Is competitive as terrible as people say or is it just a case of "git gud"?

Is competitive as terrible as people say or is it just a case of "git gud"?

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Its pretty bad if you have no friends.

If people cooperate and switch characters for what the teams need its fun(this rarely happens)

Solo queue is hell.

I've come to the conclusion that all online games are shit and ruined by other people.

I'd say the majority of Diamond and down is shit. Everything above that is what comp should be.

You don't have a separate rank for solo and team queue. It's meaningless.

It is definitely hard, but a lot of it is mitigated if you play with a regular group or friends. Even just playing with one other person you know or can talk to on mic will increase your chances of winning.

So I guess it really does come down to "git gud", not just in terms of skill, but also in communication or recruiting players.

overwatch is casual, the only thing that matters is who you pick for your team.

play fighting games or RTS games competitively, play FPS games to stomp scrubllords

It's awful, even with 4 people on team you can still get shit on if the others can't or won't coordinate. Best option is to carry with Zen. For some awful fucking reason though, half of the community doesn't have a mic. On top of all that it's just highly unrewarding unless you put too much time and effort into it to grow a tiny e-peen.

Competitive is a million times better than quick play because you won't have hanzo main #334398057395478630596 on your team to throw the game for you and make you get stomped every game you play.

>He actually believes this

get some m8s and it's good

see my last thread, full of faggots hating on me for asking people to where their fucking mics.

If you dont care about winning, go play quick play faggots

>one of my original first 10 competitive matches was 5 hanzo's and me

Most people where glad that they removed same hero picks so you wouldn't have to deal with teams of 2 lucios 2 tracers and 2 winstons.

I'm just glad that I will forever be limited to at most 1 hanzo main per game.

Different user, but I believe it. People who main and who aren't playing on your/or their regular team usually are dead weight. They expect the team to form around their play style, which can work out if the team naturally fits that play style but this is rare. In competitive it at least filters out most of these people so I don't have to deal with these people at all, and if I come across one, they will be more likely to at least communicate with the team.

>Get into a game
>Attacking team in King's Row
>First player picks Hanzo
>Second picks Genji
>Third picks Reaper
>Fourth picks Widowmaker
>Fifth picks Roadhog
>You pick Lucio/Zenyatta/Mercy since everybody else refuses to switch
>Lose horribly

Well it happens less often, and i don't know about anything below high plat and diamond, since i'm not shit.

It of course still happens. My first placement in season 1 had a hanzo shitter in it who refused to switch because hanzo is the "only character he is good with"

Been stuck between 2450-2550 for the past two weeks constantly going up and down
It's shit

Here's the deal.
You might be satisfied with having an average set set somewhere in the middle of the rank spectrum, but the fact of the matter is that your average overwatch player is a fucking brainless mongoloid that has never played an FPS in their entire life.
You won't actually be playing with other good players until around Master, and even then you'll run into bad players because the playerbase is just that dominated by people that aren't that good at video games. There literally aren't enough good players playing this game to balance things out
So yes in a sense, there's a very strong argument for "git gud" so that the games you play aren't total fucking shitfests
Anybody that's vehemently against ranked is likely of sub-diamond skill and can't handle the pressure from having your experience essentially be a gamble, which is understandable.
As long as you don't put too much importance on your fake number and on individual games, you should be able to improve and rise eventually

If you can't play every character on the roster at somewhat of a decent level, not proficient and a master of at least one character of every class, nor switch your character or playstyle to counter specific problems your team might have as the match goes on, you need to git gud.

Unless you have friends or use a LFG site to find a full stack to join, it's a fucking nightmare full of trolls, people who don't play with a fucking mic, or entire teams of people who don't understand how to play an objective-based game. Even if you don't care about ranking up and are only looking to play with people of similar skill, solo queue is complete dogshit.

Once you get into high plat/diamond it's not that bad but you still get the occasional shitter who doesn't know how to communicate and feeds enemy ults

>team with 2 torbs and a bastion of defense
>tell them not to play those heros
>they ignore me
>they call me salty after we lose
I don't even fucking get it. Isn't salt for when you get outskilled, not when your teammates forcefully fuck you in the ass?

twitch is fucking cancer.

The 'meta' is shit now, too. Two healers, two tanks, and two offenders. More often than not people get mirrored and direct countered as such. Two Mercys on opposing teams and two reins etc... it's a way bigger slog than QP and for no real reason.

If you drop below the mid 2000's it's literally just shit from then on down. You will not climb. Under any circumstances.

>Two healers, two tanks, and two offenders
That's been the cookie cutter composition for a while now
You want something to complain about, try the 3 support+3 tank cancer meta that grows more popular by the day

Diamond here around 3150, its just the same fucking players.
>"Main" exists and they are terrible
>Occasional 3 dps wannabe
>Salty fuckers
>Mcclick picker who doesn't know how to mcclick

The meta is fine, all the supports are viable, even Symmetra is first point defense. Running triple tank and/or triple support is totally viable. 76 is made pretty obsolete by McCree but otherwise all the DPS heroes have a place on a team. 2/2/2 just happens to be a very simple and effective setup, it just works and there is nothing wrong with that

>reach 2790
>drop to 2500
>back to 2600

Im never getting dimond

I thought higher level = better team. After 2800 I started getting retards constantly. Now 2600.

any matchmaking system labeled "competitive" will always be shit

76 is better for taking out faggots like Genji, tracer, lucio pharah. Also hes MUCH faster

But with the 3 tank set up, Mcree is better for that

Git gut with McClick/Rein/Zen and only match 2-3times per day
Only way to reach 3000 solo que-ueing.

