What are some games with feline foes?

What are some games with feline foes?




Post more cats

Xenoblade X

Thinly veiled caturday thread




muh fucken hart





That cat kinda looks like it has a lion mane. Neat.


god i want a fluffy kitty

i think they're called munkins or something, I forget the specific breed, but I know they are expense. being that cute costs money i guess



>want cat(s)
>retch at just the thought of the smell of catshit
I wish I still lived with my mom.



Why don't you just let your cats outside you queermo


As cute as munchkins are, they are a crime against nature.
Ridiculous amounts of health problems, really shouldn't be encouraged.


I don't live in a place where you would let your cat outside.



Wing Commander series

Yeah I've heard that too, I also heard that they suffer from a high kitten mortality rate? I think i read somewhere that like 1/4th of a litter dies.

I do agree, as much as I'd love to own one, I can see how there can be significant health issues with a spine dipped that low.

Insanely cute though. My dream cat is still a huge maine coon male. I heard they are one of the most affection cats out there, and I just love big cats.



Mega Man 3

What are some games with feminine felines


There are cat Digimon and Pokemon

Battleblock Theater


Still the best, nigga!

He obviously needs to go on a diet, fat fuck doesn't need any skittles.


>Letting your cats outside
Dead cats inc.

That's one lewd cheetah.


>want cat
best way to kill oneself?

Y-you take that back. He's just big boned.

Get a lot of cats.

Was just posting that one user.

get a hairless cat


ain't anyone gonna post some vidya cats?




Damn those are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen on a cat

Alright, breaks over, later fucksticks.

>There are anons that were toddlers when All Your Base hit

Masters of Orion 4.

They can be the enemy, if you want them to.


Siberians make less of the protein responsible for allergies in their fur as far as i remember.

They're big cats with tons of personality and are very athletic

don't tell me that shit



>tfw really miss my cat

>tfw allergic to cat

Anyone got the /k/at fucker cap?

Maine Coon. I've got one, they're the best cats in the world.

also have a maine coon. he's a total bro. loves having his tummy rubbed.

I'd love Maine coon but other than waiting and trying to reserve a thousand dollar kitten from a cattery, how do you come across them?

I figure it would just be kind of luck of the draw when you adopt from shelter. It also makes me feel bad about wanting a specific breed as there are so many amazing cats that are just as loveable.

I don't know, it seems like such a great breed but I would feel bad if I were to buy one. I feel like I didn't adopt from a shelter, thats one less cat that will never have a good home.


Maine Coons are about the only cat you'll probably never see at a shelter due to how valuable they are. The biggest problem you'll see with them is if you let them be outside cats they will probably get stolen.

This person abuses their cat. Cats do not get that viscous unless you beat them.

Maybe the cat just really likes skittles.


I know that feel

This is genuinely the cutest cat I have ever seen on the internet.

You better post a goddamn picture of it user.

Cats are my favorite video game.

Know how you feel.
I've got a shelter cat who we had for 6 months before she allowed us to even come near her.

I really want another cat somewhere down the line, and I sort of want a maine coon, but at the same time there are so many homeless unwanted cats.

oh i know where this is

He's about 6 months old now, the backlight makes it hard to see the markings in his fur but I didn't want to disturb him

>tfw when your cat is viscous

You can see the colours better here

>not constantly taking pictures of your cat

I... what? Look at it parachute

Oh nevermind.

Nice cat user!

Is it vicious or does it just scratch you playfully?

If your cat isn't happy to see you then you're probably not giving it enough attention or giving it attention it doesn't want like forcing it to sit on your lap.

Maybe you're one of those city cunts who forces your cat to stay inside all of the time. That will drive them crazy.

Are Maine Coons a meme cat?

Not really, I'm sure in burgerlard land they're pretty popular but here in Australia I had to order one in from out of state. If it's not a global meme it's not a real meme.

This reminds me when i was getting Arby's at 1 am and some crazy cat lady was walking like 5 cats on leashes. Se was going so slow because they all wanted to wander.

>Paranormal Cativity

There is a certain cat .gif I want to see because I saw it once and forgot to save it.
It was a mama cat and her kittens going up a slide

Play Smite against a Bastet player.


Post kot.

Cats are bros if you have a small place.


Why are you calling each other coons? that's rather racist and unpolite.

If Australians are importing them then they must be a meme.

>tfw had to put cat down because of cancer
Y-you too

its ok user I thought it was funny

Cred Forums - Cat

/an/ - Shitposting

He is not a good hunter

I had to put mine down because her kidneys were failing. She made it to 16.

Off-topic threads have been a thing for over a decade, kys newfag.

if only

His name is Pretty Boy Ham and he had thumbs.

>tfw when browsing cat thread while in bed with cat

Ninja gaiden, i love fighting these pussies, they are hard at first but eventually only my cock was hard

Post Palico.

Has not had. He still has them and I'm aware I look like homo but I love my kitty

Spoiler that beastiality you sick fuck

Did these enemies show up in NGB? I don't really remember them.

Figures fucking Cred Forums would have the shittiest taste in pets. Cats are horrible creatures that need to be exterminated.

>Im a crossposting newfag
Back in the day people got doxxed, arrested, and harassed for hurting cats.

assuming direct control

Yes, but not on normal/easy, i fucking love how replayable the game is, not only you get new enemy placement and encounters, you get completely new enemies every difficulty, different items/weapons positions

Hell, before this game, i rarely replayed games on higher difficulties, NGB made me able to appreciate replay-ability somehow

Wow, look at those superior white genes

By "out of state" I don't mean a different country I mean a different state in Australia

>trying to derail a cat thread by falseflag calling Cred Forums
Fuck off reddit.

Fuck off nigger.

Why would the size of your home have anything to do with it?

my kot can be pretty lewd sometimes

>jokes about white people
>dont falseflag reddit
Confirmed for reddit, cant even hold a falseflag correctly.

Ah, don't think I got that far on hard. Might dig up my Xbox and copy of black and try again.


She passed away in June, at the ripe age of 20-ish.
Her thyroid was fucking up. I've been, kind of empty ever since.


Boohoo are you going to cry?

>Tfw cat is about 18 years old

Any day now...

My sister has a mainecoon and all it does is plot a way to get outside so it can shit the neighbors flower bed.


Brah. Cats are built to live outside and catch shit. I had a cat that literally never used a litter box. It shit outside, in a spot away from anywhere I needed to go in my backyard. Little fucker would go out and hunt birds everyday. I would get 2 or 3 daily on my doorstep. He eventually learned to open the backdoor, so I kept it unlocked.

Best cat ever. Helps to live somewhere relatively "safe" and somewhat rural.

>n-no umad
Lurk more, or stay on YouTube where your "Last reply" shit matters.


>tfw you have no idea where your cat is
he's gotta be dead by now.

My cat is 11 and she still acts the same as ever. It's like she never aged.

I hope she lives to 18 like your cat.

Would you a hairless cat?

Chalkie mad and offended. Look at that.


My girl Kiki.

She had to be put down last November, I miss her so much


Spoiler that shit bruh


but can you fuck them?