Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

rebellion is on sale for $12 bucks

is it worth it?

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The reviews are positive but I found it really frustrating. The UI is a nightmare but not in a redeemable way where once you learn to parse it, it's way more effecient.

The big problem with the game is that it DESPERATELY needs a 64bit version but it is stuck in 32bit since it was made back in fucking 2008.

However the game IS good, provided you can get into RTS 4Xlite games.

Oh and the problem has been exacerbated with each expansion, Rebellion is the 3rd expansion.

Too bad fucking Ironclad are morons and had to build that shitty MOBA instead of making SOASE 2.

ok thanks guys

If you want space rts with lite 4x elements yes. Also be prepared for long games.

I do like Sins, but the game always feels too slow for an RTS but too shallow for a 4x or GS so the whole thing ends up feeling kinda mediocre and painfully drags out.

On a sidenote its neat to throw your ships into a battle and then lock the camera to a random fighter from a carrier.

i torrented the original one in like

2008 or 2009

kickass game

used to play it on lan with my linux loving neckbeard friend

games would take like4 hours and the room woujld smell bad by then

but it waw s worth it

I've HEARD that things have been done to alleviate the memory limit issue however I cannot verify how useful they were since I only ever played the game with a mod that on top of a mountain of gameplay changes also fiddled with the in game assets to optimize them and make them use less memory which DID drastically make the game run better and not crash due to running out of available memory.

It's good but the 4x elements need to be expanded more.

Really, I want a Sins 2 but we probably won't get that. It doesn't have quite enough political intrigue. I want to be more of a backstabbing piece of shit that perpetuates conspiracies.

It's 3 alien species that want to eradicate each other, there's not really room for politics there unless they want to keep going with the rebellion theme where the species have split between Group A which wants to eradicate everyone that isn't them and Group B that is A-OK with working together with everyone that isn't part of the Group A of their species.

Yes and no.

For compstomping and casual lanning against friends, or just slamming two huge fleets of starships together and enjoying the lightshow, it's a good 4x hybrid.

For anything else, though... it's not a very good rts, it's too shallow and simple to be a good 4x, it's too slow for quick matches, and balancing is a hot mess so any attempt at competitive play against other humans is going to keel over very quickly. Ironclad basically refused to listen to the multiplayer community until balancing issues killed online play, then just kept publishing more unbalanced expansions.

There has been some engine tinkering between different version. Rebellion looks and runs much better than the vanilla game, even though it still only uses one core.

>one core

Ugh, this is why SupCom still runs like ass, thankfully SupCom had a community that built that amazing core redistributor program that SOMEHOW allowed SupCom to use multiple cores. It was kinda amazing.

Man, why is it that everyone that made badass RTS games with thousands of units had to be doing it in the early/mid 2000s when everything was still only using 1 core of the CPU and Less than 4gb of RAM?

do you need people to play against or is it enough just to play against the AI?

Isn't Ironclad in financial trouble due to how hard Sins of a Dark Age flopped? I don't think they would've released a DLC for Rebellion after all this time otherwise.

The game's AI can be quite challenging so no, you don't really need people to play against.

It's not that much of an issue for Sins, since you can max out your economy with around a dozen planets and expansion is slow and expensive. Those gigantic galaxies don't serve much of a purpose.

It's okay but if you go in expecting a sort of "Grand Homeworld", be disappointed.

I'd say it's worth getting, theres a pretty thriving mod community and the game itself is brilliant, there's also an application you can download to solve the ram problem.

Game's AI is also dumb as hell and will teach you nothing about how any of the three races or their ships work. It's rather like in SupCom, 99% worthless but cheats enough to snowball out of control if you let it.

Stardock is their buddy publisher and pays for their dev time, there's no REAL evidence that they even had anything to do with Outlaw Sector and it wasn't just Stardock whipping something up real quick.

The BIG thing that will put Ironclad in trouble is how they are basically ignoring their community and are NOT making SOASE because "RTS is a dying market".

Fucking morons.

I like those big galaxy's though. 20+ hour games are genuinely great in my mind.

You know what's funny? Basic Sins modding is as simple as editing lines in a text file, but I've never seen a rebalancing or multiplayer overhaul mod.

Maybe I'll make one.

Why do so many devs turn into fucking retards?

Because if things go "right" for them they go from indie guys that are making the game they want to play to being successful and THEN they get "market analysts" to tell them what games people are playing, even if it's contrary to what got them successful in the first fucking place.

Which brings another question. Why don't these fucking retards understand that people don't want to play your shitty clone/knock-off game. If people want to play call of duty, they'll play fucking call of duty. If they want to play a fucking moba, they'll play dota or league.

>Yea see no one buys RTS games anymore so you guys need to make something else!
>But we made millions off of making RTS games
>Yea that was a fluke, that will never happen again. You need to make a MOBA, that's what the kids are playing today.
>You want us to go against DOTA 2 and LOL? You want us to fight against Valve and Riots infinite money?
>Yea, you'll make TONS of money
>I have a bad feeling about this.

All contact with their customers rerouted through PR and Marketing, both of which is generally staffed with worthless business degree drones who don't know anything about games and aren't forced to learn.

All decision-making in the hands of worthless MBAs who are constantly on the prowl for the next Big Thing because no one ever became rich and famous by just doing what works.

The problem is in the rest of the world the knock off is also usually very popular...but the issue there is that the knock off in literally every other industry usually costs less or at least has enough differences to actually be noticeable (as in the differences between Coke and Pepsi) but that's never the fucking case in video games.

Yeno what thats true, its always a mod for another franchises universe.