I honestly thought once I reached platnum(strted gold) I'd be paried with competant teamates. Dead. fucking wrong.

I enjoy Quick Play more
Competitive is just tedious

>Two healers

Why people do this? Two healers is always waste of slot. You always need only one who is not retarded.

>Waste of slot
Let me guess your rank, below 2000?

>Only 2-3 times a day

I agree with your champ picks but... Why is this?

>always fail my pulse bomb
I hate it so much

>wanting ana on your team in competitve

If i'm sub 2000 I dread to think how low you must be

>76 is better for taking out faggots like Genji, tracer, lucio
Are you for real?
Pocket Sand
He's probably also better for Pharah, with reliable headshots he might be able to out damage a Mercy heal with 2 + a bodyshot, 76 would have a much harder time bursting her down since expecting a rocket to hit in that situation is unreasonable.
Don't get me wrong, 76 is one of my favorite characters and I still think he's entirely viable, but I'm willing to admit that cowboy fills his role better every time

Nope, but apparently yours if you play team like this.

They should give 76 predictable spread, a la CSGO.

I was 2600 in Asia and after vacationing in the US for 3 weeks, I am now 3200.

Why are americans so bad at anything that requires multitasking?

You heard it here first folks, the pros and anybody who plays at a relatively high skill rating are wrong. Give me your account name so I can follow your rise through the ranks in completely resetting the Overwatch meta. What a time to be alive.

>Lucio constantly healing the entire team
>Another healer focuses on players at critical damage
>Potential to completely cockblock a big enemy attack twice when both ults are up
>Waste of a slot
Are you one of those retards who think 4 DPS heroes is totally a good strategy?

War of attrition, you probably can do a LOT of match, but getting weared out or stressed out is not good for your performance.

I suppose 2-3 per day is too much, but try to take a quick rest after 2-3 match.

>Doesn't know how to Ana
Oh, below 2000, I forgot.

nah bro, tanks are a waste of a slot. Instead of tanking the damage, just don't get hit.
>people don't play 5 DPS and 1 Lucio for speed boost
Enjoy your -10000000 skill rating, Tin shitters

>everyone says mcree is must-pick
Cool, what about the other three?
>...just don't pick any defense heroes theyre all bad
Okay, so soldier?
>well no he's kinda bad too

"4 dps team" shitters can't even apply logic to their own argument

Soldier just needs to go back to where he was before they nerfed his spread.

>tanks are a waste of a slot

How's Bronze treating you and your friends?

Ster released a video a few days ago of him going from SR 1000 to SR 3000 in about 5 hours. If you're good, you'll climb. If you're bad, you'll whine and complain about "bad" teammates dragging you down.

McCree is must pick if you can aim as he can deal out 175 dmg with one headshot
Defense only mei, junkrat, and maybe a good torb are viable
As for having more than 1-2 dps, that's just retarded

Who in your anonymous opinion, has the worst ultimate in this video game software?

My vote goes to Soldier 76.

Lol who?

>and maybe a good torb are viable

Junkrat is Non-Meta (NM) due to Zarya being a Common Pick (CP). Despite buff, Mei is also NM due to CPs McCree and Zarya, and poor TeamFight Synergy (TFS) with other CP heroes.

Bastion can work fine, you just have to not be retarded while playing him. Unfortunately the only people who play him want to set up in one spot, never move, and hold down LMB

Gotta go for roadhog because its so easy to shutdown and deals almost nothing at distance.
At least S76 can snipe from distance and pick off supports, but his slow as fuck charge makes it 2nd worst.

Winston, never killed anyone with his ult
I don't care if you're a retard and say he's meant to harass, his ult is utter donkey shit

how does it feel to be awful at the easiest hero in the game

Shitters with low ranks pls go.


Where's the cutoff line between "not that good at the game" and "has actually played a video game before?"

If I see Hanzo in another fucking ranked game I'm uninstalling.

Oh and I got blocked for 10 minutes for posting Off-Topic so I guess Cred Forums really was serious about wanting to be like Cred Forums.

>Winston, never killed anyone with his ult
That's right, Winston is a good boy who dindu nothin

Feels bretty good
I said his ult is trash, he himself is pretty good/fun to play

76 definitely, and not just because he's a worse McCree
His ult has the single highest number of countermeasures in the game.
It'd not even able to break through Rein's shield like Deadeye can

>Winston's ult is bad because it lacks damage
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a shitter

Go ahead and post that high rank you got to by playing with 1 support

It's bad

>being silver

Literally the most important part about winston's ult is that he gains a fuckton of hp, and he becomes agile as fuck, making him the perfect harasser

It's fucking terrible. Unless you have at least 4 friends.

