Is it good? I loved DMC3

Is it good? I loved DMC3

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DMC3 it ain't.
The game is mediocre.
The definitive edition only fixed a few flaws. Didn't fixed the terrible characters, locals, and writing.

No dear god stay away from it buy DMC4se it's much better

Think of DMC3 but ten times as bad in every department



No seriously this game is fucking horrible and you should feel bad for wanting to buy it

Too slow, too many cutscenes/cinematics in levels combat and boss fights, glitchy as fuck, no good boss fights compared to DMC3 and 4 because they are sequential fights and you can only wail on them until the game tells you (forces you) to attack/reach weak point with specific weapon to move onto its next attack phase. If I had to say anything positive about it, its level design is not any worse than in the original DMC games.

It's like Sly Cooper Thieves in Time compared to the original trilogy, tries to be similar but it just sucks.

Thieves in Time was good though, it removed the bloated party that 3 had, had a good artstyle and areas, and there was a lot of shit to do in the hub worlds. Not to mention it was funny.

Its good if you want to play through it once or twice. If you get into higher level combos and tricks it begins to fall apart. If you take the story seriously instead of a "so bad its good" comedy, its hilarious. It goes have great things in it though. Dante Must Style mode is amazing (only do damage if your style is at S rank or higher), hardcore mode (DT wont launch enemies anymore and makes the style meter harder to rank up in, so its more like old DMC). Vergil is super fun to play with too. Color coded enemies are changed, but not completely gone. The wrong color wont stagger, but will deal reduced damage. Level design is the best in the series and the music is still pretty good, but not like traditional DMC.

DMC4 SE is a much better buy if you're looking for DMC on PS4, not contest

DmC if you want to get drunk and laugh, if you absolutely have to play it take it as a comedy game and a parody rather than something anywhere near serious

It is fucking great imo. It's probably like 10 bucks used just get it, faggot.

It has like 4 bosses, and not even good ones

>I loved DMC3.

DmC is better.

inb4: "muh emo Dante."
The new Dante is an unbearable twat, the old Dante was an unbearable twat, Ninja Theory did a great maintaining the integrity of the original character.

Shut up Tameem

Barbas is fun. Succusus is hilarious, Hunter is boring, and Mundus spawn is acceptable, Mundus is fine, Vergil is still fun, but not DMC3 (and nothing is, so that isnt really that fair). Limbo in general is fun, and the games basic combat is more rewarding than bosses. Platforming is way better in DmC than it ever was in 3 or 4, but the combat suffers

thanks for your totally original, not ripped from Yahtzee opinion

>the old Dante was an unbearable twat

Nice gameplay opinions.

DmC has the best levels and visuals ignoring character designs, 4 has the best combat, and 3 is the best all around

DmC has the worst combat, 4 has the worst pacing, and 3 has the worst dante design

>Is it good?

It's DmC so the answer is no. DmC is so bad it makes 2 look good.

>3 has the worst dante design
Nah, DmC has the worst Dante design

That being said, I still like 3, just not as much as the others

I feel like 2s Dante design being popular is a meme, I've always found 1s Dante design to be the best in the series.
1>4>2>3>reboot DmC Dante's design just looks sloppy, which I guess is what they were going for but I didn't like it.

I will rather have a fun loving twat over an unbearable cunt

I'm incapable of describing why I disagree with all of those points without obnoxiously sarcastic greentext but I agree with hub worlds since there is a bunch of stuff to get and that was the only enjoyment I got until I find that I have to backtrack my ass off to get some of the treasures. And I can't imagine how insanely dull it would get to attempt 100% with all the masks in overworlds, missions, and the stupid hacking minigame.

No...Guns May Shoot 2 is still the worst.

I was unaware Thieves in Time was even that heavily disliked, I thought it was better than 3, I didn't like that game very much, it felt like a step back from 2.

>2s Dante design being popular is a meme
it satisfies my inner edgelord + it was done by Kaneko
Donte looks like a hobo instead of a punk or whatever the f Tameem was aiming

>it was done by Kaneko
Was it? I thought he only ever did the DT designs for 3

I thought it was pretty good. Cringeworthy cutscenes aside, the game was a pretty solid package. Combat was fun and felt good, and I appreciated it being slowed down a little from 3. Admittedly I was never particularly good at the DMC games I played in the past, mostly 1 and 4 with a little bit of 3, and this game felt a little easier but also more manageable. I actually finished this one, first of these games I ever bothered to play through all the way. I even started Virgil's stuff, though I found that to be a pretty significant step up in complexity so I've not been in a rush to get back to it.

I really like 2. the leather looking armor looks great on top of the read coat. 3 looks like way more of a punk than reboot. if there was a shirt i may like it better, but it doesnt look that good to me. although it fits the game perfectly and makes it have the attitude that it does.

that is the reason why Dante was in SMT

it's good but is not a devil may cry game its just a game with devil may cry lore and characters, if you don't treat it like an original dmc alike than you will be really disappointed

Not as good as 3 and 4, but you'll have fun with it. It's just an easier DMC.

Main reasons to dislike thieves in time are the final boss fight and Penelope getting turned into a villain, retconning Bentley's happy ending from 3.

Oh, the final boss was shit yeah but I don't think that's enough to bring the whole game down, and I didn't care for Penelope as a character anyway so it didn't hit me that hard, I actually didn't like her at all in 3, felt like she was useless baggage.

I thought 1 was so-so, 2 shit, 4 really good but then repetitive.

What will i think of 3 and 5?

You'll probably enjoy 3 the most if you liked 4