What went wrong?

what went wrong?

Nothing. It was just Too Soon. Update the graphics and put it out a few years later and hotcakes.

Head of the company was a total dumbfuck.

what bothers me most is that the game in steam greenlight was actually greenlit and hanbitsoft, the publisher, didn't give two shits about it.

it's still in fucking steam greenlight!

Good Guild Wars 1 style game that could have been great with some updates (new zones, etc)

The subscription model that divided the community in too (with the free players not getting any new content) killed it.

It was playable as a Korean free-to-play until recently though





I fucking loved this game when it came out. I miss her...

some friends of mine bought this game on launch as a birthday present. Enjoyed it a bit back then, then forgot all about it.

Rediscovered it a couple of years ago, now as Hellgate: Global and was hyped and played it with much joy. Unfortunatelly, in the end of 2015, this shit-coated gem lost any support from its hydralisk developers, and its servers were shut down. Right now, there is some chinese company trying to use the IP for a mobile game as well as a VR game, both of which look terrible. Kinda sucks

I swore that I also had a mag with hellgate shit in it, but all I can find for PC Gamer and EGM are 04-06



right in the feels


It would have gotten away with its bugs if at launch it had more than four enemy types and two tilesets consisting of about five objects.

One thing I liked about it was the interactive smoke. Hellgate and Stalker Clear Sky had DX10 smoke that you could interact with. It was amazing and better than the PhysX-powered balls of cotton that showed up later in games.

I can throw in a bonus...



loading time and bugs




Had a Strike gunner or whatever

It was fun

Calling in AoE massive death on everything in an area

The guns were very unique and fun too.