Pickup groups are the sole reason online gaming is horrible. Even if you write off the bulk of the horrible decisions people make to poor communication, misinformation, lack of skill.. things happen that make you wonder why the fuck you are wasting your time playing this game when this is the shit you fucking knew was going to happen because people are fucking trash. Useless, worthless, peices of trash that stumble around life wasting energy, food, and resources on their stupid fucking lives that have zero value except for how much they consume and how much they spend to consume it.

It makes you wish Hitler wasn't wrong, but that he also expanded his holocaust to include 1 out of every 3rd person born.

Never played competitive because I have no friends.

With the time bank changes to S2, Winston is literally one of the strongest tanks for the sole reason of stalling.

Are you silver or bronze?

What is even the point of Hanzo anymore?

The only way he won't be redundant is if Widow somehow gets nerfed beneath his level.

Depends on map, team comp, and skill level.

Symmetra on Point B Temple of Anubis probably has a pretty garbage ult. Besides that though, Pharah has a pretty bad ult in general. Countered hard by too many characters.

>Where's the cutoff line between "not that good at the game" and "has actually played a video game before?"
somewhere in mid-high plat
Now the line between "has actually played a video game before?" and "is good at the video game" is high diamond, bordering Master
Mind tiers are mostly superficial because Blizzard's "feelgood" design. it's just more convenient for representing number ranges

Well I'd put myself in "not that great at the game" tier but I have indeed played video games before, understand the meta, and can at least bodyshot with McCree consistently.

I just want people to stop playing Roadhog.

>Who in your anonymous opinion, has the worst ultimate in this video game software?

Symettra, S76, and Pharah are the ones tied for worst ult.

>Soldier 76's ultimate only does headshots
>Helix rockets cooldown is reduced to 3 seconds
Is it good now?

>aim as he can deal out 175 dmg with one headshot

No, he can't.

Max he can do with headshot is 140. More than that and you've got a Mercy buffing you or the enemy has a discord orb.

Its because you and blizzard don't understand WHY hanzo is a completely redundant character. He isn't competing with widow, they have completely different attacks. He is competing with mei, pharah and zen who have the same weapon as he does.

> Wins

symmetra's is just a worse version of ressurection that is clucky to use and still has a respawn delay

Soldier's ult is perfectly fine, now Tracer..

The meta right now is tanks and healers anyway. People are moving away from DPS characters because they've been nerfed to shit across the board, to where tanks are just better DPS characters with more health (see Roadhog, Zarya and Rein up close)

Unless healers and tanks get some nerfs, or they majorly buff the DPS characters, 3x3 is what it's going to be, no one can actually do enough damage to kill pro tanks right now.

>Rein Lucio Hog most played
You're perfect for solo queue comp

One of his abilities is just a smaller, shittier version of Widow's ult.

I'm 3456SR all solo and solo queue IS pretty bad but if you play well you'll go up in rank.

The real problem with OW imo is that once you do get teams coordinating then the entire game boils down to team composition and ult management. General fps skill means very little and the mechanical skillcap is pretty low. Matches are just "which team can farm ults faster".

Overall I think it's a good game but a poor "esport". It's boring to watch and it seems like it gets more and more boring to play the higher up the ranks you go.

the only reason tanks are better at the moment is because of ana's ult charging faster than anything else in the game

Yeah and his main attack is just a slower, shittier version of mei's secondary.

>a less powerful version of an ult on a lower cooldown
it's almost like
it's balanced or something

Does top-tier meta apply to lower tiers? Or would you be better off with a different team comp if you can't get as high accuracy/response time as they do?

He's much better at fighting at close to mid distance, which is better for some maps. His ult is also very powerful and if you're good it charges pretty quickly. His wall run lets him maneuver some maps a lot easier while Widow's grapple is much more limited.

3x3 or 3x2x1 rolls even harder at lower ranks.

>the only reason tanks are better at the moment is because of ana's ult charging faster than anything else in the game

It's not just that. If you've got Rein, Zarya and Roadhog with Lucio, Ana and Mercy, even with a major nerf to nanoboost gain or nanoboost in general, they're just able to outlast other teams, and do enough damage to kill off the squishies.

Roadhog can instantly kill any of the DPS enemies alone, Zarya can sheild them once she's at power can put the hurt on, Rein does 150 DPS to anything close to him.

DPS characters, McCree, Reaper, Pharah, none of them can actually do enough damage to overcome the health pool being constantly refilled at up to 350 health per second.

Even without abilities like amp it up or biotic grenade, you're looking at tanks regenerating at like an average of 40-50 DPS per second all the time, Roadhog can heal himself for 300 and Zarya and Rein can put shields up.

When you've got Lucio boosting plus a +100% heal gain from biotic grenades, you're fighting roadhogs who have effectively like 1200 health.

Just play whatever you're best at, but play the best possible version of it.

