Playing competitive

>playing competitive
>that rando on your team always instalocks him no matter the map, the game type or the enemy comp

Can they fucking nerf this character so shitters can stop picking him?

Other urls found in this thread:

How about I nerf YOU OP

Not nearly as bad as Mei/hanzo players

Defense characters are AIDS

Zarya main here. Keep up the spamming. My perma 100% charge is nice.

But Trashmouse is the most fun yo be had in the game

>Hanzo, Widowmaker and Ana on your team
>On Attack

This is the bitch that needs to be nerfed. You do way too much damage for tank. Zarya mains are utter scum who think they're pro because they use a wall of a cunt.

Ana main here. Try stopping a attack rein with a pocket ana healer.

You can't.

Ana can be good. I know she is a main pillar in competitive play.
Most people pick her because she is a sniper though. You shouldn't even use the scope.


>You really step'd on it m8

Ana is pretty good for attack though, assuming she's not the sole healer

K. I'll just wait until your two second shield goes down and you run away like a little bitch while it's on cooldown and I keep on shoving my exploding balls down your throat

If Zarya couldn't fire until her barrier was down/depleted then she'd be alot more tolerable. Same with if her primary fire had a definitive range so she can't poke Soldier 76 in his fucking back even as he's sprinting away. That's horseshit.


God, you Overwatchfags are insufferable. You ask for a new character to be nerfed every day. You'd be better off emailing Blizzard, champ.


>Says he only plays Trash Bandicoot
>Is a fucking shit one
>Constantly screaming on mic
>If not that screaming in text to anyone who kills him

Why the fuck would you main in a game like this?

I main Zarya and I think the laser range is ridiculous.

>You shouldn't even use the scope.

Scope is hitscan. If you don't know how to hit people while using the scope you fucking suck at aiming lel.

Scope makes her shit hitscan. It's essential for healing from long distances
>mfw healing the genji/tracer who got in too deep from a distance, saving their asses.
>mfw retard genji tries to 1 v. 6 with his dragonblade, and i manage to keep him up long enough for a quad kill without compromising myself he gets play of the game

That's what her alt fire is for. If I'm getting pink balls in my back then I need to get good. But getting a giant laser pointer up my rectum then I think that shit needs to be rectified. If the beam got longer as her charge increased I'd go with that, too. But right now that shit definitely needs to be adjusted. Winston has to be up close and personal to deal his damage while Zarya's can comfortably sit away and beam niggers down. C'mon son.

Fucking Rando. What a piece of shit, and it's all his fault things fucked up completely.

Winston also has better mobility to get up in the face of people.

>the group I play with regularly has a Junkrat main
>others in the group praise him when he gets a damage card

Silver and Gold are a special kind of hell. I placed at 2800 but I've been stuck in a losing cycle. Now that I have a regular group I'm steadily climbing, but it's still mindboggling

How about you nerf THIS?

Lucio main here. I don't care for junkrat, I've been cursing at Mei for weeks now tho. Her fuckin fridge has too much range and freezes too fast.

are we in the same group, or is there a large number of immovable junkrat mains

no, he is balanced

Is there also a Symmetra main who insists we follow his shot calling to prop up his poo in loo main?

Pls nerf Pip, furball is practically unstoppable

I will never understand why he is picked on attack.

Junkrat is basically the best counter to Mei in the game. People who specifically don't want to get cucked by Mei choose him.

He's a discount Pharah that people can feel they're contributing with by candyspamming

Best ultimate?


Exactly. There are very few cases in which a Junkrat is preferable over a Pharah.

I feel Reaper fares better against her.

>nanoboosted reinhardt kills me
>nanoboosted reinhardt kills me
did they nerf her fucking ult charge yet

As someone who is a diamond/master but has friends who constantly play in gold/plat, low plat and gold are fucking FULL of terrible junkrat-only players. They always do a lot of damage but never get any kills because they're just spamming; all they really accomplish is charging the enemy healer's ult.

maybe only have 1 shield option, either herself or a team mate before they go on cooldown, instead of both. make her other ability something like a toggle that lowers her damage but increases range

Winston doesn't have an invulnerability button that makes him deal more damage either.

