Blizzard are actually changing Hearthstone cards instead of waiting for rotations/expansions to fix things, holy fuck

Blizzard are actually changing Hearthstone cards instead of waiting for rotations/expansions to fix things, holy fuck.

Other urls found in this thread: Vault Fusillade

All good changes in this luck-based game. Moving on.

Well most people have already left the game to one of the 10 better alternatives or are up in arms about HS like reddit.



Yes, that's the advantage digital TCGs have over paper ones.

>Execute nerfed to 2 cost

blizzard doesn't know a goddamn thing about what it's doing

>got a golden call of the wild

Flamewreathed Faceless isn't even used in the top shaman decks anymore. It's not good enough.

Let that sink in. A goddamn 4 mana 7/7 isn't good enough compared to shaman's other cards.

>9 mana Call of the Wild
Congratulations, Hunter is now just slightly above Priest in terms of viability.

>Call of the Wild
For what purpose?
>Tuskarr Totemic
literally a dead and pointless card now
this is okay though

>1 mana removal
>3 mana 3/2 with potential to win the game by itself by summoning Totem Golem

Nah those cards were a huge issue. Nerfing rockbiter reduces the chance of Trogg getting big and nerfing Tuskarr reduces the chance of Shaman just flat out winning on turn 3

Standard removal when?


Even at 9 mana it's a busted card.

I want to see blizzard buff an old card for once. They only do nerfs. That was one of the main reasons I was mad about them making shit cards like the 5/2 magma raider or whatever. It was a strictly better card and instead of buffing they just made a new card.

wtf i love hearthstone now

>Blizzard finally do what I've wanted them to do for ages

I've always believed that standard/wild was a dumb idea and that they should have done balancing like this from the start

>killed charge
>killed my worgen OTK deck

It was already stupid and gimmicky, why am I not allowed to have fun?

Glad to see the Yogg change. You could be outskilling the opponent all game just to have them pull a 20 attack charging Yogg out their ass.

>10 better alternatives
like? I was thinking of trying Duelist, is that any good?

>totem golem
isn't mana tide the worst case scenario nowadays with all the midranged shamans?

eternal when they decide to get out of closed beta

that can still happen because in that instance Yogg wouldn't die, but still I'll welcome 1600 dust since I only played Yogg decks for lulz

Duelyst is pretty fun, shadowverse is good too if you just want literally hearthstone but better

At least they won't be able to go face with it after this.

>I was thinking of trying Duelist, is that any good?
If you like Final Fantasy Tactics in your card games it's fun.


isn't that on phone only? Am I missing something?

I'd instantly switch to Shadowverse if it wasn't mobile only.
Fuck that.

you need an emulator for now, yeah

duelyst is on steam

yogg is still a good card
in most decks that use it, its pretty much a glorified DOOM! which actually works because those decks are not warlocks

and if yogg vanishes himself that's not exactly a big issue if he stops casting

For example:
>Eternal -
>Faeria - Steam
>The Elder Scroll: Legends
>Shadow Era

They make more money of newer packs being OP.

>All those people who went to tournaments and were outed by bs Yogg Saron until that

I think Faeria is a way better strategy board/card game.

It also has a way better aesthetic in my opinion.

Duelyst is also nice. I really recommend Duelyst, Faeria and Eternal if you like Hearthstone Arena/Drafts, because you get a lot of free gold/tickets to do this.

Elder Scroll Legends got some really awesome voice acting and system.

Have they gutted that absolutely awful prophecy system yet?

yogg BS can still happen, if it say, wisps of the old gods, then soul of the forest you're still in a lot of shit

>2016 in the year of our Lord


>Basic cards

PC release is soon(TM) I think the devs said regarding shadowverse

>shaman totally fucked in the ass

Yeah no I'd sooner quit, fuck this shit

i wait steam version
pc ver first release is dmm
but dmm launcher is japan only

These changes make the nerfed cards seem viable. I'm wondering if I should dust them at all.

Tuskarr Totemic is the biggest issue you fucking mong


>mfw all these nerfs are completely justified

>mfw blizzard finally making some good design choices.

>mfw I have no face

shaman still has things like trogg, valiant, ttfb and 4 mana 7/7

not being able to get an undeserved win by rolling a totem golem or a flame tongue is not going to kill the class

>Charge turned into a completely different card.

While taking advantage of the digital format, they forgot that they can release new cards whenever they want without literally destroying old ones.