If you're good at hanzo, play mei or zen instead.
If you're good at widow, play mccreeeeeeeeee or ana instead.
If you're good at junkrat, play pharah instead.

Unless you're in the top 500, the metagame is more or less a rough guideline. You're much, much better off simply counter picking your opponents comp.

If you're gold league and bitching about people not playing the meta, you're retarded.

It ain't too bad, but I do play with friends so that helps quite a bit.

What is 3 tank/3 support supposed to do against a comp with a good sniper to pick off supports and tank busters like Junkrat, Bastion and Mei?

Sounds to me like it just hard counters offensive heroes which have been otherwise dominating the meta. Defensive heroes with some tank/support should absolutely wreck it.

They increased the Nano charge time in the PTR by 20% and it didn't seem to affect 3x3 too much.

>in private voice chat with friend
>start lagging
>lag stops
>notice someone picks bastion when we are attacking
>say to my friend "why the fuck do we have bastion on our team"
>a voice responds "I have no idea"
>thats not my friends voice
>tfw I realize I lagged out of the voice chat with my friend and was in game chat

Bastion is actually pretty strong on attack when he doesn't have to worry about snipers or genji/tracer.

Competitive is fucking hell because you can and DO get Hanzo main #839252642 who will refuse to switch and lose the game for you, getting you a lower rank when there was nothing you could do to prevent him from being the retard he is.
And the worst part is even if you cue with 4 or 5 people you can still get a random who will be fucking brain dead and cost you the game.
>Playing competitive with some friends
>We have a couple randoms on our team
>Enemies are taking the point after they kill us
>Two randoms are on their way to the point as we're respawning, they can make it in time to contest
>Respawn and charge after them
>They shoot around the corner trying to get a kill instead of contesting
>We lose the game because they were too fucking stupid/afraid to run in and contest
This happens like every other goddamn game

>silver rank shitter dreading ana picks

no wonder your silver, you don't understand the meta

Widow never gets played and would be very ineffective against a Reinhardt and/or a Winston. Hanzo and Ana aren't characters suited to hunting down supports so I'm not sure what you're getting at there.
>tank busters like Junkrat
Zarya says hello, and all the supports say thanks for the ult

>What is 3 tank/3 support supposed to do against a comp with a good sniper to pick off supports and tank busters like Junkrat, Bastion and Mei?

Reinhardt sheilds supports, and Zarya can put bubbles on people, and they'll know how to move around too. Plus, a lot of maps are small enough and people know them well enough that Roadhog is probably just going to hook them right out of their hidey holes and butt fuck them.


Thanks for feeding Zarya.


Ana puts him to sleep behind Reinhardt's shield, Roadhog hooks and wipes, gone.


Roadhog instakill, plus biotic grenade can stop her from healing herself.

Also, you can switch out a Roadhog for a Winston, shield allies and fuck the snipers up and get back after they're dead for heals and ult charging.

There's also 3x2x1 where you just have a Hanzo in the back that'll rape them too while the rest just meatshield there way in. There's literally just too much meat for anyone to deal with, even Bastion's not going to be able to put away 3 regenerating tanks like that.

Pro Widows and Hanzos, Reapers, McCree, most of them haven't been able to do shit about this because they've been nerfed to fuck. Reaper is the 'tank buster' since they nerfed McCree FTH, but he's got to be so close to do anything it defeats the purpose and good Reins and Roadhogs will push his shit in.

Worst in Overwatch to be honest. Either you're in a lowish tier where nobody knows what the fuck they're doing or you're too high and you have to use the meta builds and the people are giant fags who get pissed when they lose especially when it's their fault.

because koreans are literal autists when it comes to competitive games and will grind for literal days to become the best.

there aren't nearly enough NEETs in the west as there are in the east.

Mei is actually a good pick against Tank heavy teams, as seen in recent pro games. Clever use of walls and freezing nano-boosted targets, not to mention her point clearing ult, can be used to great effect

>They increased the Nano charge time in the PTR by 20% and it didn't seem to affect 3x3 too much.

I wouldn't think it would. The Ult is only part of the problem, the real problem is literally no one can do enough damage to eat 3 tanks with 50-100 healing/sec. Like, ults are the only way you can really put that much damage out, and just hoping every ult will result in a team wipe (missed Mercy, sorry, Ult undone, too early, Lucio Sonic Barrier, ect.) isn't the greatest strat.

No, it is completely understandable why. He is a silver so he plays with anas who can't aim worth shit, and that is worse than having no healer at all.


That depends on Ana being on the enemy team. No Ana, and Bastion will fucking mow a team of tanks.

except mei is in the meta now.

have you even been paying attention to the pro scene?

Why is mei an instant roadhog kill? I can usually beat roadhogs with her.

>tfw playing Reaper earlier and was wrecking the enemy teams Roadhog everytime he hooked me

Shit was so fucking funny. Idk what he was doing but he could never kill me before the stun wore off and then I would just tear his ass up with headshots. Happened about 3 or 4 times before he just stopped hooking me altogether. He even popped his ult on me a couple of times when I would get close.