God that's fucking infuriating, just Zarya at full charge firing at you and you have 0 recourse since CC doesn't work on her shield and it breaks discord orb.

bastion, torb, and Hanzo on attack.

I just leave and report for griefing. there's no point in playing that.

his tires don't last for a second if the other team isn't braindead

Ana deals significantly more damage while unscoped you mongoloid


Zarya is fine you fucking shitters

Winston and Zarya serve completely different purposes. Winston is the keystone of a dive comp and is absolutely demonstrably fine.

The only character who is currently overtuned is McCree, and that's because Blizzard fucked up FtH and haven't been able to fix it yet. Once they get FtH working to kill flankers but have it ineffective vs tanks they can reduce the falloff range on his LMB again and everything will be perfect.

>reduce the falloff range on his LMB
But I like shutting down Pharahs ;_;

So you're complaining someone locks in a character that can rain shit endlessly on the enemy and not even need to aim? Junkrat can bring Reinhardts shield down faster than Jessi Slaughters knickers, so why is he a bad pick?

i still think it makes more sense for mccree to be the anti-air rather than soldier

And for now McCree sort of needs it but that's supposed to be Soldier's job. McCree is supposed to be a short-to-mid anti-flanker, not a hitscan sniper DPS monstrosity

It's so easy to fix his FtH too. You need it to do high burst but low sustained damage, so make the bullets scale logarithmically and give it a very very short falloff. Bam, now it kills tracers and genjis during the flashbang duration but can't be abused to melt tanks.

He feeds healer ults and zarya shields.

>playing 76 against Zarya
>not accepting sweet release of inevitable death

She's the only tank in the game that genuinely needs an entire team to focus her down to take her out. She's an instalock every single game at this point and since she's a """"defensive""" character, mains thinks they're gods gift to meta in the skill ranks.

You hide behind OP bubble gum, don't act like you're not commie trash.

>Junkrat can bring Reinhardts shield down
The problem is that's literally all he can do. He lacks the ability to finish off enemies without putting himself in danger and constant non-lethal hits only serve to charge the enemy team's support ults (which are the ones that make or break pushes)

He just doesn't fit into any competent team setup. Not in a 6v6.

protip pick mei and press W+M1 towards zarya

A competent Ana is amazing for attack. The problem is people never use her debuff for pushes or play pocket for Rein so they literally don't heal unless they're charging her ult.

t. zarya shitter that can't play without their godmode button

I'm in plat and people still do this fucking shit.

I had a fucking female tell me the turret dropping nigger was good on attack, not just defense. im like, god fucking damn this shit.

You realise Zarya is the best Mei counter in the game right

>I'm in plat
What's that supposed to mean?

Zarya's pick rate is lowest on defense.

Tracer and Reaper tear Zarya apart, as does the slightest amount of coordination.

No, not shooting the bubble isn't always the answer. Zaryas will typically use the bubble when they hit 200 health to back off and get to their team. In this case you SHOOT THAT FUCKING BUBBLE. A dead Zarya has zero charge.

If you or your DPS' can't kill a Zarya that's on you for being so shit.

i am a zarya main and no she most certainly is not

>zarya presses her shield when she's half-frozen, resetting the freeze and giving her charge
>then fucks Mei in the ass with her charged up futa cock
Great counter there boyo

Actually no, Zarya blows ass as a Mei counter. The only thing she can do to avoid being frozen is use her shield, and being forced to use it to avoid ice spray means she isn't getting charge and is about to get frozen anyway.

Mei has no direct counters, her counter is being a team instead of 6 solo idiots.

I find Genji is excellent against Zarya. After I got accustomed to her head hitbox I find it extremely easy to just headshot them while jumping around like a retard.

Plus, deflecting her ult will make you win games.

>continuing to spray Zarya while her shield is up
I think I know why you're getting fucked by Zarya so bad, user.