Thanks, I'll give to Faeria and Duelist a try.

>boohoo I have to wait until turn 7 to do 10 burst from my hand now and can't rely on a coin flip to outright win the game on turn 3
literally kill yourself faggot.

so...priest buffs soon right guys


And also Pokemon TCG Online.

rockbiter change is trash. cripples early defensive capacity while doing very little to stop burst combos. another obvious and deliberate choice to nerf a basic card instead of the p2w cards

doomhammer's the issue, not rockbiter. but i guess this helps?
yes this makes sense
only matters for otk decks but they're kind of ruining the spirit of the card by doing this, no ones going to play this, even at 1. (much like what happened with warsong)
??? warrior has so much goddamn removal this practically doesn't even matter
yeah ok
lepers also a 1mana 1/1 that deals an extra 2 so this makes sense.

overall: okay update. i guess.

This kills the aggro
Not even worth a shitty control deck

Yeah. I don't play shaman but it sucks to see a basic card get nerfed because of an epic.

if blizzard was in charge of mtg ancestral recall would cost 4, black lotus would have a completely different effect, and legacy formats wouldn't exist.

I bet if it wasn't for bitching on all of the online forums and sites blizzard would never have made these changes, they hate nerfing or changing cards in this game even though physical TCG's would kill to be able to do something like this.

Do they still add new retarded mechanics in every expansion without developing the previous properly?

I understand nerfing Tuskarr, but why now? It's being rotated out in a few months. Nerf Tunnel Trog or Lightning Bolt instead.

Also how come they never buff old cards?

>lightning bolt is the preferred card to use for trogg protection and that wasn't touched
>2 mana rockbiter can still be used to protect a turn 1 trogg

Its been two weeks and there's still no news about Tyrande, I want to play as the big tittied elf.

>Seriously implying that Yugioh is worse than Hearthstone
It's not an amazing game by any means but let's not get carried away

Is Abusive still playable?

Gotta get people to buy the new cards; can't buff the ones they already own.

you can't patch paper cards

the problem is, that rockbiter is essentially better than, lightning bolt.

very common turn 2, is lightning bolt + rockbiter to get rid of 2, 2 drops.

Rockbiter is also more flexible, due to turn 6 or 7, doomhammer double rockbiter for retarded damage.

Rockbiter is definitely the issue

"Bad cards need to exist so you know what the good cards are and it's fun when you win with a bad card. It makes quite a story to tell your friends HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" - Ben Brode

probably still autoinclude

When will we get ingame lobbies?

Good fucking luck doing play with a friend quest if none of your friends play the game

I honestly don't see any reason not to have it

>Able to make small group chats
>Group tournaments
>Easy to make friends
>Tips on decks and and other conversation and shitposting

>beta unleash the doges: nerfed
>warsong commander: nerfed twice
>leeroy: nerfed
>arcane golem: nerfed
>force of nature: nerfed
>charge: nerfed
when is blizzard just going to admit they hate this mechanic and completely remove it from the game?

That Charge change is fucking retarded. Basically just killed OTK Worgen Warrior decks, and that deck wasn't even that good.

Killing off unique and interesting decks that require you to have a combo of cards ready. Nice job.

They both suck for the same reason.

Lack of player interaction and if you don't win within the first few turns you lose.
Power creep is all over the fucking place with both game.

Yugioh needs to be burned. It's had the same problems Hearthstone is facing now, but it's been a problem for years now. What is the solution every time? Ban the good cards and then release cards that were better than the ones you just banned. Once the tournaments come in with those new cards being super OP we ban those and release the next set of broken cards.

Archetypes from 2011 do not compete with 2016's bullshit.
The only thing that is probably going to be broken from now until the end of time is D. Rulers. No one can undo that bullshit.

>easy, cheap legend deck
>not even good

>have a nice deck
>fuck you buy more cards it sucks now why isnt your deck full of legendary World of Warcraftâ„¢ characters?

Charge OTK decks are bullshit to play against though. The opposite of fun.


>No mention of the best TCG

Faggots the lot of you

>Can actually trade cards
>Minimal grinding
>Get showered in coins to buy packs
>Fun and free
>Can buy actual real life boosters and receive free boosters in game

This is the only acceptable online card game to play.

If you're an Undertalefag and want something a little basic there's Undercards.