Feels like there is always either one of Tracer or Genji. And if there isn't, then the second they see Bastion someone will switch. Also more than just those two will fuck over Bastion.

If you're playing with randoms on console, it's garbage because you will always get some combination of tryhards who think they're better than they actually are, and literal retards who can barely play the game, not to mention work together with the rest of the team.

On PC, the ratio of tryhard to retard increases, but only barely.

And since you're playing a meme game, you are going to have no fewer than 2 people who have one character they play and refuse to switch characters, even between offense and defense.

In short:

Because that guy is a fucking retard. Mei can iceblock after getting hooked.

Hanzo's I guess? You can kind of just move to the side and dodge it. Soldier's is ass too, it's funny shutting him down in a instant.

desu I was just faffing.
Following the pro scene is a bit too much for me.

I think 76 is one of the best. It can instantly kill all squishies so if you're smart you'd be killing Healers then Damage and by the time you get to tanks it doesn't matter

Junkrat easily. I haven't seen his tire not get destroyed in months.

I'm fairly new to the game, but I don't think I've ever seen a Roadhog use his ult without dying halfway in.
S76's ult is also really bad though.
Symmetra's is really lame but at least has some niche value I guess.

>get behind them
Got my 4 kills achievement the first time I tried him
Tracer achievement is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE.

>mei ults
>roadhog immediately ults and pushes every single enemy out of the ice circle
Every time i swear to god

Hard question. There are so many shit ults in this game....

Soldiers isnt too great, but its super easy to use and get kills with if you pop it off when no one suspects it

Alot of people say Symmetra has a bad ult. But idk. It is super fucking useful sometimes. But then other times yeah its worthless (Anubis point B for example)

McCrees is pretty bad. Even worse since the nerf. Just as bad as 76s.

Tracers ult is pretty shit.

Junkrats ult sucks as well.

Pharahs is pretty much a death sentence.

Same goes for Roadhog. Or if not that you just aren't going to do anything at all.

You mad

Kek. Fucking hate that shit when I play as Rein. I will ult and knock the whole enemy team down, just for roadhog to come over ult and spread them all back out.

Mei has no room to talk. I have had her Ice Walls ruin so many ults.

Pharah, Tracer and McCree work really well with Graviton Surge, and that is a very commonly used ult. And a lot of people under value the Teleporter. I mean it's not amazing, but you do still win games because of it

That's just a shit mei. You do realize that she can instantly destroy a wall, at any time?

Yeah. And I guess thats the real problem. There are quite a few ults that require some teamwork to pull off. Otherwise they are pretty disappointing on their own.

Fuck. You are right. I dont play Mei a whole lot so I always forget she can do that. Shit makes me rage.

>Gibraltar on defense
>wreck shit as junkrat
>gold medals for everything but healing
>second half, offense time
>someone insists we need a second medic
>go Lucio
>team does fuckall and we manage to do even worse than the enemy team did when I was shutting them down hard
>by the end of the second half I still have gold medals in fucking everything
>commendations thing rolls around, I did half of my team's damage output
This system makes absolutely no sense for solo queues, and I'm not okay with it.

I Just had an idea though, bet it would only work in quick play
>mei puts up wall
> sends her ult into it
>enemies think mei's wall will save them
>she destroys it at the last second

u still get the warning so when u cant see it people panic flee away from it

>We list stuff that guarantees a loss
3-man premade with 2 early plat and one diamond, with the 2 plats not picking support

Reminds me of something like this

>wanting your shitters to play support
Maybe Lucio, but that's it

You can do that on the british level without a mei kek

>Junkrats in Gold think anyone gives a shit


>fly over trap
>get trapped

>a 3 man premade, 2 damage and 1 tank or 3 damage
>the old 3 tank 3 supp comp
>a hanzo, widow, bastion, or trob on your team
>one healer
>Roadhog is the only tank
>no offense heroes on defence
>kid talks into mic
>at any point at all team on offence goes past payload to fight

>mfw stuck at 3400
>occasionally still get people who suck
>there's often at least one rager in every game
>people still unironically play the blame game when things aren't going perfectly
Even worse, 3500 only gives 2/3rd of a gold weapon when it's the equivalent of rank 70 from last season when rank 65 gave 100% of a gold weapon
Why make it so difficult to get a gold weapon? It's not like you can buy one with real money so Blizzard isn't making any money off of it

No you're right, I simply shouldn't get matched with "boosting" premades.
I still remember that Mercy on Volskaya 2nd point, utling where we were still waiting to regroup before going on the point, only because his friend died.
I wish Blizzard went with the 500 SR difference at most.

I guess they want it to be who you "master" and choose wisely.

>half of the community doesn't have a mic
What platform do you play on? Literally every game I get into, at least 5/6 people are on team voice. Save for premades with retards who think group chat is a good thing

Why in the fuck do people insist on feeding Zarya charge? Like how fucking hard is it to not shoot her god damned shields.

A good Zarya will be sure you shoot at her shield no matter what you do. Imagine that lucio overextending just enough to be killed. You'll all begin to shoot at him, and you won't react fast enough to not shoot on her shield.

