Titanfall 2 4K 60 FPS Gameplay


2016 GOTY right here. Can't believe this is going under the radar on Cred Forums.

It looks good but it will be overshadowed by BF1.

Probably, but I gotta say BF1 don't look too bad either.

The pilot gameplay looks the same as the first game.
Why were people saying this was dumbed down to CoD speed levels?

So why did it seem like people abandon the first one? Was it down to progression being too generous?

Because it was shit.

If the beta they had for Titanfall 2 is anything to go by, the developers didn't learn anything and no one is going to give a fuck about this game.

Might be cool, but it doesn't look like they fixed all the problems with the first one.

Looks like they've dumbed down the gameplay.

I don't even know how it plays, since there was no beta (glorified timed demo) on PC and all I know it's apparently slower than original.

It was.
People complained to the dev so they changed it back.

>call of duty with mechs


So OPs video is the improved one?

Is it me, or does something just seem... off about this game? I'd rather keep playing TF1 to death than spend $60 on yet another disappointing sequel.

I'll probably just rent it for the campaign.

does anyone else have no problems whatsoever playing 1080p video but 4k video buffers for ages? Is it just my ISP's shitty CDN?

>First game is released
>Release the same game again

>Long third person executions
This just really seems to ruin the pace of the game. The fast neck snaps or pulling out the pilot in first person seemed a lot more satisfying, hopefully there's an option to have them in first person at least.

Did they bring back bots for most of the game modes?

I didn't like the beta, they're simplifying the game compared to the first one.

I played it and intend to buy it. Seems pretty fun and the gunplay and titan combat feels pretty satisfying. Didn't play the first so I don't care about it being different. Got about 40 hours out of it.

so glad they had a beta. the game was stupidly boring and played like cod 2. was nothing like the first.

I agree so much. The game should always remain in fps. Even getting on a titan on third person diminished the effect.

Now they just need to get rid of that fucking smartpistol

Kind-of actually
Sequels are inevitable if your game is a hit but they are pretty much just relaunching the same myltiplayer with more content and some new gimmicks

The solo-campaign is all new though
Nothing like what we originally had


The movement system looks really slick but at the end of the day it's still just cod with robutt kill streaks.

Why is this game looks so empty?
The first one was so full packed with the bots dropping with their capsule thingy
Now you barely meet 10 of them in the video

>Still can't go fast
>Shit mouse acceleration
>implying EA will even spend a single extra cent into marketing or development of TF2 instead of BF1

There's no more battlefield, the bots come in waves as optional objectives. Seriously, every decision about this game feels wrong.

I don't buy or pay any attention to EA games.

The fuck? Seriously?
Did you guys who got in the beta forgot to ask about it?


>still have to lead shots with the railgun
Fuck OFF Respawn.

I like the beta a lot more than Titanfall 1 tho

Infinite warfare is going to be better than both BF1 and TF2.

Holy shit and what the fuck about all the fucking 3rd person animations ? WHY?!

Blame the CoD shitters who complained about them.

Respawn wants the CoD audience now instead of appeasing fans of the first game.

The level design and the gameplay looks way more like CoD.

yes bring back braindead AI dudes XDDD
fuck off. this game lets me fucking 1080 quick scope like a goddamn boss with the Kraber. eat my ass idiot. get good or fuck off

What fans of the first game? Titanfall was DOA.

They're pointless fucking fluff.

Yeah, everyone who wants a new COD is gonna get the Legacy Edition for the Remaster
I can't stand Battlefield anymore, the beta wasn't fun and I feel people are gonna get bored of Titanfall 2 pretty quickly much like the first one

I did. Also asked about being able to carry only two weapons, so now you have to choose between pistol or anti-titan.

>neo-Infinity Ward

So much fucking fluff. get rid of all those positions and just have a Hegemon.

Why does the HUD look like cluttered shit? Is it really necessary to have so much crap flooding the screen? This is possibly worse than CoD

it's almost as if the developers of titanfall were the original creators of call of duty

>paying $100 for CoD4 with a new paint job instead of waiting a few months for the $20 version

Holy shit, and just think bros, the PS4 pro version is going to look even better since it's a supercharged pro PC.

>going out of your way to pick out a screenshot where a bunch of messages are popping up at once
The HUD is fine and yeah, pretty much all of it is necessary.

shitter detected

That shotgun looks fucking ridiculous. Not only is it better than any of the anti infantry weapons in the beta (except arguably the precision laser, but that is a grenade ability for the titans so it needs to be charged), it also seems to do big damage to titans too. Guessing that will be the OP titan on launch.

kill yourself

I'm pretty convinced the Smartpistol was unbalanced as hell on PC but worked fine on consoles.

Not an argument.

>implying activision is gonna release this standalone
>implying COD players aren't gonna buy it anyway

lol you earned a (you)


>No aiming down the sights

This gets my attention.

Why is EA competing with themselves?

It's sad when BO3 has mod tools and community servers while Titanfall 2, which is probably still based on Source, won't.

They're just doing what they always do kill another studio, in this case Respawn.

They probably will eventually. Activision loves money.

Part of it was that there wasn't enough content. All of the new maps that could have potentially kept the game going were paid DLC and became free too late to draw people back in.

Attrition exists again, but it looks like a shadow of what it used to be thanks to this faction shit Respawn are pushing along with hero-shooter-style Titans which you can barely customise outside of one kit choice and cosmetics. The maps aren't as busy as they used to be, your chosen faction leader doesn't talk as much as the combined mission control of either faction inthe first game and all of the grunts are IMC castoffs (now the Remanant).

What really kills me is 'Amped' Hardpoint. That shit about staying still on the point to reinforce it sounds like an idea that would have come up in design discussions about the first game, where it would have been defeated by the more reasonable idea of the AI coming in to do that instead of highly mobile players, serving as early warning for the defending team and charge builders for the attacking players regardless of whether or not they secure the point.

Giant robots are stupid and so are sci-fi shooters.

That whole concept is immature, dated, and cringe as fuck.

>Still online-only and $60
And I still don't care.

>to be accurate you have to slow down and ADS

Would be way more fun with pinpoint accurate hipfire, like Quake, would keep the game flowing.

Holy shit, fuck you pal. Giant robots are the best thing about this shitty life.

All the maps look like shit (grey and random level design)
Removed most of the grunts, removed the card system, maps arent verticals, barely no fun additions..

The most i see it the less i want it, wtf ?


scratch that, some of the guns actually look dead accurate with hip fire, my bad only saw the first part of the vid before spazing out.

>still has forced bots

Oh I am laffin.

pls be good. Ill probably pic this up during Christmas break