Decks full of legendaries are fucking shit
If you don't have as many legendaries already just by playing and not buying cards, you're clearly a newfriend who wants to stir shit up while being clueless

>it's fucking nothing

I got king krush 3 times
its fucking rigged I tell you

Cred Forums is a shit card game and it doesn't even have half the features you mentioned.

Sorry shitchan ate my image for some reason

Oh, in that case all of your arguments are nullified by it being the fucking Pokemon TCG.

>coin flips and power creep: the game
yuck, no thanks

Cred Forums is 18+, you should leave before your mommy catches you.

fuck you blizzard, i crafted yogg today
this game is a fucking joke on a competitive level, and blizzard never really gave a shit about it so why now?

>Now excuse us while we print more mage burn cards

cards that get nerfed can be dusted for full cost, you lose literally nothing

Yugioh has tons of player interaction though, with traps, hand-traps, and tons of effects that can be activated during either players turn

>Aggro Shaman Dead
>OTK Warrior Dead
>Yogg Rouge Dead
Im fairly upset

get off Cred Forums you dirty romanian gypsy

Still no priest buffs

Top kek

Priest technically got nerfed today as well.

t. shieldbearers

>power creep meme
>this thing can take down gorillion hp pokemon ex cards


Oh sorry not edgy enough for you? It's okay I'm sure there are more mature card games for intellectual free thinkers such as yourself. Why don't you try gwent of todd's new card game? Plenty of edgy blood and generic fantasy for superior tastes.

>lets nerf all the basic cards so f2p shitters must buy some packs

bravo blizz bravo activision

Go fuck yourself Blizzard.

>Mommy I'm cool cause I don't play this card game I play THIS other one

All card games are for children you degenerate manchildren.

Tunnel Trogg is out of Standard come next expansion so there is no need to change it.

Is this still shit or is it semi-acceptable?

I seem to remember it having the least amount of Jewry for a card game.

>Zoo untouched
>decks that were good against Zoo nerfed

>I can't just meme myself to victory by random chance.

Nah, get fucked.

>indirectly admitting hearthstone tournaments are not fun and boring as fuck


So is Tuskarr therefore there was no reason to change it

Sjow got rank 1 legend today with this Zoo deck.

Zoo is going to be the new meta king deck.

I agree. Blizzard is just stupid sometimes.

>spirit claw midrange shaman decks that dont even run either of those cards destroying tournaments
no you

wasn't shaman the only thing keeping zoo from being a tier 1 deck?

>All these changes to stop early aggro
>Does nothing to stop zoo
>Does nothing about Warrior cancer armor

Because the game has about as much skill displayed in an individual game as a hand of Poker, but instead of playing hundreds of hands in any tournament like Poker so skill can overtake RNG, you play up to 7 or 9 games depending on the format.

>Nerf things to the ground

If your argument for not nerfing Tuskarr is that he is being rotated in a few months why do you want to nerf Tunnel Trogg which gets rotated in the same update?

And they never buff old cards because they can always release them as new cards in a different expansion.

not anymore :^)

>I seem to remember it having the least amount of Jewry for a card game.

That'd be pokemon TGCO, magic was still shit since you couldn't trade and they had like 1/10 of the actual total cards that exist.

Its alright, probably one of the least offensive f2p card games considering you will eventually get every card in the set given time. Problem is the quest system for new players, eventually it'll start demanding you play against other players and when it does expect netdecks out the ass from people who have all the cards.

Basic card game fair though.

Faeria is the best one imo, its really really good its a shame no one knows about it

Most of these are part of the original set that is always in rotation though. Blizzard has nerfed card before you act like this is the first time.

Call of the wild was also insanely fucking strong.

t. hunter main

There was literally nothing wrong with charge.

Screw it, I'm quitting for Elder Scrolls. At least it has all of the freshest 2016 memes in it.

Add random people that you play against idiot

the game is ok in principle but the major bugs (like losing gold for no reason) combined with the fact that they don't fix anything between major updates (2-3 month gaps) makes it really hard to want to play

>nerfing OTK warrior when it basically has no presence in any tournament

Everyone is running control warrior or dragon warrior, who the fuck cares about the one random dude running OTK getting blown out by every other deck currently on top of the meta?

wheres the power overwhelming nerf

>Call of the wild was also insanely fucking strong.

meme, you had to wait till turn 8 and had to had the board set up, if not you already lost. It was only "OP" if you were lucky enough to have 2 in your hand and your opponent had nothing on the field to clean.

