When did you realise it was shit?

Looked at the map
>I didn't want to do the shallow railroaded main missions with factions that I won't impact, change or investigate.
>I didn't want to do the cookie cutter side quests anymore.
>I didn't want to explore and find 10 more "Building with people to kill".
>No desire to collect new armour or weapons because there were few items with a bunch of dull tweaks.

It was just boring.

I think its just OK. 3 was my first fallout so go ahead and shit on me if you like. Played 3,NV, and recently got 4 for $20. The workshop shit is boring but its not like I have to use it. In fact I don't. I don't like what theyve done to skills and I don't get why they would feel the need to change it. Also that "legendary enemy has mutated a.k.a you were kicking their ass and now they have full health again" stuff is bullshit. Other than that it feels like any other Bethesda fallout to me. I dislike the voiced protag I miss the actually asshole responses. Other than that its more of the same. The armor/weapon modding is tiring I don't even do it. I shouldn't have to unlock armor/weapon mod levels with a perk lvl up that's a huge waste of a point

i still play it, new vegas will always be king fallout, and i got over 600 hours on it.
but 4 just recaptures that east coast fallout atmosphere that people really fell in love with after 3.
nothing in any game ive played come close to the shear amount of joy, shallow as it is.
but those magic moments..
>40 somethin yr old dude drunk as hell wearing a greaser jacket walking around the ruins of his favorite ball park beating up minoritys with a chain wrapped baseball bat while listening to billy holiday with a hot redhead at his side.

i think the worst feeling is that I have both big DLC's to play through, but I couldn't put in more than two hours into both without becoming bored

I enjoy the crafting and settlement building, I can play it on that basis for a long time.

Unfortunantly neither of these are the main thing I want out of a Fallout game.

I always get really angry about the Minutemen, it feels like they had a lot of potential, especially coupled with the settlement attachment.

>if you don't want to side with ingame faction make your own one
>have total control of that faction
>the possible ability to war with other factions and have settlements be useful to the faction

I got this idea in my head where the game would allow you to make the Minutemen evil, piss off Preston Garvey, and then in a later point in the game you would do a quest where he comes backs to try and kill you in the end.

>Pushing this button does nothing because you didn't talk to that guy yet

The moment i look at legendary weapons and realized they are just normal weapon with prefix, not unique like NV and 3

Before its release.
Because Cred Forums told me it would be shit.

I can't have fun with any fall out game.
I've tried 3, New Vegas, and 4, and I dislike them all.
I wish I liked thm

nuka world actually created this idea, unfortunately you still didn't get to kill off the minutement

I always leave them in concord, they're still waiting there for help that will never come

>Bought Fallout 4
>Know it has glaring issues but try to ignore them and enjoy the game.
>Threads like this come up and all lost all interest in playing the game.


The very first time I tried it, it didn't fit my monitor resolution. I had to edit the .ini to make it fit, which squished everything and my crosshair was off-center.

Just started getting back into it. It gets a lot of shit (rightly so) but it's not awful or anything. A solid 6/10 on a non-retarded scale.

>picking Cait

as soon as i discovered almost every area i quit. didn't care about the story or the shooting stuff, i only ever play bethesda games for the world exploration and shit.

When I got power armor and killed a deathclaw in the first couple hours.

>Exploring first town, all seems well
>Get to minutemen
>Realize all the dialogue choices mean yes
>Fight a deathclaw in power armor 2 minutes later
>Have to help them survive and they just sit around shitting on their dicks all day

Dropped it right there and then, their dialogue wheel was so horrendous I couldn't even fathom playing the entire game with it.

One of the most boring games I've ever played

>no tag skills
>special doesn't affect skills
>can get perfect special through just leveling up
>no traits
>simplified dialogue choices
>no hidden dialogue bonuses for certain special levels or skills
>hand holding levels of easy unless playing survival mode
>no appealing factions besides the one you hate
>waifu sim with no good male companions
>Cait and Curie best waifus

Despite all the shit I stated above, I have over 600 hours in this game solely because of mods. Help me please, I think I have Stockholm Syndrome or something.

Never as it's my favourite AAA release in ages. I prefer gameplay over lore most times and it covered both enough for me to enjoy. Also crafting and settlement building is my jam.

terrible fucking rpg
it was nice poppin bullets and watching raiders and mutants' heads droppin with a customized sniper rifle though, but that's it

How well was it implemented? I had the idea in my head for moving settlers and soldiers about between the settlements, big battles which you could join in on, sieges and things like that, nothing on too large of a scale obviously, people paying your faction for mercenary work.