The thing is he's a decent pubstomp hero but when the enemy team is actually communicating, flanking him when they get annoyed, shooting the tire and has a Zarya using him as a battery he's doing way more harm than good. But the thing is alot of Junkrat players don't play anything else so when they're getting shat on they don't switch.

You're a shit Zarya main then.

Do you retards think she doesn't gain charge from ice or something?

I'd say phara.

>Mei stops spraying
Then Zarya wins the engagement anyway, since Mei has stopped attacking and has already taken 50% or more of her health from Zarya.

reaper melts it pretty fast and can even finish off rein afterwards. your baby projectile damage feeds healer ults

> mei doesn't have icebock or ice wall in these situations


Zarya isn't going to do shit with 0 charge. Zarya has a 2 second shield to disengage if things are going bad, but Mei has a long ice block and a wall.

>Mei ice blocks or ice walls
>Zarya disengages and walks away, giving her advantage anyway

I don't know what you mean. I main trashmouse and get gold in Elims pretty consistently

Are you genuinely retarded? Do you have downs or something?

>Start freezing Zarya to force her to pop bubble
>stop shooting while bubble is up
>continue freezing when it goes down

This is not a difficult concept.

Shit, even if Zarya's got 100% charge and can instafuck Mei once her shield is up and she can turn again, Mei has two mitigation abilities to Zarya's 1.

I know you want Zarya to be some unstoppable behemoth that's clearly OP so you can have an excuse for being a total shitter, but that's not the case. You just blow.

Mei is shit
Zarya isn't
That's all there really is to this argument, waifufag.

It does if Reaper isn't face to face with her and can get a few good shots off before she realizing she's getting fucked from behind.
Otherwise, with his 250 hp, he gets face melted just as bad as 76.
At least he takes a good chunk of her health out in the mean time.

If you have trouble with Junkrat be Genji. It's not that hard to counter him. I play Junkrat a lot and notice what heroes are great against him

Then she didn't counter mei you retard she ran away

>people saying junkrat is good
>people saying Zarya beats Mei 1 on 1
>people saying Zarya is OP by any stretch of the imagination
>these retarded hypotheticals
>people saying Winston is useless
You're all terrible.
McCree is the only one who is too strong right now in normal play.
Ana needs to be looked at in coordinated comp play because her ridiculous ult charge has warped the meta.

If you are whining about Zarya please remove yourself from the gene pool.

>Retards ITT think that one of the few heroes that can kill Mei 1v1 must be op because of it.

>spamming grenades from cover
>not getting right into the fight
>not jumping behind rein's shield and raining death on them before blasting off just as they realize what is hitting them
>implying the bear trap isn't the most useful placeable item in the game

Junkrat is good. Stay mad.

I'm one of the people campaigning against Zarya and I'll admit, Mei is the best counter I've found against her. Even if I can't take her out, I can at least freeze her and skitter right the fuck off.

God, I hate Zarya so much. She's the only character that genuinely makes me want to not play this game.

pls. genji instalocks are far, far worse

pic related, shitter from a match earlier

>there are people who think a character based around CC beats a character with two abilities that completely remove and block all debuffs and CC
No wonder most of the playerbase is stuck in gold or below. Are you people retarded?

>Mei is shit
Say that to my Hanamura A defense not on Ilios see what happens

I was talking about reinhardt, but if you don't stand still like a moron you can take out a zarya too

At least put a Demoman-style delay on his sticky so he can't just go around instakilling people.

It's ok, user, you'll get out of silver eventually.

Well, not as long as you think you should charge at Mei as Zarya, but you won't be retarded forever. I hear the brain develops pretty quickly once you reach age 9.

you mean the cooldown it already has? :^)

>Those stats
That's cute.
I know I haven't played much but I did my placement matches just a week ago because I was busy.