OtK worgen, blame that for the change.

>We don't have to buff old cards because we can just print new cards
>We don't have to nerf new cards because they'll just rotate out
Man fuck Blizzard

it's a version of magic, but not the real deal. can be ok, but it's disappointing compared to the real game

>3 mana 3/2 with low chance for summoning a good body is op
This is audience blizzard is aiming for

"I used to be an Adventurer like you."

Also don't forget the cute elves and nords.

Rockbighter is a fucking basic card. Why would they mess with it?!

>2 mana execute


I don't like the Prophecy mechanic. I get that it's designed to stop OTK but it can potentially be way too much

>Perfectly setup everything for the one turn kill
>lol nope since you damaged me here's a shitload of guard minions and I wiped your board all for free GG

It's obviously a nerf to aggro face shit, so you can't play le face warrior of perfect curve, le 2 card gg hunter or le 10 weapon damage per turn doomhammer
When you nerf aggro stuff in general, especially non-zoo, fun, slow decks can deal with stuff like 7/7's

Duelyst cured my Hearthstone addiction. It's much more F2P friendly and fun.

You're right, it should have been 3.

>There's a 3 in 7 chance of winning the game on the spot.
>In turn 3
>This is somehow not broken.

There you go, you made me reply.

>We considered other Shaman cards like Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem, but these are both leaving Standard relatively soon, so we thought it would be better to change Rockbiter and improve the Standard format in a more permanent way.

>Le Happy Walrus Man still gets changed even though he's leaving standard soon too

Blizzard what are you doing?

sure, but have you heard of google? there are threads of people who just want spectate/play with friend partners. the lack of lobbies shouldn't be stopping you from getting shit done

>tactics-style card games

Because blizz has been nerfing very low cost removals
Because 10 damage doomhammer, its time for aggro to die again
>call of the wild
because of 2 calls of the wilds in a row turn 8 and 9 without the enemy even having a chance to respond with any turn 10 combo. Also not being able to cast anything else with 10mana, like a minion or a secret
>tuskar totemic
He's only good in aggro shit anyways, which needs to die. Now he's good in some thing from below shit, which is how it should be, a gimmick card

>He will never have the brains to play Duelyst and Faeria

>Nobody complained about execute
>Suddenly it gets nerfed

Because worgen otk does too well against non-warrior control decks. Aggro decks will destroy it but control mage/warlock will get wrecked by 4 1 mana removal spells and 2 5 mana board clears.

What fucking game are you playing?

>Tfw Hs is shitty
>Tfw you gotta pay to have all the cards
>Tfw So many card games that are vastly superior and dead

>nobody has ever complained about a 1mana kill almost any minion card

yeah sure

literal mtg normie shit

>>Tfw you gotta pay to have all the cards

Really? Because I have 95% of all the cards and never spent a dime. Did I find some secret cheat or something?

>Have to damage the minion before using a card
So whats the problem?

Flamewreathed Faceless was shown in statistics to not even be that great
Playing it on turn 4 against a Palading, Rogue or Warrior was detrimental to your winrate.

Tunnel Trogg is good for aggro shaman but midrange is what's really strong at the moment.
Tuskarr could just win you the game immediately and Rockbiter was too much burst damage

Because there's always been more toxic shit to focus on
Blizz has been nerfing really cheap wide range removals for a while now, execute has also been a stable since literally forever, so time to change it up

What is karazhan?

>non played class
>played class
>non played class
Gee i wonder

OTK Warrior was fine and took skill to play. Just like Patron Warrior that had a skillcap that dwarfed any other deck in the history of the game.

Blizzard really, really hates skillful decks. Gotta continuously appeal to retards.

>Ravaging ghoul
>Execute your late game bomb legendary
>Play minion with remaining 6 mana

luks leik u just got outskilled

It won't matter all that much in the late game, just makes execute worse for stopping the bleeding against aggro decks.

An Adventure for Hearthstone. I don't see how that answers my question though.

the chances of any minion remaining undamaged against warrior approach 0 with every new update

I hope you're not implying that you have to pay real money to get adventures.

Overloard shaman isn't that great anyways, since literally everyone expects it and is prepared to respond to it.
Zoo is more problematic, since aoe is already nerfed to begin with

Good. Everyone else on ladder fucking hates you.

So are there any Old Gods still worth using? I think N'Zoth is still ok in some decks but it's sad that all this big huge scary monsters are largely worthless.