Sounds more to me like you're shit

A good Zarya will force it.

>3500 only gives 2/3rd of a gold weapon

>running into Symmetras turrets as Zarya
>running into Torbs turret as Zarya
>running into Junkrat traps and bombs as Zarya

Loving every laugh

I'm at the point where if someone mouths off at me in team chat I'll pretty much throw the game so they learn it's a bad idea. Competitive is absolute AIDS, full blown fully, drug resistant AIDS.

Same. Zarya is so satsifying.

>shielding someone pulled by roadhog
>shielding while going through enemy rein's shield
>shielding to dispell any debuff

i hope they dont nerf her

>I wish Blizzard went with the 500 SR difference at most.
I agree, but just because I wanted an excuse to not play with my shitter friends while I actually try to rank up. I only started 7-800 above them and had to play at weird hours because I felt bad

> be me
>used to be good at COD and bioshock
>am gold shitter in overwatch
> I only get 20 kills per game
> I'm on ps4
My life sucks and Cred Forums should get their laughs out

1v1 Reinhardt kills the other tanks right? Except maybe Roadhog.

zarya beats him
roadhog can prob beat him
i think mei has a chance but not as good, she has distance on her side

Yep. She is so fucking fun. Getting that 100 charge and just melting motherfuckers.

1v1 I dont think Zarya does. He can just bash through her shield and kill her before she kills him right? Her charge wont be high enough for her to kill him first. Or alternatively he could just ignore her shield.


Theres a cutoff point thats kind of what people claim elo hell is like in other games except it's different because what prevents you from rising is the massive amount of mediocre players and the low skill cap of most heroes prevents gitting gud from happening enough for players to actually improve so most of gold and platinum is a mish mash of your average and slightly above average player but the ones capable of getting better don't because of the stupid people they constantly get matched against and the people who are already good enough they should be a higher rank stay where they are further fucking up the system.

Grouping fixes some of this but theres other issues with grouping

For Winston, yes, easily.
Zarya, it depends on how much charge and if shield or not.
D.Va may be even if she manages to perfectly shoot at your face.
But yeah, apart from roadhog, a successful pin wins the fight.

>switches to Hanzo

no, she out dps's if she has any charge. the matchup is more advanced than that. it's basically advanced baiting.

>good at COD and bioshock

Why do you think she has like 100% pick rate in pro tourneys and shit? Because even the tryhard faggots are unable to not feed her. The bubble is broken and one of the most no fun allowed skill in the game, yet everyone apparently thinks the bitch is "balanced". Sadly even blizzard, considering they have't touched her yet.

she can't not be thanks to blizzard game design being stale overdesigned bullshit.

>Be ana
>do good on healing so much people start to run off and hunt for kills instead of objective
>do poorly on healing so much people start to run off and hunt for kills instead of objective
>Get high healing score
>"you know your shots do damage right XD"
>Get high damage/kill count
>"You know your shots can heal us right XD"
Save me from these trench dwellers

Why is it no fun? I think its alot of fun running around destroying enemy teams with my fat nasty charge. Watching as people panic as their health just melts away.

You can thank a sad widow player who cried to Blizzard for the removal of the one feature that would have made comp bearable:


This feature needs to be brought back quicker than boogie needs a McWhoppa with fries.

>"you know your shots do damage right XD"

Said no one ever.

>mfw I realized there are actually people who think Zarya is bad

Her shield negates his charge, she outranges him and even 50% charge (which will alwaysd be more when you fight him) will outdamage him.

I pick fights with Rein all the time, forcing him to put his shield down is how I carry my team. I can't think of a single match with Zarya where I didn't attempt to fight him 1on1.

Instant tell of a liar. No one wants their healer to damage.

You can't even see their heals or damage.

Now post your face when you realize they are bronze.
Professional bastion player from ukraine AMA. Somewhere near top20 rn.
S1 35 elims avg/21 final blows avg means im god at this gaem.


Is that supposed to be impressive?

>200 hp shield on a 12 secs cooldown
Not difficult to understand why

>i main mercy, the face
wonder if she blames everyone when they lose

Yeah I never player cs:go or tf2. Maybe it would've helped me if I did

Laughably obvious aimbot.

Nope, just want to ask why most mercy players are brain dead monkeys and using rez near bastion

Solo que:
With only 6 people per team and you only being in control over 1/6th of the team it's basically just look
You alone can't make the difference so just hope for the best

Btw. Staying in a game where someone left your team should decrease the point loss

stay silver

Was just pointing out why they would think that.

name 1 tank that does 150 dps per second.
that's kill zenyataa from full hp in one second
that's a tank who is supposed to be bulky and absord damage, not deal it

name 1

What the hell is quick rank on Overbuff? is it like unranked ELO/MMR?