As a pro Genji main (I haven't played in any tournaments yet, but that's just to give the other teams a fair chance), I take it upon myself to carry my teammates with Genji, regardless of their team composition. If they get someone as great as me on their team, they should be supporting me, not the other way around.
Nevertheless, I was heartbroken when after opening 40+ cases during the summer games event, not a single one contained the Genji skin I wanted. I did get this strange "Eidgenossen" for a character called Marcy or something? I'm not sure they're even in the game, to be honest. Please fix this.
Everytime I encounter a lower-tier Genji equipped with this skin, they're at a psychological advantage, essentially making them win the fight before it's even started. I can't play like this anymore. My friends have told me to switch to Winston to exact my revenge on the foul Nihon-clad fake Genji, but I'm not willing to go back a few thousand years in evolution just to play my favourite hero.
So I ask of you, blessed warriors of Nippon, grant me the skin as white as Genji's purity and as red as the blood of my average 3 eliminations., for it is my date of birth at this very day and nobody seems to want to add me after a game (probably too scared), so I'm celebrating it all alone with my self-made Genji figmas. My ancestors smile down upon me, can you say the same?

>implying she's not god tier on Ilios also

you ever met a jr that can actually aim? youll be singing a different tune than one that can just spam like a drooling retard.

>8 games
>no SR
>no deaths stat

>Mei has no direct counters

Maybe this will be Sombra?

There is no Sombra, that whole business was bullshit

I mean the delay between firing and detonating sticikies.

Confirmed for having never played TF2.

>As a pro Genji main
>As a complete and utter faggot

No one likes you, you're only a half breed up from Hanzo. Go leap a wall, if you're so great.

>you ever met a jr that can actually aim?
Trick question because junkrat can't aim outside of a very small radius around him, and in that radius he's going to get absolutely buttfucked by most of the cast.

I'm in diamond and I thankfully haven't seen a junkrat in ages. Gold, however, is full of them. Take from that what you will.

Not even him. You're just all genuinely retarded if you believe that Mei is able to shit against a Zarya in a team environment. Argue in 1v1 situations if you want, but that is not how this game works.

junkrat is a actually a good counter to her

senpai, he's not being serious. you fell for it

All my friends have left me in the dust and are gloating from Grandmaster now. I'll get there.

>pic related
Surprised he doesn't have a 3edgy5u 13yo handle.

Nothing else needs to be said.

The worst thing about the rat is that his skill level is non existent.

He's by far the easiest hero to actually do something with, all you have to do is lock down a long walkway with bomb spam til tire, then boom.

>not even him but in this other situation you weren't talking about Mei loses
No shit Mei loses if she's being focused by multiple people. Zarya loses if Mei splits her up from the rest of her team's push with an ice wall. At that point there's no point in talking about specific abilities.

Junkrat is one of those characters that can make a bad player feel good about their performance because of how eliminations work in this game you can just spam and watch your kill count and damage go up even if your mostly charging ups supports/zarya

cool google images search

You can see the KDR right there.

Him and mei are okay on any map.

Every other defense character is pure cancer though

>zarya walks forward with shield on to build charge
>mei walls her off from her team
>it is now a zarya vs mei+her team environment
that was not a very difficult scenario to come up with user

Thank you Cinder.

Mei is acceptable on defense on the following maps:
Hanamura, Eichenwald, Volskaya

Junkrat is not acceptable

Maybe if you're bad a junkrat. But that goes for any character

>isolated zarya
wait for bubble to pop>freeze>headshot>freeze>headshot, mei wins
>not isolated zarya
zarya wins, mei gets btfo the second her ice block runs out
why is this so difficult to understand?

Not even talking about focusing. Mei can't do shit against anyone that is bubbled. If you put a bubble on a DPS fighting Mei, Mei dies, because that's two seconds that characters with over 200 DPS can do whatever the fuck they want to do. Mei can't even do enough damage to break through a bubble before it wears off for fucks sake. That isn't a fucking counter.

I'm sorry user, but no. If you're Junkrat you'd be doing far more for your team as an offense hero.

There's a reason you don't see any Junkrats above mid-platinum


Nope you're wrong. Junkrat is a chaos master. You have to get behind the enemy and rain death on their healers then have your team wipe up after they turn to deal with you but you're already far away because you know how to use your mine

What part of "at that point it's useless to discuss individual abilities" was too hard for you to fathom?