Call of the Wild isn't THAT good...

>He doesn't observe the release schedule for Hearthstone adventures and expansions and save up a few thousand gold between releases so he can get everything for free at launch

You're silly, user.

You're missing the point of it's a card that can be detrimental for you

Back when people complained about it, those classes were played more.
Point is that people meme about it being so OP while it's not that great to begin with.

Not a fun card though I agree

I'm pretty sure everyone on ladder hates control warrior much more. At least Shaman games end fast.

>4 mana 7/7 is still fine

Making rockbiter 2 mana helps when they use it on turns 2-5 for removal.

shaman was so powerful many decks ended up cutting him

This doesn't solve the problem that he's just going to be slapped into every shaman deck again.

Goddammit, I hate you for making me actually consider downloading the fucking Pokemon TCG game.

b-but you just gotta do quests non end and not even play arena to get it user!

He's not that great though

Polarizing though whenever it's played (you got an answer or you don't)

C'Thun Warrior and Druid are still a thing although I can't tell you how viable they are.

And N'Zoth is way stronger in Wild with Belcher, Shredder and Deathlords there.

You can always make a meme deck with mostly spells and Barnes -> mini Yshaarg -> Yshaarg but don't expect to win that much.

As for Yogg I'd dust it as soon as this patch hits.

Assuming the people that make up 4chans and reddish user bases know what's best for them

well, shaman no longer has the potential for the god of all turn 3's nor does it have rockbiter-7/7 turn 5 so in a way its a bit more balanced

>No longer will be able to ravaging ghoul execute a turn 4 faceless


>He plays an online digital card game with millions of users and complains about live balancing

What kind of a dork are you anyways?

Spot the shaman players.

>not even play arena

>Yogg completely neutered

Ah, sweet despair

Wow people play good classes??

It's just the truth

nope. OTK only works with mana cost reduction. reminder that this is the 2nd time a basic warrior card has been raped in order to preserve an OP legendary

>Shaman player

How retarded are you?

>you can't patch paper cards

Yes you can. Vault Fusillade

Probably the most popular case, these two used to combo (you skip as many turns as you want, tap for infinite damage), it was patched, Time Vault's effect literally changed and is not what it once was by the rules of the game.

Not something that is done commonly though.

A-anyone here play or has played Urban Rivals?

The fact that every warrior deck runs 2 ravaging ghouls and every midrange/aggro warrior runs 2 blood to ichor and 1 inner rage.

can anyone shill faeria for me? i don't like the fact that there is a board but everyone keeps talking about it... what makes it good?

this is why I quit the game. it's obvious that blizzard doesn't want decks that win by doing anything other than trading minions for 8-12 turns to exist.

are the changes in effect?

>Shaman not fucking gutted

They should have at least went for flametongue totem and tunnel trogg as well.

And when turning a minion into a sheep you just have to deal 1 damage after the thing, that makes it cost 4 freaking mana.

to be fair you don't "have" to kill the sheep and poly removes deathrattles

I never used those in my decks but rockbiter was key in so many shaman decks

And tuskarr was just awesome

I would gladly have traded in both the 4 mana 7/7 and tunnel trogg to keep those two.

These are all good changes, fuck you.

wait you're a shaman who doesn't use tunnel trogg, thunderbluff valiant or thing from below?

exactly what type of shaman are you playing and what's it like at rank 20

i like mtg(paper or MTGO not that shitt duels crapware) and HOMM:DOC. in short high quality, high strategy card games with not many HS like coinflips.i can deal with some grind or with bad artwork.

i don't plan to ever spend more than 10 € on an online game and i would prefer to go free and slowly rank up.all card games are p2w but i would prefer things that are not completely unfair.
what's a online good card game for me to play?

>Tfw zoo makes me feel sick inside

I hate that deck so much

>Making a deck that's 90% removal and cycle
>Keep the opponent off the board with your 1 mana removal spells
>Cycle to your 4 card combo and win the game

It's not skillful in the slightest. The only people you beat are the ones playing slow "fun" decks. That's why it's not a tier 1 deck, it's just complete cancer.

Recently Dragon, Evolve and Totem have been decent for me. I also have some others like control, etc. Nothing wrong with Valiant or Thing. I just don't play aggro.

I usually float around between ranks 10-14 as I don't play that often.

