worked together so goddamn well, it's the only game I've liked that much in the last five years.

Castle Crashers


Guacamelee had decent mechanics but the terrible bosses and lame level design brought it down heavily.

Iji is obviously on the rec list, but I want to recommend Zineth by Arcane Kids. They're mostly into hyper-ironic jokery games but Zineth is just a legit good game.

shovel knight

who /pollo outfit/ here?

both of these are must plays

It's fucking hard
but the soundtrack and artstyle are just excellent

>baby mode

Skeltal mode is where it's at.

Surprised it hasn't been posted yet

dumb furiposter

dumb 'dumb ____poster' poster

Cloudbuilt is great. Anyone who likes Mirror's Edge should play that shit

it's a pun because of the filename you egg

wasn't this game infested with memes?

That's an exaggeration.
Turns out it wasn't even a major thing, it was just a few guys on the team that really pushed for them, and for every blatant meme there's two or three fun references.

Mind you this is all billboards other background art, nothing big.

It had memes on billboards that were removed in the latest sold graphical update.

boy do i feel foolish

If I remember, there were a few areas near the beginning of the game with the "O rly" owl as a billboard or something. Nothing really stand out if I remember.

I thought it was an okay game, but I worry it's just going to be remembered for the memes.

cool, I might pick it up when it's on sale next then. I've been trying to avoid games that seems to be trying to hard at humour since the debacle that was Borderlands 2

yeah i can see how this might be a bit cringe for everyone that doesn't browse reddit

>That's an exaggeration.
No, "infested" is absolutely the right word to use.

The majority of those were removed, and how the flying fuck is Strong Bad a meme?

Holy fuck how did they get away with that?

The first Borderlands was garbage, why would you even bother playing the second?

>often quoted
>from the internet

it's a meme you dip

CD Projekt is an independent studio, therefore TW3 is an indie game. CD Projekt used aurora engine, and was cobbled together with all the Zloty and Groszy they could save up from translating western games into Polish.

Yeah they're not moustache-waxed, pink haired nu-males from San Fran, using RPG maker, but they still count.

I feel bad for all those guys who were just making a game with cool mexican stuff and they had to put up with that one guy who wanted to shove memes into it. shit like that really dates a game, it's like when a slasher flick has popular music in that was big when it came out.

I like sifting through loot. Borderlads 2 was better than the first in almost every way apart from the humour/characters and the level design

aurora engine for TW1, but then made the rest 100% in house

strong bad one is pretty great desu

Howso? ive played it 3 times through already and other then small refernces the billboards are the only memes ive spotted

Why? They didn't even stylize it like the others. It's just a picture of Strong Bad.

>shit like that really dates a game

Excellent point. Studios trying to relate to their audience are almost always awful

People who don't browse reddit won't even notice this shit.

In that case you might as well say all the good Serious Sam games are indie as well

Strong Bad doesn't have teeth.

Play this game first before any other one, besides, its free to download

Some of these are so old that I can easily see a normie not even knowing those are memes, mainly Caballero Churros and O Rlmente vs Si Rly.

I want to fuck D

Robot was my fucking bro in this game


This is easily the best indie game ever released.

I'd recommend VVVVVV, The Binding of Isaac and Bit Trip Series.

Prison architect

Cave story is great but overrated. I got more fun and hours out of

Hotline miami 1 is superior is every way besides maybe music.

the game that never goes on sale.

The best combat in a roguelike


No one's mentioned this yet?

Except when it did just a month ago in humble bundle.

I want to fuck the green cat girl.

And her sister from the upcoming sequel...

Is it safe to post this?

It's okay, methinks.
I'm just one person, though.