Not even hard direct counters work perfectly in a team situation. McCree can get fucked while looking up to try and hit Pharah, Winston can get shotgun'd while he's chasing Genji, etc., etc., etc.

Does anyone have that image of Mercy beckoning you through a noose?

>get behind the enemy
>with junkrat
>now you have no death ball AND no viable dive
You went full retard, user.

I report anybody who picks a defense character on attack.

>and as red as the blood of my average 3 eliminations
Fucking lost it.

>babies STILL crying about Mei

Let me break it down real fuckin' simple.

If you're pro you're probably running Rein/Zarya/Roadhog/Ana/Zen/(Lucio or Hanzo)

If you're good but not pro you're probably running 2/2/2 based on the map and it should look something like:
Offense: Rein, Zarya, McCree, Zen, Lucio, flex DPS
Defense: Rein, Zarya/Roadhog, McCree, two of Zen/Mercy/Ana, flex DPS (Mei on some maps)
KOTH: Zarya, Winston, Tracer/Genji, Lucio, Zen/Ana, flex DPS (probably McCree)

If you're below 2750 you're in the wild fucking west and probably picking garbage like DVa and Junkrat.

below 3500*

Fixed that for you. Diamond players are shitters

Ana's way better on attack and Mei is pretty core on a KotH now.

Jesus this is pure gold.

Is it really so hard to believe that I'm not shit at the game?

Big difference. Those characters are still doing work before they die. Zarya makes Mei unable to do anything before she dies.

I'm not even sure why Mei was suggested as a counter if we're talking about 1v1s. Zarya loses 1v1s against pretty much the entire cast.

Almost no one below Diamond knows how to play McCree and I cringe when people pick him despite him being the best offense hero in the game. Good ones are rare as shit and when someone's actually getting kills with him the whole match takes the time to point it out.

last I checked 3525 was the cutoff for top 500, so your definition of shitter is pretty all-encompassing.

3000+ is the top 6% of players.

>season 2 starts
>"lol sub-diamond shitter"
>a month into season 2
>"lol sub-master shitter"
>fast forward another month
>"anyone under grandmaster is shit"

No you retard, its Meis that are on my team, blocking shots with icewalls, botching ults, and generally fucking everything else up for everyone else.

They watch one fucking seagull video and wanna go pro as mei

Fucking stupid

the whole match chat*

>Zarya makes Mei unable to do anything before she dies.
Mei's value is in her ice wall and secondary fire, not her freezing. You are bad.

I won't argue Ana because a solid Ana is an asset anywhere, but Mei is garbage on KOTH. The entire value of Mei is her ice wall on small choke points, if there are easy ways to flank that don't require movement abilities she's utterly pointless and you're better off with McCree or even Hanzo.

>HURR DURR someone on my team is a retard because of their character and not because they're a retard

Kill yourself. If it wasn't Mei they'd just go to another hero and use that till every autist is crying for them to be nerfed for no reason.

Check again retard its 3750

Mad cuz bad?

Secondary fire can't break through bubble before it wears off and ice wall is a non factor in a teamfight. Stop being dense.

There is no other hero that can make icewalls that block your shots, ults, or any type of projectile.

Mei is cancer, stop being in denial.

lvl 48, just got to diamond in competitive
how well am I for a new player?

Depends on your most played heroes.

i play mostly reaper, lucio and roadhog. some zennyata as well

>ice wall is a non-factor in a teamfight
everyone point and laugh at the fool

>ice wall between enemies to isolate them
what kind of shit tier meis have you been playing against if they don't do this

>ice wall is a non factor in a teamfight
>can block like half of all offensive ults completely
>can split the enemy team or isolate enemies at the drop of a hat
Playing offense on Eichenvalde without a mei is suffering, the wall is fucking amazing for breaking through chokes.

>ice wall is a non factor in a teamfight
how embarassing!

I'm glad I don't play this game if you can't even play as the characters you want.