From what've heard the DLC stuff was "you complained about this not being in the game so we added it as DLC", people make it sound like the DLC was the best part of the game too with the robot building and options to help raiders, not getting though.

Was Nuka World like a separate area too? How big was it?

I currently have 432 hours betweem two play thrus. When it first came out, then after all the DLC came out.

Only thing keeping me going now is unlocking every companion perk, and linking all the settlements together with floating robobrains and turning them into decent towns...

I can't even tell if I'm having fun or not...

Even when you clearly tell him to fuck off

> Quest log updated!
> Help the minutemen!


>looked at the thumbnail
>thought she was breakdancing

After I got out of the vault and to the settlement. When can we have realistic survival shit and not shitty forced stories but natural flowing ones?

>I can't even tell if I'm having fun or not...
That's my main complaint. You boot it up, think "hey, this isn't THAT bad. kinda do-able." Then you noticed you have 50 hours logged and can only remember 20 minutes of it.

The power armor was cool. I know it went against lore by using fusion cores, but I liked it anyway.

When I saw that the vault was down the street from my home, or that my robot butler survived 200 years stood in the same spot. Or how I was forced to have an EPIC SHOWDOWN in POWER ARMOR against a DEATH CLAW WOAHHH. when I wanted to play a stealth build who talks his way out of shit.


I'm glad to know this isn't just me, it's scary how it sucks your life away, when I first got the game I played it for at least 24 hours straight and couldn't remember anything but vague details

>when I wanted to play a stealth build who talks his way out of shit.
Then why didnt you just do that instead?

When I got to level 4 armorer and tricked out like 5 sets of power armor.
I just....stopped. Got bored.

I did, but the issue is:

>create a build for one thing
>get thrown into situations where the only option to continue is the complete opposite thing

Which is bullshit for what is supposed to be an RPG series that supposedly gives you a choice right at the beginning as to how you'll play the game

When I realized I spent about 200 hours recycling shit and picking up litter from the ground, and only about 15 going through the game's content.

>the only option to continue is the complete opposite thing
This is bs. You cant complain that you couldn't do a thing, admit that you did that thing, then complain about it again. I mean what? Options are bad?

It's not the only option. Level up wasteland whisperer. Stealth the death claw down while it fights raiders. Bust out some drugs and melee it down.

Sounds about right.

Clear out an area while collecting every aluminum can, oil can, canister, telephone, desk fan, coffee mug, ash tray, etc.

May as well throw on a jumpsuit and become the Wasteland Garbage Man.

It's very early in the game for most playthroughs and the fact that they give you a minigun and suit of power armor kind of sets a precedent for what's expected of you. You can circumvent it but one option is clearly biased here from a design standpoint. Besides how you deal with it, it demands that you engage in a fight with a death claw, not allowing you to run away from the battle (I tried this and it just respawned when I returned).

As a massive hoarder having every single item be useful feels so good.

>Not becoming the scavenger of the wasteland
>Not turning Codsworth in to a metal monstrosity to fight your battles for you
>Not creating an army of robots to find more resources for you
Its like you all hate fun.

When they revealed it at E3 because I'm not a stupid shit.

Folders, burnt books, burnt comics and napkins...

I hate them. All of them for being useless and napkins for kinda looking like notes.

> When did you realise it was shit?

When the overworld was nothing but shooting raiders at each location.

>max rifleman perk
>max sandman perk
>max better criticals perk
>suppressed hunting rifle

High agility will allow you to run for miles if you get seen also the stealth perk helps, luck couples great with agility so you can get critical banker and decimate everything, haven't done a luck/agility build yet but based off the perks it seems like easy mode.

>put 131 hours into it
>didn't buy the dlc
>last played in july

It was "fun" but it wasn't a fallout game.

When I saw that there were four dialogue choices during the E3 trailer. That alone was a good enough indicator of where the rest of the game was going.

>Build up settlement in one of the locations along a coast
>Spend 3 hours building my defenses so that they cut off the only direction enemies should be able to approach
>"Your settlement is under attack"
>Go back to settlement
>Raiders are just spawning right in the fucking middle of the settlement, making strategically building defenses a complete waste of time

>kind of sets a precedent for what's expected of you.
Wrong. Does finding a gun mean you have to use guns all game? How about explosives? Just because you cant resist doesnt mean you are forced. You dont even have to exit out the top end of the building.

>it demands that you engage in a fight with a death claw
False again. You can finish the entire game without eve going to concord. Besides I've beaten the deathclaw on survival with non-stealth melee its easy. Youre just bad.