The old gods are all control cards. If Blizzard keeps listening to the community they might become viable again.

ygopro is fan made and has literally zero microtransactions.

you play an evolve deck without thing?

seriously that thing has fantastic evolve value

No, I totally run Thing. Maybe I was being unclear.

Also taunt shaman is still awesome.

execute and abusive make sense

charge didnt need this bad i fucking hate worgen decks because they take no skill or thought whatsoever just get dmged so you can draw

tuskar isnt the problem with shammans and they know it

rockbiter isnt why doomhammer is broken its just the most common trigger

call of the wild was at 8 because there was so many things that kill hunter at 8 wtf am i supposed to play call instead of king krush? fuck dat

>The shitty mobile game I play on PC got a patch but I'm such a shitty Blizfag normie that I don't even know what patches are or even slightly understand how every online video game works. How can you be so fucking retarded op?

yogg nerfed to infinity glad i can dust some of this

>We think this is a significant enough nerf that it could reduce the amount it gets seen, while still maintaining the dream for people who love the card

Holy shit they are retarded
Yogg almost always fucks himself within the first 5-7 cases.


That doesn't seem to be case for me, he almost always lives.

>all of them are blizzardesque abominations

apex kek

>He thinks thunderbluff is an aggro card

t. reddit

It's a fair point
Be what you will, brode usually brings up very good arguments

No I don't, I play valiant in my totem decks, I don't play aggro shaman is what I meant.


yeah but the tempo of the card is garbage now, i might as well play cho and call pet.

king krush is 9 mana cotw is just for bm

bring back ETC



cuck harder senpai

>Ballance means more mana cost/reduce 1 point of attack

Topest kek
This game is piece of shit like all Blizzard games


They're a pretty significant part of the problem, you cock.

thats the fucking point of yogg and the only point

>It can't attack heroes this turn

Holy shit, they didn't even try.

Damn Warrior is even more useless now


*teleports behind you*
pshht...nothing personell, kiddo
*saberspine seal*
*saberspine seal*
*saberspine seal*
*phoenix fire*

t. Shieldbearer

There's no point having cards available for free if the cards are actually, no bullshit useless.

Warrior has been top of the meta since game came out.
And it's been very very strong this meta

is duelyst really better than heathstone? how so?

rip inspire

why do young orthodox jews all look so fucking dweeby
at what point do they metamorphose into rabbi sages

>Top of the meta since the game came out

The only good list that warriors used was Control Warrior and it has never been a Tier 1 deck.

I consider it to have a better artstyle, more original stuff, less random shit and more skill-based since it has a good deal of strategy in it from the grid system.

Literally an opinion though, nowadays I don't play either (I sometimes play HS if there is a tavern brawl on) but if I was to take either of them somewhat seriously I'd go with duelyst.

I mean just check it out really, the only similar thing in both games is that they have decks but I'm not sure I would even call duelyst a tcg.

Yes it has. Many times it has been Tier 1

Why isn't anyone complaining about Mage?

They consistently have the highest win rates in Arena and they have both a great hero power AND class cards.

more complex board states and decisionmaking
less jewy with high rarities and boosters
card designs are less uninspired
not as much retarded fucking RNG


Here's the winrate stats 6 weeks ago

their client is a steaming pile of shit and runs at like 10 fps on my craptop.

i played motherfucking dota2 on this shit.

>tfw you get koan of horns in gauntlet and make a 6 tiles long conga line of gore horns to catch your enemy and inner fire backstab him in the ass, winning you the game

and 2 weeks before that

out of the top 5, 3 of them were warriors

Hi Ben

Flame totem is cool.
Its like... one of the reasons to actually play Shaman.

I find it funny how all the nature classes have gimmicks that focus on board position, yet the gimmicks is rarely utilized or given expansion

>Infinity Wars died horribly while RNG shit like HS is number one


Great production, fun game.
People like RNG games

shit budget means your game makes a poor first impression (no or godawful voice acting, 70% of the art, blatantly unfinished and barebones campaign, no marketing)
shame since it was fun
DoD best faction

Is this why shamans suck in Legion? Because they're OP in HS?

>make game
>give all players all cards
>3 deck metagame no matter what
>people quit out of frustration without reward
You're retarded desu
The point of beginner cards are to be shit to encourage you to work for or buy cards, and it works.

fuck off

>tfw CoTW now has a chance of giving Hunter a King Krush if you cast it with Aetish