>ice wall is a non factor in a teamfight


>ice wall is a non factor in teamfights

>"wahhh itds cancer pwese remove it mommy!!!!!11111"

Its not like ice walls are used to block enemy ults, shots, and movement.

>ice wall is a non factor in a teamfight. Stop being dense.

>using wasd instead of afly

>Reaper drops from above with his ult
>Wall him off
>Zarya ulted your entire team before some of her dps got through the chokepoint
>Wall them off
>McCree ulted from within a room
>Wall him off
>Rein just earthshattered and is about to shit on of your healers
>Wall him off
>Nanocharged Rein about to charge in
>Tracer/Genji's about to flank

These are just off the top of my head but you could apply this to pretty much anything. Her wall is amazing for team fights.

Keyword there is teamfight idiots.
If you're on the point in a clusterfuck brawl you're just as likely to isolate your own teammates or inadvertently save an enemy who's low on health.

More often than not they're a hindrance to your team, unless they're actually competent, which is rare in Mei players.

So im gonna still gonna think that Mei is cancer, sorry autist.

>a clusterfuck brawl
I don't think you know what a teamfight is

enjoy being shit at overwatch

they nerfed ganji and people still pick him
just gotta learn to deal with it

>hold choke with team
>wait for enemy push
>split enemy push up with ice wall
>win teamfight
Oops, you're retarded.

>it may not be used perfectly every time in a 12 person clusterfuck so its worthless

>Keyword there is teamfight idiots
Yes? You don't spawn on top of the enemies, you move in with your team. They move with their team. You meet, you fight, a teamfight. Not a dance-off.

People who are bad at fighting games try to act like they fit in.


Funny thing is like 75% of the people who play Mei dont even think like that.

The majority of the players are selfish and only worry about themselves not their team

If you're some type of Mei god thats great, just sucks whenever an other person that plays Mei is braindead

Better removed every character because shit people will play them badly.

That isn't even a teamfight yet and not what I was talking about because that's pretty much all its good for.

Explain what it means then.

Holy fuck, you guys dont understand,

When ((((((Mei))))))) is played badly it can negatively effect your team more ways than any other hero.

I'd rather have an empty slot then a shitty Mei that blocks all my shots and lets low hp enemies get away for free


pick two mei's and they can lock a dumb team out of play the entire match, while the rest of the team picks off the characters with vertical movement.

Mei depends solely on 3 things:

Pretending to be McCree with her right click.
Getting picks by walling off people that come through chokes for your gangbangs.
Shutting down ults and the like with her wall.

Her left click is garbage unless you're trying to freeze a ulting hog or boosted rein or something.

Most meis do nothing but left click, and basically make most fights 5v6


>That isn't even a teamfight yet
So you're defining teamfight as a wholly disorganized fuckfest with no fronts or organization whatsoever.

Is it really that shocking to you that people don't believe you when you say you're good?

stop playing childrens games

DVA cosplays all ugly af

I AM THAT JUNKRAT MAIN. How do I stop playing him? He's so fun, bros.

A teamfight is any time two teams that aren't trickling come into direct contact and one or both teams commit to win or die.

Say you're at Hanamura A and both teams are on either side of the big door. Lucio on attack ults and speed boosts and they try to rush through the door; they are committing, and thus starting a teamfight.

Mei ice walls, only Lucio and Reinhardt made it through. They get instantly crushed and when the ice wall goes down the remaining players either run in and die or back off to their spawn. Defense has won this TEAM FIGHT.

Play Pharah and shit all over the other Junkrats.

Mei is great but I understand where you're coming from user, I really do. There's a reason someone managed to loop around and get grandmaster in ranked by intentionally losing 140 games in a row with Mei. Her wall and Symmetra's teleport are the only abilities you can actively lose the game for your team with. So of course, someone playing her horribly is worse than playing any other hero horribly.

>bad rein randomly drops shield to charge and just dies leaving the team to die
>bad mercy glues to one person and lets the team die
>bastions that never relocate and run to the same place to deploy and die over and over
>every character has shit that makes them deadweight to the team and almost locks in your loss
>no one cares
>mei drops drops a wall a second too late and one guy gets away

Except it's impossible to play Zarya or Zenyatta bad enough to negatively affect a team.