Honestly with the focus on Power Armor and scavenging they should have just made it a remake of those old Brotherhood games where you're a Brotherhood initiate trying to bring the Commonwealth under the Brotherhoods control and build army bases and depots in the field

I didn't, because its not.
Its a terrible Fallout game in comparison to others but as a game of its own its perfectly ok.
They butchered the story but the base building, weapon customization and gameplay are fine.

>make everyone chem addicts
>never defend sanctuary
>never get more settlements
>constantly call Preston a cunt
Well here you go user, you the leader now

very little content and the content that is there is dull

Folders can be handed in for caps but yeah true not ever item. Still I liked it.

>When did you realise it was shit?

Literally the very first dialog, when I was presented with four shitty options that provided only the barest hint of what my character was going to say. I quit the game then and there and didn't play again until a mod came out to fix it.

To this date, I have yet to finish Fallout 4. I just can't get into it long enough to do a full playthrough. Every time I get about halfway through the Institute missions and just say "fuck it" and stop.

The quest tells you to get a power core to use the armor and minigun so you can continue. It isn't a case of it happening by chance like stumbling upon a certain weapon. It's explicitly telling you this needs to be done for the quest to continue by way of getting into the armor and fighting the deathclaw.

>Finish the game without going to concord
Yes, and miss out on all of the Minutemen quests and settlement building, which is a huge part of the scripted content.

I had a feeling i was maybe too inmersed in the game the first time, but it was around the final stretch of the game. I had joined the Institute and all i had to do was simple fetch quests except for one quest where you deal with Minutemen trying to attack a Synth.

I was really tired at that point but the final mission where you have to infiltrate the BoS and defend Liberty Prime while its being hacked was cool

But my 2nd playthrough. JESUS CHRIST was that a fucking borefest

>no alternate way to tackle the main quest, you HAVE to rescue Nick, you HAVE to contront Kellogg (probably the only interesting character in the game besides maybe Nick), you HAVE to find Vergil, you HAVE to kill the Courser

I think the only creative thing i could do was discover locations early so i could fast travel to them when the game told me to, i skipped following Dogmeat by fast traveling to Fort Hagen

They railroad you so much in this game i'm fucking amazed they were able to put the RPG tag to it

Is this game fixed yet?

>need pre-war human DNA
>find a vault with 20 cryogenically frozen pre-war people
>kidnap a baby and kill the mother
>shut off every cryopod except the father's
>the son is now 60 years old and also leader of the institute
>releases the dad just for the lulz
The entire game shouldn't have happened. In a believable world with thinking characters they would have woken up everyone in Vault 111, explained to them the situation, take them to the Institute, and borrow their DNA from medical tests.

>Buy it when it came out
>Play for a month or two, never beat the main story
>Pick it back up this summer with a new character, maybe a hot chick for the MC will keep me invested
>Get bored, never beat the story

You're an idiot.

>The quest tells you to get a power core to use the armor and minigun so you can continue.
It recommends you do that. If you have enough strength you can rip the minigun off without power armour and kill it that way. Honest to god man youre just wrong.

>Yes, and miss out on all of the Minutemen quests and settlement building,
Well then kill the death claw. Its basically the fucking tutorial. Its designed that you can do it however you want.


I was very disappointed when I finally made it inside The Institute. I avoided all the spoilers only to have this stupid shit dumped on me.

When the image perfectly represents the comment. The irony.

>they would have woken up everyone in Vault 111, explained to them the situation, take them to the Institute, and borrow their DNA from medical tests.

They didn't even need to do that! They could have just secured the vault, kept everyone frozen, and just thawed someone out for a few seconds to take a sample now and again.


The whole point is that this huge chunk of the game's content is locked behind a ridiculous encounter with a deathclaw and that there is no other option but to fight to the death with it. It doesn't matter that you can hang back, go build up your skills and stock up on gear, then kill it by punching it in the ass with a pair of boxing gloves or whatever. It's that it leads you towards a single, easy option that goes against any intended play-style you started with in mind. Not like adapting to changing circumstances is an issue, but for them to not include as many elaborate alternatives as earlier games is a concern.

They didn't even make it into the vault before they fucked the game up.
They get hit by the shock wave and live somehow.

I'm just in it for the mods.

I platinum'd the game on my PS4

NV is still the best and FO4 kept making me want to go back, which I did after platinum'ing it

I just got 1,000 hours in NV

It has become my "playthrough every year" game right next to FEAR (1)

>The whole point is that this huge chunk of the game's content is locked behind a ridiculous encounter with a deathclaw and that there is no other option but to fight to the death with it.
You can grab the power core from Red Rocket, climb the church next to the museum, jump across the roof the get the power armor and leave without dealing with Preston or the Death Claw. You can come back for them whenever you want.