Competitive killed off a chunk of the playerbase

Roadhog, Mei

It's a bit of both.
The main problem is that most people don't fucking change their pick and don't communicate.
>3500-3999 = Master
>Master end of season rewards = 2000 competitive points
>Gold weapons cost 3000 competitive points

>Good at CoD and Bioshock
>I'm on Ps4
I honestly don't know where the real problem is

Sorry for me being garbage, playing on 56k 200ms connection
ive never played mercy because playing non-dps with monkeys on your team means being baseraped

Good thing i was 68 last season and got gold gun for my waifu for free. Especially considering i can't seem to get from platinum hell this time around. can deal up to 380 damage per sec (shift + headshot multiplier + v)

>Symmetra on Point B Temple of Anubis probably has a pretty garbage ult.

You literally managed to point out the best use of an ult in the entire game. Holy shit that's on point. The only counter is a good Dva and nothing else. Trust me, I'm around 25-2 on Anubis defense, almost always winning on B. The enemy team will always have to waste a player on trying to get the TP down, making it a 5 vs 6, and as you get the ult so fast you will have it up again before the end of the team fight either way. Literally takes 15 sec to get the ult.

>mfw teammates complain about me not switching from Symm on B
>mfw I proceed to win the game for them with 4 golds every time

>play at 3300
>have no fun and only get frustrated by teams
>decide not to give a fuck anymore about winning
>now I play at 2700 and started enjoying the game again

Last game the opposing team let me pound out 34k damage as a reaper.

From ulties that cause damage, i believe there was some chart showing that D.Va has by far worst kill ratio with her ulti on various skill levels. Despite fact that junk and monkey exists.

>Float over trap
>Get trapped
>Get free and float off
>Get hit in your robotic dome with a sleep dart
>Somehow your programming goes haywire and you fall asleep

Death is whimsical today.

People are absolutely fucking awful at using it though, so I wouldn't say those stats hold any significance.

>tfw 200 kills with it in season 2

Lol I always thought I was silver but I'm platinum

It's area denial. Even if it whiffs, as long as it keeps people away from a high priority area or objective it's done its job.

QP and Comp are both the worst experience you could ever subject yourself to if you solo queue.

I'm in fucking Plat and I still have retards on my team in every other fucking match. I can't imagine what kind of hell playing in Bronze must be

That's because plat is mixture of people who range from 30 to 70 in S1 ranking. So especially in soloQ you get that stupid rank 40 Hanzo main while enemy gets that 70 aimbot tier accuracy McRee. 10/10 system there blizzard.

Competitive is fine, people are awful. That's pretty much it. Figure yourself and the game out, manage expectations, and you'll have a great time.

Still curious, want to know if this works like DotA2's hidden MMR that generally places you in an MMR threshold before placement matches, or if this is just arbitrary points
3 levels from 25 btw
Why is every monkey telling me that i should switch if they have gayji or trash-cer? Bastion > trashcer any range. Takes 3 deaths for trash-cer to charge her ult simply because i wont let her stay alive for too long and shoot my tanks.
Even if shes using her ult i will be able to kill her b4 she uses recall

And gayji is free kill for me since he cant to shit against hitscan rifle
Ignore his reflect > enjoy free elim

Because 9/10 times, the bastion player is just someone who wants to rake in scores and will gey blown up, slept, hooked, stunned, or sniped because of this zeal for kills
The 1 time their actually is a great and amazing bastion, you could argue that the same level of effectiveness and more could have been acheived with a, junk rat, mcree, or even tracer

>You pick Lucio/Zenyatta/Mercy since everybody else refuses to switch
This is the hell I live in. Yesterday I play with a four diamonds who picked tanks and healers letting me DPS and I was fucking terrible because I never have a chance to play them.

This. I played with "platinums" for weeks and they could be great or absolute shit players. I don't know why could people keep their ranks even if they obviously play terrible and I don't know why people can get gold and plat while they don't know about fundamental things in the game.

I have a silver friend and while I give him advice during matches he doesn't play worse than most of the golds and plats I play with.

Most of my matches are stomps. No matter what I do, after the first 2 pushes it becomes obvious who have the upper hand and they win easily.

>win 1 game, lose 2 to game
>repat until the end of time.

It ranks your average eliminations, objective kills, character-specific stats (souls consumed on reaper, hook accuracy with roadhog), etc. per hero versus others.
Mousing over it will show (Ranked ##### of ###### players, ##%th percentile)

Wow... reading this thread... no wonder I came in S1 at 76 SR. I thought it was a rating bug. Turns out people are just really, really bad.

+20 rank

The majority of people here are insanely bad

>people wanting to buff winston is a common thing

Why do people treat wins as "earning" skill rating? It's like they don't know the difference between that and a progression ladder. It's a shame Blizzard had to go and change the system for moba zombies.

winston. fucking useless unless you can knock people down were they fall to death.

unless he ults, then its like being slapped around with a reinhardt while having the speed of tracer/genji

People are terrible at this game. I know because I'm better than most people and I'm not good.

It is a case of "git gud".
I'm bad at the game with awful aim and calibrated 3300, now solo climbing towards Master. Even in high Diamond, you'll see Hanzo mains that can't hit shit or Genjis that are only able to land any kills with Dragonblade+Zarya ult.