He's got a buff on the PTR, his tire doesn't take forever to set. You'll see him more when Sombra goes live.

>bad rein randomly drops shield to charge and just dies leaving the team to die
Charge in with him and help
>bad mercy glues to one person and lets the team die
Go Lucio, Zen, Ana any other support to help the rest of your team
>bastions that never relocate and run to the same place to deploy and die over and over
Maybe theyll learn to move, captilise on the team focusing on the bastion
>every character has shit that makes them deadweight to the team and almost locks in your loss
Mei makes an icewall, WELP just gotta wait for it to go down cant doing anything about it
>no one cares
>mei drops drops a wall a second too late and one guy gets away
like I said, you cant do a damn thing about it

a u t i s m, please kill yourself.

Her ult cost 20% more but I think that's it.
They also buffed her grenade to another meter,

I was happy in the 2600-2800 SR bracket for a while, oftentimes people would talk on mics, coordinate, and generally work together. If we lost we were outplayed, if we won it was hard won.

However then the mei and junkrat mains appeared. At least one in a match, always basically a negative player and a guaranteed loss.

So I've dropped to 2400-2500 and it is hell.
I mainly play supports and the medals always look like this in the beginning and end of every fucking match. This isn't me being good, it is a measure of how bad my teammates are if all the tanks and dps are being outdone by a fucking support. I am shooting fucking limes, I should not be anywhere near elims, let alone dmg done. Lucio should not be in charge of killing the enemy team by himself.

Is there any escape or should I just kill myself?

>lost 450 SR

I love this game, it's so fun.

Alrighty then. You're right in that. I never really included the pushing part of it in my definition.

No, I was defining it as the fight on the point where some heroes may need to be up close or in the midst of the enemy team to function properly, where an ice wall might fuck them over more than it helps them.

He's one of the weakest characters in the game, and you want to nerf him further?

Getting elim medals as Lucio is easy man. All you have to do is tag everyone at least once

Damage is worrying however.

>team isn't willing to pick a healer
>want's me to
>NOT ANA, user
>okay, guess it's another round to practice Hanzo
Fuck you guys. You want Mercy, you pick that sleep inducing cunt.

>bliz buff his ult
I swear I'm laughing 'till eternity right here

>three star rank
>still in gold

I know experience =/= skill. But that's funny.

I have a real life friend who is a great dude but I hate playing competitive Overwatch with him because he only picks Junkrat no matter the context, situation, or team comp. He only has a 1.36 KDA with him and will literally yell out 'help! someone help me!' if he's in danger as if that helps anyone find or help him.

I highly doubt you play on a 6 man team user, if you are then that tier list only applies to you not single play players.

literally me

but shitting on Pharas as Junkrat is considerably more fun

Thing is that once you reach a certain point of dmg dealing a lot of those elims aren't just tags.
That and tagging enough to be that high on elims when you're shooting slow moving limes and have one of the worst reloads in the game. Especially when half your job turns into 'protect the other support from their winston/tracer/genji/reaper AND kill said character because your team refuses to ever help them'.

>play with irl friend
>80% of all voice chat is him complaining about things that are OP, and how shit the team is
>everything that kills him is OP, everything he does needs buff

He honestly said it's not fair that Reaper is vulnerable after teleporting.

why the fuck would they even put an area denial character who relies on spamming down chokes with his weapons in a game with infinite ammo?
the only reason area denial explosives work in other games is because theres fucking limited ammo so eventually they area denial stops when they look for an ammo pack

You're playing with some pretty bad Pharahs then.



Batdog is a good counter to junkrat.


20% increased charge time, nothing that's really going to break the 3x3 meta.

His explosives have puny splash ranges and you can use them to build FREE healer ults and Zarya ults. The only thing he's good for is blasting people with an instant 240 damage grenade+mine combo when they hop right in his face and busting reinhardt shields.

He also loses most all of his matchups with other offensive characters due to his unreliable damage output at everything but close range.