>complaining about literally nothing
Ok user. I'm sorry about your condition.

>finished fo3
>finished fo4
>always drop new vegas the second I reach new vegas itself, havnt even done any of the dlc despite the fact that I have it
Help me why does this happen? I agree that new vegas is the best yet I can't finish it for the life of me

So what was the goal of the Institute anyway?

As soon as I got there and realized my son was a dick, I just left and sided with the BoS cause they seemed to be the only ones that were tolerable and somewhat sensible...

All I know is that they were trying to better mankind... by releasing kill-on-sight gen 1 synths and replacing people with gen 3 synths.

When I did any of the minutemen quests.

I had doubts when 3 seconds after I get accepted into the vault everything goes to shit

You were already accepted into the vault you were just filling in the information. You actually see the Vault tec rep before the vault so no idea how you missed this.


The generic as fuck "I must find my son" storyline. Totally watered down, zero of the atmosphere of 3.

I'm still confused, were they actually replacing people or was the institute just reclaiming synths that escaped or served their purpose and everyone in the waste land just thought OMG THEY TOOK REAL HUMANS

Don't try to think to hard about it. It was written by a 13-year-old.

They were very obviously replacing people.
One random encounter has you meeting a man who has his replacement at gun point and the Mayor of Diamond City is actually a synth.
There are other instances I'm sure.

>The mayor is a synth
>You can find this out
>You can't tell anyone in Diamond City

Fuck right I forgot about that been a while but wasn't there an encounter where you run into a synth clone of yourself?

>Trusting a random stranger over the beloved Mayor
>After Piper has been spewing her Mayor Synth nonsense

>Talk to Preston
>Tell him about how I lived in Sanctuary before the war and was in vault 111 for the past 200+ years
>Talks to me about minuteman massacre
>Asks if I heard about it
>Say no
>Astounded that I haven't when just 2 seconds ago I was telling him about being in the vault up until 5 minutes before

>my "playthrough every year"

Do that every year with RE4

Yeah I played fallout 4 once and about a quarter.
Got bored early on during my second playthrough.

The real tragedy is that after the Institute takes over Diamond City, that anti-synth bitch has nothing to say about the synths walking around.

So it's survival for the pursuit of science... with a bit of mass murder and manipulation on the side.

Also, synth gorillas for some reason... Cause I guess they were bored.

I pirated it, played about 30 minutes until I gave up

I wanted an RPG

Never sided with the institute, but if it means there's gen1/2 synths openly walking about, I wouldn't be sticking around bitching about the boogeyman standing next to me.

Still, I completely understand that the writing and scripting is... flawed. Very, very flawed.

When it was announced the voiced protag and the dialogue wheel.
I thought i could ignore it because the power armor looked really good.
I was right, fun to explore with the power armor on, and i think they put more effort into making locations more interesting and getting rewarded for exploring
That being said, fuck the lack ammo.
Either i'm doing something wrong, but i always run out of ammo for the guns i want to use.
I refuse to be a jack of all trades.

>Skill tree was just a bunch of %+ things
>Nothing fun to level up
Least I got it for free :^)

Very boring. Open world COD with some shallow customization.

This. Is there a mod to fix that yet?

>not running scrounger

They probably barely got the perk system done in time for release too.
It'd explain why the pick pocketing perk looks like it was also for lock picking.

He's actually lock picking and pickpocketing in the picture which makes me question if they were going for something even more simplistic.

Depends on the build. Scrounger will help when using weapons with hard to find ammo, like the gauss rifle, plasma gun, etc.

Good luck scavenging for enough ammo if you're a spray and pray kind of person.

Radiant quests are getting out of control. I was doing radiant quests constantly trying to advance the story, until i realized you advance faction quests by doing the main quest. No other fo/tes game works like this. Radiant quests should get their own tab, or not exist at all

Bought it a couple weeks ago. Just finished it.

As a fan of Fallout since the beginning, this was a real disservice to the series, even more than FO3. A few things really pissed me off.
1. Only 4 dialogue choices, every single time. All of them are "Yes/sarcastic yes/please repeat/I'll come back later" YOU LITERALLY CAN NEVER SAY NO.
2. Non-vats combat feels like COD, and time moves now during VATS for some goddamn reason
3. No matter which faction you side with at the end, you HAVE to kill the others (except for the Railroad but nobody picks them lel)

how to enjoy fallout 4:
>ignore the shitty story
>go around and explore the world
>use it as a post-apocalyptic oper8ing simulator with optional sims house building segments

Ignore them , go to the raiderville


I have every single trophy except institute ending. Ill get to it one day

I really, REALLY wanted to like Fallout 4.