Most people playing this game, especially on Cred Forums and /vg/, are fucking awful.
That's why you still see garbage like "bastion and junkrat are OP", "forced 50%" or "ELO hell" written here.

>Things ill never believe
>Snacks is gone
>Cred Forumsirgins hit anything above 59 rating s1

>anything above 59 rating s1
Not that guy but user, I....

The only problem for good bastion player is sleep dart (the only reason why i soloult ana players).
Hog cant do shit against basti with decent positioning and even if he hooks me hes already down to 10hp because how slow that hook is, wm cant deal enough damage and i can easily get my ult from that self repair thing and soloult that bitch if shes really annoying
And squishes like tracer or genji trying to fight 70h bastion main makes me laugh. Gayji reloading/using deflect? Im using self repair and then start raping helpless seagull wannabe jumping above me (highsens masterrace).

>It is a case of "git gud".
you missed it bro. last night some shitter claimed he lost 1500~ points in ranked and it wasn't his fault. Went full nuclear meltdown when told to get good

Comp "Averages" for Cred Forums are basically
>High plat/med diamond for OW
>3.5k-4k for Dota 2
>Gold 1-Diamond 2 for LoL
>Gold nova II- Master for CSGO
Stop being on the fringes you cuck!

>Comp "Averages" for Cred Forums
No, they're much lower. You just don't see any platinumshitters or 3k MMR Dota 2 newbies post their ranking here, since they'll get laughed at for being bad.

>Snacks is gone
Is he still doing that radio show thing?

Actually, ELO hell exists, but you are mostly right, everyone just need to learn to play, holy shit.

I'm not really from here, I've checked it out before but not for years.

I said I CAME IN S1 at 76, as in straight out of my placement matches. I remember hitting at least 86, maybe better I don't remember.

To be completely fair sometimes there's literally nothing you can do if you get paired with a shit team. I lost a game because we had a Riendhart who refused to switch, and played exclusively as a lone wolf, only shielding for himself, dropping the shield with no warning.
He even fucking tried destroying a junkrat ult by hitting it with his hammer instead of the fire swing and got us killed

No one knows, that fuck hasn't been seen since he "left". More than likely still lurks like the fag he is and might even be janny

>if people switch
You do realize thats a meme. People dont play to lose, they play what gets them the win. 90% of the time people swap out of their comfort zone then proceed to blow. This happens primarily with healers that just die over and over, and 90% of people that swap to mccree to counter pharah proceed to hit nothing

Lucio's AOE boosts and ult are good in almost every situation so every team wants him but he has weak hps so he can't save someone's life if they get low unless they can get to cover + he happens to have his E up at the right time. The other healers are to make sure no one dies when it's not up.

Mercy has a decent HPS and an amazing ult but it's hard to heal your entire team even with shift because people seeing you at all will make you a high priority target and you don't have the mobility/damage/utility of Lucio/Zen/Ana to escape. The other healers are meant to cover up for the fact that you're hiding around a corner with your beam on Rein.

Zenyatta's best aspects are his ult and ridiculously high damage with discord. He has an alright single target heal but that's pretty much it and he has to rotate it and is immobile as fuck so he can't get to the flankers out of his LOS. The other healers are to make sure the 5 other people harmony isn't on don't die.

Ana has AMAZING utility and the best hps by far but is immobile so like Zen it's hard to heal flankers who go in doors and around corners and solo healing is a complete bitch because if you get focused by more than the 1 person you can sleep dart you're completely fucked. Where as if you had a Lucio as well, he could just ride along a wall, healing them AND you.

They all have pros and cons so you have to use two of them or else the cons of one of them will lead to you dying. That's literally it.

No, there's nothing you can do with 5 people who just bunch up away from the objective shooting a wall. But that's just 1 game, man.

In my experience if I play 6 matches and 1 is absolutely unwinnable, it's unusual. 2 is really rare. As you get higher in personal skill, your circle of "unwinnable" gets smaller and smaller. You get really good at getting the most out of bad teammates, fixing interpersonal problems long before they come up, agreeing to a suboptimal strategy that your team can actually execute rather than insisting on the better strategy that people won't do/won't do well.

Good Overwatch players, like good poker players, get the same ratio of god hands and shit hands as garbage players; but they know how to win (or increase their chances of winning) with a bad hand.

Skill locks in easy wins, but it also turns fair matchups into advantage and sure losses into maybes.

Lucio is the very best healer in terms of mobility, and Ana is the best in terms of versatility

Plus, their ults overlapped on each other make the rein/winston god damn unkillable

>Symmetra is a literal, canonical autist
Would you let this indian mess your redstone machines?

what a shitter.

>Winston, never killed anyone with his ult
How is this possible? Put aside for the second that the main goal of his ult isn't to get the quick kill, but to area deny. The very first time I clicked his Q I killed an enemy BY ACCIDENT. Now on some maps I regularly get 3 environmentals and 1 against a wall / stuck in a corner. His ult is literally easy mode...

His ult isn't supposed to deal tons of damage.

It's denial - most games I push their squishies into their own spawn or off the map with a Winston ult forcing an effective 5v4/3 for my team.