I sunk about 1600 hours into Skyrim. Made several different character builds, and with a healthy modding community, I never got tired of it.

Fallout 4... there's no point making more than one character, as the dialog wheel kills just about all story options, and the builds are basically melee & ranged. The settlement system doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, but it's shoved down your throat regardless. And the fucking procedural sidequests that don't go anywhere... fuck. Plus you can tell how dismal the game is when the modding scene is literally my ass.

As others have said in the thread, it's a decent game on its own, but a horrendous Fallout/Bethesda game.

>R Ctrl) Talk
I don't think I have a reaction image for this.

>r ctrl

Pretty much. I treat is as a slightly wacky STALKER 2. Needs a shit tonne of mods, and you need to play it on Survival though.

Are mods good yet? Are porn mods good yet?

I dropped it straight after I completed the main storyline. That's when I realised it was shit. I had no interest in exploring, no interest in any remaining sidequests. I'd seen enough examples of what I was going to walk into in the 55 hours I'd played so far.

It's just OK and I probably got my money's worth, but it's not an unforgettable experience like the others.

Base building is fucking way overrated.

This is with immediate mods to fix the dialogue options and force the weapon down so it's not blocking half the fucking screen. I've no idea who does quality control on this shit (it's Bethesda after all) but jesus fucking christ.

>No real choice in dialogues option
>Awkward as fuck talking between the characters
>Dog, build area and super mecha mech shoved into your ass right from the start

And then i stopped and went to play New Vegas

What kind of shit is locked behind the main quest? Companions?

I just want to explore and shoot shit.

>When did you realise it was shit?
Thew moment I saw the dialog system at E3

Pretty much.

Right after meeting piper for the first time, after pissing around base building and side-quests etc.
Holy fuck the writing is banal

tl;dr Newspaperzzzzzzzzzzzzzz uninstall.exe

bout 50 hours in when I decided to do the mainquest
what a mistake

>Literally a loading screen to enter a closet-sized room
>meanwhile Witcher 3 fully dynamic loading

>Playing on hardest difficulty
Enemies either one shot me and take 10 years to kill or gets one shot by me. I get that the game is casual, I just wish it wasn't SO braindead. Occassionally there's a fun fight, but it's rare. It's usually just me unloading into an enemy until it's giant pool of health finally drains. The problem is that the enemies just don't do anything too interesting. I wish the game had like actual status effects or enemies that synergized with eachother or had half decent AI. Atleast the other fallout games had skills and skill checks and better story lines and choices which made up for the weak combat. This one they just tried to focus on the combat but didn't actually in prove it enough to make up for cutting out the rpg guts from the other games. Fucking voiced protagonist ruined the game, it was a dumb idea to begin with and it lead to them railroading the quests and limiting the dialogue.

Okay listen, its not a bad game, but it has elements that can make it terrible

Settlements and mods make useless junk relevant now
Cool boston aesthetic
Decent factions
Fun shooting and perk system actually ads to the fun of making a skill tree
Dlc adds alot of content

Bugs up the ass that bethesda has no intention of fixing
Missing stuff from quests and unresolved cliffhangers
Not enough dialogue options
Mods and armors are retarded ( literally have to wear a crumpled fedora if u want thd best cloth armor from balistoc weave)
Bethesda left settlement items out to resell them or forget them cause fuck u
I have put a lot if time in and i like it. If someone did an online mod with the settlment building it would be perfect

Emergent characterization.

rust: FO4 edition.

>I would reinstall for this.

The first hour of the game.

>r ctrl
Of course, just look at their character in the middle.

Stop posting this its been refuted enough times.

Why are the insects so fucking strong in Nuka World?
The flying ants in the guantlet almost killed me in PA while Colter dropped in one good stabbing without doing anything to me.

I hope they make more Fallout 4 DLC, literally the only game from 2015 I still play.

looks right to me, though I don't get what they mean by a motherhood complex

At least half the points are wrong and the other half are just opinions.

Questioning the design choices is valid however simply complaining because they're different? Ok.

Its just another attempt at 'what do they eat?' except not very well done.

I liked the game, but I didn't really like the imposed strory that the survivor wants his son back badly. At least once you visit the institute and made them your enemy, he stops being defined by it

I still had a little hope left when this happened, but this was the start of it or me.

>reach Concord in the early level story quests
>help the survivors in the museum, etc. and meet Preston
>talk to the other survivors who were hiding with him
>somehow Nate, who has been frozen underground for over 200 years until about an hour ago, knows everybody in the room
>even calls out to them BY NAME before they speak for the first time, with no introduction
>this continues for the rest of the game, with many more characters the player has zero prior knowledge of